2015-05-05 UTC
scor and torrorist joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
mlncn, KevinMarks_, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, benwerd, ChrisUrsich and j12t joined the channel
# 01:26 GWG I'm just running random news sites through my code. This is depressing.
KevinMarks__ and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 01:53 GWG This one mistake appears to have deep routes. An hfeed on every page.
# 01:59 KevinMarks_ Why is an hfeed so bad if it has a single entry? All feeds start out that way
# 02:02 GWG I thought on a single page there shouldn't be an h-feed.
snarfed, benwerd, lukebrooker, j12t, ScruffyDan, KartikPrabhu, wolftune and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
lukebrooker, KevinMarks__, KartikPrabhu, j12t, friedcell, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks___, Jihaisse, rhiaro_ and glennjones joined the channel
# 07:21 reidab aaronpk: grabbing a copy of my wordpress site so I have archives to link to when I replace it with a new static site
fkooman and j12t joined the channel
# 07:23 aaronpk it's hard to hack wordpress when it's just HTML file :)
tantek, KevinMarks_, rhiaro_ and friedcell joined the channel
petermolnar joined the channel
# 07:49 aaronpk tantek: but the problem is that as a follower of Michael, I wouldn't see those unless I go visit his original post
# 07:52 tantek aaronpk - that's not a problem - that's existing behavior per that screenshots!
# 07:52 Loqi tantek meant to say: aaronpk - that's not a problem - that's existing behavior per that screenshot!
# 07:52 KevinMarks hm, maybe I lost the thread - I thought the debate was about you being sent updates about comments from people you don't follow
# 07:53 tantek a follower of Michael sees those by visiting the original post, as you did and took the screenshot
# 07:53 aaronpk no, I saw the post in my own reader interface, which may have been my site or an app like monocle
# 07:54 KevinMarks and comments from people you don't follow should do what there?
# 07:54 tantek there's no site / reader that works that way right now
# 07:54 tantek so I'd say that's leaping too far beyond what works today
# 07:54 tantek let's at least get posts and comments underneath them auto-updating as you view the post permalink
# 07:55 tantek because that's clearly simpler than the "saw the post in my own reader interface" that you're describing
# 07:56 tantek aaronpk, did you ever end up fixing the realtime display of comments made on your posts (maybe only worked for your notes?) ?
# 07:56 KevinMarks it can also be a pathology to bump the post to the top of the reader every time anyone comments
# 07:57 tantek KevinMarks: strawman? who said "bump the post to the top of the reader" ?
# 07:57 KevinMarks G+ did this early on, which meant the top posts in my feed were always Scoble or Vic as they had an existing following
# 08:03 tantek aaropnk - when you have a moment - a plain version of that screenshot would be helpful for multiple purposes (without the Skitch annotations)
KevinMarks_ and evalica joined the channel
# 08:21 voxpelli aaronpk: tantek: one hard part with parsing responses to responses for me at least is that all such responses are embedded with js with my endpoint – so they are not curlable right now
# 08:22 voxpelli so I would need some fallback that links to HTML page on my endpoint and saying that that's the place/the feed where responses can be found
# 08:22 tantek voxpelli: might be an opportunity to figure out an API there, or some rel= link delegation to responses to a post
fkooman joined the channel
# 08:23 voxpelli tantek: yeah, wonder what a good API / rel-name would be?
# 08:23 tantek e.g. (just thinking out loud) a reply post could link with rel=responses to an HTML page that itself was a bunch of h-entrys that were responses to that reply.
# 08:23 tantek that could be inside the <noscript> fallback too - for user visibility
# 08:24 voxpelli +1, then my javascript could just be a way of inlining that rel-responses more or less
# 08:24 tantek <noscript><a rel="responses" href="…webmentions proxy …">View Responses</a></noscript>
# 08:24 tantek next to the <script> embed in the post that displays the responses inline
# 08:25 tantek this is good practice anyway - to provide a no-JS option
# 08:25 tantek or perhaps even do so as a default even without <noscript>, that was replaced with the inline responses
loic_m joined the channel
# 08:26 tantek <div class="responses"><script src="…webmentions proxy…"></script><a rel="responses" href="…webmentions proxy …">View Responses</a></div>
# 08:26 voxpelli yeah, I think I would go with having it outside of a noscript – I need a mechanism for supporting multiple embeds on the same page anyway, this would solve that as well
# 08:26 tantek and then the script could look for and replace the rel=responses link with the inline responses.
# 08:27 tantek this also works if the script just fails to load
# 08:27 voxpelli yeah, never really felt good about not having it degrade gracefully
# 08:30 tantek the rel=responses link (that the webmentions proxy renders the destination of) - could also pull in the original post as context and render it at the top
interactivist joined the channel
# 08:34 tantek at a minimum it could start with just a "View Original Post" link
pfefferle, j12t and stream7 joined the channel
# 09:00 aaronpk that was one of my thoguhts on solving this as well, but at the root domain level as well, not just on individual posts
# 09:01 aaronpk so that readers would have a place to look for all responses to someone's site, and could decide what to do with those as they come in
