#indiewebcamp 2015-07-15
2015-07-15 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
TysonNW joined the channel
KevinMarks_ no-one expects the French Inquisition

snarfed1 joined the channel
KevinMarks_ sure, fire away aaronpk_

aaronpk b) before-hand, I make a POST request to your token endpoint with an authorization code that I generated, you check the code against *my authorization endpoint* and if it's valid, you generate an access token. then to actually fetch the post, I make a GET request with the access token that *you* generated in the Authorization header

KevinMarks_ so the assumption is that I have an ACL that has 'https://aaronparecki.com' in

KevinMarks_ so the implementation difference is whether I have to do work to create a token for you and keep it with that

KevinMarks_ or if I trust your token service

KevinMarks_ I think a) is easier, as I don't have to store access tokens for you

snarfed1 +1 for a)
KevinMarks_ though I do have to do the check synchronously?

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu aaronpk, snarfed: I saw some chat about hfeed2atom as a proxy service. Right now it is only a lib (and an incomplete one ). Is a proxy service something of interest?

TysonNW joined the channel
KartikPrabhu aaronpk: ok cool

snarfed1 aaronpk: KevinMarks: the auth token would be for the auth server specified in the page's rel=token_endpoint, right? so not necessarily indieauth?
snarfed1 so then servers that are latency sensitive can be their own auth/token server, or use one nearby
snarfed1 goddamn 1
KevinMarks_ no it's the viewer's token endpoint snarfed

KevinMarks_ not the publisher's

KevinMarks_ so the advantages of b) is that the publisher just has to check it's own token, which it can have done async

ben_thatmustbeme tries to catch up on the conversation

KevinMarks_ so that's the tradeoff - do I want to store things for you, or do I want to make 2 roundtrips to your servers to respond to your GET

KevinMarks_ you have to have a long enough timeout to cope with that

KevinMarks_ once to get your endpoint, once to verify the toekn

ben_thatmustbeme wonders if his work on micropub-chaining make link in here (link /chain pun, heh)

ben_thatmustbeme GWG, not working, i got an error on last try and haven't had time to fix the bug

ben_thatmustbeme github.com/dissolve/mptweet

ben_thatmustbeme and github.com/dissolve/openblog

ben_thatmustbeme obviously requires support on both sides

ben_thatmustbeme really disorganized at the moment

ben_thatmustbeme idea is that site A needs to get a token that service X

ben_thatmustbeme user logs in to service X (and does some other auth to make sure they have access to syndication target, i.e. twitter oauth)

ben_thatmustbeme then service X uses indieauth to get a token for site A (the reverse of what is needed) but with a scope to add syndication endpoints

ben_thatmustbeme once is has a token it sends and auth code to site A's mp endpoint telling it to register this new chaining target

ben_thatmustbeme and finally, and this is where it ties in to the current discussion aaronpk, the site then just has to validate that code on service X

ben_thatmustbeme so basically my model is, send a code, and then it has to be validated back with the sender's endpoint

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: yes

ben_thatmustbeme and sorry, brain not working so well, but i have to try to stay up to keep my sleep schedule from getting too messed up

ben_thatmustbeme which is probably a bad time to work on the thatmustbe.us service

Leeky joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme which is another question... i'm hitting some interesting problems with parsing people's h-cards

ben_thatmustbeme like for example the lack of a single u-url on many of them

ben_thatmustbeme unless someone doesn't have the full card on their homepage

ben_thatmustbeme bug i'm going to have to do that

sparverius general channel question: how do you handle building assets from static site generators?
ben_thatmustbeme s/bug/but

sparverius right now im pointing an nginx directive at a "built" directory, and build assets are in there, with jeykll assets in a directory in git root
sparverius im using a pretty standard vps provider but eventually id like to include jeykll version management as part of the build process
sparverius the standard vps provider being important because im hesitant to fire up a salt/vagrant vm to run nginx
sparverius im overthinking this, but it's because it's a thing that interests me
ben_thatmustbeme working on things that interest you ++

sparverius oh yeah, ive migrated to doing builds on the vps as part of a cron job.
sparverius previously i did the builds on my local machine, which i might go back to, since it reduces complexity of the server, which i would like to not have to think about
sparverius ah, what i meant is right now at midnight, git pulls, runs the build
sparverius it's a hacked out bash in the crontab
sparverius oh, yeah, im sorry, i misread what you said
ben_thatmustbeme hmm, what would be more useful? thatmustbe.us/ben should return h-cards of all bens, but should it be regex to match *ben* or ben with lastname too or ben in url

sparverius yeah, i'll add githooks to the list of things to implement
sparverius right now im focusing on keeping the software up to date, to ensure my dev and remote machine are on relatively similar versions
ben_thatmustbeme hmm, okay, now i just need to work out a storage system

