2015-05-16 UTC
wolftune and awolf joined the channel
wolftune, awolf, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, snarfed, KartikPrabhu and frzn joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 02:52 tantek hmm just noticed that indiewebcamp.com pages have <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> in the head, but if you actually try to load /favicon.ico you get a mediawiki no page here page. cc: aaronpk
mlncn joined the channel
# 03:00 Vendan woo, wercker is still working for my mf2 parser builds!
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:09 Vendan woot, WebMention is at least starting to work
tilgovi and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
benwerd and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 04:03 benwerd A thought: I'm beginning to think the Indieweb community needs a blog / journal. The wiki is good, but a kind of human-friendly changelog for the current state of play would be really good.
almereyda joined the channel
# 04:04 benwerd I say this because I've not been paying as much attention over the last couple of weeks, out of necessity, and there have been a lot of new implementations and client apps.
# 04:05 benwerd I only realized aaronpk's new Quill interface happened because kevinmarks alerted me.
# 04:05 Vendan be neat to have it be done by syndicating posts from authors
# 04:07 Vendan not just merging all the posts of the authors
# 04:10 kylewm benwerd: are you thinking it would be sort of written/maintained by 1-2 people on a regular basis? (as opposed to like indienews)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 04:14 kylewm well I like the idea of a prose "this week in indieweb", actually sort of been thinking the same thing for a while
# 04:15 Vendan that'd be a little different, but still a good idea
# 04:16 Vendan I was just thinking a "retweet" kind of thing
# 04:23 kylewm has anyone read that IndieWeb: Die Daten Sind Wir article? I've only seen that one same picture of the cover over and over :p
LCyrin joined the channel
# 04:28 kylewm sort of fills that role ==> could fill that role if more people posted to it
# 04:29 Vendan php, python, go, assembly, c#, AS3, but no ruby
tvn, LCyrin, eschnou, almereyda, KartikPrabhu and tilgovi joined the channel
benwerd, KevinMarks__, tilgovi and loic_m joined the channel
afrogeek and tilgovi joined the channel
# 07:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
nloadholtes, KevinMarks and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel
elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 07:48 elf-pavlik what is subdomain?
# 07:48 Loqi A subdomain typically refers to a domain with one more "name(dot)" component than that which someone actually has registered which is often seen indieweb sites with a family name domain like joel(dot)franusic(dot)com, or often on silos like matt(dot)wordpress(dot)com https://indiewebcamp.com/subdomain
# 07:49 elf-pavlik benward, you use path alternative in withknown ?
# 07:50 benwerd * benwerd (sorry benward, again ;) - and yes, we do, for self-hosted users in particular
# 07:50 benwerd we've found that most self-hosters don't have enough control to establish username subdomains
# 07:50 elf-pavlik could you possibly add it to that wiki page?
# 07:52 elf-pavlik i will also add adv of bit easier way to have HTTPS working when using paths
# 07:58 benwerd Added a few points. Closing down for the night but I have some thoughts on things to add tomorrow, now that you mention it. :)
# 08:00 elf-pavlik thanks benwerd and good night!
KartikPrabhu, j12t, eschnou, mlncn and interactivist joined the channel
tantek, amblin_ and amblin joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme and tmro joined the channel
danlyke_, ShaneHudson_, cmhobbs, marjolein, arlen, j12t, tantek__, cstanhope, Vendan, KartikPrabhu, Deledrius and Vendan_ joined the channel
j12t, eschnou, wilfredh, frzn, nloadholtes, loic_m, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, Deledrius_ and mlncn joined the channel
Leeky joined the channel
# 14:42 Vendan_ kylewm, it would be interesting to have it be a shared site that a few people have access to, and have them use micropub to syndicate to it
Deledrius_, tantek, prtksxna, jonnybarnes, reidab, ben_thatmustbeme, halorgium, Leeky and amblin joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
bigbluehat joined the channel
# 15:33 Vendan_ I very strongly believe in open sourcing from the beginning if you are going to do it at all :)
# 15:36 Loqi [mention] Aaron Parecki commented '@timmmmyboy @andy_leap @benwerd Actually the everyone
# 15:37 tantek Vendan - I'm ok with a scaffolding approach to bootstrap yourself into something useful
# 15:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:38 aaronpk kylewm: Vendan: I have the magazine now! it's a whole section on indieweb followed by an article on Known!
