GWGkylewm: What I want is a black box to send test posts into and see how they will render on Twitter and Facebook using Bridgy Publish without spamming my account.
kylewmthinking I can stick a rewrite rule to rewrite /test-allow-override to /allow-override-success or something along those lines, but that will break nginx compatibility unless every nginx user adds that silly rule to their config too
slvrbckthi all, i've been planning to go to IWC dusseldorf in a few weeks, got a plane ticket and accommodation, etc. however i just noticed theres a link on the wiki to register, which goes to btconf, which is sold out...
inkdroid.orgcreated / (+624) "Created page with "Hi I'm Ed Summers. I'm a software developer working at the [ Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities]. I'm interested in the Web as an archive. I'..."" (view diff)
kylewmneed some advice. I'm trying to track down why superfeedr is getting json instead of html from Known sites. Turns out they send an Accept header "application/atom+xml,application/rdf+xml,application/rss+xml,application/xml,text/xml,application/json,*/*"
kylewmOK I emailed @julien51 that I think Superfeedr is doing the right thing by default, but that there might be a problem with the documentation if I cannot influence the accept headers it sends to my subscription target
tantekedsu - and then I'd say start thinking about if you want to hold an IndieWebCamp DC either sometime in June, i.e. before the main IWC 2015 (July 11-12), or after, or simultaneous with.
tantekand now I'm leaning towards u-quote-from > u-quote-of because *quote-from* only implies the quote is from (some part of) a post, rather than *quote-of* implies its a quote of the whole post, which we already had repost-of for.
tantekedsu: p.s. now that you're here and signed into the wiki, add yourself to so that you show up all nice and linked up in the logs :) is just letting handle it right now, so until I add support for querying your authorization_endpoint that is correct doesn't do a lot with accounts/login right now, that "create account" step was really just so I didn't have to create user accounts in the DB manually
kylewmPubsubhubbub question -- if you want to send pings for both an RSS feed, and your h-feed, would you use a different topic for each and send two pings for every update?
elf-pavlikaaronpk slvrbckt just booked his travel and stay for IWC on May 9-10 in Dusseldorf. have you looked at ? he currently updates it to AS2.0
elf-pavlikIMO stuff like that comes out when one tries to do more complex query on social data, I also haven't seen any non trivial querying in context of IndieWeb
elf-pavliksimilar with some basic automated matching "my friends in paris offer couches to stay and friends coming for event ask for it" - my system should highlight to me possibility of connecting their Offers and Demands (Questions and Answers)
tantekGWG, by everything, do you mean posts all kinds to a specific silo? or 100% of posts of a specific type to all of their silos? or all kinds of posts to all silos?
tantekquestion is a post type for soliciting [[answer]] replies, which are then typically up/down voted by others and then displayed underneath the question post ordered by highest positive vote count rather than time ordered.
tantekanswer is a post type that is a [[reply]] to a [[question]] post; it's not clear whether answer needs to be its own post type, or if simple reply posts will suffice, thus if you're implementing answer posts, just start with implementing replies.
elf-pavlikKartikPrabhu, how does the system tell difference between Wish (Demand or Offer), Question or Answer and status update like 'i just ate pizza'?
tantekelf-pavlik: the one concrete example where we ended up using this microformats was hNews which was the same as an hAtom hentry with more properties
elf-pavlikcan I use in Microformats any property on any type of post as in RDF? or similar to Object Oriented programing type limits available set of properties for it?
kylewmGWG: heh, just saw the second version for just notes -- that looks much better. why would you need a "quick post" interface for writing articles?
tantekwhich is the agreement between publishers and consuming code about what properties they should use and should support consuming of. anything beyond that is not guaranteed either way
elf-pavlikKartikPrabhu for example if someone defines new types and new properties, people don't need to go read wiki and hard code it somehow in their systms
tantekelf-pavlik so in general we determined that formal (machine readable) way of expressing rules of which property implies which type(s) is a waste of time that no one actually cares about in practice.
GWGkylewm: It is Quick compared to the full WordPress interface. I don't want to have to fill in all the info myself, I want it to come in automatically. But I always create a manual interface before an automatic one.
tantekelf-pavlik: however, if you want to *do* anything *practical* or *meaningful* with a property, you MUST write custom code for it in your systems.
elf-pavliktantek, i don't say about designing ui specific for the type, but even just filtering things by type so i can pick UI which i want to use to work with them
elf-pavlikjust as people use ridesharing app e.g. BlaBlaCar and flatsharing app e.g. AirBnB for different purposes, may as well use different decentralized apps to provide UI for different data
KartikPrabhutantek: I might have a bunch that might count as quote posts but I think of them more as "likes"... but would receive webmentions from quotes certainly
tantekI spent a lot of time going through aaornpk's *supposed* quote posts and refining what they actually were (since they were notes without an explicit post type)
elf-pavlikATM spams friends living in Paris asking for couch and wishes that could search for "my friends and their friends who live in Paris and have couch to offer"
@tEvery morning: 1. What’s the most I can do with what I have? 2. Remember everyone is struggling with something. ( t4ao1) (
tantekKartikPrabhu: the idea is that you check to see if the webmention is on a link with class "u-quote-from" and that's how you can tell it is a quote of your content
bretI wanna bounce this question off anyone who might be interested. By writing the AS2 spec as jsonld, and using jsonld keys beyond the @context, are we not essentially turning AS into an rdf based api?
elf-pavlikbret, if you like you can alias "id": "@id" and "type": "@type" in a @context but some people discourage if one wants to use it with existing data which defines id and type in some other way
elf-pavlikbret, we want to make it possible for people to use it as 'just JSON' and not have to dive into RDF behind it, unless someone wants to do more complex things
elf-pavlikstill I would encourage people working with The Web to at least read even just to develop negative opinion about it based on some understanding of it
LoqiA quotation is a type of post that is primarily a subset of the contents of another post, and often has a citation of that other post
bretelf-pavlik: i've read that page before. it describes a huge amount of intricate structure and complexity without any kind of demonstration of why its worth adding to something or why you would use it over a relational DB for storing and querying for data.
KevinMarks_<blockquote>“You don’t have to be an outspoken feminist on the Internet to be harassed or bullied, although I’ve heard it helps.”</blockquote> <cite class="h-cite"><a class="u-quote-from" href="">Jenn Frank</a></cite>
tantekbret - you're welcome to try to read all the RDF/LD stuff - I find it too plumbing-centric rather than user-centric and quickly tl;dr get impatient with it.
LoqiThis. (AKA THIS. or This: or THIS:) is type of quotation post similar in meaning to a combined like & repost where the text "This." is stated on a line by itself after the quotation, or the text "This:" is stated before a quotation or URL to express a strong affirmation or agreement with the referenced quotation or article