ben_thatmustbeme going to try going without a database

ben_thatmustbeme I'm hopping the fence for this one

ben_thatmustbeme well storage and fast lookup without a DB

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
lukebrooker joined the channel
cmhobbs, scor and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
@NZN Summer Tech Fun #youngmakers + $OYO skills #Tesla #pi #javascript #indieweb with @oyoclass @sbucompsc @TeslaMakerLab https://twitter.com/NZN/status/621147514473959424/photo/1 (twitter.com/_/status/621147514473959424)
KevinMarks joined the channel
@kid_OYO RT @NZN: Summer Tech Fun #youngmakers + $OYO skills #Tesla #pi #javascript #indieweb with @oyoclass @sbucompsc @TeslaMakerLab http://t.co/o… (twitter.com/_/status/621148411023237120)
@nodenow Summer Tech Fun #youngmakers + $OYO skills #Tesla #pi #javascript #indieweb with oyoclass sbucompsc TeslaMakerLab https://twitter.com/NZN/status/621147514473959424/photo/1 (twitter.com/_/status/621149500212662274)
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
aaronparecki.com edited /private-webmention () "(-3864) update with latest on private webmention thoughts" (view diff)

skalpin, GWG, lukebrooker and tilgovi joined the channel
wolftune, tilgovi, chreekat and GWG joined the channel
lukebrooker joined the channel
wolftune, snarfed, tantek, squeakytoy, Deledrius, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, LauraJ, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, Jihaisse, eschnou, loic_m, sanduhrs, jciv and csarven joined the channel
@FEEZig “The Web We Have to Save” @h0d3r https://medium.com/matter/the-web-we-have-to-save-2eb1fe15a426 #indieweb #technology #attention (twitter.com/_/status/621228138484338689)
petermolnar, glennjones, modem, interactivist, keroberos, Sebastien-L, mapkyca, friedcell, shiflett, j12t, KartikPrabhu, kegsay, edpw1, tvn, evalica, stream7, csarven, Phyks, martinBrown, fkooman, frzn and scor joined the channel
@NoizIvy RT @NZN: Summer Tech Fun #youngmakers + $OYO skills #Tesla #pi #javascript #indieweb with @oyoclass @sbucompsc @TeslaMakerLab http://t.co/o… (twitter.com/_/status/621275797731545088)
LanceyWork, LauraJ, hardfire, j12t, KartikPrabhu, parzzix, scor, shiflett_, zachdono-, dpg1, shalkydri, friedcell and tilgovi joined the channel
csarven Proposal to simplify Webmention: The Webmention endpoint receives a POST with the source URL, where its response contains the target URL (implying that this is the reference which needs to be confirmed). The endpoint can decide to whatever it wants with the rest of the contents at the source URL.
cygnoir.net created /User:Cygnoir.net (+177) "Created page with "__NOTITLE__ = cygnoir = Halsted M. Bernard == Background == I've been writing on the Web since 1999, but always with someone else's tools. This year I'd like to change that."" (view diff)
csarven cweiske Yes, first parse to confirm. Good question about multiple target URLs, is that a common practice? If the target's domain matches the Webmention's endpoint (or whatever it finds appropriate), I suppose the endpoint will take those in.
csarven I didn't say "all URLs"
csarven http://example.org/#foo in-reply-to http://example.com/bar#bbq
csarven cweiske is on track. I think the interesting bit to consider is whether there are multiple "in reply to"s or what have you, and make a decision.
csarven voxpelli Right. But, I didn't suggest h-entry or mf2 or necessarily even "u-in-reply-to"
csarven Sure, whatever property.
csarven x has relation to y
csarven If "mention" is the most appropriate term/relation to make between the source and target, that's fine. The endpoint will look for u-mention (if it is interested in mf2). It still leaves it open as to what it can look for.
csarven voxpelli I suppose the target's endpoint can poke source's endpoint?
csarven The value of displaying without verifying is I suppose you get some real-timeness out of it.. but still subject to being an "unverified claim".
csarven cweiske Fair enough, .. what does it mean then? Is it used in any way?
csarven cweiske That's fine. I think that holds with my proposal. Accept the POST, decide what you want.
csarven Perhaps I'm not understanding the value of submitting the target URL if it is not "really" put to use. Isn't it true that the source URL has to be checked regardless before it is a confirmed mention?
csarven What overrules? The POST information or what's in the source response?
csarven Without verification, there is nothing to discuss.
csarven Unless the endpoint is somehow putting the claims into use e.g., displaying.
csarven Just to emphasize, I think it is important that the source URL is a permalink of the note/post/h-entry or whatever.
csarven cweiske Right, and that's all good I think.
csarven A "webmention" can use mf2 or RDFa or xyz.
csarven The target only needs to look for property/ies that it wants to look for. It is simply receiving a list of claims (subject URLs) to go and check. based on whatever criteria it finds appropriate, it can display or use those "statements" as it likes.
csarven cweiske I realize that it doesn't use anything in particular. It is however implicitly doing that.
csarven cweiske I don' tknow why you are in the negative.. perhaps I'm not clear. Yes, the apps/service/whatever you want to call it is looking for whatever it wants to look for.
csarven voxpelli Yes, that's it.
j12t, ttepasse, Jihaisse, fourtonfish, shiflett and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed1 joined the channel
csarven Which is why I emphasized on the point that the permalink (an item of some sort) is used as the source URL and not just any "page".
csarven And only one of those links is of concern to the endpoint (as provided in source URL)
ben_thatmustbeme cweiske: so what if it does, HOW to parse the data at that url is outside of this spec

