2015-07-05 UTC
j12t, snarfed and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 00:49 tantek and I've got <style scoped="scoped" class="p-x-style"> working!
# 00:52 tantek it's a custom post style, with a way of storing it in an h-entry such that it can be parsed and included on a permalink, archive, or homepage stream
sensiblemn joined the channel
# 00:55 tantek and my home page too - though since that uses <style scoped>, it only works in browsers that support that feature, and for now that's Firefox
# 00:55 tantek that rainbow background on that post is *only* on that post
# 00:58 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: writing up my implementation summary now
# 00:58 tantek try scrolling my home page in Firefox and notice what happens when you get to the rainbow post
# 01:00 GWG I think I need to rethink textual location display.
# 01:00 tantek bret - Chrome does not implement HTML5 <style scoped>
# 01:05 tantek note that all I have to do is include *one* style rule that applies to ".h-entry" and that's the "hook" for styling the entire post.
# 01:05 tantek even on the post permalink page (which is now on body)
# 01:07 tantek interesting back compat question, should we ignore an hentry inside an h-entry?
j12t joined the channel
# 01:09 tantek.com edited /custom_post_style (+123) "Tantek.com now has custom post styles, per the addition of the feature to Falcon storage and post display. Brainstorm successfully implemented, deployed, and in use with real-world example." (
view diff )
# 01:33 kylewm tantek: for backcompat, could you give each h-entry a unique id, and have your style just apply to one of them?
# 01:35 tantek hmm - I was working on hentry h-entry backcompat
KevinMarks__ and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:56 tantek huh - this might be the first time any parser has seen a microformat property on a <style> element
# 01:59 aaronpk no, the style tag is outside the h-entry on the permlink page
# 01:59 tantek guess I'll be using scoped styles on the permalink pages too!
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 02:10 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
j12t and iboxifoo joined the channel
# 02:15 tantek using x-style since it's a single-site experiment for now
# 02:15 tantek and I simplified/reduced the markup tree depth of my permalink posts in the process
# 02:18 tantek aaronpk, if you think such per post style is worth consuming, e.g. for Monocle to display, implement it and we can drop the x- :)
# 02:25 aaronpk how do scoped styles work? they can *only* apply to the element they are inside?
# 02:25 aaronpk as in, there's no way for a malicious scoped style tag to change stuff elsewhere on the page?
# 02:26 aaronpk kylewm: your reposts are looking good in Monocle!
# 02:27 aaronpk hmm monocle seems to have forgotten how to parse tantek's home page
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 02:28 aaronpk oh wow, h-card -> first h-feed child -> h-entry children
# 02:31 aaronpk i think that needs to be cleared up, because normal traversal of parsed microformats JSON tends to not be depth-first-search, just scanning the items array or scanning the properties of a single object
# 02:32 tantek which, in the parsed JSON, translates to depth-first-search
# 02:33 aaronpk "source order" is hard to understand when what you're actually dealing with is the parsed JSON
# 02:33 tantek alternatively you can use XPath or a CSS style parser to pull out the first .h-feed
# 02:33 tantek "source order" is easier for publishers, hence it's worded that way
# 02:34 tantek right, devs writing consuming code must always keep publishing perspectives in mind
# 02:34 tantek that's my point, from a web author perspective, no
# 02:35 tantek because web authors think from a source perspective by default, and thus "first", absent any other specifics can only mean document/source order
# 02:35 tantek scoped styles only apply to their parent subtree, and must be before any visible elements in their parent
# 02:37 tantek BTW one way of making the "look for the first h-*" easier, is to provide it as a parameter to a parser
# 02:37 tantek so it could do smarter things like use XPath or a CSS Selector parser to pull out a subtree for parsing instead of the whole document
# 02:38 aaronpk hm, i'd rather not have to parse the page twice and think about it in different structures. the nice thing about the parsed JSON version of the page is you can stop thinking about it as HTML
# 02:38 aaronpk HTML is messy, parsed microformats is a clean data structure
KevinMarks and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
martinBrown, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, j12t and wolftune joined the channel
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, byroniczero, Deledrius_, KartikPrabhu and elima_ joined the channel
j12t, iboxifoo, cmhobbs, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, csarven, elf-pavlik and LukasRos joined the channel
eschnou, j12t, KevinMarks_, catsup, frzn, friedcell, elf-pavlik, KevinMarks and tvn joined the channel
eschnou, mdik and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 12:09 GWG It's quiet this morning. Too quiet.
