#tantek___What's the point of such urls with a trailing . After the domain before the slash? Other than being yet another string variant of the same thing?
#tantek___It looks like a typo - your authentic tool should flag it and or autocorrect it.
#Loqicreate in the context of the indieweb refers to the act of and UI for creating a new post, in its simplest form, a new note https://indiewebcamp.com/create
#ben_thatmustbemeAlso btw since when did Facebook start linking hashtags?
#kylewmoSoftDev is the only game dev i see spamming #indieweb, tbh
#acegiakso if I want to use the twitter api to posse a repost with comment of a tweet do I just post a regular status update reply with RT at the start and the comment appended?
#acegiaklike, I'm not sure if I'm posseing a repost should I just twitter native retweet?
#acegiakI'm worried that appending the shorturl of my repost action might come off as douchey
#KartikPrabhuit seems like Twitter doesn't quite do what people want it to do, but they're stuck on it so they hack around; with pictures to get past the char-limit or RT to quote a retweet and all that
tilgovi joined the channel
#kylewmacegiak: would backfeed from Tumblr make sense if bridgy did it? i ask because it seems like reposts are handled a bit differently there than anywhere else
#kylewmlike A posts something, B reposts, C reposts B's repost
#kylewmthen C has a list of comments "original posted by A, reposted by B"
#tantekstill a far cry from http://indiewebcamp.com/like#Instagram screenshot examples, but some inspiration there. multiple such photo likes in a row (literally) is an exercise for the future.
#ben_thatmustbemethat post doesn't have an in-reply-to link, so it would only come across as a mention, not a reply. It also lists you as the author instead of him
#petermolnarI don't know if we have a plugin that adds additional social network(ish) data to the user profile + the option to auto-add them to the wp_footer() hidden or not for rel=me links
#GWGpetermolnar: It is a feature in Syndication Links
#petermolnarben_thatmustbeme what do you mean by fetching content from indieweb posts? that's mean Loqi should become the next realtime google blog indexer
#Loqipetermolnar meant to say: ben_thatmustbeme what do you mean by fetching content from indieweb posts? that means Loqi should become the next realtime google blog indexer
#petermolnarah, I was expecting another woot from Loqi after the sed :)
#petermolnarby the way, I'm still trying to come up with some kind of indie-explorer; like a search engine that can do thematic suggestions of indieweb posts; I believe this is the one really big thing we're missing
#snarfedpetermolnar: interesting! personally i can think of a number of other missing parts, e.g. social graph, but agreed, recommendation engine would be fun too
#rhiaroBetter social graph and querying would be great
#petermolnarto have an endpoint which is either pubsub or webmention endpoint, receiving mentions of things that should go into the recommendation engine
#petermolnaror to have an endpoint where you can push a registration signal and let the endpoint pull updates from rss or similar
#petermolnarthe problem with that is that it's centralized
#petermolnarand I have no idea how to decentralize it
#petermolnarrhiaro social graph + query, indeed a good idea
#tantekAnd as a way of handling varying aspect ratios - I'm thinking of setting the height to a fixed em value (like 3-4ems?) and letting the width be proportional, figuring I'm unlikely to like a photo that's too wide to fit at those proportions.
#tantekcontext: this is building upon http://tantek.com/2015/133/f1 and how it looks at the top of my home page right now (though it's only one photo, not multiple, not yet anyway ;) )
#tantek(as usual, any display/presentation feedback/criticism is welcome!)
#Vendanthey were overcharging us for a while, cause we upgraded to a higher speed plan, but they didn't send us the new modem, so we were still getting the old speed.
#Vendanthen we got the new modem, and it's a PoS that has just been going up and down
#Vendanand if it wasn't for my znc, you would have seen my bounce in and out twice in the last 5 minutes thanks to them
#Vendanfortunately, their router is now set into bridge mode so I don't have to deal with it anymore. And really, what company still puts out hardware with "password" as the admin password?
#Vendanis it really that hard to generate a password, print it on a label and tape it to the dang thing?
nloadholtes joined the channel
#kylewmha, the Comcast router I got a couple weeks ago also had admin/password as the login
#killerogI was editing my notes from @sara_ann_marie´s btconf talk this afternoon, and remembered she said ALA is looking for new writers. So I thought: did anybody suggest/write a post about indieweb on there already?
#tantekkillerog: ALA badly needs more practical articles
#tantekas they've run out of authors to write practical design / dev articles - (some of ) their (ALA) articles have become increasingly out of touch.
#killerogtrue, I´ve not been there for a long time anymore either, but any audience is an audience. And we´re very practical ;)
#tantekI'd say go for it - you have plenty of folks here who would be happy to proofread
#Vendanhrm, considering building a library for golang that's just combined pubsubhubbub publisher and hub, so clients can subscribe and I just push updates to them
tilgovi and sparverius joined the channel
#kylewmtantek: note that Known supports PuSH 0.4 too, so that's a whole lot of adoption
#tantek!tell pfefferle Does your site publish/notify PuSH 0.4? Sounds like it since you said you're using the PubSubHubbub Plugin, and the description says it "supports PubSubHubbub v0.4". https://indiewebcamp.com/PubSubHubbub#Matthias_Pfefferle Since when has that plugin supported v0.4?
#tantekBased on at least 6-7 indieweb community members supporting PuSH 0.4, and possibly 1000s more if you include Withknown and Known installs, I think it's appropriate to add PuSH 0.4 to /IndieMark#syndication
#tantek(of course now I'm distracted reading benwerd's excellent thoughtful writing)
#benwerdtantek: that's kind :) I've been slow lately but have a very long post in the works
#benwerdI on the other hand am distracted reading and raging about Facebook's new "friends" graph API behavior, months after kylewm and snarfed
#aaronpkthe image thing was kind of a magic happy coincidence
#benwerdand Ben did resolve once more to fix the syndication thing.
#benwerdBut, sadly, after he finished building his terrible thing involving Facebook's messed-up friends API call.
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks is the src="data" in base64 encoding standardized? I was wondering if on recieving a micropub request like that I could decode the image and save it to the filesystem and serve as actual image?
#benwerdkylewm: so frustrating. I'm building an autocomplete field with a user's friends - and that isn't available anymore. And most people, by observation, seem to have the taggable_friends permission disabled.
#KartikPrabhugets the eerie feeling that FB is building towards an Internet.org lock in
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: don't be silly, you are not locked in as long as you have the jail_break permission scope, which you can very easily get if you just write up your usecase and submit it to them with screenshots and steps to reproduce