snarfed1 cweiske is right, this removes the ability of the source to selectively send wms for only some links
ben_thatmustbeme feels this should probably move back to #social since it is really departing any indiewebcamp discussion

ben_thatmustbeme snarfed: just thinking that if its moving toward a discussion without mf2 and how things work without mf2, not sure its really too important here

ben_thatmustbeme there has been discussion there too

ben_thatmustbeme but you may be right, just stay here to keep things in one spot

ben_thatmustbeme snarfed: the reason target is required is that it might not be a mention you wan to parse at all

ben_thatmustbeme if i get a mention to /staticpageidon'tcareabout

ben_thatmustbeme i don't bother even pulling the HTML

ben_thatmustbeme i'll never display it anywhere

csarven voxpelli It was meant as a simplification, not raised as an issue on the current.
ben_thatmustbeme snarfed: its also a matter of handling webmentions differently based on target, its a pretty big optimization in the case where you have to hand the webmention off to other code

ben_thatmustbeme the final part is for security. if you have, say, a service for webmentions

ben_thatmustbeme webmention.io, and you refer to someone externally that does not have access to that post, but reply privately to someone who does

ben_thatmustbeme or leave out the externally referenced person

ben_thatmustbeme the service has no clue what key to use to get private data

ben_thatmustbeme snarfed: tantek will argue what tantek will, i wouldn't expect to speak for him, but i would guess this will be, it works well right now arguement

chalettu joined the channel
csarven One simplification is that the target URL doesn't make the last call. As I understand it, source URL makes the call on the target URL. At the time of submitting the webmention, the target URL is only a "temporary" remark about the relation, nothing more. There is a claim, but it is not verified. The "owner" of the source URL makes the claim and fosters verification.
csarven If the target URL at the time of submission differs than the target URL of the source URL, what then? Which is precisely why the source URL's mention of the target URL matters most.
csarven Otherwise, any third party can go and make those claims.
ben_thatmustbeme voxpelli: there is work on it, private posts you send a standard webmention and the target site has to include a token to get ability to read it

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: has already done this i believe

csarven In that regard, how many permalinks (and again, I am not talking about a page with a feed on it, but instead an individual entry) have we seen making multiple webmentions?
csarven Really? Is it documented? e.g., h-entry is a reply to h-entry1 h-entry2... h-entryn?
csarven Wow, I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat myself.
csarven I'm not talking about a friggin' page ;)
ben_thatmustbeme csarven: i make multiple webmentions a lot, (i send two webmentions to brid.gy for syndication a lot) plus some people do multiple in-reply-to

ben_thatmustbeme its all in one h-entry

csarven ben_thatmustbeme That's fine. Is that a very common thing? How many people doing that?
ben_thatmustbeme csarven: by sending multiple webmentions

interactivist joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme they usually have to go to different sites entirely anyway

csarven What's the process on that by the way.. do you individually send the source/target pair per POST?
ben_thatmustbeme csarven: think of a webmention as a claim to a relationship existing, you claim 1 relationship per POST, webmention endpoint gets data from that URL to verify that specific relationship

csarven voxpelli AFAIK, Twitter doesn't do a reply to multiple tweets.
ben_thatmustbeme you can @mention as many people as you like (or rather can fit) in twitter

ben_thatmustbeme so yes, it does multiple mentions

csarven Is there a "WebMention" property or is the relation inferred based on looking at the h-* information between source/target?
csarven Lets say in the case of people interested in mf2 in WebMentions.
csarven In other words, how does a target know the kind of a relation made/claimed by source?
ben_thatmustbeme waht voxpelli said

ben_thatmustbeme default to mention, learn more from parsing

voxpelli I've chosen to mainly look for like and repost metadata at https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ and constructed the "facepile" out of that

ben_thatmustbeme i need to add repost tracking to mine

voxpelli there's quite a few different relation types that people experiment with: http://indiewebcamp.com/interactions

csarven When you say "mention", are you using that as a general concept or is there a property called "mention"?
csarven Looks at /interactions
csarven So, I take it that WebMention endpoints (interested in mf2 or alike) would be interested in keeping a local copy of the vocabulary used in practice at /interactions
ben_thatmustbeme voxpelli: could be anything, but thats the simplest implementation, there is discussion on how to get that token across best still

parzzix joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme yeah

ben_thatmustbeme i have stopped trying

ben_thatmustbeme it gets too much sometimes

ben_thatmustbeme what is private-webmention? i think that has a some of the data voxpelli, i need to get up to date on some of the discussion myself

