#indiewebcamp 2015-05-03
2015-05-03 UTC
j12t joined the channel
@askalot RT @AaronGustafson: Added two new Jekyll tools to Github today: Adaptive Images - https://github.com/aarongustafson/jekyll-adaptive-image Webmention.io Supplements - htt… (twitter.com/_/status/594658971283165185)
Loqi kylewm: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 10 minutes ago: I am interested in your review and opinions of https://indiewebcamp.com/proof_of_work - both criticisms and suggested improvements in the hopes of continuing to focus this channel on more practically productive conversations, as quickly as possible. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-02/line/1430597858309

GWG I'm thinking of taking the plugin pfefferle wrote, enhancing it, and proposing the changes it makes on the fly be incorporated into core, as opposed to submitting a patch. Then, not only could people see the alterations, but it is consistent with WordPress's features as plugins kick that has had mixed results.
snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks_, j12t, KevinMarks__, j12t_, snarfed, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, nloadholtes, KevinMarks, gRegorLove, hober and elf-pavlik joined the channel
Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 36 minutes ago: I am interested in your review and opinions of https://indiewebcamp.com/proof_of_work - both criticisms and suggested improvements in the hopes of continuing to focus this channel on more practically productive conversations, as quickly as possible. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-02/line/1430597858309

KevinMarks_ joined the channel
@pintman Die IndieWeb-Bewegung steht für Kontrolle über eigene Daten, eigene Tools, Maschinenlesbarkeit und Spaß. http://indiewebcamp.com/principles #fb (twitter.com/_/status/594760603882905600)
tmro joined the channel
@martinlindner Mal statt coden hier lernen einsetzen: Via @pintman: Die IndieWeb-Bewegung (das Programm): http://indiewebcamp.com/principles (twitter.com/_/status/594765884914278400)
eschnou joined the channel
elf-pavlik slvrbckt, ahoy o/ could you possibly from http://sockethub.org think about https://github.com/aaronpk/Micropub/issues/4 ? we can discuss it further in Dusseldorf together with aaronpk :)
csarven and nloadholtes joined the channel
@martinlindner @mccab99 ja, die tendenz ist nicht gut. deshalb ja #indieweb usw. (kennst du @withknown ?) (twitter.com/_/status/594785807094968320)
eschnou joined the channel
@mccab99 @martinlindner @withknown Hoffentlich ist in ein Wiki nicht schon #indieweb. #withknow ? Erster Blick: SameAsUsual. #vorurteil (twitter.com/_/status/594786324181360641)
fkooman joined the channel
aaronparecki.com edited /Micropub (-53) "/* h-entry */ update some properties in some examples" (view diff)

nloadholtes and catsup joined the channel
@hackr breitband (min 33-41) mit @pfefferle zum indieweb http://breitband.deutschlandradiokultur.de/brb150502/ (@pfefferle twitter suche ist mittlerweile tats. gut u vollständig) (twitter.com/_/status/594796287993741312)
@martinlindner RT @hackr: breitband (min 33-41) mit @pfefferle zum indieweb http://breitband.deutschlandradiokultur.de/brb150502/ (twitter.com/_/status/594798291101085696)
glennjones, eschnou, fkooman and interactivist joined the channel
elf-pavlik what is capability url?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "capability url" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=capability+url&summary=prompted+by+elf-pavlik+https%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2Firc%2F2015-05-03%2Fline%2F1430647939413

elf-pavlik capability url is Capability URLs grant access to a resource to anyone who has the URL. There are particular application design patterns for which this is useful as they remove the necessity for users to log in to a site and are easily delegated to others. But their use can open up some security issues. URLs are not generally required to be kept secret, and there are various routes through which capability URLs can leak into unintended hands. This
elf-pavlik document provides some good practices for web developers who wish to incorporate capability URLs into their applications, to minimise these risks. http://w3ctag.github.io/capability-urls/
loqi.me created /capability_url (+478) "prompted by elf-pavlik https://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-03/line/1430647939413 and dfn added by elf-pavlik" (view diff)

elf-pavlik which one can *dereference*
elf-pavlik what is dereferencing?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "dereferencing" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=dereferencing&summary=prompted+by+elf-pavlik+https%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2Firc%2F2015-05-03%2Fline%2F1430648007695