Leeky joined the channel
# 15:47 Vendan_ aaronpk, I'm not sure it's how hard it is to post to it
# 15:48 Vendan_ honestly, I didn't see it until it got mentioned in here
# 15:48 aaronpk i want to make it work by just sending a webmention to the home page
# 15:48 aaronpk so you can just add a link to news.indiewebcamp.com in any of your posts and it'll show up there
# 15:49 Vendan_ I'm planning on just making it a syndication target, so I'll get a checkbox on micropub editors and such
# 15:50 aaronpk good idea, i should add that to the publish dropdown
shiflett joined the channel
# 15:57 Vendan I kinda like the idea of using the precomputed url, cause then I can just have my syndication display a link straight to the comments for it
# 15:57 aaronpk my thought was to have the response of the webmention return the URL for it
# 15:57 aaronpk so by default if you do nothing you'd be linking to the home page, but if you wanted to make it fancy, you could parse the webmention response and then update your URL
j12t joined the channel
# 15:58 tantek A planet would be simpler and less work to "use" than either news.indiewebcamp or something micropub based
# 15:58 aaronpk you mean having it pull everything with a specific tag or something?
# 15:59 Vendan hrm, is the webmention response specced out, or is it just "whatever you want"
# 15:59 tantek now that so many of us support PuSH (0.4) - a pure h-feed planet that pulled in everything that mentioned indieweb indiewebcamp just like Loqi does for Twitter
# 15:59 aaronpk the webmention response http code is the only thing required
# 16:00 Vendan i'm not sure I like the idea of having "magic" responses from webmention, unless it's actually part of the spec or something
# 16:00 tantek aaronpk - just skip the human-effort heavy curation that is implied by previous ideas, and start with a simple dumb subscribe to all the /PuSH#IndieWeb_Examples and filter on same search that Loqi does with Twitter
# 16:00 aaronpk i definitely want a PuSH consumer to pull stuff into this IRC channel
# 16:00 tantek it also provides another incentive for folks to implement PuSH 0.4
# 16:01 aaronpk i'm just thinking it would need some extra level of filtering to make a nice looking blog-like site, although other automatic filters would be fine too
# 16:01 Vendan I need to clean up my comment-presentation, then I'm working on PuSH myself
# 16:01 aaronpk like prioritizing blog posts over notes, or making things bigger if they have more likes/comments
# 16:01 tantek aaronpk: "would need some extra" - I doubt it - sounds like an artificial dependency
# 16:01 tantek start with a simple stream aggregation - let's see what it looks like
# 16:02 tantek and only then let's claim what needs to be done next
# 16:02 tantek let's see the data before jumping to conclusions about what it might need
# 16:02 aaronpk i'm also talking about something that is not necessarily meant for the IRC regulars to read
# 16:03 tantek how about we start with something we *do* want to read?
# 16:03 aaronpk yes i'm definitely going to start with the full #indieweb #indiewebcamp firehose into the IRC channel
# 16:03 tantek and then we can get feedback from a broader audience
# 16:04 Vendan SELFDOGFOOD: if you don't want to read it, who will?
# 16:04 Vendan though it'd probably be good to have some tagging
# 16:05 kylewm I love how that incorrect criticism gets way more retweets than benwerd's original positive post :(
# 16:05 Vendan I'm interested in the deep how exactly tags work and stuff, but there's people that will want to just see stuff like quill and such
# 16:05 tantek The nature of Twitter is that incorrect criticism gets way more retweets than accurate positive posts.
# 16:05 Vendan the nature of Twitter is anonymous criticism and mob justice
# 16:08 voxpelli with a good firehose it will be interesting to see what kind of dogfed filters that will be built on top
# 16:09 voxpelli another area where its currently hard to innovate because of silos (despite Twitters search actually was initially built by a third party as a totally separate service)
# 16:11 tantek aaronpk, kylewm the whole focus on open source in that benwerd/timmmmyboy thread is missing the point me thinks
# 16:11 tantek which is *UI* innovation - which is what has been lacking in open tech
# 16:11 tantek or heck even, UI feature parity with the silos
# 16:13 aaronpk would the /irc-people page be a good list of blogs to attempt to subscribe to for Loqi pulling into IRC?
# 16:14 aaronpk certainly a good place to start, but i'm wondering if i should plan on having a different way of adding to the list as well