# 09:02 voxpelli KevinMarks: too bad so few people can see anything else than a silo as a "platform" :P
# 09:03 petermolnar voxpelli there's a good reason for that: how do you discover "trends" with indieweb?
# 09:04 petermolnar google will mess ranking based on many-many things a small site will most probably never reach anymore
# 09:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 09:04 voxpelli petermolnar: that was no problem in the good old blogosphere, there were a big diversity amongst trend detectors
# 09:04 petermolnar the good old blogsphere was basically a self-organized online magazine with selectors and editors
tantek joined the channel
# 09:06 voxpelli KevinMarks: do you think that would still be the case if one would build them today? Thinking new tech and more powerful servers can have helped
# 09:06 KevinMarks the daily grind at technorati was reclassifying things that popped up in our top blogs ranking as non-blogs for various reasons
# 09:08 tantek which could have been done by community instead of just the company
# 09:08 voxpelli Sounds familiar to some of the things we're seeing now at Bloglovin
# 09:08 KevinMarks except a lot of the community were dancing between spam and promotion
# 09:10 voxpelli I wonder if layering the social graph on top of blogs would help solve that – people don't tend to interact with spammers so just checking for trends within a limited social graph should auto-audit content more or less
# 09:10 voxpelli not that there's much "just" in actually layering a social graph on top of blogs of course
# 09:11 KevinMarks ur best signal at 'rati was "using the same adsense or other affiliate key across multiple blogs"
# 09:12 KevinMarks which meant we found all the "promote youreslef" bloggers who were also runnning malware/sketchy adsense blogs on the side
# 09:14 tantek voxpelli: indeed - and we had enough sites using XFN and blogrolls to do that, but there was perhaps too much focus on centralized "pinging" and growing volume (number of blogs & posts indexed)
# 09:15 tantek perhaps classic challenge of being VC funded, and general "bigger is better" type assumptions driving suboptimal behaviors
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 09:16 petermolnar that raises the question of a similar system, but community funded - I mean, for example, giving in resource powers like the Seti software, therefore there would be no hardware/cloud bill behind it, and we 'only' need the selectors
# 09:18 tantek petermolnar: worse still, if/when a monoculture is community funded, it perpetuates that antipattern, or perhaps even causes it to happen (from a diverse community to a monoculture because of funding biases)
# 09:18 petermolnar I should have used shared/distributed instead of community founded
# 09:19 voxpelli something that consumes the social graph between indieweb people and their respective firehose and then processes that in interesting ways would be cool
# 09:20 petermolnar I've addressing this issue during the last IndieWeb Brighton, but that time, it as not an importance :P
# 09:20 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: I've addressing this issue during the last IndieWeb Brighton, but that time, it was not an importance :P
# 09:21 voxpelli I think we're at a state right now where it is feasible to start experimenting with different approaches to try to establish patterns for how it may work
# 09:22 petermolnar what might actually work: every indieweb site could have a list of followed blog; from these, a database could be build of keywords and with every post on your own site you could mention the followed sites as possible interesting reads
# 09:22 petermolnar but that's still not the same as a silo where you have it in your 'own' account
# 09:22 tantek petermolnar: "a list of followed blog" we had that - blogrolls - but they turned stale - and people abandoned them
# 09:23 tantek better luck with just analyzing links from blog posts to find other blogs
# 09:23 petermolnar tantek that'd mean that indieweb members are no connected little islands, which is not really the way it should be
# 09:23 tantek rather than sidelinks and claims of followed blogs
# 09:24 voxpelli the list of followed blog could be made non-stale by making indie-readers base their data on those lists (perhaps even with micropub support for following new stuff)
# 09:25 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: an irc channel as news distributor, interesting :)
# 09:25 tantek petermolnar: indirectly so - /irc-people requires (1) signing in with IndieAuth - a good filter, and (2) is community maintained - thus bad actors can be removed by community discussion
# 09:27 voxpelli Feeding such a one with irc-people and then consuming all of their firehose -> all data needed for analysis :)
Pierre-O joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
fkooman, pfefferle, nloadholtes and sandro joined the channel
# 10:07 Loqi Got it! There are now 20 spammers blacklisted
frzn and loic_m joined the channel
# 10:21 petermolnar that tweet reminded me to ask: is anyone already using letsencrypt.org?
# 10:21 petermolnar I know it's not active yet, but there might be some insiders among us
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 10:46 petermolnar GWG do you think my reactions importer plugin (hb112toolserver-01 ) could make it to the indieweb plugin list? Technically it's a backfeed plugin, so it might be useful.