Loqi private-webmention is a suggested protocol for combining microformats2, Webmention, and IndieAuth to convey private posts between two people or between groups of people https://indiewebcamp.com/private-webmention

csarven snarfed A list of terms :) Small dictionary.. a small definition-list.. just semantics :)
ben_thatmustbeme voxpelli: same here

wolftune, jciv, shiflett and chreekat joined the channel
@jgarber @kissane @heywren This is a part of what the #indieweb movement is trying to accomplish, but it’s early days and still very technical. (twitter.com/_/status/621336131116900352)
Pierre-O joined the channel
@lackaff The death of the Web, the rise of the Stream, & the "jealous gaze" of social media: https://medium.com/matter/the-web-we-have-to-save-2eb1fe15a426 #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/621336253665902592)
@jgarber @kissane @heywren Events like IndieWebCamp are still niche, but the desire to create tools for all is there, I think. http://indiewebcamp.com (twitter.com/_/status/621336449632354304)
edpw and j12t joined the channel
@voxpelli @pragmaticcode Have you looked at adding Micropub to Linky? An open API effort by the @indiewebcamp community: http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub (twitter.com/_/status/621337468701396993)
snarfed and KevinMarks joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
csarven That is pretty much the case right now any way.
csarven That is the case right now as well.
csarven Practically the same thing, but okay, we can go with that description.
csarven Everything remains the same. The difference is again, a simplification by dropping the target URL at submission time.
csarven It is not needed as one would have to verify in any case.
csarven Gar. I have to run. I'll have to read/reply later.
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
@HongPong a high point for my experience lurking at MIT when @timberners_lee made off with a burrito from #indiewebcamp https://twitter.com/business/status/621338668305883136 (twitter.com/_/status/621340790296588288)
csarven snarfed I don't recall proposing what you just said.
snarfed joined the channel
csarven Redundant as I see it.
loic_m joined the channel
csarven snarfed No worries. I may have missed that suggestion earlier.
csarven Your "verification" is based on the POST? You don't check the actual source URL to physically see whether it is pointing to target URL?
csarven Then it is the source that tells you what it is targeting in reality, not the information in the pOST>
csarven You may be using the POST for the purpose of other htings.
csarven OK
csarven BBL...
tvn and cweiske joined the channel
KevinMarks, gRegorLove, GWG and tantek joined the channel
tantek aaronpk - definitely add csarven's simplification brainstorm and follow-up to the wiki. Since he came up with it, it's likely someone else will come up with it again in the future, and having a good explanation for why it's overall not simpler (sender+receiver overall complexity) will help.

Loqi tantek: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message on 7/14 at 1:55pm: for person B support, Person-tag is written but completely untested and i need to set up receiving salmentions, but then i have to rewrite all of my notifications and mention processing stuff sometime soon http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-14/line/1436907317741

Loqi tantek: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message on 7/14 at 1:55pm: Cool, can't wait to get Web Notifications cross browser http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-14/line/1436907345426

ben_thatmustbeme 'self-mentions would be impossible' really sums it up for me

tantek my addition: don't forget that the receiver *also* has to do redirect handling on the target URL, which is MUCH easier/simpler with *one* specified target URL, whereas having to do a HEAD request on every URL in the source to see if it *might* link to the target "somewhere" is A LOT more complexity and work.

j12t joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme oh yeah, don't know how we all missed that

ben_thatmustbeme the redirects part

ben_thatmustbeme Woah, tantek, i just noticed that the <title> tag to your posts contain the entire content of the post

ben_thatmustbeme i'm guessing thats because the post has no title and thus from MF2 parsing it uses the content

aaronparecki.com edited /Webmention (+251) "/* Why is the target URL a required parameter */ add note about following redirects" (view diff)

ben_thatmustbeme was looking at this http://tantek.com/2015/193/t2/user-flow-permalinks-indieweb-swat0

ben_thatmustbeme tantek, no

ben_thatmustbeme hah, he noticed it the same way i did

ben_thatmustbeme i happened to hover over the tab and said "what the hell was that?"

ben_thatmustbeme i think thats a generally reasonable method to use

dpg1, uhhyeahbret and Sebastien-L joined the channel
aaronparecki.com edited /events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club (+59) "move location" (view diff)

rknLA joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme tantek: I don't, the site generically starts with Ben Roberts, and then if there is a title to whatever post you are viewing it adds that

jeena.net edited /events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club (+32) "/* RSVP */ Portland Jeena" (view diff)

ben_thatmustbeme salmentions go upstream, this is a message in a bottle floating downstream

tantek that is, when you receive a comment/like/repost, and then you update your original post, you should send a webmention to the comment/like/repost wherein it can notice that the thing they are a response to has been updated, and update their reply-context / like-summary/context / or perhaps entire repost?

tilgovi joined the channel
edpw joined the channel
Zegnat no. if my site has threaded comments and with salmentions let me add deeper levels it will grow long with comments from people who never actually replied directly to me. But if I have to send a webmention downstream to every link on my page (that includes replies-to-replies), and everyone else does that too, your 3 levels deep comment can easily get a lot of webmentions. One from each site that mirrors the discussion

