2015-04-25 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:26 tantek hmm - just realized I have an invalid object-type in my atom feed - /like
# 00:27 tantek and now I have no idea how to convert my "like" posts into Atom 1.0 - does that mean it is time to give up on Atom 1.0? Or should I just not put my posts there? Or should they just be notes?
# 00:28 Loqi tantek meant to say: and now I have no idea how to convert my "like" posts into Atom 1.0 - does that mean it is time to give up on Atom 1.0? Or should I just not put my like posts there? Or should they just be notes?
# 00:28 tantek kylewm: you were/are consuming my Atom feed is that right?
# 00:30 tantek well I haven't gotten any bug reports so I suppose it's ok
# 00:35 aaronpk tantek: I would expect to see that "like" post in Atom as a regular entry
# 00:36 tantek kylewm, View Source on my Atom feed, saw that I had somehow used <object-type xmlns="http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/">http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/like</object-type> and then decided to check the Activity Streams 1.0 spec to see if there was a "like" object-type, noticed there was not (it's a verb in AS1)
# 00:38 KevinMarks_ an untitled first item saying 'likes Ryan Barrett’s “Introducing Color Genomics”.'
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# 00:41 kylewm so activitystreams json it would be {"verb":"like", "object":{"url":"https://snarfed.org/2015-04-21_introducing-color-genomics"}}
# 00:44 tantek hmm - maybe I have to add another object? or verb?
# 00:45 kylewm but if nobody consumes it, it's just an exercise in meeting the requirements of a spec?
# 00:49 tantek kylewm: I'm assuming that any currently shipping AS2 consumers also consume AS1
# 00:49 tantek because that would be logical for backward compat
# 00:50 tantek the last time I tested AS1 consuming - it was with StatusNet
# 00:51 tantek !tell snarfed do you know of any feed reader or other consuming code that consumes Activity Streams 1.0 (Atom/XML) and does something presentationally different with different object-types and verbs?
# 00:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:57 tantek it wasn't clear from the brainstorming page and the follow-up discussion what you decided to go with
# 01:04 kylewm it's interesting how some posts have objects and some *are* the object
# 01:05 kylewm i'm not deep enough into the AS spec to understand that
# 01:06 tantek kylewm: it's because the AS spec designers fell in love with the subject-verb-object abstraction, and made everything fit that
# 01:08 tantek whereas when everything has a permalink, everything is a post, an object, and there's no need for verbs in the model
# 01:15 KevinMarks_ we need to check that against the existing big activity stream users at some point
# 01:22 tantek KevinMarks - the top level "urls" key is misleading
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# 01:26 tantek right, GNU Social is software, quitter.se is silo that uses it (right?)
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# 01:28 kylewm I don't think it has much in common with a silo, it's non-profit, federated, interoperates with other sites that publish or consume Atom
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# 01:30 Loqi A commons is a centralized web content hosting site, where users are able to freely contribute content, and easily retrieve it, typically each others' content as well https://indiewebcamp.com/commons
# 01:31 tantek sounds closer to a commons kylewm - good point
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# 01:34 rhiaro KevinMarks_: and pumpio / mediagoblin (or did you already have this part of the conversation)?
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# 01:39 tantek kevinmarks "social data broker" sounds like marketing
# 01:40 tantek rhiaro: are GNU Social instances only interested in interoperating with other instances?
# 01:41 rhiaro tantek: I don't know for sure, that's the impression I got from "a social network you can install"
# 01:41 rhiaro (as opposed to say, "a protocol you can implement")
# 01:43 rhiaro did status.net interoperate with other systems?
# 01:44 rhiaro there's GNU FM too which "federates" with last.fm but I can't see anything about that interoperating with GNU Social, hmm
# 01:46 rhiaro right, well various different GNU Social sites seem to look different. I wonder how deep it goes.
# 01:49 rhiaro "It is possible for a GNU social user (e.g., on quitter.se) to subscribe to a feed (e.g., tantek.com) by manuallly visiting the URL" <- well that's not so bad
# 01:50 tantek because I would have provided links to support that
# 02:00 kylewm (I wrote that bit about subcribing to tantek.com on quitter)
# 02:02 kylewm it seems to be mostly broken now though, I can still subscribe to tantek.com but cannot see any updates from him
# 02:02 kylewm and even at the time i think I had to look at the source to find that ostatussub url
# 02:11 kylewm and I can't see any updates from my atom feed either
# 02:11 kylewm although it's even more likely to be broken :p
# 02:12 kylewm if someone is interested, I woudl recommend trying with a more vanilla version of GNU Social -- quitter.se is highly customized to look like twitter
