#GWGWell, you know who you can prevail upon to support it
#GWGkylewm: What I want is a black box to send test posts into and see how they will render on Twitter and Facebook using Bridgy Publish without spamming my account.
#kylewmtrying to find a way programmatically to tell if apache is set to "AllowOverride None"
#kylewmthinking I can stick a rewrite rule to rewrite /test-allow-override to /allow-override-success or something along those lines, but that will break nginx compatibility unless every nginx user adds that silly rule to their config too
Jihaisse, elima, eschnou, loic_m, KevinMarks__, KartikPrabhu, alexhartley, sammachin, martinBrown_, csarven, almereyda, stream7, KevinMarks, martinBrown, interactivist, Pierre-O, alexhart_ and slvrbckt joined the channel
#slvrbckthi all, i've been planning to go to IWC dusseldorf in a few weeks, got a plane ticket and accommodation, etc. however i just noticed theres a link on the wiki to register, which goes to btconf, which is sold out...
#slvrbcktis there a way to register for just the camp? (9-10 May)
KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, KevinMarks___ and alexhartley joined the channel
#inkdroid.orgcreated /User:Inkdroid.org (+624) "Created page with "Hi I'm Ed Summers. I'm a software developer working at the [http://mith.umd.edu Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities]. I'm interested in the Web as an archive. I'..."" (view diff)
#kylewmneed some advice. I'm trying to track down why superfeedr is getting json instead of html from Known sites. Turns out they send an Accept header "application/atom+xml,application/rdf+xml,application/rss+xml,application/xml,text/xml,application/json,*/*"
#kylewmwe cant tell if it can be considered a bug in superfeedr or not...
#kylewmOK I emailed @julien51 that I think Superfeedr is doing the right thing by default, but that there might be a problem with the documentation if I cannot influence the accept headers it sends to my subscription target
zero-gravitas and fkooman joined the channel
#kylewmeep "you're pointing to the 'subscriber' docs, which are for... our paying subscribers so they do not apply to your use case."
#tantekedsu - and then I'd say start thinking about if you want to hold an IndieWebCamp DC either sometime in June, i.e. before the main IWC 2015 (July 11-12), or after, or simultaneous with.
#tantekand now I'm leaning towards u-quote-from > u-quote-of because *quote-from* only implies the quote is from (some part of) a post, rather than *quote-of* implies its a quote of the whole post, which we already had repost-of for.
j12t, KevinMarks, AcidNerd and almereyda joined the channel
#tantekedsu: p.s. now that you're here and signed into the wiki, add yourself to indiewebcamp.com/irc-people so that you show up all nice and linked up in the logs :)
snarfed joined the channel
#GWGSnarfed, you use Wordpress, what do you put in the title box?
#GWGMy first problem with Bridgy publish and Twitter is the title field.
#fkoomanaaronpk, i can login again with indieauth.com with my domain, somehow it started working. webmention.io is also not using distributed indieauth
#elf-pavlikaaronpk it didn't do distributed and used indieauth.com instead of indiecert.net
#aaronpkwebmention.io is just letting indieauth.com handle it right now, so until I add support for indieauth.com querying your authorization_endpoint that is correct
#elf-pavlikbut my identity looks ok - wwelves.org/perpetual-tripper
#elf-pavlikaaronpk no rush but great if before IWC Dusseldorf :)
#aaronpkwebmention.io doesn't do a lot with accounts/login right now, that "create account" step was really just so I didn't have to create user accounts in the DB manually
#elf-pavliki will just add rel="webmention" for now to HTML version of my page pointing to webmention.io
#aaronpkelf-pavlik: for now you can use wwelves.org-perpetual-tripper as your ID
#kylewmPubsubhubbub question -- if you want to send pings for both an RSS feed, and your h-feed, would you use a different topic for each and send two pings for every update?
#aaronpkthe RSS feed is a different URL from the h-feed so yes?
#elf-pavlikaaronpk slvrbckt just booked his travel and stay for IWC on May 9-10 in Dusseldorf. have you looked at http://sockethub.org/ ? he currently updates it to AS2.0
KartikPrabhu, tilgovi and tantek joined the channel
#elf-pavlikIMO stuff like that comes out when one tries to do more complex query on social data, I also haven't seen any non trivial querying in context of IndieWeb
#elf-pavlikquery I would see average - friends of my friends who live in Paris and offer hosting on a couch
#kylewmwell I agree that one-directional relationships are useful (following vs. friends), the semantics are above my pay grade :p
#tantekelf-pavlik: even FB shutdown their social graph search
#elf-pavliksimilar with some basic automated matching "my friends in paris offer couches to stay and friends coming for event ask for it" - my system should highlight to me possibility of connecting their Offers and Demands (Questions and Answers)
#GWGMy question yesterday was 100% of all tweets and so on
#elf-pavliki keep wwelves.org - worldwide elves to provide sometimes soon way to people to help with such matching of wishes :)
#GWGkylewm: Still not sure about the 100% part. Although what it can't do is important to me too
#elf-pavlikbut one can think of it as Q/A to keep it simpler and use http://stackoverflow.com/ as example of similar existing functionality
#tantekGWG, by everything, do you mean posts all kinds to a specific silo? or 100% of posts of a specific type to all of their silos? or all kinds of posts to all silos?