elf-pavlik Copyright © 2015 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang). W3C liability, trademark and document use rules apply.
elf-pavlik i'll turn it into qoute
elf-pavlik what is conneg?
Loqi conneg is short for HTTP Content Negotiation, a method by which a browser or other web client can request content of various types from a web server, and depending on what is requested, and what the server supports, it tries to provide the best it can https://indiewebcamp.com/conneg

elf-pavlik i didn't make this one...
wwelves.org perpetual-tripper edited /capability_url (+53) "turned into quotation with link to the source" (view diff)
elf-pavlik see reply-to https://twitter.com/elfpavlik/status/594122594632228866
@elfpavlik @remotestorage_ do you still use https://github.com/w3ctag/capability-urls for /public scope? maybe worth referencing this @w3ctag draft... (twitter.com/_/status/594122594632228866)
elf-pavlik also https://twitter.com/skddc/status/594146758504099840
@skddc @elfpavlik We set up a wiki, but it's still almost blank. Feel free to register and drop notes at https://wiki.remotestorage.io/index.php/Notes or anywhere else. (twitter.com/_/status/594146758504099840)
elf-pavlik slvrbckt and @skddc will come to Dusseldorf ...
elf-pavlik as well as fkooman and @michielbdejong who both work(ed) a lot on https://remotestorage.io/
elf-pavlik we can document their real world usage of capability urls then
eschnou joined the channel
glennjones joined the channel
elf-pavlik aaronpk, do you have this 'missing piece' documented somewhere?
KartikPrabhu, fkooman and tfontaine joined the channel
fkooman, nloadholtes, eschnou and elima joined the channel
@dkreuz Die aktuelle @screengui_de zum #indieweb gab es leider nicht mehr am Bahnhofskiosk. Dafür die vorletzte MM mit einer Geschichte von Don Rosa (twitter.com/_/status/594845507505250304)
frzn and nloadholtes joined the channel
@Freerange_Inc hmm #indieweb tools focus on individual & their data rights, not many focused on the social justice implications of normalised surveillance? (twitter.com/_/status/594847313295745024)
ben_thatmustbeme good morning #indiewebcamp

ben_thatmustbeme wow that was a lot of logs to catch up on

ben_thatmustbeme !tell tantek yes, I was commenting on not being able to catch up on logs. The length of logs + added line noise of loqi, what-is requests, tweets, etc

ben_thatmustbeme i was just bringing that up

ben_thatmustbeme !tell tantek makes it so that I often do not bother, but will usually do just a quick skim. The recent conversations were largely interrupted and I had a free block of time, so I did read back

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, At this point i've started reading back logs from the website because too much of IRC is muddied up

ben_thatmustbeme i have a feature request on that end though... is it possible to get loqi to log slack/<user> as just <user>

ben_thatmustbeme and thus make it actually look like the people who are talking

ben_thatmustbeme I may throw in some JS to have a button for hiding wiki edits and or all of loqi

ben_thatmustbeme also tweets

ben_thatmustbeme just get to the actual conversation

aaronpk anyway ben_thatmustbeme I'd love to get your input on this https://github.com/aaronpk/Micropub/blob/master/user-stories/responses.md

ben_thatmustbeme still reading through... but interesting thoughts about pubsubhubbub. I really don't like it for the fact of huge spec with lots of extra but then doesn't work for things like this.. PuSH only works for subscribing to feeds.. I feel like we need to be able to subscribe to posts as well... similar to FB & G+ once you comment on a post (g+) or are tagged in a post (FB) you are subscribed to it and get future updates on

ben_thatmustbeme that post

ben_thatmustbeme btw, section 4 has Host:ben.me instead of Denise.me

ben_thatmustbeme hmmm

ben_thatmustbeme indeed

ben_thatmustbeme disagree

ben_thatmustbeme that assumes people want to subscribe to the ENTIRE feed always

ben_thatmustbeme and actually it all works without PuSH for the entire user story after the first part of people getting notified of the original post

ben_thatmustbeme updating people of changes to like count, replies, etc is not really a part of the user story

ben_thatmustbeme "[Ben] indicates to Alexa and others"

ben_thatmustbeme you are doing "ben indicates to Alexa, and Alexa indicates to others"

ben_thatmustbeme what Ben should be doing is notifying his push hub of the "like" post

ben_thatmustbeme i think it makes more sense the other way, its the same as 'Ben favorited a post by Alexa' showing up in a twitter feed