# 16:14 tantek provides incentive to people to actually get PuSH 0.4 working on their site
# 16:14 tantek and I think a smaller set to begin with will help shakeout some of the filtering concerns you have
# 16:15 aaronpk oh i have no concerns about filtering for the IRC notifications
# 16:15 tantek aaronpk when did you start supporting PuSH 0.4 on your site?
# 16:15 aaronpk hm good question, i've been trying to make a post when i start supporting a new thing
# 16:16 Vendan doesn't PuSH 0.4 work for just about anything?
# 16:16 aaronpk well i had some sort of PuSH on my atom feed for a very long time
# 16:18 tantek aaronpk - same here - which is why I documented both
elf-pavlik_ joined the channel
# 16:24 tantek aaronpk: you and pfefferle are the only two we don't know about their level of PuSH support in the IndieWeb examples
# 16:26 tantek did you find posts you could cite for your PuSH implementation steps?
# 16:27 Loqi [mention] Tim Owens commented '@kylewmahan Maybe it's a matter of presentation. The wiki seems to send the message Here
# 16:28 tantek.com edited /PubSubHubbub (+17) "/* Aaron Parecki */ make it more clear that PuSH updates are sent for the HTML (h-entrys) rather than implying a separate feed file from the pages referenced" (
view diff )
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:29 voxpelli Superfeedr is 0.4, right? Should add myself to that page
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:30 tantek you could post about it now - citing a change in your own source code
# 16:31 tantek voxpelli: the key question is does your site support PuSH 0.4 for your HTML home page (h-feed or h-entrys)
# 16:32 voxpelli tantek: it will in a a few minutes :) not with any of the actual blog post content though :P
# 16:32 tantek because your home page just has summaries / article names?
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 16:38 tantek ah yes our projects page still needs more work :/
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:39 tantek the challenge with such project pages is that they become dumping grounds EITHER for "here's all the random crap I'm working on" - whether or not it's actually IndieWeb, or re-usable by others, OR WORSE, "here's all the random crap I found other people working on"
# 16:40 aaronpk and hard to keep up to date with actual relevant stuff
KevinMarks, wolftune, KevinMarks__ and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:52 tantek.com edited /projects (+534) "/* About This Page */ better clarify project/example listings on this page, vs. project-specific pages, drop libre projects - not easily actionable in any way" (
view diff )
# 16:53 tantek alright I captured the above "challenge" into an "Avoid" section - thinking at least put something in place to discourage new noise as we cleanup existing noise
# 17:00 Vendan For PuSH, the wiki says you can do "standard" pings or fat pings, but the spec seems to say you have to do fat pings
# 17:00 tantek Vendan - I don't think any of us are doing fat pings with PuSH
# 17:00 aaronpk Vendan: yeah, I wrote that on the wiki before all the PuSH spec people came on saying they had to be fat pings
# 17:01 tantek aaronpk: but they're obviously wrong since we don't do fat pings, and yet we have PuSH 0.4 working between publishers, hubs, and readers
# 17:01 aaronpk i still think standard pings are useful though, it removes a ton of the burden on building hubs!
# 17:01 tantek so how do we fix this misconception by the spec people?
# 17:01 aaronpk fat pings are also harder on readers/consumers, because it requires verifying signatures
# 17:01 tantek and when you say they "came on" - came on where?
# 17:02 aaronpk i think so? I think I remember non-github conversations about that
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:02 tantek huh - if you can capture the links to IRC logs / github issues in /PuSH somewhere - like issues - disagreement about fat pings
# 17:02 Vendan of course, I'm doing it kinda odd, cause there isn't really a separate "hub" in my architecture
# 17:03 tantek aaronpk: or we just fork PuSH into a PuSH light
# 17:03 aaronpk Vendan: there has to be a separate hub architecturally, even if it's the same server or code base
# 17:03 aaronpk "PuSH lite" is what that wiki page is supposed to be
# 17:04 aaronpk documenting how it works only relative to HTML pages, disregarding all the other cases you need to handle to deal with other content types like Atom or JSON
# 17:04 Vendan yeah, there's a hub bit, but the publish stuff is going to be done by a function call, not by a http request
# 17:04 Vendan is it going to mess up readers if I do fat pings? or will they just ignore it?
# 17:04 aaronpk Vendan: ah yeah, that's still PuSH-compliant ;) because PuSH doesn't actually say how publishers have to notify the hub
