#aaronpkM-kegan: so I just upgraded to ubuntu 14.04, and running the installer it fails with "mock requires setuptools>=17.1. Aborting installation"
KartikPrabhu and frzn_ joined the channel
#aaronpki don't know anythign about python dependencies
#aaronpkconsiders installing the matrix server in Go
#aaronpkah I had to upgrade setuptools after upgrading my os
mlncn, mdik_ and M-aaronpk joined the channel
#M-aaronpkoh the "m-" prefix is from the matrix bridge... that is not what I want
#aaronpk!tell M-kegan I couldn't get the matrix-micropub client installed, it says "Error: Cannot find module 'matrix-appservice-micropub'" when I try to run app.js
#colintedfordDo we add microformats to plain pages (ie not a post or an index)? If so, what kind? I don't see a "page" page on the wiki; closest is /wiki-page.
#colintedfordI thought I remembered hearing that the wiki's pages were marked up w/ h-entry, but that seems to be not true.
#colintedfordActually, GWG, this is sort of a Wordpress question ^
#tantekcolintedford: not WordPress specific, and yes, h-entry is a good simple page-level markup
#colintedfordtantek: Yeah, I just meant that I'm dealing w/ a WP install & thought he might have dealt w/ it already.
#colintedfordtantek: I did feel a little funny searching the wiki for "page" :)
#tantekpage is short for webpage on the IndieWeb, and can by default be marked up with h-entry unless it serves amore specific purpose. see also [[permalink]], [[navigation]].
#Loqipage is short for webpage on the IndieWeb, and can by default be marked up with h-entry (like body class=h-entry) for link-preview purposes unless the page serves a more specific purpose like a homepage or an event https://indiewebcamp.com/page
#Loqipagination is a UI pattern for navigation across (typically chronologically) sequential pages that show one or more posts such as permalink post pages, archives, search results, and lists of tagged posts https://indiewebcamp.com/pagination
#colintedfordI look forward to having a CMS where it's not "all in the database" someday ;)
#pokrpretty sure the IWC people are trolls. tried for years to watch their live "Camps", using every html5 browser on linux i can find. convinced Google wont let you see the crap w/o an account or a mac or flashplugin or something. finally youtuibe'DL'd it and it was a room full of people on macs. the most jailed, anti-freedom tech company of all time
#pokrwe know that you need 2 implementations of something to get W3C approval, and google cant just invent shit like microosft. so it has to pay mozilla to make the 2nd implementation as some kiond of puppet proxy. ther'es nothing indie about makintg stuff that relies on shit made by 2 companies but ultimately funded b one
#pokrthen we have people like tantek, who have these rambling screeds against email.. something decentralized, a plethora of open implementations, and most of hte complaints seem to be rooted in stuff that's a UI decision of certian implementors. like having an "inbox"
#tantekpokr - it sounds like you're upset about a bunch of things, but if you'd like to work on your personal website, we can help with that.
KevinMarks__, snarfed and [aaronpk] joined the channel
#[aaronpk]Hey pokr, friendly reminder that IndieWebCamp is focused on the idea of owning your online identity.
#tantek.comedited /bim (+123) "tweak dfn, cite additional links (now that I've finally posted one on my own site)" (view diff)
#M-keganPythons packaging is downright terrible. We didn't know that at the time of course
#[aaronpk]While things like not relying on closed source software, and using only open protocols for video and voice communication are interesting, and while many people involved with IndieWebCamp are also interested in those, they are not the focus of this community
#LoqiM-kegan: aaronpk left you a message 4 hours, 16 minutes ago: I couldn't get the matrix-micropub client installed, it says "Error: Cannot find module 'matrix-appservice-micropub'" when I try to run app.js http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-08-16/line/1439776052526
#M-keganI probably npm linked the micropub client which is why it's whining about it missing
#tantekcolintedford: good to know. I think someone might be working on a flat-file backend for Known though I'm not certain
#tantekI've been open sourcing bits and pieces of /Falcon as they mature and I can convert them to CASSIS but it's nowhere near ready for someone else to try on their own site.
#colintedfordtantek: ooh, I hope so! I remember seeing benwerd mention that that could be done a while back, and it thrilled me
#tantekyes, Known is pretty awesome. good team there working on it too, benwerd & erinjo
#tanteksince the parsers all do explicit detection of classic mf1, they could be altered to *warn* when they see duplicate mf1 classes on the same elements as mf2, or especially warn if they see mf1 versions of classes *inside* mf2 classes.
#tantekthat would be quite useful - good idea cweiske
#colintedfordtantek: oops, i have hentry *inside* h-entry?
#cweiskemy jsonmapper lib for example has options to warn about unknown properties in classes that exist in json data. we enable that during development to get notified when json data changes
#tantekcolintedford: yes, on the <article> inside the <div>
#tantekcolintedford: indeed, the challenge of fully upgrading a WordPress install from mf1 to *only* mf2 is something I think GWG's been working on for a while, largely made complicated by what KartikPrabhu referred to - "lot of mix between code, filter, template etc."
#colintedfordtantek: uch, yeah. they did post_class() in a way that doesn't let me add classes to whatever it's generating classes for; otherwise it'd be easy :(
#colintedfordreidab: page date: "2015" is auto-generated, but any given page won't necessarily have been update in the current year.
#colintedford!tell ben_thatmust, benthatmustbeme: I'd love to see your unified messaging project documented on your user page! I linked to the 2015 Cambridge session from /messaging .
#voxpellimany seems to be pretty bloated and not just do the parsing but also a hundred different things around it – like fetching the feed and such – not really what I would want from a library :/
#voxpelli(zend-feed wasn't small btw, it just didn't have many dependencies :P My mistake)
#voxpellijumping between PHP and Node.js makes for interesting impressions – one favors big object oriented things with lots of interfaces and inheritance, the other small tiny modules that's composed together
#tantekKevinMarks: just noticed that feed.unmung.com/feed?feed = requires explicit http(s) - could you perhaps allow http-less URLs as a param and imply http in that case?
#voxpellicweiske: looks like it would require quite some refactoring of the parser classes in picoFeed though :/ Right now it expects all formats to be XML-based. Would probably be good, but perhaps a bit too much job.
#tantekrhiaro: ah, then the trick is just type your /topic line in here, preceded by keyword adminhelp and someone with ops should see it (convention from #microformats)
#Loqitantek meant to say: I wonder if the IWC wiki should send webmentions to all links in the contents of a page when it's created or updated (except not to it'self obv)
wolftune, snarfed and glennjones_ joined the channel
#tantekevery wiki page is kind of like its own post right? so it should send webmentions upon "posting" (creation) and "updating" (editing/saving) right?
#aaronpktechnically every IRC utterance is as well, but i think that would be too spammy
#tantekwe don't link to things too often in IRC right?
#tantekthe key there is not webmention things which are just notifications themselves, like when Loqi mentions webmentions in IRC that pages have received
#Loqiarchive in the context of the indieweb refers to date-grouped (often monthly) sets of posts (AKA personal historical archives, a common form of navigation), but can sometimes mean archival copy, a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time https://indiewebcamp.com/archive