pdurbinGWG: actually, I've been saying for a while (especially to tantek and aaronpk ) that I think it's awesome when wikis are based on git. you get versioning for free. and it's distributed. there's a new wiki like this about REST I helped launch: https://trygvis.io/rest-wiki/contributing
pdurbinGWG: right. to contribute I simply fork/clone the git repo backing the wiki, push my proposed changes into a branch, and ask for it to get merged in. In practice we use pull requests on GitHub but we aren't dependent on GitHub. The wiki is hosted on a personal domain.
GWGI'm wondering. Github I believe allows some editing from a web interface. Wondering if someone built that functionality into one of the open git front ends
tantekGWG, indeed, github allows some web editing, but it's a bit slow / cumbersome. Mediawiki's editing UI is MUCH more responsive, thus much more conducive to simple drive-by incremental edits, thus more participation / contribution.
tantek!tell elf-pavlik yes I tried that five years ago when I added PuSH support to tantek.com Atom ActivityStreams 1.0 feed, which Evan was able to realtime subscribe to from Statusnet. Support is still there.
tantekpdurbin: sure, one could code nearly anything - but no one has - that's my point. A fast responsive UI is essential, without it - no amount of backend fanciness matters in anyway.
Loqielf-pavlik: tantek left you a message 2 minutes ago: yes I tried that five years ago when I added PuSH support to tantek.com Atom ActivityStreams 1.0 feed, which Evan was able to realtime subscribe to from Statusnet. Support is still there. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-02/line/1430584541022
tantekelf-pavlik: point is, I tried, didn't really go anywhere (though there are some remaining StatusNet / GnuSocial deployments that can still subscribe to my Atom AS1.0 feed like Quitter.se https://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#Legacy_support )
tantekelf-pavlik: and the sad thing is that AS2 is more complex than AS1 (for simple / common cases), and a one-off JSON format is also more work than incremental changes to Atom, and worse, JSON-LD adds needless complexity too.
tantekas fars "what we currently work on" in Social WG, I'm hoping that we either GREATLY simplify AS2/JSON(LD), OR (more likely) come up with MUCH simpler counter proposals.
Loqitantek meant to say: as far as "what we currently work on" in Social WG, I'm hoping that we either GREATLY simplify AS2/JSON(LD), OR (more likely) come up with MUCH simpler counter proposals.
pdurbinGWG: I'm not sure what other git front ends allow. The wiki software we're using (ikiwiki) does allow you to edit via a web interface. The edit goes into the git repo when you click save. I think this addresses the concern by tantek. I just appreciate that I can interact with the wiki using git and vim if I want.
tantekelf-pavlik: this whole community is actively deploying and using *numerous* implementations/solutions to the high level user goals of Social Web WG
tantekelf-pavlik: if you want a JSON syntax, merely use any of the commonly available open source microformats2 parsers on any of our sites - and you'll get back a fairly simple usable JSON
tantekI would actually drop my site's AS1/Atom/PuSH 0.3 support, except there are real world sites that still consume it (e.g. Quitter), thus I keep it for cross-site federation compatibility, even though it's not a format / standard that I actively work on or promote.
aaronpktantek: pdurbin: fwiw the GitHub wiki is actually a git repo, but you don't need to know that to use the web UI that lets you edit it like mediawiki
LoqiThe social web refers to the subset of the web that has social content, that is, content, like posts, which has obvious visible authorship (even if pseudonymous), and mentions other people or other social web content, via URL reference, not just name https://indiewebcamp.com/social_web
LoqiA public social website is a public website (at a URL you can curl), that has social content like posts which have obvious visible authorship (even if pseudonymous), and mentions other people or other social web content, via URL reference, not just name https://indiewebcamp.com/public_social_website
tantekelf-pavlik: plenty of folks have tried working on non-HTML replacements for the web and failed. I'm not interested in those discussions as they have too little chance of being relevant to be worth the time.