# 17:05 aaronpk Vendan: pretty sure readers will ignore the payload and treat it as a standard ping if you send stuff
tilgovi joined the channel
# 17:11 aaronpk not sure it counts as a DRY violation since the content doesn't actually *live* anywhere else
# 17:11 Vendan a fat ping is a PuSH ping that contains a copy of the content that has been changed
# 17:11 bret Github pages wouldnt be able to fatping, without additional external processing
# 17:11 aaronpk personally i think it's a great optimization, but shouldn't be required
# 17:12 aaronpk bret: how can github pages even do standard pings on its own?
# 17:12 Vendan a thin ping is a PuSH ping that just informs the sub that the content has been updated, but doesn't contain the content
# 17:12 Loqi tantek meant to say: but no one asked what is a thin ping
# 17:13 tantek oh earlier - didn't realize overlaps were possible, cool
# 17:13 bret aaronpk: github pages has a decently comprehensive set of webhooks
# 17:13 aaronpk can you write up how to send a standard ping using the github pages hooks then? that sounds interesting!
# 17:14 bret so on page build, I tell super feeder... hey come and get it. even if there isnt anything new. the hub hashes the content and pushes based on that anyway
# 17:14 bret not the best, but works fine for a low traffic blog
# 17:16 voxpelli bret: I do that as well, Superfeedr fetches the page and sends it out as a fat ping
# 17:16 voxpelli the reasoning behind it is that it's better to get one fetch from the hub than a thousand at once from all of the subscribers
# 17:16 aaronpk oh right of course... it's the hub that determines the payload for the fat ping so it'd work fine with github webhooks too
# 17:17 voxpelli so its never the ping _to_ the hub that's fat, it's the ping _from_ the hub :)
# 17:18 bret webhooks and webmentions are super useful and rad interfaces
# 17:18 Vendan ugh, should have stopped the stopwatch for that :)
# 17:19 bret i makes sense that the hub generates the fat pings though
# 17:20 Vendan cause if the hub has to generate the fat pings, it needs to know the format if you want to do a diff of it
# 17:20 aaronpk i don't think a truly generic hub is a good goal, it's fine for the hub to know about the content type (h-entry, atom, JSON feed, etc)
# 17:20 voxpelli in the generic case it just forwards the entire payload as the fat ping?
# 17:20 bret Vendan: wouldnt the feed type dicate that?
# 17:20 aaronpk voxpelli: that's kind of not really specified in the spec ;)
# 17:21 Vendan imo, the publish sends the payload, the hub sends that to all the subs
# 17:21 Vendan if you want to diff the payload, do it on the publish side and send the result to the hub
# 17:21 aaronpk Vendan: that's definitely not how it's supposed to work, although again tha would stil be considered 0.4-compliant because of how underspecified it is
# 17:21 bret that assumes publishers can generate useful payloads
# 17:23 voxpelli aaronpk: doesn't it say "with the payload of the notification" and then "The hub MAY reduce the payload to a diff between two consecutive versions if its format allows it."?
# 17:23 bret im not really sure though, i've never built a PuSH hub. Julien would be the expert on this
# 17:24 voxpelli aaronpk: yes? that's the only place there has ever been a fat ping, no?
# 17:24 aaronpk oh sorry yes was getting conversation threads mixed up
# 17:24 aaronpk yes it looks like hub->consumer fat ping *can* include the full payload not just a diff
# 17:24 aaronpk so for unknown content types it could send the whole page
# 17:26 voxpelli in the case of feed diffs the diff is still a valid feed so I think one can always assume to get a full feed, and then one just have to diff the content of that to the stuff one already knows
# 17:27 voxpelli in regards to the pinging – in practice it has turned out that lots more mechanisms than the one standardized in 0.3 were used and even 0.3 documented alternate mechanisms – so feels like one spec isn't enough for the "notify-a-hub" part
# 17:31 voxpelli aaronpk: not sure, but eg. Superfeedr allows for both PuSH-pings, XML-RPC pings and for polling – polling also mentione din the 0.3 docs
tvn joined the channel
# 17:32 voxpelli so at the end of the day the only thing in common was the subscription interface
# 17:35 tantek which is why it (and blogs using it) only support PuSH 0.3
j12t joined the channel
# 17:44 GWG i switched to the other push plug in for now
mlncn and snarfed joined the channel
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# 18:15 Vendan voxpelli, that's what the code I'm working on does too
# 18:15 voxpelli Vendan: bypasses the need for a hub? Was part of building such a one recently as well
# 18:17 Vendan still working on it, but that's what I've gotten done in an hour or so
# 18:18 Vendan need to go eat lunch, then I'm going to get it integrated into indieserv and my blog will have PuSH 0.4 support
