#tantekaaropnk - when you have a moment - a plain version of that screenshot would be helpful for multiple purposes (without the Skitch annotations)
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#voxpelliaaronpk: tantek: one hard part with parsing responses to responses for me at least is that all such responses are embedded with js with my endpoint – so they are not curlable right now
#voxpelliso I would need some fallback that links to HTML page on my endpoint and saying that that's the place/the feed where responses can be found
#tantekvoxpelli: might be an opportunity to figure out an API there, or some rel= link delegation to responses to a post
#voxpellitantek: yeah, wonder what a good API / rel-name would be?
#tanteke.g. (just thinking out loud) a reply post could link with rel=responses to an HTML page that itself was a bunch of h-entrys that were responses to that reply.
#tantekthat could be inside the <noscript> fallback too - for user visibility
#voxpelli+1, then my javascript could just be a way of inlining that rel-responses more or less
#voxpelliyeah, I think I would go with having it outside of a noscript – I need a mechanism for supporting multiple embeds on the same page anyway, this would solve that as well
#tantekand then the script could look for and replace the rel=responses link with the inline responses.
#voxpelliyeah, never really felt good about not having it degrade gracefully
#tantekso perhaps it's about time we solved that :)
#tantekthe rel=responses link (that the webmentions proxy renders the destination of) - could also pull in the original post as context and render it at the top
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#tantekat a minimum it could start with just a "View Original Post" link
#voxpelliKevinMarks: do you think that would still be the case if one would build them today? Thinking new tech and more powerful servers can have helped
#KevinMarksthe daily grind at technorati was reclassifying things that popped up in our top blogs ranking as non-blogs for various reasons
#KevinMarksexcept a lot of the community were dancing between spam and promotion
#voxpelliI wonder if layering the social graph on top of blogs would help solve that – people don't tend to interact with spammers so just checking for trends within a limited social graph should auto-audit content more or less
#voxpellinot that there's much "just" in actually layering a social graph on top of blogs of course
#KevinMarksur best signal at 'rati was "using the same adsense or other affiliate key across multiple blogs"
#KevinMarkswhich meant we found all the "promote youreslef" bloggers who were also runnning malware/sketchy adsense blogs on the side
#tantekvoxpelli: indeed - and we had enough sites using XFN and blogrolls to do that, but there was perhaps too much focus on centralized "pinging" and growing volume (number of blogs & posts indexed)
#KevinMarksyes, the metrics focus is a pathology too
#tantekperhaps classic challenge of being VC funded, and general "bigger is better" type assumptions driving suboptimal behaviors
#tanteksilos and monocultures are driven similarly
#petermolnarthat raises the question of a similar system, but community funded - I mean, for example, giving in resource powers like the Seti software, therefore there would be no hardware/cloud bill behind it, and we 'only' need the selectors
#tantekpetermolnar: worse still, if/when a monoculture is community funded, it perpetuates that antipattern, or perhaps even causes it to happen (from a diverse community to a monoculture because of funding biases)
#petermolnarI should have used shared/distributed instead of community founded
#voxpellisomething that consumes the social graph between indieweb people and their respective firehose and then processes that in interesting ways would be cool
#Loqipetermolnar meant to say: I've addressing this issue during the last IndieWeb Brighton, but that time, it was not an importance :P
#voxpelliI think we're at a state right now where it is feasible to start experimenting with different approaches to try to establish patterns for how it may work
#petermolnarwhat might actually work: every indieweb site could have a list of followed blog; from these, a database could be build of keywords and with every post on your own site you could mention the followed sites as possible interesting reads
#petermolnarbut that's still not the same as a silo where you have it in your 'own' account
#tantekpetermolnar: "a list of followed blog" we had that - blogrolls - but they turned stale - and people abandoned them
#tantekbetter luck with just analyzing links from blog posts to find other blogs
#petermolnartantek that'd mean that indieweb members are no connected little islands, which is not really the way it should be
#tantekrather than sidelinks and claims of followed blogs
#petermolnarthe link analyzing is a pretty good idea
#voxpellithe list of followed blog could be made non-stale by making indie-readers base their data on those lists (perhaps even with micropub support for following new stuff)
#tantekpetermolnar: indirectly so - /irc-people requires (1) signing in with IndieAuth - a good filter, and (2) is community maintained - thus bad actors can be removed by community discussion
#LoqiA social graph is a network of social profiles/identities and relationships between them, either on a single site like a silo, across the web, or in-person connections https://indiewebcamp.com/social_graph
#voxpelliFeeding such a one with irc-people and then consuming all of their firehose -> all data needed for analysis :)
#petermolnarGWG do you think my reactions importer plugin (hb112toolserver-01 ) could make it to the indieweb plugin list? Technically it's a backfeed plugin, so it might be useful.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: it could - but start with the presentation - how would you sensibly link to a collection as a way of saying to human viewers that you were contributing to a collection
#KartikPrabhuyeah the -1 was me for using JS for a stupid image embed
#tantekyes - definitely worth doing so - Flickr has done A LOT of innovation for >10 years in social web related UIs and features
#KartikPrabhutantek: I'm vaguely aware of it since a friends uses it a lot for photos. But I am wary of putting my photos there since they are poorly handeled by Yahoo!
#tantekagreed - at this point just use it for testing
#tantekbut use "real" content so you don't get marked as spam :P
#aaronpkThat reminds me... I need to set up my flickr archiver again
#KartikPrabhuI recall that my friends and I, started experimenting with contributed fiction on Google Wave. It was pretty cool
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