lukebrooker, fiatjaf, KevinMarks and snarfed joined the channel
#cuibonoboTwitter's commented retweet feature is cool, but I hate that they break how links should intuitively work
#cuibonoboe.g. I can't right-click the retweet being commented on and open it in a new tab
#cuibonobo(I often like to see what the thread for a particular tweet, which is why I'm annoyed)
#cuibonoboso instead of being able to open the original in a new tab, i need to open the comment in a new tab and *then* click the original to see the tweet thread
KevinMarks__, KartikPrabhu and cmhobbs joined the channel
#GWGacegiak: The last update to the parser in Semantic Linkbacks was December 2013. Is it possible there was a bug fixed that isn't parsing it correctly?
#GWGMy first response is always to we have the latest version of the software?
#GWGThen remove the comment and manually send the webmention to see what happens
#GWGIt also adds several things that might be fun for Semantic Linkbacks in future.
#GWGI was looking at the commit log for it. And you have ben_thatmustbeme trying to add area parsing for picture tagging. Parsing for audio and video source elements
KevinMarks__, jciv and lukebrooker joined the channel
#GWGacegiak: Another troubleshooting issue...look to see if the comment data when you try to edit it is correct. If so, then it is a different issue
KartikPrabhu, finchd and finchd_ joined the channel
#csarvenIt is a bit related to how you store and retrieve the information for authoring purposes. If you have to update a paragraph or remove an h-card or anything for that matter, what is the process you go through? (e.g., someone who uses static files might open up their blog post in a text editor and edit away, another might use their CMS..)
edpw, modem, Sebastien-L and edpw1 joined the channel
#petermolnarfor the posts themselves, WordPress keeps revisions, to the CMS takes care of it; since I write my things in markdown, I just use a plain textbox in the browser, inside WordPress for edits
#petermolnarthose things that live in code, like hcard representations, are in a git repository, synced with github
#nedoritoI just set up jekyll but haven't had time to relaunch my whole site
eschnou, edpw, modem, tantek, KevinMarks__ and KevinMarks joined the channel
#tantekcsarven++ for asking a very good question, and worth documenting (for everyone for themselves and to share)
#ben_thatmustbemecsarven: for posts i have edit/delete in my micropub client. for data like h-card data i usually end up using mysql-workbench as I have it all in my database, but I don't yet have microupub updating of my h-card working yet
#tantekjust took notes while doing my posting process for recent note, documenting shortly
petermolnar joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemei have to do that sometimes with posts too as the edit does not work for articles which are written with an editor app (stored as HTML) but works on all other post types as they are stored as text
#tantekcan definitely be improved, simplified, but it's a transparent capture of my present posting flow so I'll be able to track improvements as they're made.
frzn_, tvn, gRegorLove, snarfed and tilgovi joined the channel
#zachdonovanlooks like my bouncer is holding a zombie connection
frzn joined the channel
#csarvenben_thatmustbeme tantek Thanks. I will revisit this.
gavinc joined the channel
#csarventantek Yes, that is the type of process I was interested in hearing from people. It is definitely a nice to have. Maybe even elaborate with personal preference/convenience/pain points.
gavinc, j12t, wolftune, snarfed, jciv, KevinMarks__, e-lima, KevinMarks and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#kylewmhi y'all, I'm sorry to say I won't be able to come up to portland for IWC. i'm very disappointed but i've overextended myself and just can't make it work :(
#KartikPrabhugood use-case for the "Regrets" section ;)
#ben_thatmustbemecuibonobo: cool, did you end up here because I mentioned it in #archerfx at the time, or did you just happen to find the group?
#cuibonobothe producers are amazing bosses. i was an illustrator but about a year ago i submitted a proposal to make software tools for the artists and they were like 'yep, go for it'
#tantekI'm trying to think through how to publish a custom post style in a post permalink in such a way that reader could parse/see it, and perhaps *optionally* even use it for displaying that post!
#tantekthis is the key idea I'm starting with: <div class="e-x-style"><style scoped>…</style></div> inside the h-entry for the post
#aaronpkstyles that affect the contents of the post are fine, but i don't think there would be a reasonable way to have the post affect the styles outside the post
#aaronpkfor example your custom background for your whole site layout doesn't make sense in a reader
#aaronpk"isn't that not backwards compatible" implies that I think it is not backwards compatible, whereas "is that backwards compatible" doesn't have that implication and just sounds like an innocent question
#tantekhmm - if I get that right, maybe I can even style my posts *in-stream* like on my home page!
