2015-08-16 UTC
KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_ and modem joined the channel
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
snarfed, wolftune, awolf, KartikPrabhu, endi, gRegorLove, snarfed1, KevinMarks_, frzn, Lancey_, endi_, gRegorLove_, rhiaro_, brucewang, edsu_, Vendan_, brianlove_swords, rektide_, trodrigues, MMN-o_, cstanhope, acegiak, cmhobbs, XgF, mlncn, nikhil123, KevinMarks__, squeakytoy, LukasRos, tantek, catsup and almereyda joined the channel
# 09:29 Loqi [bridgy] STOP WHITE PEOPLE. replied '@kevinmarks @dabravanel @SlackHQ @arthur_affect and I both agreed yesterday that faves are like message
j12t, alexhartley, KartikPrabhu, ben_thatmustbeme, frzn, LukasRos, Guest42962, sanduhrs, ben_thatmust, ttepasse and finchd joined the channel
j12t and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
awolf joined the channel
# 16:01 GWG Hmm...bear is on a podcast about talky. I should watch
yakker, j12t, tantek, wilfredh, glennjones and emmak_ joined the channel
j12t, awolf, scoates and sanduhrs joined the channel
# 17:09 tantek why all the uncollapsed whitespace in a notification Loqi?
glennjones, modem, mlncn, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
# 17:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
TinoKremer, j12t and mdik joined the channel
# 19:45 aaronpk I wonder at what point we can just say "we have a public chat room you can access from the web, IRC or Slack"
# 19:53 aaronpk yeah. oh I need to fix the problem of web messages not showing up in slack
snarfed joined the channel
mdik_ joined the channel
aaronpk_web, [undefined], wolftune, aaronpk_web1 and aaronpk_web2 joined the channel
# 20:29 aaronpk_web hi from the web
# 20:32 aaronpk_web this should do it
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 20:34 aaronpk_web great looks like it's all hooked up
# 20:34 [aaronpk] Yep, I made it so the web chat doesn't add [] around the nickname
# 20:36 Zegnat alright, so no way to distinguish web users. Might be for the best. Though a bit weird to have slack users stand-out
# 20:36 aaronpk if you do a whois on the web users you'll see they are connected from the web gateway
# 20:37 aaronpk but I don't think there's any value to distinguishing web users here. all part of the plan to treat IRC as plumbing rather than as first-class infrastructure
# 20:38 aaronpk_web hm can web users use the /nick command?
mdik joined the channel
# 20:39 Zegnat Will Slack ever drop the [ ] and just use “IRC as plumbing”?
# 20:40 aaronpk I'm not sure I can, because the Slack API doesn't give me enough to distinguish where the messages came from otherwise
# 20:41 aaronpk also there's a higher chance of nick conflicts between slack users and IRC users
# 20:42 aaronpk for example I've registered "aaronpk" with nickserv, and i'm also "aaronpk" on Slack. using [] is a convenient way to avoid nick conflicts
# 20:42 aaronpk but if someone is joining from the web interface, they are probably not a regular IRC user, and if they are, they probably know whether they are currently connected to IRC
Zegnat1 joined the channel
# 20:43 Zegnat1 Aah, it uses numbers to stop nick conflicts
# 20:43 aaronpk yeah, and IMO "aaronpk1" is less ideal than "[aaronpk]"
# 20:43 Zegnat1 Guess commands never work. Just close the tab?
# 20:44 Zegnat I just hoped if I could kill the connection, tell the bot to shut down, rather than waiting for a timeout
# 20:46 Zegnat extremely low priority though. Most people using the webchat will be more likely to close the tab than to figure out a command for disconnecting
aaronpk_web joined the channel
# 20:50 Zegnat is there some way for it to do an underscore rather than a number behind the nickname in case of conflict?
# 20:52 aaronpk yeah that's buried pretty deep in the node-irc library
# 20:53 aaronpk i'l open an issue asking them to add a callback mechanism to override that behavior
# 20:55 Zegnat Interesting how they harcoded that without an option to overwrite it
# 20:58 M-kegan Good luck getting them to do anything in any reasonable amount of time aaronpk
# 21:00 M-kegan Issues or PRs don't matter, the maintenance is crap
# 21:00 M-kegan I can add a hook in my fork tomorrow if you want. I'm happy with the numbered suffix currently but I've been bitten by it just renaming it without any overrides before
# 21:01 M-kegan The readme explains some of the diffs
# 21:01 M-kegan There's also more sanity checks to avoid spontaneous uncaught exceptions
# 21:02 aaronpk I'd gladly switch to your fork if yuo've been making more progress on it than they have
# 21:02 M-kegan matrix.org are pretty serious about getting a reliable irc bridge up, given it helps bootstrapping, so I've been able to dedicate a lot more time than most on it
# 21:03 M-kegan Some of the progress is dumb maintenance though, like accepting PRs which already exist on the main project
# 21:04 M-kegan Let's just say I've been unimpressed by it..
# 21:04 aaronpk not sure if you saw my chatter here yesterday, but i'm considering switching from my weechat IRC client to a web client that I want to build