ben_thatmustbeme its ben's followers that get that update

ben_thatmustbeme only Alexa gets a notification that someone favorited her tweet

ben_thatmustbeme yes, but you aren't updating people that ben favorited it

ben_thatmustbeme people who view the tweet get that at the time they view it

ben_thatmustbeme you are focusing on feed readers needing that information

ben_thatmustbeme true, but i would argue thats outside of the user story

interactivist joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme i think its good to mention that the update can be pushed out to readers

ben_thatmustbeme but i think the intention is to publicly "like" the video which means updating his own followers

ben_thatmustbeme perhaps should mention both

ben_thatmustbeme i think the case you have now is Alexa updating others' readers of new likes to the post, is at a lower level

ben_thatmustbeme charles I would assume to be a follower of Alexa and that 3 has nothing at all to do with 2

ben_thatmustbeme the way you read it 3 should then have "charles posts a comment and indicates to alexa and other others...

ben_thatmustbeme so why didn't you assume that for 2?

ben_thatmustbeme thus the text would indicate ben is pushing to his own followers

ben_thatmustbeme no, you assumed that the text means that, rather than making the same assumption of subtext indicating it

tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme thus the text => ben pushes to his followers , subtext => updates alexa's followers

ben_thatmustbeme i think we are getting too deep in to this

ben_thatmustbeme who originally wrote this user story?

ben_thatmustbeme Evan

ben_thatmustbeme perhaps we can ask for his intention in it, or at least other's thoughts.

ben_thatmustbeme is won't be at F2F but i believe he will be remote

Loqi tantek: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 34 minutes ago: yes, I was commenting on not being able to catch up on logs. The length of logs + added line noise of loqi, what-is requests, tweets, etc http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-03/line/1430658495590

Loqi tantek: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 33 minutes ago: makes it so that I often do not bother, but will usually do just a quick skim. The recent conversations were largely interrupted and I had a free block of time, so I did read back http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-03/line/1430658560628

aaronpk but we are 99% solved for responses: https://github.com/aaronpk/Micropub/blob/master/user-stories/responses.md

interactivist joined the channel
aaronpk 1) need to know what receiving a /person_mention looks like

ben_thatmustbeme !tell elf-pavlik catching up on your questions of content type header for html+microformats. I don't think it makes sense. You would need headers for html+rdfa+mf2, html+mf2, html+rdfa, html+... and every other format that ever gets made. Its not at all sustainable or desirable

AcidNerd joined the channel
elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_negotiation
Loqi elf-pavlik: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 57 seconds ago: catching up on your questions of content type header for html+microformats. I don't think it makes sense. You would need headers for html+rdfa+mf2, html+mf2, html+rdfa, html+... and every other format that ever gets made. Its not at all sustainable or desirable http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-03/line/1430660777073

elf-pavlik you don't need new header but just a profile *paramter* to go with text/html media type
elf-pavlik instead html+rdfa+mf you can ask for either rdfa or mf prioritising them with q=
elf-pavlik aaronpk, ok no problem to leave it for now
tantek I'm going to delete /capability_url since it's entirely a quote from another source and has no original content

tantek.com deleted /capability_url "entirely a quote from another source and has no original content"

ben_thatmustbeme tantek, i reraised it, thats my fault

aaronpk tantek++ for updating /SWAT0 after getting person tgging figured out! http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?title=SWAT0&action=historysubmit&diff=18443&oldid=13627

elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme, i've heard that you have example of pushing data to web browser...
elf-pavlik i started adding http://www.w3.org/TR/eventsource/ to my website, what do you use?
elf-pavlik cool!
elf-pavlik do you have section for pushing to client e.g. web browser on a wiki?
elf-pavlik what is server sent events?
Loqi server-sent events is a DOM API for receiving push notifications from a server via HTTP https://indiewebcamp.com/server-sent_events

elf-pavlik what is websockets?
Loqi Websocket is a full-duplex single socket connection over which messages can be sent between client and server https://indiewebcamp.com/websockets

elf-pavlik what is real-time?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "real-time" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=real-time&summary=prompted+by+elf-pavlik+https%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2Firc%2F2015-05-03%2Fline%2F1430661483234

elf-pavlik what is webrtc?
Loqi WebRTC is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs https://indiewebcamp.com/WebRTC