# 02:15 tantek kylewm: can you document the failure at least on the page?
# 02:17 kylewm heading out the door, but i will document it tonight
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# 03:56 tantek for now I've turned my like posts into just "notes" in my Atom AS 1.0 because I don't know of any AS 1.0 Atom consumers that do anything with a "like" that I can test :/
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# 06:32 kylewm oh snap, a post on my website is showing up natively in quitter now
# 06:34 kylewm possibly because it was a new post since i was playing around with it
# 06:35 tantek not that it should matter, but I did "fix" my AS Atom feed to use "note" as the object type for my like posts, since it's not obvious how to minimally construct an AS Atom like (with verb)
# 06:38 kylewm next time you post an update, I'll check whether it pulls it in
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# 06:55 tantek kylewm: I posted a reply. next I'll post a like
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# 07:01 kylewm tantek: I had accidentally unfollowed you earlier so I didn't get the first post, but the like showed up!!
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# 07:03 tantek that sounds like it showed up in near realtime then!
# 07:03 tantek note that I am sending PuSH notifications for *both* my AS Atom feed and my home page h-feed
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# 07:09 tantek sweet! yay! alright, that's good enough reason to keep maintaining my AS1 Atom feed + PuSH 0.3.
# 07:10 tantek that definitely deserves updated documentation
# 07:13 kylewm I think they thought better of calling them queets -- it says "Repeated by ... " now
# 07:14 kylewm that's actually the permalink of the (re)post itself
# 07:16 kylewm I guess it is equivalent to a single-post view in woodwind
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# 07:21 fkooman hmm quill has a http redirect URI, that is not good :(
# 07:23 tantek fascinating - just because you're subscribed to me?
# 07:23 kylewm fkooman: http redirects to https, that's bad?
# 07:23 fkooman kylewm, for one, it allows for mitm :)
# 07:24 fkooman i mean, i access quill over https, then it redirects to indiecert to authenticate, but in the auth request it specifies a http://quill... redirect_uri query parameter
# 07:24 fkooman monocle work fine...
# 07:25 tantek especially since you *started* with an https access of quill
# 07:25 tantek kylewm: does quitter have a POSSE copy of all my posts then?
# 07:26 fkooman !tell aaronpk quill has a http URL as redirect_uri parameter to the authorization_endpoint :(
# 07:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 07:26 kylewm I'm curious if it will have a copy of them going forward, it didn't have the old ones even though I had been subscribed to you for > a year
# 07:27 tantek I wonder if you had to have your browser open to it
# 07:28 fkooman hmmm...why does ownyourgram require instagram?
# 07:28 tantek I suppose if I were using my own hub or aaronpk's hub perhaps it could tell if/when quitter retrieved the post
# 07:29 fkooman read now the description :o :)
# 07:29 fkooman at least the login works :-)
snarfed joined the channel
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# 07:53 tantek.com edited /2015 (+1581) "date is set, start setting up the page, move candidate dates to bottom as historical documentation" (
view diff )
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# 08:36 tantek and we have a 2015 Guest List setup with so far co-organizers aaronpk and mysefl
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# 15:43 KevinMarks_ ben_thatmustbeme: I forked the code to get that up, yes, but I haven't used gitlab before so haven't made a pull request yet
# 15:51 kylewm but they are the same as far as indiewebcamp.com is concerned
# 15:53 kylewm I'm thinking of making them two totally separate accounts in woodwind
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# 16:20 kylewm hmm, indieauth strips the trailing /, is that a problem?
FergusL, squeakytoy2, Nowaker, tantek, frzn, pdurbin1 and arlen joined the channel
# 16:32 tantek KevinMarks: it is one instance of the problems TimBL was talking about yes.
# 16:34 tantek kylewm: if the http version redirects to https - then only use the https version as the one account - in both cases
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# 16:36 tantek then that's a bug in indieauth we should get fixed
# 16:36 kylewm and I think that's the right thing to do -- since someone could mitm my http:// site and redirect it somewhere bad
# 16:36 tantek no the redirect destination is what should be used as the identity, not the original
# 16:37 tantek so if they redirect it somewhere bad, that's revealed as their identity
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# 16:44 tantek kylewm: re: strips the trailing /, is that a problem? - not for a domain identity
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# 16:47 kylewm like authing with one should give you the other?
