#LoqiThe sidefile-antipattern is a violation of the DRY principle by the use of secondary files (typically in some one-off XML format) to provide information that is a duplicate of information available in primary files on a website (in HTML), and is an antipattern due to typical DRY violation problems such as out-of-date, missing, corrupted, or outright false data https://indiewebcamp.com/side_file
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: WAY less hacky. I have known about them for a little bit, still waiting for more browsers to pick them up... but then i didn't know there was a polyfill for it
KevinMarks__, KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks joined the channel
#tantekbummer about backsapce closing in PDX :( many a good informal indieweb hack session was had there
#JeenaSo since he didn't answer my email, wasn't here yet when I tried to ask and he didn't update the wiki yet I assume I should just chose a venue myself, add it to the wiki and hope for the best?
e-lima, KartikPrabhu and tilgovi joined the channel
#Loqi[mention] Jeena posted 'Discuss progress; meet up; make new friends. Are you building your own website? Indie reader? Personal publishing web app? Or some other ...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-07-01-homebrew-website-club (/homebrew-website-club-portland)
#JeenaOk so I just did it, if you're in Portland tomorrow then at least I will be at the Fat Head's Brewerey from 5:30 pm, this is the blog post which I also linked on the wiki https://jeena.net/homebrew-website-club-portland
#Jeenasadly I still am not able to receive rsvps on my website but it hopefully should at least show up as a mention
#rhiaroI can't believe the schema.org examples are so broken. Well, I can.
#rhiaroI haven't looked at it in any detail because last time I did the particular set of terms I thought I might want to use made no sense and seemed totally arbitrary, so now I just cover my ears and look away when people talk about it
#elf-pavlikKevinMarks_, I consider this statement quite subjective: "Nesting other types inside a property is much more compact than microdata and simpler than RDFa"
#voxpellialso ā the facepiles on Twitter itself links to the persons profiles rather than the "like"-activity ā the activity in itself isn't really interesting in the case of a like
#KevinMarks_<a class="webmention-interaction-presentation" data-url="https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/616063245460201472" title="rektide de la fey liked this 3 hours ago" href="https://twitter.com/rektide"><span><img src="https://twitter.com/rektide/profile_image?size=original">rektide de la fey liked this 3 hours ago</span></a>
#KevinMarks_<a class="webmention-interaction-presentation" data-url="http://rhiaro.co.uk//2015/07/1435743600" title="Amy Guy liked this 1 minute ago" href="http://rhiaro.co.uk/about#me"><span><img src="http://rhiaro.co.uk/stash/dp.png">Amy Guy liked this 1 minute ago</span></a>
#KevinMarks_so the data-url is there in the generated markup
#voxpelliKevinMarks_: that would be very possible I think, I'll add an issue to do that
#voxpellibut would it ever be interesting to link to the actual like?
#rhiarotechnically I can tag my like posts, and I could add other content to them, so potentially the like post could be richer
#rhiaroAlso the links are useful for raising general indieweb awareness
#rhiaroand maybe if I decide I don't like something any more, it's convenient for me to get the url on my site to delete the like instead of having to go look for it..
#voxpelliKevinMarks_: oh, I now realized I misunderstood you ā yeah the data appears to be there, I had just forgotten about it :P I would prefer to not make special exceptions for Twitter, I don't think the endpoint should be concerned about where stuff comes from but handle everything equally
#KevinMarks_well, the problem is that the twitter URL is the syndication URL for the post
#KevinMarks_so clicking through would just give you a link back to where you are
#rhiarovoxpelli: I'd say if you can find a url for any type of response post use that, if not use the person url
#voxpellirhiaro: all webmentions has their own url as they need it to send the mention, so there's really no url-less posts, no?