elf-pavlik aaronpk, did you have chance to take a look at https://github.com/linkeddata/SoLiD#pubsub-notifications ?
ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: I have it working the chrome only. The latest version added Push support so I am using that

elf-pavlik https://github.com/linkeddata/SoLiD/issues/11
ben_thatmustbeme but they don't support sending data yet, so its just a notification to a web-worker that can then pull data

ben_thatmustbeme yeah, area tagging needs some embedded items

ben_thatmustbeme or at least it seemed so

elf-pavlik i made that point in github issue just linked
elf-pavlik "If you only use Updates-Via to receive updates. It may make sense to mandate SSE instead of Websockets."
elf-pavlik preferably HTTPS :)
@elfpavlik Deprecating Non-Secure HTTP! -> #HTTPS @mozilla @w3c @ietf @EFF and others join efforts to make The Web secure! https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2015/04/30/deprecating-non-secure-http/ (twitter.com/_/status/594762809717587968)
elf-pavlik what is https?
Loqi HTTPS is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a protocol for secure communication, supported by web servers (like Apache & nginx) and browsers https://indiewebcamp.com/HTTPS

elf-pavlik what is letsencrypt?
aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: person tagging in micropub is just sending category=http://ben.thatmustbe.me/ right?

elf-pavlik what is letsencrypt?
Loqi Let’s Encrypt is a new Certificate Authority intended to be free, automated, and open https://indiewebcamp.com/letsencrypt

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: thats how i'm doing it, yes. everything else in the the server side

elf-pavlik why "use the first microformat object as the value" ?
aaronpk category=http://aaronparecki.com/ <- category is an h-card representing aaronpk

elf-pavlik this may help to identify it on a page - http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#A-resource
elf-pavlik or http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#A-about
aaronpk location=https://tommorris.org/places/9 <- location is an h-card representing the venue

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: it could be seen as a feed of updates on a posr

ben_thatmustbeme but i wouldn't recommend it

j12t joined the channel
aaronparecki.com edited /SWAT0 (+42) "clarify barnaby does not need to see the photo on his home page, needs to see it in his reader. also PuSH is an optional enhancement" (view diff)

AcidNerd still wondering how this reader part will be "live" under Known or WP, but i love the idea, if only i could embed my own website with my current inoreader usage and push new articles i want to share directly to my site
aaronparecki.com edited /SWAT0 (+280) "/* mapping to indieweb */ note using a separate reader is ok" (view diff)

ChrisUrsich, _1_puni and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
snarfed and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
icco and interactivist joined the channel
KevinMarks_ If you have a post with a series of comments, but the comments don't have permalinks, how do you mark that up?

KevinMarks, snarfed and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
Loqi [bridgy] Nick Jennings replied '@elfpavlik @sockethub sure, what kind of comparison did you have in mind?' to a tweet http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub (https://twitter.com/slvrbckt/status/594901852900175874)

tantek, KevinMarks and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
KevinMarks__ That's what I did, but should I have an h-feed to contain them or not?

KevinMarks__ They have timestamps so the ordering can be reconstructed

KevinMarks__ I suppose I could make a fragmention url with the comment text

j12t and interactivist joined the channel
Loqi [bridgy] ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ replied '@slvrbckt @sockethub similar to: github.com/aaronpk/Microp… also for @SocialWebWG user stories impl. proposals in github.com/aaronpk/Microp…' to a tweet http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub (https://twitter.com/elfpavlik/status/594908133593522176)

KevinMarks joined the channel
j12t and gRegorLove joined the channel
Loqi [bridgy] Ben Borges favorited a tweet http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub (https://twitter.com/elfpavlik/status/594101362683674624)