# 18:20 Vendan I work php for a living, it's fun to code in golang
# 18:22 bret Vendan: whats your reading on the go packaging situation? has godep taken over? something else?
# 18:23 Vendan I prefer gopath mangling over import rewriting, but my current preference is to just use stdlib and my own code
# 18:23 bret seems like for all the thought they put into the language as a whole, using global library paths was a massive oversight
# 18:25 Vendan right now, if I do happen to depend on third party code, I usually fork it on github and import my fork of it
# 18:25 Vendan cause php didn't have a "hey, this does half of it for you, but you're screwed if you want the other half"
# 18:25 bret coming from spending the last couple years in node, hearing people talk about copying libs around in go and messing with $LIBPATHS in go is my biggest fear of go. still <3 structs and interfaces
# 18:26 bret aaronpk: its not quite that bad, you can do stuff like `go get github.com/tools/godep`
# 18:26 Vendan so now half of golang is like "go get is enough!" and the other half is split among various solutions to pinning versions
# 18:26 bret but none of it is versioned and its all global!
# 18:27 bret its more like a checkpoint system in the game of programming
# 18:27 bret how to you pull in patches to 50 projects?
# 18:33 KevinMarks I end up having that issue with npm too, where the package was buggy
KevinMarks__ and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:48 aaronpk oh it did that for me too. i had to refresh once and then it worked.
benwerd joined the channel
# 19:06 benwerd It'd be fun to have a few domain-specific micropub clients like this
# 19:07 aaronpk benwerd: there was some followup discussion in IRC
# 19:08 benwerd On making it easier: I think it would be interesting to think about how to make it easy for a site like IndieNews to automagically register itself as a syndication endpoint
# 19:08 benwerd So I visit it, have some kind of handshake, and boom, it's right there next to Twitter and Facebook next time I post
# 19:08 aaronpk what do you think about the other approach of just subscribing to your PuSH hub and filtering your content on keyword
# 19:09 aaronpk although registering a new syndication endpoint sounds like a good idea too :)
# 19:09 aaronpk i do think there's value in letting users choose what to push where rather than have everything happen automatically
# 19:10 aaronpk i treat twitter and facebook syndication very differently for example, choosing to post certain things to one or the other destination
# 19:10 Vendan I personally kind of like the idea of doing it as a micropub endpoint, and just having a setup for syndicating to a micropub endpoint
# 19:11 aaronpk i'm skeptical that micropub is the right tool for that
# 19:11 aaronpk but feel free to prove me wrong by building a prototype ;)
# 19:12 KevinMarks_ when I was trying quill editor to wordpress.com/tumblr/blogger having to reauth for each was rather annoying
# 19:13 aaronpk i like the non-authenticated way that overloading webmention allows
# 19:13 KevinMarks_ right, I think there is space for both a pull and push model here
# 19:13 aaronpk it's an overloading of webmention the same way bridgy publish is, so we might want a different name for it
# 19:14 kylewm benwerd++ for closing a ton of issues in the last 12 hours
# 19:14 aaronpk the pattern is source={my post url}&target={website of syndication target}
and the response comes back with the URL of the post that is created
# 19:14 Vendan the one thing is that it's starting to be more like just generic push notification thing
# 19:14 KevinMarks_ you could do a less purist version of feverdream that used native auth ratehr than indieauth, and so required less config
# 19:15 kylewm I am 100% in favor of making indienews easier to post to, but I think I would like to read and/or help write a semi-weekly high-level summary of what's new in indieweb
# 19:15 aaronpk we had one guy doing that for a couple weeks in a row, but it was a lot of work
# 19:16 aaronpk i mean if people want to write semi-weekly summaries of indieweb news i am all for that! i'd suggest writing them on the wiki so that you can get help writing them
# 19:17 kylewm I dunno, I was cuious if that's what benwerd had in mind with his suggestion
# 19:19 benwerd Kind of, yeah - I think the wiki is probably a good spot
# 19:19 benwerd The reason I brought it up is that I realized I wasn't up to date with everything
# 19:19 benwerd and if I'm not up to date, it probably means other people might have a hard time too
# 19:19 aaronpk i think the unrealistic part of that attempt was trying to summarize IRC conversations
# 19:22 GWG I want to call a show, While You've Been Offline.
# 19:24 aaronpk if we made a wiki category for the "this week" posts I would gladly create an h-feed for it that could be subscribde to in readers
# 19:24 benwerd Yeah, I was more thinking like, "hey, this is a new tool that Aaron wrote which is pretty cool" and "we're changing to u-sibling-of from u-sibling, everyone update your links"
# 19:24 KevinMarks_ techmeme predates meme meaning 'cliched image with white type on"
# 19:26 aaronpk i would looove to do a podcast/youtube series but man do I not have the time for that
# 19:28 benwerd wonders about aggregating various short audio updates from everyone's own sites into a single, (technically) coherent podcast stream