# 16:48 tantek not in general, only in the http->https upgrade direction
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# 17:34 ben_thatmustbeme i am having some trouble setting it up entirely, i got the UI up but don't have the websockets bit figured out. but I believe I found the issue with /me
# 17:35 aaronpk oh awesome, i never did figure out what was up with that
# 17:36 ben_thatmustbeme like i said, I have the viewer working, but I had to hardcode wss://indiewebcamp.com for where to connect the sockets to
# 17:37 ben_thatmustbeme just got back from the dentist so i was rushing through some of the set up this morning
# 17:38 aaronpk oh yeah if you're not running your own node websockets server you could use the indiewebcamp one
# 17:39 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Remember Indiewebcamp Online?
# 17:41 GWG I keep thinking of trying ab HWC online to try to build interest for more physical ones.
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# 17:44 aaronpk fkooman: fixed the quill redirect uri issue! thanks
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# 17:46 KevinMarks Oh, if you want to try my quirrel instance, the number of kittens is "one"
# 17:46 fkooman aaronpk, cool, thanks!
# 17:48 fkooman aaronpk, i can login to quill now with indiecert :)
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# 17:59 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: I may have to run my own node instance. i don't think i can really debug the other parts without that
# 18:00 tantek aaronpk - then do you consider http vs https as different identities?
# 18:01 aaronpk tantek: indieauth.com does, but the apps like quill or teacup actually handle it inconsistently now that I look
# 18:02 aaronpk quill uses the full URL that it gets as the identity, but teacup uses just the domain part
# 18:02 tantek the wiki for example only uses the domain / path
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# 18:04 tantek at least document the range of behavior and what are considered better/best practices
# 18:05 ben_thatmustbeme biggest reason for that, is people who up from http to https don't look like a new person everywhere
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# 18:05 aaronpk right, that's a good reason for wanting to combine the http and https identities
# 18:06 tantek yeah - there are some odd exceptions like forbes.com (try it with http vs. https)
# 18:07 aaronpk the thing i'm struggling with conceptually is that http identities can't really be treated as secure at all, so maybe apps just shouldn't allow non-https logins at all
# 18:07 aaronpk except in practice that would create a huge barrier
# 18:10 GWG Can you require an extra step with http vs https?
# 18:10 aaronpk right, so in practice we end up with people starting off with http, then adding https and not wanting every app to consider that a new account
# 18:10 fkooman aaronpk, if you post using quill and the micropub endpoint sends a 301 with a location header, quill thinks the post was successful :)
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# 18:10 aaronpk oops, it must be looking for just the location header
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# 18:11 fkooman it should probably follow 3xx redirects first :-)
# 18:11 fkooman can't or shouldn't? :)
# 18:12 aaronpk well browsers don't, and i believe the http spec says you shouldn't
# 18:12 tantek note that SHOULD in that context really does mean you can't unless you have some really exceptional reason
# 18:12 fkooman but I actually agree, so I'll fix that :)
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# 18:13 ben_test2 tests emotes with multiple words
# 18:13 ben_thatmustbeme it should be pretty easy to get notifications works too.. way toying with that this morning
# 18:14 GWG aaronpk: Is there a downside to, once someone moves to https, no longer allowing http?
# 18:14 GWG tantek: Which venues are confirmed?
# 18:14 aaronpk GWG: that seems reasonable, just requires a lot more code and edge case handling
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# 18:15 ben_thatmustbeme wow... drugs from dentist mess with my typing apparently... just saw all the typos i made
# 18:18 GWG tantek: Maybe I'll see about getting to Portland this time. I've never been.
# 18:19 GWG I think in NYC right now, I'll focus on HWC.
# 18:19 aaronpk tantek: maybe we can move all the candidate date stuf to a sub-page like 2015/planning to de-clutter the main 2015 page?
# 18:20 tantek because date is set so I moved that to the bottom
# 18:20 GWG tantek: I was also pondering trying an online HWC. But afraid it might defeat the point.
# 18:20 tantek however, I left candidate cities near the top so other cities could organize
# 18:20 tantek GWG, yeah - online HWC does defeat the point a bit - we have that nearly 24x7 with just IRC :)
# 18:22 GWG tantek: My thought on it was to attract people who don't come to irc.
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# 18:24 GWG I could always do something crazy.