#tantekaaronpk: back to the question at hand, would you consider adding "e-x-style" support to Monocle?
#ben_thatmustbemeactually i can make it work on my site already as i give the post an ID which is its internal ID
#tantekaaronpk - I was assuming you were already filtering out <style> <script> and other possibly abusive tags
#aaronpktantek: question: are we assuming support for <style scoped> (with or without a polyfill)? my answer will be different depending on the answer
#KevinMarks_tantek's feed would regularly blow up readers because he used xhtml inline and they were expecting escaped html and didn't sanitise that path
#tantekhence why I was thinking of explicitly putting it on the h-entry as a property to indicate that yes, the author intends this style to go with this entry
#tantekKevinMarks: still does :D - I still hear stories of people seeing <div … > in the "titles" of my posts in their "readers"
#tantekwhich apparently fail to support Atom 1.0 propertly :P
#aaronpkif there were a "style" property on an h-entry then the reader could include that css in whatever way it feels is appropriate, either by using style scoped, or using its own mechanism of scoping the css to the post, using its own css IDs for example
#tantekyeah I kinda want to get custom post styles and <style scoped> working before I take down the rainbow flag background of my home page and all my posts - just to preserve it on that one post itself
#tantekand I'm not going to "protect" other browsers against <style scoped> either - so whatever (presumably buggy) thing they do, it will be on them :P
#aaronpki've definitely put post-specific css rules in posts before, i thought you were talking about custom styles for the site layout per post
#tantekaaronpk - oh? what was the earliest post you did that? and what mechanism did you use?
#aaronpksweet! are you planning on supporting both form-encoded and json micropub requests?
#KevinMarks_trying to make text fit the width of the element is really hard
#voxpelliaaronpk: I think so, currently I've only focused on the form-encoded one, but I'm transforming them into JSON representation within the endpoint module so support for JSON requests should be more or less free
#tantekat least for things like books, movies, tv shows
#tantekand then you could have the normal in-line minimal display of such things, as well as the :hover display that could show them that other information
#tantekto do things like insert more links (e.g. if the hovercard had more links to things), you'd need JS, not just CSS
#aaronpki don't think i actually want to have the markup inline
#tantekand if I get scoped style working, then it *should* affect only the "box" of the post in-stream on my home page
#tantekseriously if I get this working I think it will look very cool :)
#tantekso that's the reason to explicitly markup e-x-style and look for it in a reader - so that even notes with "just" p-content can get custom styling
#aaronpkalso i feel like there are two different kinds of custom post styles. styles that apply to contents of the post vs styles that apply to the stuff around/behind the post
#tantekaaronpk - we can capture them as "Use Cases" as a subsection of Why if you like
#aaronpkmy dropcaps styles being an example of the former, and tantek's rainbow background an example of the latter
#KevinMarks_I have a standing desk, so I cna say it accurately
#tantekaaronpk what if you used <html class="h-entry"> ?
#gRegorLoveFor PuSH, my atom feed is using and I want to update it to superfeedr. Do I need to just change the hub in the feed, or do I need to send anything so subscribers know to update? Didn't see anything on the wiki about this.
#aaronpkooh maybe not actually, looks like i may have cleaned up some of that
#kylewmgRegorLove: subscribers should poll occasionally to see if the push hub has updated; you could continue to ping both of them for a while to speed this up
#tantekgRegorLove: probably worth capturing as an FAQ: /PuSH#FAQ
#gRegorLovekylewm: Do you mean listing both hubs in the feed? If the feed lists superfeedr but I push to appspot won't that cause problems?
#kylewmaccording to julien you can list and ping both hubs
#gRegorLoveMaybe I'll try updating to superfeedr and pinging both, see what appspot does
#gRegorLoveHow often is Woodwind polling to check the hub?
#kylewm1x/day if the feed does push and has been successfully subscribed
#GWGtantek: I'll be watching over the next week. I'm curious to see if I change my impression
#tantekKartikPrabhu: very good - definitely link to practical examples!
#Jeenaaaronpk, is today a Homebrew Website Club Meetup in Portland?
#tantekalright, I'm going to try implementing e-x-style and <style scoped> later tonight, shoudl be doable, and hoping to provide an example for aaronpk /Monocle to parse and display
#tantekJeena - tomorrow - but we need a venue in PDX
#JeenaI see, the only bad thing about the place we've been last time was the quite bad wifi connection