elf-pavliktantek, can you point me to seciton explaining how to get push notification delivered directly to the browser? i guess it will need javascript
snarfedelf-pavlik: ...but just as another data point, re HTML payloads in AJAX requests, it's actually a surprisingly common pattern for closed source webapps too. (surprising given all the /JSON/API/JS framework "rage")
tantekelf-pavlik: same answer as before: in most cases users want to see the data nicely, hence websites like twitter and facebook work hard on a good /ux
tantekelf-pavlik: if you prefer to build more complex things - go ahead, no one will stop you - but it's not reasonable to ask others to work on more complex things, when simpler things will do
tantekelf-pavlik: I don't understand how you leapt from aaronpk's metrics to "accomodations to offer" as a use-case so I'm afraid you're not making much sense.
elf-pavlik"This form data set encoding is in many ways an aberrant monstrosity, the result of many years of implementation accidents and compromises leading to a set of requirements necessary for interoperability, but in no way representing good design practices. In particular, readers are cautioned to pay close attention to the twisted details involving repeated (and in some cases nested) conversions between character encodings and byte sequences."
elf-pavliktantek, i go back on adding SSE to two websites i run, and just because i argue about some things doesn't mean that i disagreew with everything yous say :)
pdurbin_maaronpk: yes, the standard GitHub wiki (gollum) is backed by git but it's a flat list of pages. I like how ikiwiki lets you organize your content into subfolders of arbitrary depth.
KartikPrabhuelf-pavlik: I suppose the gist of the above discussion (caught up on logs) is that you are free to use anything you want for your data. So far HTML is the most widely consumed/read form of data and so it is better to build on it than reinvent the wheel
tantekelf-pavlik: again, it comes back to simpler solutions are better, and dealing with (and asking others to deal with) the more complex solutions is bad because it adds cost for everyone - something that manu's and others "comparisons" don't understand
tantekelf-pavlik too hard to keep track of your different working on things as just lines in IRC - hence suggesting you collecting them on your user page
tantekif you capture a list of all the things you just stated even today that you're working on - then there's a beter chance that someone may be able to help you answer such questions about them
tantekelf-pavlik: "work on a model instead" sounds like plumbing before presentation - which is generally acknowledged to be a flawed methodology here.
tantekelf-pavlik: such questions make no sense outside the context of a use-case, and if pursued out of such context inevitably lead to /architecture-astronomy
elf-pavlikif i want to list on my homeage a violent person's and identify her with URL website (~ h-card) but don't want to put clickable link since i do not want people to visit that website
tantekelf-pavlik: could you document that use-case somewhere either on the wiki or your personal website? I have not heard anyone mention it here before
Loqiarchitecture astronomy is the practice of analyzing problems, seeing patterns, and then generalizing to higher and higher level abstractions on top of those patterns to the point where the abstractions become so general, so vague, so detached from the original problems being analyzed, that they don't mean anything at all https://indiewebcamp.com/architecture_astronomy
LoqiA quotation is a type of post that is primarily a subset of the contents of another post, and often has a citation of that other post https://indiewebcamp.com/quote
KevinMarks_The way twitter.com embeds tweets inside another tweet is much more lightweight in ux terms than the tweet embed that is generated by the js decorator
tantekKevinMarks: if you believe "fragmention of the entire quote seems like a good idea", go ahead and start publishing some notes with such fragmentions on your own site, and report back with permalinks and your experience doing so.
tantek!tell aaronpk,kylewm,KartikPrabhu,GWG I am interested in your review and opinions of https://indiewebcamp.com/proof_of_work - both criticisms and suggested improvements in the hopes of continuing to focus this channel on more practically productive conversations, as quickly as possible.
Loqislack/tantek: The why is an interesting challenge in itself, as it's anywhere from efficiently getting new folks to be productive for themselves, to defending the community from academics.
tantekKartikPrabhu: links to profiles like that were requested by various Sem Web folks, but except for a little bit of GRIDDL work (also obsolete), no one bothered with them
elf-pavlikwhen someone makes request to my homepage, by default i return RDFa but i requestor asks for Microformats or Microdata I could also respond with that
tommorriself-pavlik: there isn't an accept-profile header. just send both. is there any use case for someone wanting to specify the type of data-in-HTML format?