# 21:04 M-kegan Though there isn't anything better and for the basic use case it does indeed work.
# 21:04 aaronpk which means I'll be relying on some sort of IRC client library pretty heavily
# 21:05 M-kegan Haven't been lurking too much in here this weekend so you'll need to repeat :3
# 21:08 aaronpk i've gotta finish my new site before i can go anywhere near this tho :P
# 21:09 M-kegan Without sounding self promotional, some of the issues you've described would be fixed using something like matrix. We have web clients, irc integration, basic rest apis for rolling your own clients, and we're completely open source / standard
# 21:09 M-kegan Things like storage matrix.org does very well
# 21:10 aaronpk i have an interesting set of requirements that may not have been articulated well in that log
# 21:10 M-kegan Please do explain in more detail
# 21:10 M-kegan Like atm I'm speaking from a matrix client on my android device which is then being bounced to irc
# 21:11 M-kegan Which is rather useful
# 21:11 M-kegan Since I have scrollback without the need for an irc bouncer
# 21:12 aaronpk i wish i could share screenshots but a lot of the IRC channels I have contain private information
# 21:13 M-kegan I belive Tor (a person, not the organisation) did one, lemme find it
# 21:14 M-kegan I don use weechat so idk if that is what you want
# 21:14 aaronpk well I don't know that I want to keep using weechat, but that is my current preferred client
# 21:15 M-kegan reads your blog post
# 21:19 M-kegan Hum, interesting. Things like push we have covered, and aggregating from silos is a thing we aim to do well. We don't have any specific twitter integration yet though afaik
# 21:19 aaronpk the main reason I keep coming back to IRC for everything is because with Loqi, I have a simple HTTP and UDP API to get messages into a specific IRC channel
# 21:20 M-kegan But if you have bots which are spitting stuff into irc, it's trivial to get them to do an http post to send a message instead presumably.
# 21:20 aaronpk this lets me write external services that do things like twitter searches where the result is piped into an IRC channel
# 21:20 aaronpk I also have some systems like my front door which reports to IRC rather than having its own place to log things
# 21:21 M-kegan Yeah I know what you mean. Before matrix.org even went public I wrote a bot for webhooks from github jenkins and jira
# 21:21 M-kegan Which is just trivial to do as http pokes
# 21:21 M-kegan How do you get scrollback?
# 21:22 aaronpk I use weechat which is normally connected 100% of the time, so scrollback happens in the terminal interface. (weechat is running on a server at home in a tmux session)
# 21:22 aaronpk in the rare cases when my weechat isn't connected, like last week when my internet went down while i was out of town), I get scrollback when it reconnects to the IRC bouncer
# 21:24 aaronpk can I hard-code an access token into a script? (i.e. do access tokens have unlimited lifetime?)
# 21:25 M-kegan Yes they are currently unlimited
# 21:28 M-kegan no, there's no links to matrix.org itself unless you federate (by joining a room on matrix.org's server) with it
# 21:29 M-kegan the thing which I like the most about it all is the decentralised nature and persistent history. It's really nice to be able to have everything running on my own server, and to have synced history on both web/mobile
# 21:30 M-kegan and the extensible API makes it nice to add cheeky hacks on top <_<
# 21:30 aaronpk looks like all the message history is stored in the database? (sqlite by default with optional postgres support)?
# 21:30 M-kegan and since we bridge with moznet and freenode, it's completely replaced xchat for me
# 21:31 M-kegan past history is lazily loaded from participating servers
# 21:31 aaronpk what would it take to get a file-based log of all the rooms?
# 21:31 M-kegan file based as in csv style?
# 21:32 aaronpk basically one file per room per day, one line per message
uhhyeahbret joined the channel
# 21:32 aaronpk (i'm not too concerned with the actual format per line)
# 21:32 M-kegan that would be hard to do. We originally had just sqlite support but quickly realised we needed a more performant option, hence going down the road of postgres
# 21:33 M-kegan though it depends what purpose you want it for
# 21:33 aaronpk doesn't necessarily need to be the canonical store, so like writing a connector would be fine
# 21:33 M-kegan since you can sniff all the traffic on your local HS using an application service
# 21:33 M-kegan provided people aren't using E2E
# 21:34 M-kegan application services are basically separate components which "register" with a HS, the IRC bridge is an application service. The AS makes a webhook and the HS sends it events it is interested in
# 21:35 M-kegan you specify your interest as a regex, so you can just do .* and get everything if you want it for logging purposes
# 21:35 M-kegan so it won't be the canonical store, and you don't need to faff with db connections
# 21:38 M-kegan which does the indieauth dance
# 21:39 aaronpk that works by basically having a bot join a room where the bot does the micropub request?
# 21:40 M-kegan there's no reason why that couldn't have been a client bot either to be fair
# 21:41 M-kegan application services are not client bots though. They are more like IRC services / extra logic on the actual server
# 21:43 M-kegan my point is that there's many ways to skin the cat, either by adding a client bot, or by adding extra logic on the server via an application service
# 21:43 M-kegan and there are examples of both (NEB for client, as-micropub for server)
# 21:44 aaronpk cool, I might try to install this to see what it takes
# 21:45 M-kegan as you might've guessed, I would be interested in feedback from you
# 21:46 M-kegan September 2014 is when we first really announced it to the wider world
mdik_ joined the channel
# 21:48 M-kegan I tend to do application service / client-server stuff, the crypto/federation stuff is not my forte ;3
mlncn, mdik and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
chalettu joined the channel
# 22:50 wagle for my wordpress site (my own machine), i was asked if I wanted to use indieauth to login.. how did that work?
mdik and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:01 aaronpk first error on trying to install matrix: "pip install: error: no such option: --process-dependency-links"
# 23:01 aaronpk ran pip upgrade, then got some crazy error I don't understand
# 23:03 aaronpk i'm gonna update this machine to ubuntu 14.04 before i try anything else
[snarfed] joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
# 23:22 [snarfed] btw the new @bridgy prefix is a bit odd, considering we don't have that twitter acct and the wms may not be from twitter anyway
# 23:22 aaronpk i'm always a little scared to install things in environments i'm not familiar with on new hardware
# 23:22 aaronpk oh heh, that's from the nick mapping from IRC to slack
[aaronpk] joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
mdik_ and mdik joined the channel