#GWGIt was a bad practice to have the theme do that.
#Vendanpotentially dangerous, as a 302 says in the specs to send the exact same request to that url
#GWGkylewm: Although I'm not sure if there is an advantage to automatically adding it to the title tag
#Vendanand if they got that response back from a post with their username/password, that would cause them to make a post with username/password to the web app (not many browsers do this according to spec, but a 303 is spec for "make a GET to this url")
#kylewmGWG: cool makes sense, for once i should've read the commetns
#GWGkylewm: I think it explains the inconsistency. It isn't Yoast exactly.
#gRegorLoveSometimes I wish browsers would 'extend' the page so an anchor link near the bottom still works, bringing the content right to the top of the window
#kylewmVendan: so you're saying, if instead of indieauth.com, you used an implementation that is username/password. you POST your username/password, and in response it 302 redirects you back to the redirect_uri?
#Vendanyeah, with the token and such as query params
#Vendanunder a 1.0 compliant browser, your username and password will get posted to that app
#kylewmand if the browser followed the spec it would POST to that redirect_url instead of GET?
#Vendannot saying that's common or anything, but anything that follows the new spec of ask first will honor a 303 and convert the request into a plain GET
#gRegorLoveWhere's that, Vendan? I don't know much about IndieAuth, but I thought at least one other person (cweiske) has set up their own IndieAuth server
#aaronpki'm pretty sure every micropub client doesn't use indieauth.com
#kylewmyeah, typically with oauth2, it's the same server providing the authorization code and the access token, but aaronpk split them up so they could conceivably be two different sources
#kylewmbut it's the same flow as normal, you get a temporary code, and then exchange it for a permanent access token
#Vendanwell, here goes, I made a indieauth endpoint in a few hours, I got most of the start of my micropub endpoint done
#Vendannow I just need to get a token endpoint done
wolftune, Deledrius, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, evalica, eschnou, gRegorLove, benwerd, loic_m, LCyrin, glennjones, friedcell and fkooman joined the channel
#rhiaroSo I indiereposted something that aaronpk had possed to twitter, then pasted the URL into bridgy publish and it knew to retweet aaron's possed version even though the possed version had no link back in HOW DID IT KNO- oh the syndication link in the original post, thanks for being my rubber duck indiewebcamp
#rhiarogoes to add syndication markup to everything
#rhiarobut now my repost shows up twice at the bottom of aaronpk's post, one for my site and one for twitter, though the twitter one doesn't get the twitter icon over it
mlncn, petermolnar, csarven, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__ and LukasRos joined the channel
#petermolnar!tell GWG you asked do we still need for WordPress: a follow/aggregator plugin. I know we have whisperfollow but I could not get that working
#LoqiGWG: petermolnar left you a message 4 hours, 7 minutes ago: you asked do we still need for WordPress: a follow/aggregator plugin. I know we have whisperfollow but I could not get that working http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-15/line/1431680326549
#petermolnarwhat if... we have an endpoint, which accepts "follow" requests and which sends a webmention type=ping/update to all the followers about the updates? pubsub with webmention, bacically, I know it might just reinvent the wheel, but still
#Vendanand I have yet to hear of a diff for html in any spec, so each content distribution needs the full content of the notification anyways
#GWGpetermolnar: I remember discussing a follow and unfollow post type...where a post was made indicating one or the other.
#petermolnara webmention should be enough for that notification
#voxpellipetermolnae: GWG: I'm thinking indie-reader -> micropub -> WordPress-site -> publishes follow activity -> WebMentions the followed URL
#voxpellino need to have the indie-reader be part of the same WordPress-installation as the user's profile
#Vendanpersonally, the way I see it, most sites are going to have PuSH so that indie-reader type stuff works smoothly, so the follow activity should both webmention and subscribe for PuSH
#GWGpetermolnar: Maybe, but in an activity stream, following is a common action.
#GWGvoxpelli: By that token, it might not be built into Wordpress, only integrated
#LoqiSubToMe is a button content publishers can put on their sites which enables users to subscribe to their feed in whatever reader they choose — sort of a universal follow button https://indiewebcamp.com/SubToMe
#Loqipetermolnar meant to say: and I also think I need a coffee because I just wrote an English sentence with non-English grammar
fourtonfish and mlncn joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemerhiaro: and cc tantek when he will eventually read these logs, the notifications should be able to include other people, yes. But usually you only get a subset of the activities they do (facebook). I'm thinking maybe we should list all the ways sites do it. Facebook gives you notifications of any updates to your posts (likes, comments, etc), as well as (some) updates from people who are close friends
#ben_thatmustbemeG+ is odd in that you get notifications on any updates to your own posts as well as any updates to posts you have commented on (which can get pretty noisy)
thehighfiveghost and j12t joined the channel
#GWGpetermolnar: Did you ever look at my Web Actions plugin?
#petermolnarI did but to be honest, I need to refresh my memories
#GWGIt's the one that has the reply, like, etc setup so you could send replies into your site using a URL.
j12t_, squeakytoy2, KartikPrabhu, frzn, nloadholtes, chalettu, benwerd and jb__ joined the channel
#GWGOkay, photo posting UI times out on mobile. Darn
#aaronpkoddvar: indiewebcamp is unconference style, so the schedule is set the morning of the event
#kylewmOddvar: You're welcome to discuss your idea here or add it to the wiki event page though
#aaronpkit's also more collaborative session style rather than presentations
tilgovi joined the channel
#aaronpkit is always nice to get ideas of what people are intereste din before hand, we've had a section on the wiki to collect session ideas before the camp in the past
#oddvaryes, that's the vibe I got from the wiki :)
#VendanI don't know if there's anyone else from the central north carolina region on here, but I would be interested in a remote IWC party in Winston-Salem, NC
#VendanI might be able to talk the hackerspace I'm a member at into letting me open up the doors for the party, so we'd have a couple rooms with tables/chairs, wifi, and a bigscreen tv and projector
#aaronpkthat'd be cool! we're going to try to broadcast as much as possible from pdx
#Vendanheh, well, I can probably arrange to have the projector stream what you broadcast in the one room
#VendanI'll double check with the guys at the hackerspace and see what they think of it
#GWGThat reminds me that I need to plan if I can come
todrobbins, eschnou, tvn, nloadholtes, gRegorLove, Sebastien-L, benwerd, interactivist, glennjones, tilgovi and j12t joined the channel
#KevinMarks_denormalising (It's the broken user model - not having names by default means they were stored elsewhere, and the join was written niavely)
#KartikPrabhuoh noes: this week in Indiewebcamp was marked as Spam by Gmail!!
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: it'd be interesting to know why, Fastmail has it as 0.0% spam
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks_ for a UI to get fragmention from selected text, do you think it is better to warn the user that the text is not the first one, or just use the nth-instance convention for fragmentions?
#KartikPrabhukylewm: Gmail said "their spam detection has found 'similar' mails as spam"
benwerd joined the channel
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: kylewm: honestly, run away from debugging email deliverability and never look back. you'll never win, nor will you ever get those X hours of your life back. ever.