wolftune and j12t joined the channel
kylewm so Known wants the ability to query Bridgy to see if a particular user is connected ... would it make sense to add microformats with a bunch of experimental properties on user pages https://www.brid.gy/facebook/12802152
ryukafalz and KevinMarks joined the channel
@yatil Meh. No trains running means it is very unlikely to get to Düsseldorf for IndieWebCamp Germany… Especially as I travel to the US next day… (twitter.com/_/status/594920637258403840)
snarfed joined the channel
GWG snarfed: /?indie-action=bookmark works for all sites. I'm restricting like and reply right now.
wolftune joined the channel
GWG snarfed: There is an option for public override. I'm defaulting to private till I work out the bugs. Like is sort of working. Categories I can do. As I said, it goes back to the question of the markup. Right now, on my site, the markup is done by the post kinds plugin. Whereas on yours, web actions would mark it up itself. That makes me think I should split display from taxonomy again, but I'm not 100% sure how to make that work
@huffduffer ☞ Why We Need the IndieWeb https://huffduffer.com/bret/227723 (twitter.com/_/status/594936993936744448)
chalettu, j12t, elima and snarfed joined the channel
elf-pavlik aaronpk, snarfed in RDFa thanks to consistent use of triples you can use rel="me" on each/any of multiple entities/subjects appearing on the page :) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-03/line/1430676428101
elf-pavlik IMO this gives much more consistent model and doesn't require duplicating rerms as rel="shortlink" & class="u-shortlink" (while to my understanding they have same meaning)
elf-pavlik s/rerms/terms/
elf-pavlik http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#A-rel
elf-pavlik what stops you from using rel="me" for multiple entities on one page? if you want to express such semanic relationship between resources http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-03/line/1430676428101
elf-pavlik and why do you need class="u-shortlink" while rel="shortlink" already exists for this purpose?
elf-pavlik so with this interpretation, you can't use "shortlink" for multiple entities present in single page just because of that and need to find workarounds
j12t joined the channel
elf-pavlik do you know how many link relations microformat needs to duplicate so one can use them as property?
elf-pavlik BTW http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#A-property
elf-pavlik http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#A-rel
elf-pavlik how semanticly link relations used as values of rel differ from u- properties put in class="" ?
elf-pavlik do you know about any drawing showing entities and relations between them?
elf-pavlik since depending on how you present information inside and outside can swap
elf-pavlik you never find need to use property in reverse direction?
elf-pavlik e.g. on person page link to organizations one stays affiliated with and from organization page link to people affiliated
elf-pavlik so perspective changes but you describe exactly the same information
elf-pavlik just putting different side of relation 'in spotlight'
elf-pavlik or co-authored article links to multiple authors and their profiles link to multiple articles
elf-pavlik i could go on with tons of examples you can find on the web where we see same information but just from different perspective
elf-pavlik let me find a microformat property for the example i just shown
elf-pavlik let's say https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Germany/Guest_List
elf-pavlik i will also add it to list of events on my homepage https://wwelves.org/perpetual-tripper/
elf-pavlik those two don't exclude each other
elf-pavlik we don't need to 'normalize relational database' and can connect entities with as many edges (rel) as we want
elf-pavlik so i can arrive from A to B via multiple paths
elf-pavlik and the *reverse* ?
elf-pavlik me to event?
Loqi An RSVP is a type of post that is a reply to an event post https://indiewebcamp.com/rsvp

elf-pavlik on my homepage you can find in source <ul rev="attendee" class="panel-body"> and li for each event
elf-pavlik one event page i would use <ul rel="attendee" class="panel-body"> and li for each person
elf-pavlik this way we get triples
Unifex joined the channel
elf-pavlik event1 attendee elf
elf-pavlik event2 attende elf
elf-pavlik how can you link *directly* to the events you attended
elf-pavlik just as even links to list of attendees
elf-pavlik same with affiliations on my homepage
elf-pavlik we can *very easily* link BOTH WAYS using the same type of relation
elf-pavlik ( IWC Dusseldorf ) -- attendee --> ( elf-pavlik)
elf-pavlik node, labeled edge, node
elf-pavlik so you say that it matters to show list of attendees on event page, but showing list of events i attended on my page doesn't make sense?
elf-pavlik https://www.facebook.com/elf.pavlik/events
elf-pavlik https://www.facebook.com/elf.pavlik/map
elf-pavlik how than friends browsers (similar apps like facebook UI) can display such lists after requesting data from my website?
elf-pavlik buddyradar :)
elf-pavlik haha two of us in it :D
elf-pavlik small cyberspace ;)
elf-pavlik can we generalize readers to *Social* data browsers?
elf-pavlik not the whole world needs to gravitate around blogging and sharing notes...
elf-pavlik for buddyradar (or whatever we want to call such setup) we may need way of expressing future activities https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/93
elf-pavlik RSVP makes sense here
elf-pavlik or CheckIn if i just want to go to Portland not for any particular event
elf-pavlik Travel + Arrive + Depart https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/tree/master/activity/Travel
elf-pavlik drawing can help with Microformats glasses, JSON-LD glasses, Turtle glasses etc. bariers
aaronpk I have travel posts on my site, http://aaronparecki.com/travel but there are no microformats on them because there's nothing that would consume them yet