KevinMarks joined the channel
#GWGtantek: 100% of all POSSEing to a silo being done.
#tantekbecause for example, to POSSE likes to FB, you have to do that manually :/
#KartikPrabhuelf-pavlik: again doesn't explain to me why one needs some "querying", as I see, a post, comment system seems to work
#KartikPrabhuand on Twitter to POSSE likes of a non-tweet is not possible through Bridgy
#tantekKartikPrabhu: the Question post type can potentially have up/down voting by others
#GWGIs anyone using Bridgy Publish to POSSE notes and articles specifically?
#GWGI haven't gotten to likes/favorites/etc. in my attempt to improve my POSSE experience
#tantekquestion is a post type for soliciting [[answer]] replies, which are then typically up/down voted by others and then displayed underneath the question post ordered by highest positive vote count rather than time ordered.
#tantekanswer is a post type that is a [[reply]] to a [[question]] post; it's not clear whether answer needs to be its own post type, or if simple reply posts will suffice, thus if you're implementing answer posts, just start with implementing replies.
#elf-pavlikKartikPrabhu, how does the system tell difference between Wish (Demand or Offer), Question or Answer and status update like 'i just ate pizza'?
#tantekelf-pavlik: the one concrete example where we ended up using this microformats was hNews which was the same as an hAtom hentry with more properties
#elf-pavlikcan I use in Microformats any property on any type of post as in RDF? or similar to Object Oriented programing type limits available set of properties for it?
#tantekand in coe you would use <div class="hnews hentry"> for example
#kylewmGWG: that's a lot of fields for a "quick" post, can you limit it to just one or two?
#tantekand they always have the same meaning, deliberately, for author convenience
#kylewmGWG: heh, just saw the second version for just notes -- that looks much better. why would you need a "quick post" interface for writing articles?
#tantekbut each object / vocabulary lists which properties are "defined" for it
#GWGkylewm: If I send in the URL, it will autopopulate.
#tantekwhich is the agreement between publishers and consuming code about what properties they should use and should support consuming of. anything beyond that is not guaranteed either way
#elf-pavlikdo you have some formal (machine readable) way of expressing rules of which property implies which type(s)?
#tantekwe can still make XMDP profiles for each microformat but no one bothered with writing a machine consumer to do anything practical with it
#KartikPrabhuand makes things so complicated.... cough RDF cough
#elf-pavlikKartikPrabhu for example if someone defines new types and new properties, people don't need to go read wiki and hard code it somehow in their systms
#tantekelf-pavlik so in general we determined that formal (machine readable) way of expressing rules of which property implies which type(s) is a waste of time that no one actually cares about in practice.
#GWGkylewm: It is Quick compared to the full WordPress interface. I don't want to have to fill in all the info myself, I want it to come in automatically. But I always create a manual interface before an automatic one.
#tantekyou may be able to avoid hard coding parsing rules per property / object (which we have solved with microformats2)
#KartikPrabhuit will spit out whatever properties you put in
#tantekelf-pavlik: however, if you want to *do* anything *practical* or *meaningful* with a property, you MUST write custom code for it in your systems.
#KartikPrabhuyou can write h-blah > p-foo-bar and it will work
#tantekanyway - yeah, all the machine schema stuff is in practice a waste of time
#tantekno actual real world practical use-cases need it
#elf-pavliktantek, i don't say about designing ui specific for the type, but even just filtering things by type so i can pick UI which i want to use to work with them
#elf-pavlikthey filtering part could do it based on some formal rules and need no modification when people add new types and properties
elima joined the channel
#tantekhah that's a hilarious misconception elf-pavlik - no one has ever succeeded with that
#kylewmGWG: in that case, looks good! maybe a little css "link{display:block;} input[type=text],textarea{width:100%;}"
#tantekwhich I have implemented in the "Recent Articles" box on my site
#tantekwhen I add new post types, that code does not need to change, and keeps filtering only articles
#elf-pavliktantek, i hope i made it clear that i only meant filtering component of the system which has nothing to do with UI
#tantekeverything has to do with UI, or else it is unnecessary
#GWGkylewm: I just added a CSS file to style it a bit. I don't want it to be heavy to load. The original version was just simple HTML.
