#bearthen I discovered that this week is mozwww so figured maybe the lag in response was due to that
#bearbut then I got seriously busy and only got around to following up today
#GWGbear: What features do you want for your website?
#bearI really need to finish getting the feed view working, finish wiring up the flask app that enables things so it can handle more than basic webmentions - I also need to catchup on the other python work that has been done
#KartikPrabhuyeah. hopefully CSS grids is more useful to make grids (i currently use a float-based grid from https://gridsetapp.com/ ). Felxbox could be more useful for styling individual components instead of the global grid
jciv joined the channel
#KartikPrabhubret: do you have examples from your site where flexbox has been useful?
scoates, wolftune, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#KartikPrabhu"Make each program do one thing well. To do a new job, build afresh rather than complicate old programs by adding new features." from the above citation. Yes please!
jciv, wolftune, KevinMarks_, gRegorLove, cmhobbs, nxd4n_ and nxd4n joined the channel
#Jeenaoh man, the Universe loves me :D it looked like I would need to pay up to 360$ to move the flight from saturday to monday if I wanted to stay in Portland for this years IndieWebCamp but our customer asked us to stay longer so I am staying the week after too and travel the following friday instead.
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: i know we talked about this before, but if I want to give access to another site whats the best way of doing that?
#ben_thatmustbemei think we said, i just have to generate an auth code on my end, figure out some way to send that
#ben_thatmustbemeso actually i think its even stranger than that. I am going to have to log in via indieauth in the opposite direction, but I think that should be fine.
#ben_thatmustbemei still need to bang out the code for it, but i don't think i will have too much trouble
#snarfed1gRegorLove: do you have code that populates normal indie reply contexts right now?
#gRegorLoveAlso, ha. I hadn't even seen kylewm's reply yet
#gRegorLovesnarfed: Kinda. I started on it but never finished it. I did experiment with a Twitter library, so I guess that's not too hard. Just need to fix it up and settle on a UI I like.
#Loqirecursive reply-contexts (previously confusingly called as reply-thread and history-thread) are a list of reply-contexts displayed above a reply post, where each reply-context is there to show context along an in-reply-to chain of links from a reply post all the way up to an original post (that itself is not a reply) https://indiewebcamp.com/recursive_reply-contexts
#gRegorLoveI was actually thinking the other day, I have no idea what I'll work on for IWC hack day. Plenty of options, though.
#aaronpkthat's what the first day is for, to get inspired :)
#aaronpkI had no idea I was going to make the nice Quill editor in Germany until after the first day
#GWGaaronpk: Will remote participation, since NYC venue is an issue, be an option? I know we had some trouble last year
#KartikPrabhushould that not be "hovercards" not "hovercars" ?
#GWGMany people have said they don't want their entire details displaying.
#tantekso I was hovering (like with my mouse pointer) over some of the {{ }} type templates for people that we use on the wiki, and expecting to see: a larger image, and maybe an in-line display of the person's URL and ?? IRC nickname?
#tantekand then I thought, what if our {{ }} person templates actually had all that and had some way to display hovercards?
#snarfedit's invisible until you manually hover over it :P
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: convention is either long press or tap or both
#KartikPrabhuthat might activate the u-url in the non-hidden part so bad interaction
#snarfedyup. lots of compromises. the point is that it's a well understood problem, it's been around for a while, and there are widespread conventions for handling it
#tanteksnarfed: short answer is: current implementations show hovercards with JS (so no actual hidden data in page), and on mobile/touch - no hover cards.
#gRegorLoveI'm not sure how much of a CSS hovercard can be done without additional markup. Can you 'clone' something and modify its display?
#KartikPrabhuif one wants a CSS hovercard then the additional data would have to be "hidden" in the HTML. Then on hover one can display it
#tantekand yes the trade-off is that a CSS-only hover solution would require putting hidden data on the page.
#tantekthere's no obvious best answer - definitely worthy of discussion
#tantekhovercards with JS as progressive enhancement is a reasonable approach for a couple of reasons. without JS, you can still click on the minimal h-card and see a full profile with more info. and the without JS behavior turns out to be the same as the touch-UI behavior.
wolftune joined the channel
#tantekalso, with progressive enhancement, you don't bother with prepoulating the page with all the more extensive h-cards for every single simple/minimal h-card there
#tantekso you save on page weight, especially on pages that references lots of people, especially multiple times (e.g. a home page with a stream of updates with hyperlinked names of people etc.)
#Loqilike is a popular webaction button and in some cases post type on various silos such as Facebook and Instagram (uses a heart ♥) https://indiewebcamp.com/like