@garethjordan The Web We Have to Save - The Web We Have to Save https://medium.com/matter/the-web-we-have-to-save-2eb1fe15a426 via DuckDuckGo for Android #IndieWeb #OpenSource #FOSS (twitter.com/_/status/621361703381405696)
j12t and snarfed joined the channel
tantek definitely a must read indieweb article: https://medium.com/matter/the-web-we-have-to-save-2eb1fe15a426

snarfed1 joined the channel
evalica, csarven and tantek joined the channel
@bhenick Antipodean, spent yrs in prison, yet I totally agree with him: https://medium.com/matter/the-web-we-have-to-save-2eb1fe15a426 #indieweb //cc @mollydotcom @h0d3r (twitter.com/_/status/621374249257664512)
tantek !tell benwerd note comments markup updated slightly with u-comment instead of p-comment, see https://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation#How_to_markup for update and reasons!

JarOfGreen joined the channel
tantek and more recently: http://tantek.com/2015/020/t2/google-reinvents-microsoft-xml-data-islands

wolftune joined the channel
tantek.com edited /events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club (+214) "/* What */ Topics for tonight, IWC 2015 review (SWAT0!!), "The Web We Have To Save"" (view diff)

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "you adding" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=you+adding&summary=prompted+by+aaronpk+https%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2Firc%2F2015-07-15%2Fline%2F1436984836727

wolftune joined the channel
tantek.com edited /events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club (+29) "/* Topics */ feel free to add more" (view diff)

lukebrooker, benwerd and awolf joined the channel
csarven aaronpk The current design is arbitrary because it doesn't specify how to handle redundancy or errors either. It is not "extra burden" to add/leave the target parameter if you are the one that's coming up with the definition of the complexity. The point is that, it is *safer* to ignore the target URL in submission, because it becomes obsolete the second you look into the source URL - which is something you have to do any way! Your
csarven concern on what to look for is as well an arbitrary concern. source URL is simply the atomic item (on a page) which made the reference to the target URL. It is quite trivial to figure out what to look for especially if one can count the number of possible properties under IWC/interactions.
csarven What "all URLs" are you referring to? Again, Webmention doesn't specify in any way how the receiver should handle/parse the response, so why are you imposing that is somehow an issue?
csarven If you do give the instructions and people go out of their way, okay, then we can discuss.
csarven But Webmention is not giving those instructions whatsoever
@voxpelli Updated a lot of dependencies + moved from Node 0.10 to iojs on my WebMention endpoint: https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ Please ping me if it acts up (twitter.com/_/status/621388096022687744)
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "you talking about" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=you+talking+about&summary=prompted+by+aaronpk+https%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2Firc%2F2015-07-15%2Fline%2F1436985443266

csarven I'm well aware of that. I have stressed that point 50 times now.
csarven Webmention endpoint tries to verify x relation y. Period. x and y can be anywhere.
csarven I never said anything about mf. Why are you bringing thta up even?
csarven Minimize your assumptions. Just a suggestion.
csarven "Webmention endpoint tries to verify x relation y. Period. x and y can be anywhere. " is significantly different than "go look at the source URL and verify the link to your site exists"
csarven perhaps you are confused? :)
@voxpelli @maxogden thanks! lots of interesting things happening in the @indiewebcamp community, check eg. https://www.brid.gy/ and such as well :) (twitter.com/_/status/621389077322039297)
csarven I'm looking at the README for WM.
csarven anywhere on the Web
csarven under any domain.
csarven controlled by any authority.
csarven Argh.. I'll use terms that you can understand.
csarven How about a "property"
csarven Yes a "mention" will do
csarven The "property" is not specified by Webmention.
csarven Nor the data model.
csarven So.. that whole thing is completley open for the consumer / webpoint endpoint.
csarven s/webpoint/webmention
csarven The point is that, there is some sort of a statement made by source URL about target URL with a particular kind of a relation. That relation ... is what you conceptually call a "mention". There are some properties for it documented at http://indiewebcamp.com/interactions as I'm told.
csarven aaronpk Not yet. Is that relevant to the discussion?
snarfed1 aaronpk++
csarven heh
csarven snarfed1++
csarven snarfed++
csarven Karmas all around.
Loqi selfdogfood is a stronger form of dogfooding, that is, using your own creations on your own personal site that you depend on, as an aspect of your primary online identity, day to day — if you're not willing to use your creation on your own primary personal website, why should anyone else use it on their primary personal website? https://indiewebcamp.com/selfdogfooding

csarven voxpelli++
gRegorLove /interactions is about extracting meaning from the mf2 on the source page, not directly related to the webmention itself

gRegorLove As I understand it

csarven gRegorLove Right.
csarven But it is the only tangible thing we can point at that's used along with Webmention as I've gathered here.
snarfed csarven: mostly, but not entirely. other small webmention uses include salmentions, bridgy publish triggering (https://www.brid.gy/about#publish), etc
csarven aaronpk I find it amusing that you had to resort to "have you implemented Webmention" yet.
csarven And with snarfed and voxpelli onboard, I feel ganged up with all the karmas and citations to the Wikis fly aorund.
csarven You are not at all addressing what I'm stating.
gRegorLove Right, voxpelli. In my implementation I parse for in-reply-to mf2 and if so, extract the plaintext content as a comment. Otherwise I just show "[User] mentioned this"

csarven The decisions you are making right now are completely arbitrary.
csarven Right, and I'm suggesting a simplication because wha tyou have is redundant.
csarven Whatever
gRegorLove Er, I guess I do parse /likes as well.