LukasRos, elima_ and j12t joined the channel
# 12:57 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: IWC fast approaches
tvn, tvn_ and wolftune joined the channel
# 13:54 parzzix So how does everyone use brid.gy? Do you do all you your replies and retweets from your own site...or just original posts
glennjones, csarven, Zegnat, j12t, csarven_, csarven__, mlncn, snarfed, nedorito, tvn, KevinMarks, shiflett, fkooman and wolftune joined the channel
tilgovi, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, snarfed, j12t, csarven_ and csarven joined the channel
# 18:27 Phyks uhhyeahbret: why emails would be more difficult than any other service to hack on?
# 18:27 Phyks it would be possible to implement such features as a Thunderbird extension (or any other email client) or in roundcube or in whatever, no?
csarven joined the channel
# 18:28 Phyks the important thing is just that these extra infos should not prevent readability for standard users and only enhance emails for people who want it
csarven, cmhobbs and elima_ joined the channel
# 18:47 kylewm Phyks: Thunderbird+Lightning does intelligent stuff when it gets an iCal attachment, and i think there is a well-defined conversion from vCard to iCal
# 18:58 GWG And then Akismet marked them as SPAM
# 18:59 GWG I need to deploy that plugin I wrote to whitelist Bridgy
# 19:00 snarfed function unspam_webmentions($approved, $commentdata) {
# 19:00 snarfed return $commentdata['comment_type'] == 'webmention' ? 1 : $approved;
# 19:00 snarfed add_filter('pre_comment_approved', 'unspam_webmentions', '99', 2);
# 19:02 GWG IT is sort of like a Misc file for features
mlncn joined the channel
# 19:04 GWG Pwcc gave me the idea for a shared repository of little features that didn't fit anywhere else yet
j12t, KevinMarks_, nedorito, KevinMarks, frzn, elima_, Unifex and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 20:02 gRegorLove For those generating URL slugs for notes, how many words do you use?
csarven joined the channel
# 20:05 GWG I let WordPress handle that detail, since it treats notes like any other post
# 20:07 gRegorLove And appears to be selected words rather than just the note text
# 20:13 GWG It also requires you enter a title
# 20:13 rhiaro I use max 32 characters, but only complete words, with a list of stopwords to omit from name/content text
JasonO, KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
j12t, JasonO and sebbers_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:38 sebbers_ how is everything?
# 20:38 sebbers_ havent been on irc in a long time lol
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 20:52 GWG Fine. What brings you here today?
# 20:52 sebbers_ just checking out some of the discussions going on and seeing where i can contribute
# 20:53 sebbers_ and casually seeing if maybe i can lend a consulting hand lol
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 20:54 GWG How would you like to contribute?
# 20:55 sebbers_ well im a pretty good coder...usually if i see a list of open issues...i like to sift through and see if i can solve any ofthem
# 20:59 GWG Well, we aren't one project per se
# 21:00 GWG We are very much a scratch your own itch group
# 21:01 GWG I build tools, for example, for myself, but I try to be aware and not build them so narrowly others can't use them.
# 21:02 sebbers_ this site is awesome
# 21:02 sebbers_ ive been looking for something like this
# 21:02 sebbers_ it looks like i just missed the SF July 1st event
# 21:05 sebbers_ ya www.sebastianroeder.com
eschnou joined the channel
# 21:10 GWG Very nice...sort of a resume/portfolio
fkooman joined the channel
# 21:13 sebbers_ i left my job last month to pursue consulting on my own
# 21:13 sebbers_ so thats kinda where im at now, just looking for interesting work
yakker and snarfed joined the channel
# 21:20 GWG sebbers_: This is more of a hobby for me
# 21:21 GWG But its a great community for building things that you actually use.
# 21:21 GWG Much of the time, work is theoretical.
# 21:22 GWG So, for example, I can write a simple note with my thoughts on my site, and kylewm, who uses completely different software, can write a reply on his site, and send me notice of that using a webmention, and my site will process that as a comment.
# 21:22 GWG But I have no idea how kylewm's site works or vice versa.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
# 21:27 GWG sebbers_: So, there are projects to contribute to, but it goes back to personal preference
tilgovi joined the channel
# 21:28 sebbers_ oh ok that makes sense
# 21:28 sebbers_ well i will gladly keep on checking out
# 21:28 sebbers_ and see where i can contribute my skills :)
# 21:29 GWG Right now, I'm trying to solve a problem with my current project
KevinMarks and colintedford joined the channel
tilgovi, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, snarfed, friedcell, j12t, lukebrooker and iboxifoo joined the channel
lukebrooker, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 23:37 GWG I need a wiki person. I'm trying to figure out where to put my brainstorming on the topic of textual presentation of location.
cmhobbs, catsup, KartikPrabhu and j12t joined the channel