friedcell joined the channel
elf-pavlik Pieter will publish soon all the code (javascript) for multimodal trip planner using Linked Data Fragments and Open Data including GTFS
elf-pavlik aaronpk, let's talke about it Paris & Dusseldorf
Loqi travel is a post type about plans to change locations in the future, similar to an event post about a future event, and related to exercise posts that involve changing location https://indiewebcamp.com/travel

elf-pavlik i wanted to do something like that aleady in 2012 but keep getting distracted https://github.com/elf-pavlik/buddyradar
elf-pavlik timbl on rel / rev https://github.com/mnot/I-D/issues/39#issuecomment-89789736
elf-pavlik bon voyage!
elf-pavlik https://github.com/OpenTransport/gtfs-csv2rdf
elf-pavlik good luck with gtfs-csv2mf2 ;)
interactivist, mlncn and tantek joined the channel
Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message 5 hours, 42 minutes ago: here is SWAT0 accomplished with Micropub, Microformats and Webmention. PuSH is mentioned as being an optional enhancement. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-03/line/1430667120302

elf-pavlik tantek, do you see problem with using http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values as microformat u- properties?
elf-pavlik like http://microformats.org/wiki/shortlink
elf-pavlik at least one from xfn might make sense on h-card http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values
elf-pavlik e.g. RSVP +1 comming with my muse https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Germany/Guest_List
@dangillmor Pager, which lets you make your own site from Facebook posts, is interesting addition to the @indiewebcamp movement https://github.com/antonshevchenko/pager (twitter.com/_/status/594981409422385153)
elf-pavlik s/one/ones/
tmro joined the channel
@allenpg RT @dangillmor: Pager, which lets you make your own site from Facebook posts, is interesting addition to the @indiewebcamp movement https:/… (twitter.com/_/status/594982124895150080)
elf-pavlik can't spell, needs go to sleep to prepare for day full of work on social vocabs: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-05-04#Day_1_-_Monday_4_May_2015
frzn and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
elf-pavlik pays attention
elf-pavlik can we go with example of xfn muse ?
elf-pavlik date?
elf-pavlik any friend to friend relationships at all which people use in context of indie web?
elf-pavlik knows maybe, follows
elf-pavlik very social ;)
elf-pavlik can we keep it romantic and imagine RSVP +1 with rel="sweetheart" ?
elf-pavlik so we can most likely share bed when allocating sleeping places by people organizing event
j12t_ joined the channel
elf-pavlik they sound bit boring and rel=me even narcistic
wrk3 joined the channel
elf-pavlik do you consider RSVP +1 with *sweetheart* unrealistic ?
elf-pavlik aaronpk++
elf-pavlik so the host can allocate one bed for me and sweetheart i come with ...
elf-pavlik i'll add link *friend* to few friends who also come to https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Germany/Guest_List
elf-pavlik they already listed their homepages so i will just add few rels
elf-pavlik at least 6 ppl there i consider a friend
elf-pavlik i want to do that!
elf-pavlik tantek, http://lanyrd.com/ let's you say *i want to meet*
elf-pavlik i already had chance to meet aaronpk but would also like publish fact that i want to meet you sir :)
elf-pavlik ok
elf-pavlik any chance for IndieAuth on microformats.org ?
elf-pavlik Permission error
elf-pavlik You do not have permission to edit pages, for the following reason:
elf-pavlik You do not have permission to create new pages on Microformats Wiki.
lukebrooker joined the channel
elf-pavlik missed g
elf-pavlik we also need *follows* for Social WG use case
elf-pavlik since we could use rel / rev i dont see need for follower / following
KartikPrabhu wasn't rev deprecated and not used anymore

elf-pavlik TimBL encouraded *willful violation* here https://github.com/mnot/I-D/issues/39#issuecomment-89789736
KartikPrabhu also rev=follow is confusing terminology

elf-pavlik follows
elf-pavlik knows
KartikPrabhu yeah I don't see it

tantek elf-pavlik: here: http://microformats.org/wiki/xfn-brainstorming#follower_and_following

elf-pavlik some early thoughts on collections which reuse follows relation in both directions https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/tree/master/container/DirectContainer
elf-pavlik also needed for Social WG use cases
elf-pavlik yes!
elf-pavlik edit to microformats.org first ...
elf-pavlik i exactly want to do that but not end upw with: follower, following, followres, followings
elf-pavlik and already can think of modeling it with *just* follows
elf-pavlik so you would use same one for collection of people you follow and who you follow?
elf-pavlik singular forms
KartikPrabhu why do we need a term for the collection?

elf-pavlik does discussig it in terms of *domain* and *range* of property gives us common language or not so much?
KartikPrabhu mark up all people in the collection with rel=following

elf-pavlik i have importing list of 2300 friendships from fb on my todo
KartikPrabhu what is collection?