#elf-pavlikthan different UIs can deal with different types of social data after something filtered it for them
#kylewmGWG: hopefully you don't think the css i shared was heavy
#KartikPrabhuelf-pavlik: do you have an example of what you'd like to do? Example as in a real example
#elf-pavlikjust as people use ridesharing app e.g. BlaBlaCar and flatsharing app e.g. AirBnB for different purposes, may as well use different decentralized apps to provide UI for different data
#GWGkylewm: No. I'm saying I focused on the functionality first, and now I'm getting to refinements.
#tantekanyway now that KartikPrabhu and kylewm are here - quote posts? any interest? either in publishing or receiving webmentions of?
#elf-pavlikand i don't want people Notes and Articles end up in my couchsurfing interface!
#tantekelf-pavlik: perhaps start building something simple, even if limited, and see what you run into
#tantekit's too easy to argue yourself into not building anything by saying "don't want x to do y" - there are infinite such x and y
#elf-pavlikthanks for all the feedback and links KartikPrabhu & tantek
#KartikPrabhutantek: I might have a bunch that might count as quote posts but I think of them more as "likes"... but would receive webmentions from quotes certainly
#GWGkylewm: The posting form involves pretty much no queries to the WordPress database till it generates the post, which is how I want it for speed.
#tantekI spent a lot of time going through aaornpk's *supposed* quote posts and refining what they actually were (since they were notes without an explicit post type)
#KartikPrabhuyeah I could add a "quoted by" section in the responses section of posts
#elf-pavlikATM spams friends living in Paris asking for couch and wishes that could search for "my friends and their friends who live in Paris and have couch to offer"
#@tEvery morning: 1. What’s the most I can do with what I have? 2. Remember everyone is struggling with something. (ttk.me t4ao1) (twitter.com/_/status/591312165077983236)
JustinO joined the channel
#tantekand then if you click on "# of retweets (linked)" or favorites it shows a pop-up div list of them
#KartikPrabhuyes but you can then click on the # of favs and a modal shows all
#tantekyou can use your existing show/hide code to do that
#tantekKartikPrabhu: the idea is that you check to see if the webmention is on a link with class "u-quote-from" and that's how you can tell it is a quote of your content
#tantekthe question is - would you display it differently?
#tantekso far I think all I need is a u-quote-from on the link, and a <blockquote> around the actual quote content
torrorist, j12t, gavinc and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#bretI wanna bounce this question off anyone who might be interested. By writing the AS2 spec as jsonld, and using jsonld keys beyond the @context, are we not essentially turning AS into an rdf based api?
#elf-pavlikbret, if you like you can alias "id": "@id" and "type": "@type" in a @context but some people discourage if one wants to use it with existing data which defines id and type in some other way
#breti thought @context could house all those differences?
#KevinMarks_hm, I do a lto of pull quore tweets with savepublishing.com
#LoqiKevinMarks_ meant to say: hm, I do a lto of pull quote tweets with savepublishing.com
#elf-pavlikbret, we want to make it possible for people to use it as 'just JSON' and not have to dive into RDF behind it, unless someone wants to do more complex things
#elf-pavlikstill I would encourage people working with The Web to at least read http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-primer/ even just to develop negative opinion about it based on some understanding of it
#LoqiA quotation is a type of post that is primarily a subset of the contents of another post, and often has a citation of that other post https://indiewebcamp.com/quote
#bretelf-pavlik: i've read that page before. it describes a huge amount of intricate structure and complexity without any kind of demonstration of why its worth adding to something or why you would use it over a relational DB for storing and querying for data.
#KevinMarks_<blockquote>“You don’t have to be an outspoken feminist on the Internet to be harassed or bullied, although I’ve heard it helps.”</blockquote> <cite class="h-cite"><a class="u-quote-from" href="http://www.unwinnable.com/2012/07/13/i-was-a-teenage-sexist/#an%20outspoken%20feminist">Jenn Frank</a></cite>
#bretwe can talk after you sleep though ;) dont let me keep you up
#tantekbret - you're welcome to try to read all the RDF/LD stuff - I find it too plumbing-centric rather than user-centric and quickly tl;dr get impatient with it.
#tantekre: %20 vs. + - pretty sure you can only use + for space in query string parameters
#KevinMarksYes, so the + is not a good idea if we want to ensure no collisions with id
#LoqiThis. (AKA THIS. or This: or THIS:) is type of quotation post similar in meaning to a combined like & repost where the text "This." is stated on a line by itself after the quotation, or the text "This:" is stated before a quotation or URL to express a strong affirmation or agreement with the referenced quotation or article https://indiewebcamp.com/this