# 19:28 KevinMarks_ a podcast would be good if we commit to actually edit it rather than rambling on like the ones I do
# 19:28 kylewm honestly none of the podcasts i listen to are edited
# 19:29 aaronpk really? wow. I heavily edit when I do stuff like that
# 19:29 GWG When I record anything, it is live to tape for that reason.
# 19:30 kylewm well like Bad Voltage has segments that I think are recorded separately and edited together
# 19:30 kylewm but i don't think they cut out coughing or rambling or anything
# 19:32 aaronpk anyway, someone want to take a stab at summarizing this week? :D
# 19:33 KevinMarks_ if we want a good (cheap) audio editor to do this, my son Andrew is available
# 19:37 GWG I'd record the thing. I just don't know what I'd say that people would be interested in
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:03 kylewm trying to run another site on the same server as kylewm.com... nginx doesn't have anything about ssl in the config for this particular domain, but it still redirects to https and says the certificate is only vlid for kylewm.com
# 20:04 aaronpk you're trying to run another SSL site on the same server?
# 20:05 aaronpk also check with curl -i instead of checking in the browser, because browsers tend to cache things and screw up debugging stuff like this
# 20:06 Vendan do you have any kind of generic http to https in the nginix config?
# 20:07 aaronpk make sure your virtualhost for the new domain doesn't have a rewrite in it
# 20:07 Vendan I've seen that set up as just redirect everything instead of just redirect for the one site
# 20:18 kylewm phew, main issue was a missing ; in my nginx config, thanks for the help guys
# 20:23 voxpelli regarding "this week in indieweb" – perhaps have people write a "my week in indieweb" and aggregate all those into a weekly?
# 20:24 voxpelli hard for a single person make a complete description of the entire community, easy for someone to describe their takeaways of the last week though
# 20:24 aaronpk that's why i was suggesting the wiki page, so everyone can add their own stuff
# 20:26 voxpelli aaronpk: I was thinking that people would post in on their own sites, perhaps mentioning a wiki-page or something to create an index of such posts
# 20:27 voxpelli would be nice if one could aggregate all such posts and email out a weekly update as well
# 20:27 aaronpk i know i've heard other requests for email newsletters about indiewebcamp too
# 20:30 aaronpk i like the idea of incentivising people to addd PuSH support to their sites by having this thing subscribe to PuSH
# 20:30 aaronpk but the simplicity of mentioning a certain page to be added there is also nice
# 20:31 voxpelli mentioning a page feels kind of like the indieweb hashtag?
fiatjaf, GWG, snarfed, j12t, KartikPrabhu and mlncn joined the channel
# 21:52 Vendan I like it, though part of that is cause you mentioned me :D
# 21:53 Vendan though really, I think just that much is a good amount to shoot for, just a quick recap
# 21:53 kylewm now i want a micropub plugin for the wiki that pipes through Pandoc to convert HTML to Mediawiki
# 21:53 Loqi gives kylewm a micropub plugin for the wiki that pipes through Pandoc to convert HTML to Mediawiki
# 21:54 Vendan also, argh, I use pseudonyms a little to much, esp. as I have my own name as a domain
tantek joined the channel
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# 21:56 Vendan k, I'm actually running through the changes I need to change over from vendaria.net to andyleap.net
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# 22:09 Vendan and there, andyleap.net is now up and running
# 22:11 aaronpk kylewm++ I totally missed the rel-urls thing until I read that summary :)
# 22:14 Vendan dude, aaronpk, you have some scary amazing graphics talent
# 22:14 aaronpk Vendan: thanks? are you talking about Quill? cause most of that was design borrowed from elsewhere ;)
# 22:17 Vendan hey, is there anyway to shove stuff from vendaria.net to andyleap.net in the wiki, or am I just going to end up with a new "account" on there
# 22:18 aaronpk i think Bad Things™ might happen if I try to poke at the database to change it
# 22:18 Vendan I just logged in as andyleap.net without issue
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# 22:18 Vendan I'll go through and rework references to vendaria.net in a little bit
snarfed and GWG joined the channel
# 22:34 aaronpk possibly an activity for writing hour before HWC?
# 22:37 aaronpk here's another thought... drop the bulk of the content from that page, moving anything to the project-specific pages as needed
# 22:37 aaronpk then the /projects page becomes links to other pages, so it'd be much shorter and hopefully easier to maintain
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