gRegorLoveBased on aaronpk's photo posts as an example in Woodwind, I don't think it's doing any special handling of u-photo; just displaying the e-content.
Oliver__GGetting a quill error after using silo to connect by blog: I am NOT a techie wink emoticon Help? I think we btalked on IRC / #joiito Slim Application Error The application could not run because of the following error: Details Type: ErrorException Code: 8 Message: Undefined index: me File: /web/sites/ Line: 163 Trace #0 /web/sites/ Slim\S
Oliver__GGetting a quill error after using silo to connect by blog: I am NOT a techie wink emoticon Help? I think we btalked on IRC / #joiito Slim Application Error The application could not run because of the following error: Details Type: ErrorException Code: 8 Message: Undefined index: me File: /web/sites/ Line: 163 Trace #0 /web/sites/ Slim\S
neo_, _fran, glennjones, eschnou, Rev_Illo, j12t and ttepasse joined the channel
voxpelliOliver__G: I remember someone else mentioning the same, but I fail to see an issue at the project – maybe add one there as well?
[snarfed]cleverdevil, goodreads posse would be great! have you seen ? if you like python but you're reluctant about all the scaffolding you'd need to build for that kind of service, adding it to bridgy publish could be the ticket, since the scaffolding is all already there
tantek!tell gRegorLove what do you think of a using a ♫ (musical note emoji) at the start of a "Jam" post as a "dumb" way to indicate that it's a jam? Note that /thisismyjam uses uses it before the permashortlink at the end of cross-posted tweets e.g.
LoqiA scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets etc.) that you have listened to
tantek.comedited /jam (+1250) "add Markup and content brainstorming with ♫ prefix, how to determine using that, note that I'm trying it out on my own site, update emojicon for page, silo example This Is My Jam obv" (view diff)
tantekcleverdevil: indeed that is preferable, however a bridgy implementation may be both easier, and a good way to prove out the concept, pave a path that is for someone else to then more easily build a known plugin
snarfedone workaround is to not include the includeSubDomains option in the HSTS header, and then when you archive and drop the cert, redirect to a new subdomain (e.g. archive.)
tanteksnarfed, heck, if you find such a js-dependent good idea, make a note of it, then 2 years after the site dies (length of short-term memory on the web), publish it WITHOUT needing JS :P
tanteksnarfed, I think the UX for that or say is "good enough" on twitter, which I think is a good bar for silos. since users have come to expect mere "good enough" treatment from silos.
tantekKevinmarks, no need for me to use it on #ttk, because just "" is not auto-linked by twitter anyway (they don't autolink plain domains on ccTLDs)
[dariusdunlap]I’m looking forward to my copy of “Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World” arriving tomorrow. (The latest by Bruce Schneier)
[dariusdunlap]tanktek - In every direction. Thinking if I could post a book on my site, and see “friends” who are reading it or have it on their wishlist, or have read it and rated/reviewed it, etc. But all that living on everyone’s own sites…
[dariusdunlap]Also, I often take extensive notes on books I read, including quotations and my own thoughts. Making all that useful is an interesting puzzle that I don’t think I’ve got sorted out.
tantekGWG, maybe coordinate with snarfed, I have a feeling he may have a good idea as to how to word these requests / proposals for better chance of acceptance
tommorrisbut London DSL is craptastic so I might switch to Relish, which is basically "4G for homes", but they don't seem to do static IPs and probably struggle with IPv6, because it's not like we've had nearly 20 years to get used to the idea of IPv6
tantekwould appreciate your review of all the additions / brainstorms in particular for jams, since you and I appear to be the only two posting indie jams for now:
colintedfordben_thatmustbeme: I'd love to see your unified messaging project documented on your user page! I linked to the 2015 Cambridge session from /messaging .
tantekcolintedford: since "music" could mean what you've listened to passively, or something else, we've been using the more specific terms like /listen and now /jam
gRegorLoveI never really built up a network of people on /thisismyjam so got very little interaction. Don't see the purpose since they're going read-only.
colintedford!tell ben_thatmustbeme: I'd love to see your unified messaging project documented on your user page! I linked to the 2015 Cambridge session from /messaging .
colintedford!tell elf-pavlik, aaronpk, voxpelli, Vendan: Did any of the issue-tracker brainstorming starting at get into the wiki? I didn't see anything in search for "issue tracker", there' no "issue" page (& search results are of course noisy); nothing linked from /Github .