Phykskylewm: yep, but I was thinking about something more general. Embedding vcard in the message when talking about someone to ease reply / adding to contacts, embedding calendars events automatically when talking about an event, this kind of stuff
voxpelli_an annoying thing on Instapaper is that if you have already svaed a post there then it will just ignore your new save, rather than update the timestamp – so if it's way way down in your list, you will still not have an easy time finding it
petermolnarfacebook I think you can share it more than once but it might aggregate it if you look at the way it shows a share from more than one person
voxpelli_on Pinterest it notifies you prior to pinning that you have already pinned it – not sure if one can actually pin it twice because I have never wanted to do that
Loqifkooman: aaronpk left you a message 3 days, 2 hours ago: good catch! I thought I remembered it saying only that the authorization code must be short-lived. I will have to think about how to do that
aaronpkfkooman: in general (not specifically for which is running on 3 disparate servers) I would cache a nonce for the auth code and first check the cache, and if the nonce is in the cache, the code has already been used
LukasRosDepends on how you define static site. You can look at technology stack and say static site (e.g. static HTML, Jekyll) vs dynamic site (e.g. PHP).
LukasRosYou can also look at the content, in that case a blog would be anything with chronologically ordered content whereas a static site is everything else.
snarfedi think we're just saying, from an *indieweb* point of view, we mostly pay attention to mf2 markup and interop (webmention etc), which don't care whether your underlying plumbing is static or dynamic *or* how your content is ordered
LukasRosI feel it’s often difficult to argue on terminology because there are many things that cannot easily be categorized and would easier be described as is.
LoqiA birthday is the date when someone is born, however in the context of the indieweb, it is a feature displayed on some silos' user profiles that you can (or must) enter, and some prominently present to your friends on the month and day of your birthday, like Facebook's "BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK" feature at the top of their events page
tantekwhat's actually super frustrating (and quite suspicious) was the "nomination and rapid deletion" over the July 4th holiday when fewer people are paying attention. That's super sketchy behavior.
tantektommorris: is there a term for deletionists that attempt to sneak through rapid deletions during holidays when they expect fewer people are paying attention?
tommorristhe deletion is kind of a mess though. A7/db-web wasn't intended for technical specifications, db-web was intended for web content (websites, YouTube channels, social media channels, etc.)
tommorrisI kind of take a broad view: I could very easily go and cause a stink about borderline out-of-process deletion, but that's a waste of time. It wouldn't survive a vote at Articles for Deletion.
tommorrisit's an overly broad reading of A7. like, technically anything published on the web counts as web content. it's within the letter of A7 but not quite the spirit. ah well.