csarven ++ to you for editing a wiki page
j12t joined the channel
csarven Should I go and create a bunch of URLs with my argument?
csarven Would an URL to the IRC chat log suffice?
gRegorLove voxpelli: I think the main reason I'm doing that is in case a blog post links to me, I don't want to display the entire blog post.

csarven heh
ben_thatmustbeme looks in. Is this arguement still going on?

csarven With what.. like 5 people implementing?
gRegorLove I think adactio doesn't make that distinction either. I wrote an article linking to him and the whole post showed up on his page, heh.

csarven Hey, you guys go ahead. I'm going to excuse myself. It seems like IWC is allergic to new ideas or their own ideas being challenged.
csarven I have yet to hear a sound argument against the simplification meanwhile not changing the fundmanetals of Webmention
csarven aaronpk I appreciate your acknowledgement and response. KUTGW
gRegorLove counts more than five http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention#Implementations

ben_thatmustbeme csarven: " It seems like IWC is allergic to new ideas or their own ideas being challenged."? seems to be getting a bit unnecessary

ben_thatmustbeme usually after like 5 or 6 people stop putting their name on the wiki

ben_thatmustbeme at least from what i have observed

ben_thatmustbeme that page does have a lot of implementations listed

csarven re: http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention#Why_is_the_target_URL_a_required_parameter .. receiver also doesn't know which "mention" to look for. however, it makes a decision regardless on what it is interested in. So, why is that on one hand the "easier" argument is made when it is not at all essential to the architecture of Webmention, and on another somehow "what to look for" is this rocket science. Wakeup call: the receiver is maki
csarven ng all the decisions in the end - Webmention doesn't specify anything any way other than saying that, go and look at the source URL to see if there is a relation to a target URL that you want.
csarven So, that is arbitrary design IMHO
csarven I'm not saying it is bad.
csarven I'll even buy the argument on "easier".
csarven ben_thatmustbeme Sorry, you are right. A bit unnecessary :) I'd like to retract that.. Would Loqi allow? =)
ben_thatmustbeme he seems to smile upon that idea

csarven Is the latter a simple x hyperlinks to b?
tilgovi joined the channel
csarven Why not give the complete statement to the Webmention endpoint?
csarven e.g., h-entryX u-in-reply-to h-entryY (only an example)
ben_thatmustbeme because you can't trust it

csarven The endpoint can at least know whether to decide to work with mf2 or not.
csarven I agree that you can't ultimately trust it unless you check the source URL.
ben_thatmustbeme indeed. though for that i would suggest #fragment should be used really

csarven But given the complete statement will tell the endpoint precisely WHICH statement to verify
ben_thatmustbeme plus you then have to question what to do when they tell you its in-reply-to, but its not, its actually just a mention, etc

csarven Because.. if your h-entry states "in-reply-to" as well as "likes" to my h-entry, well, that's something the current Webmention endpoint can't precisely figure out. It will probably take both.
ben_thatmustbeme csarven: i treat it as both, i store as a reply and a like

ben_thatmustbeme at least that the theory, not tested since people really don't do it

csarven aaronpk Right. Either simplify and let the endpoint figure it out all (since no real instructions are given but everything is left to the discretion of the target), or be very precise about what you want the webmention endpoint to know (i.e., to look further into)
tilgovi joined the channel
csarven As an added bonus, the endpoint can even decide what to do without even making a single GET request.
ben_thatmustbeme a better way to think about it is this, webmention endpoints all have MF2 processing plugins right now, WM endpoint just verifies that the target URL is at the specified page, and that this URL is of your domain (or redirects to it if you follow it) . The rest is processing done by your MF2 side of things, but this could be swapped for other things

csarven 1. Is it mf2? Yes 2. Is it an "in-reply-to"? No. Then I don't want it.
ben_thatmustbeme csarven: unless they sent it wrong as like instead of in-reply-to. its a reply you want but now you aren't checking it.