j12t joined the channel
pfefferle joined the channel
# 10:54 GWG petermolnar: Why not? The Indieweb list is a list of recommended or required plugins for Indieweb.
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 10:56 GWG I'm not sure if there is any specific criteria except community recommendations
friedcell joined the channel
# 11:22 GWG Pfefferle, I owe you a pull request, by the way
tantek joined the channel
# 11:24 GWG Tantek, I'm confused about something. Would you be able to help break it down for me?
# 11:25 GWG Does one insert a h-feed on a post?
# 11:26 GWG I thought so until I got a dissenting opinion
# 11:30 tantek GWG, you could, as an explicit way to communicate that you're offering the stream of responses as a feed.
# 11:31 tantek FB does have a notion of (un)subscribing to updates to a post.
# 11:31 GWG tantek: My issue is that a large percentage of Wordpress themes embed hfeed in every header.
# 11:33 GWG It isn't a decision, it appears to have become a default
# 11:33 tantek it's not an issue for the home page for example
# 11:34 GWG tantek: No. But on a page with a single h-entry?
# 11:35 tantek it's a bit odd there - as the top level object on a post permalink page should be the h-entry, not an h-feed
# 11:43 GWG tantek: I am trying to get it changed.
# 11:44 tantek GWG, to get it changed, it would be best to have a solid proposal / methodology to do so
# 11:51 GWG tantek: I am trying to get it changed in the starter theme that is the basis for a large number of Wordpress themes.
# 11:51 tantek yes - that's a bigger change and should likely have a more comprehensive approach
# 11:56 GWG Talking them into microformats2 is more complicated
# 11:56 tantek I don't think it's a good idea to remove things without proposing a replacement
# 11:56 tantek otherwise you get all the proprietary metacrap instead, which is WORSE
# 11:59 GWG I did propose adding one extra line of code to fix it
# 12:03 GWG Either way, I already proposed a replacement.
# 12:16 GWG tantek: I plan to submit a patch myself as otherwise no interest in mf2
# 12:16 tantek GWG it would be worth responding to and debunking some of the schema stuff
# 12:19 GWG tantek: I took their advice ti heart and wanted to do that at the core Wordpress level
# 12:21 tommorris also, inclusion of microformats2 and inclusion of schema (using rdfa) aren't incompatible, as my site continues to prove. :)
# 12:24 tommorris designing and documenting existing practices are two sides of the same coin. :)
stream7, frzn, j12t, AcidNerd, mlncn, parzzix, fourtonfish and friedcell joined the channel
wolftune, benborges and j12t joined the channel
# 13:42 benborges ben_thatmustbeme, it's on the bottom part of the site
# 13:42 benborges 1,689 users, 1,207,607 responses handled, 485,985 links analyzed, 146,703 webmentions sent, 4,962 posts published, 15,933 blog posts processed and counting...
stream7_, fourtonfish, j12t, friedcell, snarfed and wrk3 joined the channel
wolftune, KevinMarks_, j12t, interactivist and tilgovi joined the channel
tvn, KevinMarks__, KevinMarks_, danlyke and j12t joined the channel
danlyke joined the channel
tantek, snarfed, pfefferle and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 16:43 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
frzn, mlncn and gavinc joined the channel
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, j12t, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks__, benwerd and jansauer joined the channel
# 17:46 tantek KartikPrabhu: it could - but start with the presentation - how would you sensibly link to a collection as a way of saying to human viewers that you were contributing to a collection
# 17:46 KartikPrabhu possibly. but how do it on my own site if I want to host such a collection? I think contributions would be different from replies
# 17:47 KartikPrabhu tantek: My initial thoughts are collection has a URL and the contribution post uses "contribution-to" to link to it ... ?
# 17:47 aaronpk hmm I already have collection posts... I wonder what it'd take to add that
# 17:48 tantek the reason I'm comparing to /edit - is that a contribution sounds a lot like a pull request
j12t and wolftune joined the channel
# 17:49 tantek KartikPrabhu take a look at how Flickr does "groups" where you can add photos to groups as a way of "contributing" to a "collection"
# 17:50 tantek yes - definitely worth doing so - Flickr has done A LOT of innovation for >10 years in social web related UIs and features
# 17:51 KartikPrabhu tantek: I'm vaguely aware of it since a friends uses it a lot for photos. But I am wary of putting my photos there since they are poorly handeled by Yahoo!
# 17:52 tantek agreed - at this point just use it for testing
# 17:52 tantek but use "real" content so you don't get marked as spam :P
# 17:52 aaronpk That reminds me... I need to set up my flickr archiver again
# 17:53 KartikPrabhu I recall that my friends and I, started experimenting with contributed fiction on Google Wave. It was pretty cool
interactivist, nloadholtes, chalettu and snarfed joined the channel
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# 18:35 snarfed yay bridgy's new fb permission requests were granted!
# 18:36 snarfed slowly digging out from under the fb v2.0 api apocalypse…despite the fact that we (thought we) upgraded beforehand :P
# 18:37 kylewm i wonder if there was a way we could've tested what our effective permissions would be before they happened
renoirb, danfowler and gRegorLove joined the channel
KevinMarks_, interactivist, KevinMarks__, chalettu, wolftune, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, frzn, nloadholtes, Leeky, Tsyesika, tvn, friedcell, mlncn, benwerd, marcthiele, lukebrooker, ramsey_, jacus_, voxpelli_, modem_, cmhobbs_, JonathanNeal, tantek, KevinMarks, j12t and LCyrin joined the channel
# 23:54 ben_thatmustbeme woah, bridgy just sent a whole bunch of stuff again... and I guess my dedup isn't quite working....