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# 18:36 snarfed hey GWG have you played with the 4.2 press this at all?
# 18:36 ben_thatmustbeme args: [ '*', '[object', 'HTMLInputElement]', 'Erroneous Nickname' ] well that isn't right
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# 18:37 GWG Snarfed: Yes. But I still am writing my own. It is a great improvement though, isn't it?
# 18:38 ben_notify darn, guess not
# 18:39 snarfed i only use it for posting indie replies (likes etc), so i'm just annoyed i have to port…and i have a sinking feeling it doesn't support direct HTML any more…but meh
# 18:39 GWG snarfed: Want to consider signing on to my solution?
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# 18:40 snarfed GWG: sure! will yours support a bookmarklet for auto-populating indie reply, like, etc markup based on the current page?
# 18:40 GWG snarfed: It already supports a bookmarklet.
# 18:41 ben_thatmustbeme heh, a notification of the actual html... not so helpful... and probably don't want to get noficiations of my own messages
# 18:42 GWG Since I mark up on the fly and you mark up during creation, not yet. But I intend to support an unkind use case.
# 18:43 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 18:43 GWG I am storing the data in post meta either way.
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# 18:46 GWG snarfed: You should recognize some of the code. I borrowed liberally from the micropub and webmention plugins.
# 18:48 GWG Except it uses the Wordpress auth, and if you don't send in a URL, it generates a form to fill.
# 18:49 GWG snarfed: It also has pfefferle's webactions codr, and I hope to add the work on URL handlers done at IWC UK last year.
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# 19:04 ben_notify dang, something wrong with my regex
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# 19:12 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: We're all rooting for you
# 19:16 tantek hmm - looked at that and couldn't find a way to feed it an AS1 Atom URL and get sample output (what would be published to a silo if it were doing so)
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# 19:26 aaronpk The same way text from an indie site would come through
# 19:26 tantek I thought we figured this out a few weeks ago
# 19:31 tantek aaronpk: since an RSVP is also a reply, the receiving site needs to know how to distinguish between default reply text and actual reply content. I think we settled on p-summary as the place for fallback information for replies in general
# 19:31 tantek i.e. if the receiving site does not understand the "special" reply (e.g. RSVP), it will do the right thing by using the p-summary
# 19:32 tantek whereas for *special* replies (e.g. RSVP), the receiver should use the RSVP information, and then only add reply commentary if there is some in the content
# 19:37 tantek kylewm - do you recall when we had this conversation? because clearly you fixed/changed something in your Indie Event RSVP receiving/display code.
# 19:40 Loqi slack/snarfed: tantek: re a-u, you're right, it doesn't have a built in publish preview UI. it's primarily a library. bridgy publish/preview uses it directly though, so you can look at that
# 19:41 tantek but bridgy publish only consumes permalinks to posts right? not feed file URLs?
# 19:42 Loqi slack/snarfed: bridgy, yes. a-u also consumes AS JSON/XML
# 19:42 Loqi slack/snarfed: (and outputs atom but doesn't consume it)
# 19:43 tantek interesing, then I'm confused about what Bridgy Publish actually *publishes* because I thought it only published a single post (by design)
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# 19:44 Loqi slack/snarfed: sorry, I'm being unclear. you're right about bridgy. I'm talking about the a-u library
# 19:48 tantek one of the challenges I have found with AS1/Atom (and frankly JSON) is that there are insufficient *simple* / minimal publishing examples
# 19:49 tantek makes me realize all our "How to markup" sections should start with the simplest possible markup, with maybe a few variants, and only incrementally show how to do more complex things
# 19:49 tantek like there is no simple/minimal AS1/Atom (or JSON) "like" post example anywhere AFAIK
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# 20:10 tantek really pleased with how well lanyrd works without JS
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# 20:33 fkooman aaronpk, can you clean the micropub location cache of quill? i moved the endpoint and now the old one is still used :(
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# 20:38 fkooman aaronpk, oops, my bad :)
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# 23:55 tantek that adamrcoom link is js;dr. also tried it with JS on, and got this error:
# 23:55 tantek "Failed to load resource: https://.… jquery … An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made."
# 23:55 tantek js required = your content is fragile and can fail to show for many reasons, not just because the user has JS off
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