EGregI feel like various things are slowly being decentralized. Bitcoin decentralized money. The web and email were always decentralized. But social is still centralized. That's why GitHub for example is centralized even though git is distributed.
EGregI realize that indiewebcamp is about open standards, and I'm hoping that after our platform is past version 1.0, we can document our REST API so that others can interoperate with it.
LoqiMonoculture refers to the antipattern of one piece of software dominating (or trying to dominate) its field, often by being limited to communicating with other instances of the same codebase
EGregThe reference implementation could end up as a monoculture, or it could temporarily be a monoculture until a standard is published that's compatible with its API.
EGregBut, the reference implementation must take off in order for the standard to matter. And in that time, it is likely to have a giant head start on competing products. So, I think almost every new standard starts as a monoculture at first.
EGregWhen it comes to something big, it's hard to just write a standard first, and then an implementation. Usually, a particular product takes off as a first generation, and a standard is then based around it, such as XMPP based on AIM/ICQ/MSN
EGregWell at least, I can tell you from our experience... we spent 4 years building ... and we are still refactoring it until we reach Version 1. So, if we had to write a standard on day 1, we'd be way off :(
GWGEGreg: What do you want to do though? I think if you look, you'll see some of the goals each of us has had that has brought us to develop what we have.
rhiaroZegnat: No. I currently sometimes store lat/lon from Quill but don't display it. Might do at some point, but that's not what I'm doing at the moment. Sometimes I add an explicit *named* location to a post (like a city, rather than coordinates) and sometimes I add a named vague location (like "home")
ZegnatInteresting take. I am thinking of a similar way, except I do want to display my location on everything. But at the same time there are privacy concerns with that
voxpellicurlability is the notion of content being available in plain HTML, without the need to run any javascript. If you can't curl it, it's not on the web. Refers to the CLI-tool "curl".
GWGOne is an active post to share a song you have listened to, the other is a passive post to share what you are listening to. Seems not worth a distinction.
GWGSince my arm is feeling better, I'm back to trying to do a little website work, by continuing my refinement of the Post Kinds plugin. I want to finish because this version is the one compatible with Micropub.
snarfed!tell gRegorLove,GWG,jgarber,diplix,wirres,aaronpk,ben_thatmustbeme,kylewm just added an FB API workaround to bridgy that may send you more FB responses on old posts of yours. curious if you see any within the next day or so. enjoy!
snarfed!tell acegiak,pfefferle hey guys! semantic-linkbacks isn't finding author pictures any more for me. :/ e.g. not sure if it's wordpress 4.3 or new semantic-linkbacks changes or both. any ideas?
LoqiGWG: snarfed left you a message 1 hour, 21 minutes ago: just added an FB API workaround to bridgy that may send you more FB responses on old posts of yours. curious if you see any within the next day or so. enjoy!
GWGsnarfed, I submitted some patches after WordPress 4.2 that changed the avatar behavior to be better, but lost backward compatibility. Are you up to date on version?
Loqiaaronpk: snarfed left you a message 3 hours, 8 minutes ago: just added an FB API workaround to bridgy that may send you more FB responses on old posts of yours. curious if you see any within the next day or so. enjoy!
aaronpkinteresting side effect of using microformats as my storage, is that I have to have at least an experimental/vendor-specific microformats representation of everything
aaronpki guess the specific thing i'm struggling with now is I show different icons for food/drink based on what it is, with fallback for food and drink specifically
aaronpkso i could store that as a p3k-* property on the h-entry in my new storage and just ignore it for now, with the intent of changing that to whatever better solution i have in the future
aaronpkand the text would just be the content of the post, so I don't need to store that separately, and then it will just display as a regular text post for now
tantekposting a track as your "jam" means it's not just a track you've listened to recently or are listening to, but has some significance to you at that point in time, perhaps something you might even note in the text content of the jam.
tantekfrom what I recall however is that if you do use Twitter, then POSSEing your notes to Twitter is more important than getting replies to work (in terms of IndieMark)
mblaneythe IndieMark page is much more detailed than I don't have a concept of post types in my software so need to have a think about that.
tantekmblaney what are the types of posts you like to post most often? notes, replies, likes/favorites, blog posts / articles with names, bookmarks? etc.
mblaneythat's where I'm not sure what the difference would be, in my posting interface titles are optional, so articles and notes are treated the same.
tantekas long as you start with a (very) small set of post kinds for the default install, and allow users to "install" additional kinds (even if that's just enabling them in preferences with checkboxes), that's probably ok
tantekalso - I'd advise *only* shipping new post kinds in the plugin that you yourself are using on at least a weekly basis, and thus have a good "feel" for how they work
GWGsnarfed: I have a loaded question for you. I want to write on the wiki why to use and not to use the Post Kinds plugin. Because it is by no means the only/best solution. Any thoughts?
tantekhmm - since your post has everything in it to constitute a jam, you should just add it, and make a note that when posted, you didn't know of the concept of jam so posted it as a like