Loqiconneg is short for HTTP Content Negotiation, a method by which a browser or other web client can request content of various types from a web server, and depending on what is requested, and what the server supports, it tries to provide the best it can https://indiewebcamp.com/conneg
tommorriself-pavlik: I still don't know what practical point there is to content negotiating whether you get text/html with RDFa in it vs. RDFa + microformats and/or microdata, but I guess if you wanted a URL to arbitrarily represent microformats, why not http://microformats.org/
tantektommorris's suggestion of just use both microformats + RDFa seems reasonable, and passes the /selfdogfood test - he does so himself already, on his public website
tantekelf-pavlik: making up extra work for people (whether others or yourself) tends to be frowned up in the indieweb community, because it is harmful to everyone's productivity.
KartikPrabhutommorris: any specific reason to use RDFa? is it some kind of data that mf2 can't represent? If so would it be useful to have an mf2 version of it?
tantekelf-pavlik: in that case, assume microformats are the default, because they don't require any elements or attributes beyond what is explicitly specified in HTML5 for text/html
tommorriself-pavlik: no microformats parsers implement support for specifically asking for microformats, because nobody publishes it, because that's too much work
tommorrisfor me to implement it in mf2py would require you to document like five or ten people using it, otherwise it's pointless overhead that serves no purpose. I'm reasonably sure barnaby and other implementers would want to see real-world usage before putting in an HTTP header to implement an unspecced requirement that serves no real purpose.
tommorrisbecause semantic web pipe dreams are fun, but when they start taking time away from me drinking mimosas and require me to write code, I need actual use cases
KartikPrabhuelf-pavlik: I would very much like to know any functionality RDFa gives you other than just embedding data for the sake of embedding data. I had RDfa on my site but removed all traces since it was not useful to do anything
tommorris"Alice is browsing Bobs social profile on the web and finds an interesting note, Alice navigates to the notes permalink and decides she wants to inspect the Activity Streams representation of the note"
KartikPrabhuAlice is browsing Bobs social profile on the web and finds an interesting note, Alice navigates to the notes permalink and decides she wants to inspect the Holographic Nonlinear Doohickey representation of the note"
tommorriself-pavlik: everyone uses JSON because everyone uses JSON. five or ten years ago it was XML because everyone read that XML was the thing. technology is driven by fashion as much as it is by sound technical reasoning.
tommorriself-pavlik: all I can say is, if you implement microformats in such a way that you have to send weird custom headers to get the microformats, nobody will read the microformats and any benefit will be lost.
tommorrisI mean, let's say you convinced me and barnaby and glennjones and the other mf2 parser devs to add that support, then what about in-browser parsing? what about if Operator came back from the dead and started parsing microformats2 - convince Firefox to send magic headers?
Loqislack/tantek: Tommorris sure, "works fine" is a good metric :) however if anyone is proposing requiring explicit profiles for anything, they should start with requiring it to get back RDFa, since it uses attributes beyond what is specified in HTML5 and thua text/html.
tommorrisconneg is nifty, but I'm leaning strongly in the other direction - HTML as the One True Format, and using conneg to return the data as the result of the parsed HTML (if you request JSON, you get back data from mf2py; if you request RDF, you get back the RDFa parsed into whatever RDF format you asked for)
Loqislack/tantek: Kartik - a I'm away from laptop now - could you add a /proof_of_work#Why section with perhaps some of the thoughts I expressed above?
Loqislack/tantek: Also where was that spot in the logs the past couple of days where ben_thatmustbeme was complaining about the logs being too long to catch up on? Or was it too noisy?
snarfedKartikPrabhu: enjoy! the atom part isn't documented in the readme well but the code has good docstrings. just use the top-level methods in atom.py and microformats2.py
Loqiproof of work is a way of responding to questions or requests with a challenge to the requester to do some work before questions are answered; in the context of the IndieWeb such work includes asking what is their personal site, what is the next thing they want to improve on it, all as ways to refocus abstract or plumbing questions on practical personal site selfdogfooding https://indiewebcamp.com/proof_of_work