#voxpelliWonder if one could check for "e-content" and if "e-content" is empty, then link to profile ā else link to permalink ā would require change in eg. Brid.gy
#KevinMarks_just check if u-url is not in u-like-of, and if so use it instead of the author url
#voxpelliwell, that just solves the weird metadata of the Brid.gy posts, the real purpose of linking to the author is that often the standalone page of a like itself adds no value
KevinMarks__, LanceyWork and byroniczero joined the channel
#rhiaroFriend was complaining about limitations of slideshare. I suggested he put his slides and notes on his own website, and proceeded to make more detailed suggestions. He started backing away: "I'm going to leave this conversation now", like he should have known better :)
j12t, KevinMarks, frzn, friedcell, sanduhrs, mlncn and Zegnat joined the channel
#voxpellimy indieweb-identity is based on http://kodfabrik.se/, but now I want to edit another site, but I still want to identify as http://kodfabrik.se/ to get access to that other site rather than setting up a new indieauth identity
#ben_thatmustbemevoxpelli: sounds like what i'm working on with micropub chaining, but that requires you to also post on your site
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: I want to point Domain B and say, hey ā you can authenticate here using Domain A, or just be given a choice in the client to auth with a different domain if the first domain don't have an IndieAuth setup
#KartikPrabhuben_thatmustbeme: but the mp-enpoint also should validate tokens and all of that no?
#ben_thatmustbemeKartikPrabhu: if its written correctly, it should do that already
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: yeah, second field actually sounds like the right way to go ā the user itself chooses how it wants to authenticate and the micropub endpoint can chose to accept or deny
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: rel-me would make the site part of my identity, I don't want that, I just want access
#KartikPrabhuben_thatmustbeme: no I mean how does an mp-endpoint at domain B know to accept tokens generated for domain A as log in?
#ben_thatmustbemevoxpelli: if you want a way to make it work today, you could just swap out where you say your MP-endpoint is on the fly
#ben_thatmustbemei specifically check in my code for the token's "me" being = the site url
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: I'm thinking that if a site has a rel-micropub but no rel-token_endpoint, then the client asks with what IndieAuth identity one wants to auth
#KartikPrabhuvoxpelli: then can I log in and post to your domain B too ? I mean how does domain B know which ones to accept?
#ben_thatmustbemethis is getting confusing, need to map this out mentally. the issue is getting a token to the MP-client, that B will recognize, but says it is from A
#ben_thatmustbemeworking backwards, that means that you can get that if Site B has rel-auth and rel-token links
#ben_thatmustbemei think it really does come down to having a second login field in mp-clients
#KartikPrabhuit seems as ben_thatmustbeme pointed out mp-clients need 2 fields "log in as" and "post to"
#ben_thatmustbemealternative is to set up mp-chaining, and get your site to recognize an ability to decide where to post the original content and which one to syndicate to
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: three steps: 1. Enter what site you want to edit 2. Server checks if that sites is just a MP-endpoint or also an Auth-endpoint 3. If not also an Auth-endpoint it asks for a separate Auth-endpoint
#voxpelliFirst step is always to ask what site one wants to edit, just like today
#ben_thatmustbemevoxpelli: do you specifically want to post there and not syndicate to there?
#KartikPrabhuben_thatmustbeme: man that's a very complicated dance move! :P
#kylewmrhiaro: Woodwind was very confused about the date on your IndieWebCamp Edinburgh event, so i was trying to debug but when i went to your homepage it was blank :P
#ben_thatmustbemealso, domain B would be REQUIRED to have a token endpoint, this is how it issues tokens its own MP-endpoint can accept
#rhiaroKylewm I realised I paginate by month and hadn't posted yet today :)
#kylewmstill can't figure it out... the published date is 2015-06-10, but for some reason woodwind keeps putting it back up at the top and saying it's 24 days from now
frzn joined the channel
#rhiaroDoes woodwind cache stuff? I might've had the start date as the published date for a while
#kylewmdelegating auth still doesn't make much sense to me. i wouldn't want to use my facebook profile to authorize an app to post to my twitter
#kylewmalthough... i guess delegating auth is what indieauth is all about :$
jansauer and jciv joined the channel
#KevinMarksIs the other way to do this to return the syndication list and include the current site in it, so you can uncheck it and just check the remote site?
#aaronpkbut for the multi-user blog example, i wouldn't actually want to list the blog's micropub endpoint on my site (imagine posting to a company blog for example)
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeKevinMarks: i had the same idea, but you have to define which site is the primary site, then which sites to syndicate to, seemed like a bit more work
#ben_thatmustbemeactually, that might not be a bad idea though, be able to switch endpoints after you auth to your site
#ben_thatmustbemeno, wait, the target site wouldn't have your code then, N/M that
#bjorn-Gah, I wish there was a movement around Quantified Self-data to help users own their own data as well as the POSSE usage so you can post to all the different services since all your friends are on different ones.
#tantekKevinMarks_: better to refer people to a wiki page URL with multiple examples, citations, description, than just another user here in the channel - re: "aaronpk does some fo that"