csarven True. But, then again, life is hard :)
ben_thatmustbeme putting mf2 class in to WM sort of breaks seperation of concerns for me

csarven It doesn't have to be an mf2
csarven That's left for open
csarven source URL, relation URL, target URL
ben_thatmustbeme hmm, almost sounds like an extension

ben_thatmustbeme just like vouch

ben_thatmustbeme also, at that point csarven, its really just an optimization

csarven e.g., relation URL: http://microformats.org/profile#u-in-reply-to
csarven or.. http://example.org/foo
ben_thatmustbeme you can send it, but chances are people will ignore it, and not send it either

csarven If the Webmention endpoint sees the relationURL, it knows what to do with it - it may not even want to bother with the HTTP GETing the source URL for the verification.
ben_thatmustbeme whats that quote about being liberal in what you accept and... something

csarven ben_thatmustbeme https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robustness_principle
ben_thatmustbeme csarven: i could point you back in to the conversation earlier where you were arguing thats just an optization, not necessary

ben_thatmustbeme of course you were talking about target= at the time

csarven side-effect. Not the primary reason to have the relation URL
gRegorLove pokes Loqi

ben_thatmustbeme hahaha, Loqi

petermolnar joined the channel
petermolnar good evening, everyone

loqi.me created /Postels_Law (+25) "prompted by gRegorLove and dfn added by gRegorLove" (view diff)

petermolnar a-not-too-glorfindel

petermolnar s/a-not-too-glorfindel/what the hell happened to my keyboard?/

voxpelli regarding https://twitter.com/pragmaticcode/status/621400788221472768 – has there been any iOS IndieAuth / Micropub development?

@pragmaticcode @voxpelli didn't know Micropub, looks cool but not sure for adding it to Linky in a near future. I keep it in the user's suggestions list. (twitter.com/_/status/621400788221472768)
ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: don't you use micropub with your pushup app thing?

jciv joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme cweiske: it doesn't? interesting. what do you do with webmentions?

ben_thatmustbeme lol

Jeena aaronpk, https://indiewebcamp.com/Micropub mentiones mp-syndicate-to is this the preferred way or is it just an old artifact?

ben_thatmustbeme cweiske: too many bens

ben_thatmustbeme thats why ben.thatmustbe.us exists :P

ben_thatmustbeme considers just searching for every person named ben with a personal blog he can find and just adding them all

@voxpelli @jaredsinclair Thinking a lib that fixes the UI-dance with web redirects which one can create a plugin for – want for http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieAuthProtocol (twitter.com/_/status/621404990175903744)
ben_thatmustbeme jeena: huh?

ben_thatmustbeme i don't have rss at all on my site?

ben_thatmustbeme ben.thatmustbe.us randomly picks a ben's website and redirects

ben_thatmustbeme indie.thatmustbe.us randomly picks from everyone on irc-people

ben_thatmustbeme well of those that loaded, i trimmed a few

ben_thatmustbeme or rather those on the page at the time i polled it, i need to fix that to acutally poll over and over

ben_thatmustbeme indieweb roulette

ben_thatmustbeme doesn't remember who coined that term for it

Deledrius joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme thost are the ones on the ben list

ben_thatmustbeme Jeena: i'm guessing that all of Known then

ben_thatmustbeme they ahve different rel values

ben_thatmustbeme weird

ben_thatmustbeme voxpelli: huh, don't know about ios dev

ben_thatmustbeme my app is apache cordova, so its written in html/css/js and just compiled to android (and ios if anyone cares to do that)

ben_thatmustbeme Jeens, ask benwerd on that one though

ben_thatmustbeme s/Jeens/Jeena

gavinc joined the channel
voxpelli one could probably base it on something like: https://github.com/calebd/SimpleAuth/tree/master/Pod/Providers/Instagram

tilgovi and cm100 joined the channel
tantek, snarfed1, benwerd, wolftune, ttepasse_, j12t, cm100, parzzix and friedcell joined the channel
kevinmarks.com edited /Webmention (+205) "/* Why is the target URL a required parameter */" (view diff)

gregorlove.com edited /Webmention (+0) "/* Why is the target URL a required parameter */ typo" (view diff)

KevinMarks joined the channel
paultibbetts.uk edited /WordPress/Examples (-71) "/* Other independents using it on their primary site */ Paul Tibbetts new domain" (view diff)
snarfed, wolftune, benwerd and soypirate joined the channel
grant.codes edited /2015/Edinburgh/Guest_List (+281) "/* Creators */ Add Grant Richmond" (view diff)

tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
tantek fellow HWC organizers aaronpk, kylewm, benwerd, snarfed, GWG in looking at the current page, https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club I feel like URLs & RSVP could be combined into one section, RSVP - what do you think?

Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 1 day, 3 hours ago: what do you think about adding person-tagging support to photo posts in Known? I think that plus supporting salmentions would upgrade Known to be able to play player A's role in https://indiewebcamp.com/SWAT0#implementation_requirements http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-14/line/1436900658124

Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 27 minutes ago: note comments markup updated slightly with u-comment instead of p-comment, see https://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation#How_to_markup for update and reasons! http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-15/line/1436982278421

KartikPrabhu should get to getting likes/reposts working with marginalia :)

KartikPrabhu after hfeed2atom is in some shape

KartikPrabhu wow in that diagram everything is actually just a mention even without hyperlinks :|

KartikPrabhu Feedly jus told me it is making a "collection" UI

KartikPrabhu opt-in to try it

csarven tantek s/mention/hyperlink ;)
KartikPrabhu mention is a hyperlink

KartikPrabhu tantek: sure why not. that is how I treat them if I receive a webmention. if just hyperlink no additional markup then yes

