#tantekhmm - just realized I have an invalid object-type in my atom feed - /like
#tantekand now I have no idea how to convert my "like" posts into Atom 1.0 - does that mean it is time to give up on Atom 1.0? Or should I just not put my posts there? Or should they just be notes?
#Loqitantek meant to say: and now I have no idea how to convert my "like" posts into Atom 1.0 - does that mean it is time to give up on Atom 1.0? Or should I just not put my like posts there? Or should they just be notes?
#tantekkylewm: you were/are consuming my Atom feed is that right?
#aaronpktantek: I would expect to see that "like" post in Atom as a regular entry
#tantekkylewm, View Source on my Atom feed, saw that I had somehow used <object-type xmlns="http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/">http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/like</object-type> and then decided to check the Activity Streams 1.0 spec to see if there was a "like" object-type, noticed there was not (it's a verb in AS1)
#tantek!tell snarfed do you know of any feed reader or other consuming code that consumes Activity Streams 1.0 (Atom/XML) and does something presentationally different with different object-types and verbs?
#LoqiGNU social is an free software project that "will be a decentralized social network that you can install on your own server" https://indiewebcamp.com/GNU_social
#tantekright, GNU Social is software, quitter.se is silo that uses it (right?)
#LoqiA commons is a centralized web content hosting site, where users are able to freely contribute content, and easily retrieve it, typically each others' content as well https://indiewebcamp.com/commons
#tanteksounds closer to a commons kylewm - good point
#rhiarodid status.net interoperate with other systems?
#rhiarothere's GNU FM too which "federates" with last.fm but I can't see anything about that interoperating with GNU Social, hmm
#rhiaroright, well various different GNU Social sites seem to look different. I wonder how deep it goes.
#rhiaro"It is possible for a GNU social user (e.g., on quitter.se) to subscribe to a feed (e.g., tantek.com) by manuallly visiting the URL" <- well that's not so bad
#tantekwait really? does someone have that working?
#kylewmif someone is interested, I woudl recommend trying with a more vanilla version of GNU Social -- quitter.se is highly customized to look like twitter
#tantekkylewm: can you document the failure at least on the page?
#tantekfor now I've turned my like posts into just "notes" in my Atom AS 1.0 because I don't know of any AS 1.0 Atom consumers that do anything with a "like" that I can test :/
#tanteknot that it should matter, but I did "fix" my AS Atom feed to use "note" as the object type for my like posts, since it's not obvious how to minimally construct an AS Atom like (with verb)
#kylewmnext time you post an update, I'll check whether it pulls it in
#fkoomanhmm quill has a http redirect URI, that is not good :(
#kylewmtantek: sorry if this was already clear -- your note gets its own permalink page on quitter even if I don't repost it, e.g. https://quitter.se/notice/3667699
#tantekfascinating - just because you're subscribed to me?
#kylewmfkooman: http redirects to https, that's bad?
#fkoomani mean, i access quill over https, then it redirects to indiecert to authenticate, but in the auth request it specifies a http://quill... redirect_uri query parameter
#ben_thatmustbemei am having some trouble setting it up entirely, i got the UI up but don't have the websockets bit figured out. but I believe I found the issue with /me
#ben_thatmustbemebiggest reason for that, is people who up from http to https don't look like a new person everywhere
frzn joined the channel
#aaronpkright, that's a good reason for wanting to combine the http and https identities
#tantekyeah - there are some odd exceptions like forbes.com (try it with http vs. https)
#aaronpkthe thing i'm struggling with conceptually is that http identities can't really be treated as secure at all, so maybe apps just shouldn't allow non-https logins at all
#aaronpkexcept in practice that would create a huge barrier
#kylewmaaronpk: re: redirects, what about the situation where someone intercepts http://kylewm.com and redirects it to http://badactor.com, then they could login as kylewm.com?
#snarfedhey GWG have you played with the 4.2 press this at all?
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message on 4/24 at 5:51pm: do you know of any feed reader or other consuming code that consumes Activity Streams 1.0 (Atom/XML) and does something presentationally different with different object-types and verbs? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-04-24/line/1429923075938
#ben_thatmustbemeargs: [ '*', '[object', 'HTMLInputElement]', 'Erroneous Nickname' ] well that isn't right
#snarfedGWG: not sure, i haven't really dug in much yet
#ben_thatmustbemeohh ben_notify2, are you getting notifications NOW?
#snarfedi only use it for posting indie replies (likes etc), so i'm just annoyed i have to port…and i have a sinking feeling it doesn't support direct HTML any more…but meh
#GWGsnarfed: Want to consider signing on to my solution?
#GWGSince I mark up on the fly and you mark up during creation, not yet. But I intend to support an unkind use case.
#snarfed!tell tantek: re consuming AS1, obligatory answer, https://github.com/snarfed/activitystreams-unofficial does: when you use it to publish to silos, it determines the action to publish based on the verb/object type. otherwise, i don't actually follow the AS community, so i'm pretty useless. maybe try bengo?
#tantekhmm - looked at that and couldn't find a way to feed it an AS1 Atom URL and get sample output (what would be published to a silo if it were doing so)
#tantekaaronpk: since an RSVP is also a reply, the receiving site needs to know how to distinguish between default reply text and actual reply content. I think we settled on p-summary as the place for fallback information for replies in general
#tanteki.e. if the receiving site does not understand the "special" reply (e.g. RSVP), it will do the right thing by using the p-summary
#tantekwhereas for *special* replies (e.g. RSVP), the receiver should use the RSVP information, and then only add reply commentary if there is some in the content
#tantekkylewm - do you recall when we had this conversation? because clearly you fixed/changed something in your Indie Event RSVP receiving/display code.
#Loqislack/snarfed: tantek: re a-u, you're right, it doesn't have a built in publish preview UI. it's primarily a library. bridgy publish/preview uses it directly though, so you can look at that
#tantekbut bridgy publish only consumes permalinks to posts right? not feed file URLs?
#Loqislack/snarfed: bridgy, yes. a-u also consumes AS JSON/XML
#Loqislack/snarfed: (and outputs atom but doesn't consume it)
#tantekinteresing, then I'm confused about what Bridgy Publish actually *publishes* because I thought it only published a single post (by design)
#Loqislack/snarfed: sorry, I'm being unclear. you're right about bridgy. I'm talking about the a-u library
#tantekone of the challenges I have found with AS1/Atom (and frankly JSON) is that there are insufficient *simple* / minimal publishing examples
#tantekmakes me realize all our "How to markup" sections should start with the simplest possible markup, with maybe a few variants, and only incrementally show how to do more complex things
#tanteklike there is no simple/minimal AS1/Atom (or JSON) "like" post example anywhere AFAIK