Loqi A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indiewebcamp.com/collection

elf-pavlik tantek, you can clearly see some collections on https://wwelves.org/perpetual-tripper/
elf-pavlik for now small but soon they will need to move to dedicated pages
elf-pavlik similar to https://www.facebook.com/elf.pavlik/events
elf-pavlik https://www.facebook.com/elf.pavlik/friends
elf-pavlik also with paging
elf-pavlik i may hack on that during IWC dusseldorf
elf-pavlik ok
elf-pavlik i go edit two wiki pages and then sleep time :)
elf-pavlik i did work last days on adding server-sent events to PLP backend and already have https://github.com/substack/forkdb working for it
elf-pavlik soon i can add collections there but needed to prepare some plumbing to handle it
lukebroo_ joined the channel
elf-pavlik tantek, have you tried *drawing* to explain rel / rev ? i think diagrams like ones i experiment with in public-vocabs can help https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/tree/master/property/follows
elf-pavlik ATM indiewebcamp.org and microformats.org look very text centric
elf-pavlik hmmm... have you published something about your experiences with attempts to explain rel / rev ?
elf-pavlik links? :)
elf-pavlik roger!
lukebrooker joined the channel
elf-pavlik goodnight #indiewebcamp
elf-pavlik tantek, if you need real world request for mentor/mentee (from http://www.enspiral.com/ ) - https://github.com/hackers4peace/plp-docs/issues/12#issuecomment-78043877
KartikPrabhu HTML not allowing block inside bloxk is annoying!

KartikPrabhu s/bloxk/block

KartikPrabhu making marginalia.js so much more complicated

wrk3 and wolftune joined the channel
wwelves.org perpetual-tripper edited /User:Wwelves.org_perpetual-tripper (+218) "/* Itches */ collections to group friends, events, wishes etc." (view diff)
nloadholtes joined the channel
KartikPrabhu errr sorry I meant div inside a p

KartikPrabhu tantek: yeah I mis-worded that

KartikPrabhu here is an example of the issue: https://kartikprabhu.com/article/marginalia the marginalia show/hide buttons are inside the relevant <p> but the actual marginalia has to sit outside it. So I have to use Javascript to show/hide instead of some simple CSS

KartikPrabhu I could put the show/hide button also outside the <p> but then the marginalia looks as if it has no connection to the relevant <p>

KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yes and the point is that marginalia can also be attached to any other element not just <p>s so it is more annoying

KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yeah but that won't work for any generic element since marginalia could be attached to the span as in <p> <span>Stuff with marginalia comments</span></p>

KartikPrabhu so it seems I have to implement some sort of artificial coarse-graining of where marginalia can be attached

KartikPrabhu I can now. But again Javascript dependence

KartikPrabhu but the <span> might contain an <ol> of marginalia comments :(

KartikPrabhu so browsers won't render them inside the span

KartikPrabhu at least that's what FF does

KartikPrabhu yeah :( right now marginalia.js just reuses any markup that the page laready has for its comments. So I don't want to impose some HTML markup on people who might want to use it

KartikPrabhu so if your original comment container was a <div> then a <div> is used for the marginalia, if it was a <ol> then <ol> is re-used

KartikPrabhu tantek: I think a u-in-reply-to with a fragmention solves that semantic problem. Here, it is more of a "how to best make the UI" issue

ChrisUrsich joined the channel
KartikPrabhu also, I want the UI to work even if marginalia are moved and rendered server-side. WHich is why I want to separate the JS which moves marginalia to the correct place and only use CSS for the UI

KartikPrabhu :P

j12t joined the channel
KartikPrabhu man Medium does marginalia in such a terrible way. All marginalia sit outside the main article and then are shown/hidden by Javascript-ness

mlncn, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
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