#acegiakand unlike chronologically constrained media like music or tv/music the duration of my engagement with a game is an important piece of information
#acegiakso I'm currently listing the duration in the format "4h10m" etc
#acegiakis that the best way to express a time delta?
#acegiakand I'm setting the post's publish time as the START of the activity but because the sentence "ashton played minecraft for 4h10m" is in the past tense I'm wondering if the publish time shouldn't be the END of the activity?
KevinMarks, danlyke, wagle, daf, raucao, zachdonovan, jacus, finchd, snarfed, bengo and gRegorLove joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeacegiak: html has markup for a period of time. P4H10M. Something like that
#ZegnatBut with most IndieWeb implementations building on microformats I am not sure why to pull in open graph. Would probably violate DRY as well, with things laid out in both microformats and RDF
#petermolnarLanceyWork can you please give us some examples of those other reasons? I'm honestly not familiar with anyone else using OG rather than facebook
#LanceyWorktwitter will fall back on ogp if it can't find twitter cards
#ZegnatGoogle and Mixi (Japanese service?) consume OGP according to the standard’s website
gregkare joined the channel
#LanceyWorkit is a DRY violation though, that's probably the bigger reason
#ZegnatDo we know why Twitter doesn’t use open graph? Is it just because open graph was thought up by Facebook? (This is why we can’t have nice things…)
#petermolnardo we know why they aren't just using meta description & the rest? :)
#LanceyWorkthey prefer their own twitter card thing, but they'll fall back on ogp
#ZegnatYes, I read that, sometimes they will fall back to og:* if their twitter:* variant is missing
#ZegnatAlthough, LanceyWork, it doesn’t look like Twitter actually documents and confirms that, so they could just drop support for that in a snap (https://dev.twitter.com/cards/overview)
#petermolnarok, so there already was a full fletched standard, but fb & the rest had to reinvent it... why?!
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#raucaoaaronpk: you know if there's a way in mediawiki to have multiple auth mechanisms in parallel?
#raucaowe wanted to add the indieauth extension to 2 wikis, but they currently replace normal logins entirely, so it's not viable
#Zegnatpetermolnar: yep, Dublin Core has been around for a fair while. It is all just silo-envy, implementing the same thing over and over again but proprietary.
#LoqiThe Open Graph protocol (OGP) is an open* standard developed by Facebook for annotating the primary subject of an HTML page via a set of custom <meta> tags in the document head for the purpose of Facebook showing link previews https://indiewebcamp.com/ogp
#GWGZegnat: I ran dozens of sample pages of sites that I read through. It is part of my long term owb my bookmarks plan
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#ZegnatSounds like a good usecase indeed. Especially if it has a high adoption rate. Though I am not sure it has a place on the IndieWeb if you are already implementing microformats
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#LanceyWorki don't think it's against DRY to consume OGP, only to provide redundant OGP data
#ZegnatI meant more in the way that, while GWG has a great use-case there as it allows him to get metadata from *a lot* of websites, I see little reason to recommend indieweb creators to supply OGP data as well.
#ZegnatUnless they are specifically targeting Facebook et al.
#LoqiThe Open Graph protocol (OGP) is an open* standard developed by Facebook for annotating the primary subject of an HTML page via a set of custom <meta> tags in the document head for the purpose of Facebook showing link previews https://indiewebcamp.com/open_graph
#GWGBut at some point, for your site, you have to make decisions based on goals over ideals
#ZegnatI am almost tempted to add DublinCore meta data to all sites I manage, just to make a point
#ZegnatOh, yeah, if you are tough on branding, add all the meta data. Get your logo and product images out there.
#ZegnatBut for most personal sites I think it is unneccessary.
#GWGI just want Facebook to stop using my photo as the featured image.
#GWGSometimes, a few tweaks are all that is needed
#ZegnatIt looks like Google parses mf2. At least when I put in tantek.com in their debugger it turns up hcalendar, hentry, and hcard. So just microformats should be fine for search engines
#Zegnat!tell tantek Is there any reason why your sidebar disappears based on viewport height and not just width?
#Zegnataaronpk seems to have both og:* and twitter:* on his site btw
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#ZegnatGoogle might only pick up on the old mf. On aaronparecki.com it only picks up on the “recent articles” from the sidebar, and those have both hentry and h-entry classes.
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#ben_thatmustbemewoo, my implementation of indieauth now works with github, google plus, and instagram
#ben_thatmustbemeand i can get it working with facebook once i have things a little more established (final URL, etc)
#ben_thatmustbemeand twitter when i actually want to deal with oauth1 again :/
#ben_thatmustbemeanyone know if someone has gone through a list of all sites that actually have rel=me links in profiles and thus all site that relmeauth would be possible?
#tantek!tell Zegnat no idea - I'll have to test it and find out. AFAIK my only media queries are width based - and the sidebar doesn't disappear, it just gets pushed down below the content.
#LoqiZegnat: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: no idea - I'll have to test it and find out. AFAIK my only media queries are width based - and the sidebar doesn't disappear, it just gets pushed down below the content. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-06-08/line/1433790069171
#ZegnatNoticed when I pushed Safari to only occupy the lower half of my screen.
#tantekweird - I was constraining the media query based on height too - don't know why - fixed
#Zegnattantek, do you know if Google is planning to support mf2 for search? Or should businesses keep marking up their contact information with the old hCard?
#kylewmthe other interesting woodwind presentation case is, acegiak's feed has a bunch of reposts, but the originals usually don't have mf2 markup, so I will need to use her u-repost-of h-cite (and may just do that for the general case of reposts)
#GWGkylewm: In the last version of my cide, I added support for better customization of different kinds. I have not used it yet. So everything is generated identically.