KartikPrabhu tantek: yes

KartikPrabhu I was thinking of having a "related articles" list if the mention is a long article... but not gotten to that yet

csarven Kilicdaroglu, what a last name..
csarven is looking at doe's PNG
csarven tantek re: w3c annotations, only the data model.
csarven the protocol "feels" a bit overkill.. I don' tknow
tantek.com edited /events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club () "(-846) collapse URLs section with RSVPs for simplicity" (view diff)

tantek benwerd, aaronpk ^^^ please review: https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club#RSVP

csarven tantek No, I haven't looked at the UCs yet. What I do know is along the lines of what you said, it casts a wide net on what can be an annotation.
csarven Having said that, this http://www.w3.org/annotation/diagrams/annotation-architecture.svg which you've probably seen is a brief walk-through.
csarven opens up his notebook -- yes the paper/pen thing.
@t Reminder: HWC #IndieWeb meetup SF+Portland TONIGHT! 17:30 writing hour 18:30 chat & hack night https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club#RSVP (ttk.me t4cB1) (twitter.com/_/status/621446934604214273)
sparverius ++++
csarven I classify annotations/comments/mark/highlight/*note (footnote, marginal, endnotes..) to have high overlap.
csarven citations/blockquote/q/anchors are somewhat related to annotations but are sufficiently different.
KartikPrabhu csarven: that is fine as a concept until you try to implement a UI for them

jciv joined the channel
csarven KartikPrabhu That is exactly what I'm doing! :)
KartikPrabhu good

csarven Will find out in due time.. like I said, this is something I sketched in my notebook while wondering around..
tantek csarven you may be interested in: http://indiewebcamp.com/quotation#Instead_use

csarven Thanks for the pointer.
csarven I think in my case, it will mostly be for small snippets.
csarven (if not all cases come to think of it)
csarven Standard scholarly articles.
csarven hah
csarven considers standardizing on 10 chars max.
csarven Took me a second to get that!
csarven That'd be cool. Cluster around type of channels.
csarven Tech, social, news..
csarven Correlate with average age and language
csarven tantek Not from OA but from DPUB: http://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-annotation-uc/
csarven "in coordination with the oA"
snarfed joined the channel
csarven Can't go through that now. Insufficient brain cells for today.
lukebrooker joined the channel
csarven I'm constantly logged out of IWC.com, is it just me?
csarven Thanks
tantek.com edited /events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club (+35) "/* RSVP */ try some link compression with SF as the test case (we're good at that)" (view diff)

tantek benwerd, here's a first attempt at following your suggestion, what do you think? https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club#San_Francisco

tantek.com edited /events/2015-07-15-homebrew-website-club (+41) "/* RSVP */ Portland link compression" (view diff)

kylewm tantek: do you want (or want me) to update 07-29 too? https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-07-29-homebrew-website-club
gRegorLove Sure, I'll use the latest version if I set up more HWC pages. If others want to, though, that's cool. I'm a bit out of the HWC loop :)

kylewm.com edited /events/2015-07-29-homebrew-website-club (+174) "/* RSVP */ update to NWO" (view diff)
kylewm.com edited /events/2015-07-29-homebrew-website-club () "(-538) /* URLs */ collapse URLs section into RSVPs" (view diff)
tantek gRegorLove: you know all your help with the wiki is appreciated. Saw you got a bunch of the Etherpads archived as well - and thank you for updating the /2015/Schedule to point to all the sessions / archives!

gRegorLove glad to

gRegorLove Appeals to some administrative thing in me that likes to organize stuff, heh

scor joined the channel
gRegorLove Hmm, not the best sign if the Western Washing University ACM subdomain doesn't resolve (linked from the CS page). I was thinking about reaching out to see if there's any interest there for a Bellingham HWC

gRegorLove Sure it didn't start when you downloaded iTunes? ;)

tantek this is of course distinguished by Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/New-Order-Bizarre-Love-Triangle/release/2560539

tantek so now, as gRegorLove put it, that "thing in me that likes to organize stuff", is having difficulty dealing with this incongruity, especially when there is only one "Year" field in iTunes, and *obviously* Bizarre Love Triangle belongs in the "80's music" smart playlist, not in the "90's music" smart playlist.

gRegorLove I used and contributed to musicbrainz.org for meta data when I was ripping music more regularly

gRegorLove They have some free tagging software too that thumbprints mp3s and can be used to update the mp3 metadata

gRegorLove Yeah, I was really impressed by Chloe's page with her listening history (I think that's what it was?)

gRegorLove Think iTunes library stuff is in XML, so I'll leave that to someone else. :)

snarfed joined the channel
gRegorLove Or something like https://libre.fm/

gRegorLove I shared a zip file of a mix I made years ago, though the zip wasn't self-hosted. One of those free upload sites.

gRegorLove (still rather proud of that mix, and I'm overdue to make another)

gRegorLove obviously, do so only at your own copyright risk, heh

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "jam" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=jam&summary=prompted+by+tantek+https%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2Firc%2F2015-07-15%2Fline%2F1437004444176

tantek is a play list just a specific kind of /collection?