#GWGI'm seeing that. But, the thing is, in a repost, it should be using the WordPress content box, which is marked up as e-content then, not the p-content box, which is used for summary of linked content.
#tantekh-cite makes sense for things like reply-contexts
#tantekbut I don't think it makes sense for the entirety of the content of a repost
#GWGWell, this was part of the last design change. I implemented a system to allow the default content creation template to be overridden with kind specific templates. I just haven't written any yet
#GWGCan a repost have comments though? Or if it has comments, does that make it a reply?
#GWGI think acegiak may not be using it exactly as intended.
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#tantekGWG - it wasn't the use that was a problem - but rather the markup from the plugin
#tantekor do you mean can a repost on your site have its own comments?
#GWGThat is what is creating part of the markup issue.
snarfed joined the channel
#GWGtantek: No... acegiak is adding commentary in the e-content area of the post on reposts. That was where I thought the actual repost would go in this case. She is putting it into the box in the post UI for excerpting the content, which is more for replies/a description of a bookmark, etc.
#tantekGWG, it's not really a usage issue (blaming the user), but rather a UI issue that is permitting (even encouraging?) the user to do something wrong
#ben_thatmustbemewoo, now to take rel-me-auth libs back out into an actual library
#GWGtantek: The only way to address the UI issue is to only display the appropriate interface in WordPress, which would require Javascript.
KevinMarks joined the channel
#GWGBasically to hide the fields that aren't used in the current context of the UI.
#tantekIs this another example of a silo-stack vendor (Apple) strong-arming a weakened segment of web publishers ("big" or "medium" news sites) into doing what they ask?
#KevinMarks"After you enter your publisher and channel information, you’re automatically signed up to get notified when Apple News Format is available. In the meantime, you can use RSS to deliver content to News."
#GWGRight now, my plan is: Update mf2_s to improve markup, update fork of mf2_s that I use I my website to use those markup improvements, rewrite Simple Location(easily my worst plugin), add Bridgy Publish support to Indie Web Actions(which is the one with the alternate Post UI), go back to Post Kinds to deferentiate types.
#tantekInteresting - does that mean that Apple has announced a *new* app that conumes RSS?
#GWGOh, and in the middle of that, I have a pull request I want to write for Semantic Linkbacks to improve WordPress's native comment notification system to know about webmentions.
#tantekif that's the case, that should be documented on /RSS
#GWGAnd I still don't have a venue for Indiewebcamp 2015, NYC branch
#ben_thatmustbemeanyone interested in doing a micropub based news feed site? just publish to your own site, syndicate to an external site via micropub. then anyone in a set list of approved users can syndicate to the feed.
#GWGben_thatmustbeme: Might be a good enhancement for IndieNews
#ben_thatmustbemeyou can always get the corrected URL from the webmention response, and just use brid.gy-esq hidden links, although I always thought that was rather hacky
#ben_thatmustbemethe ideal i'm hoping for is to be able to add syndication targets without any code change or anything
#ben_thatmustbemethus have some method to log in news site, have it report back to my site with a token, then it just adds a new syndicate-to option in micrpub
#ben_thatmustbemeother option is continue with hidden URLs in the brid.gy style, but add some method of registering those with MP endpoint
#aaronpkbasically that means IndieNews' "how to syndicate to indiewnews" page becomes "add a link to news.indiewebcamp.com somewhere in your post", and is progressively enhanced if you dig into the docs further
bengo, benwerd, tantek, glennjones and snarfed joined the channel
#LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites https://indiewebcamp.com/reshare
#ttepasseBut there should be in my optionion a social contract of indieweb actions which on could opt-out because of whatever reasons one want not to partake.
#ttepasseNope. More that the tool seems the readable annotation and warn's the tools user that it starts doing something, the original publisher does not like.
#gRegorLoveWhether one pursues legal action is another issue
#ttepasseFair use is an american concept. I'm european, how does that work out? Should I encode my nationality and place of residence in microformats for consideration of US-based CMS? ;)
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#aaronpkthat's why i would just avoid the copyright/legal aspect altogether and do something like your "be nice" thing instead
#KevinMarksFair Dealing is the EU equivalent, though their is droit d'auteur
#ttepasseFail Dealing does look more like an UK thing, not continental.
#gRegorLoveI'm mostly suggesting a rel-license since copyright + creative commons are pretty well established terms already, rather than inventing some new terminology. I suppose either way consumer code is going to need to parse something and decide what to allow the user to do.
#dym_cxwhat microformat class is used on svg-code inside html (not a link)? .u-logo? but it's not url
#ttepassegRegorLove, aren't socials webs are already inventing new terminology and the law runs behind? E.g. Tumblrs and Soups reblogging. I assume that's legal, because the original poster publishes something to the whole system of the Silo, not on the subsite, someone perceives as one own.
#ttepasseYes. My thought is that is a strange mapping from the users conception of ownership to the legal definition of ownership. Meaning there is a disconnect, which will only be greater over time. The law is imperfect in that regard.
lukebrooker, smagali and bengo joined the channel
#kylewmaaronpk: are you pulling tweets from the streaming api now?
#aaronpksounds like a great Bridgy Pro™ feature ;-)
#snarfedheh. bridgy actually used to do it, first just because it was the only way to get favorites. when i hit their (then undocumented) limit of ~50/IP or so, i was immediately dead in the water. details in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/57
#gRegorLoveMakes sense. Only in the last few months did I fix a rel- issue I had on my stream of notes. I'd copied some markup early on before I understood the scope of rel. It's definitely confusing.
#tantek!ttepasse still trying to understand what you *do* want users to do, rather than *do not*. E.g. do you want users to link to your posts? If so, do you have preferred link text you'd like them to use? Are you ok with short quotations but not long? Etc.