aaronpkthe phrase "the letters only matter for reading as they make up the sounds of English" is awkward, I don't really understand what it is getting at
colintedford.comcreated /impressum (+23) "redirect to Impressum b/c of course humans, not computers, should do this sort of tedious busywork" (view diff)
colintedford.comedited /Help:Editing (+355) "Added Redirects b/c I never remember how (despite needing it so often to fix Mediwiki's case-sensitivity) & have seen the question multiple times in chat." (view diff)
lukebrooker, GWG-, sanduhrs, eschnou, KevinMarks__, KevinMarks_, tantek, glennjones and KevinMarks___ joined the channel
tantekor second, if you're picking a different date, then clone an existing HWC event page, change details as needed for yours, and add it to the index on /Homebrew_Website_Club
tantekoh dear, made the mistake of attempting Google maps with js disabled and got: "When you have eliminated the JavaScript, whatever remains must be an empty page."
elf-pavlikjancborchardt, please circulate this job offer among your friends who would like to work on open source / open standards / decentralized apps
LoqiA gallery is a deliberately curated set of photos, that may itself be a post, or an archive view, or potentially dynamically created via tags https://indiewebcamp.com/gallery
kodfabrik.seedited /events/2015-08-26-homebrew-website-club (+137) "Make it extra clear that RSVP on the wiki isn't necessary for Malmö (as we don't have an FB-event we want to ensure we don't scare people off by them believing the wiki is the only place to RSVP and that RSVP is needed)" (view diff)
rhiaroThis could get political... DePhraser, tbrb, moredhel, anm, KitB, camerongray... do we want to count ourselves in with the rest of UK for purposes of HWC numbers, or stand alone as Scotland?
voxpellitantek: didn't do it as I didn't really understand the adr-microformat there (there was eg. no h-adr and lots of microformats1 for some reason?)
JeenaI feel discriminated that it says only "Brighton" but it says "Göteborg (SWEDEN!)", I will change that, either we add the country to all or to none
Loqiben_thatmustbeme: snarfed left you a message on 8/23 at 11:43am: just added an FB API workaround to bridgy that may send you more FB responses on old posts of yours. curious if you see any within the next day or so. enjoy! http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-08-23/line/1440355381370
tantekHow indie(web) is your city? 6 cities, 2 each in 3 countries, hosting Homebrew Website Club meetups this week: Brighton, Edinburgh, Götenborg, Malmö, Portland, and San Francisco.
voxpelliaaronpk: nice! it's only got better since – the guy who organized Øredev in those days decided that a single conference a year was boring – he wanted a conference during all days of the years – so now he's organizing probably an average of one event per work day :)
voxpelliolleolleolle-hej: as long as you don't chain them – if IndieAuth.com finds a way to authenticate you with the rel-me:s that's directly on your page (including rel-me that's point to mailto:) then it will work
aaronpkI think the rule should be if the first page of search results for the city name is entirely about that city then you don't need to add a qualifier like state or country :P
voxpelliWorking on making an embed script that progressively enhances "u-responses" into actual lists of responses – so that "u-responses" can link to curlable lists of responses
voxpellitantek: we talked about that a while back – then we were talking about using rel:s, but thinking something like "u-responses" works in more scenarios – like lists
tantekaaronpk - did you capture the use-case / problem description of "there needs to be a different way for the wiki to indicate its name+logo to indieauth servers" anywhere on the wiki?
Loqitantek meant to say: aaronpk - did you capture the use-case / problem description of "there needs to be a way for the wiki to indicate its name+logo to indieauth servers" anywhere on the wiki?
aaronpkokay, h-x-app removed from the global MW template. I moved it to the "Special:IndieAuth" page which is the the redirect_uri and now also the client_id
LoqigRegorLove: snarfed left you a message on 8/23 at 11:43am: just added an FB API workaround to bridgy that may send you more FB responses on old posts of yours. curious if you see any within the next day or so. enjoy! http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-08-23/line/1440355381370
snarfed(re the commitment, i vote that posseing manually as a workaround is still fine. the UX and ownyourdata are the important part; plumbing maybe less so :P)
aaronpkoh snarfed I had to reauth facebook just now, and it sent me a week's worth of mentions! the last bridgy poll got a 500 server error from facebook
Loqikylewm: snarfed left you a message on 8/23 at 11:43am: just added an FB API workaround to bridgy that may send you more FB responses on old posts of yours. curious if you see any within the next day or so. enjoy! http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-08-23/line/1440355381370
voxpellikylewm: I will look at adding Salmentions support to my endpoint as well so hopefully we could then forward comments back and forth to each other
voxpellirhiaro: I was pretty pro interactions as a general term, but responses felt better here, I don't think I'm really biased any way – not sure really where the community stands inbetween the two either
voxpellithinking of the data model of salmentions – it's funny if it gets circular – if the original post updates to mentions one of the replies and then gets included as a response to itself and everything just goes infinite
voxpelliaaronpk: whenever you receive a salmention you reping your page, no? so unless you detect that the new comment was from yourself then it would go infinite?
voxpelliaaronpk: but if I support salmentions I include the new post in my comment hierarchy and if the relation is circular then the hierarchy/comment-tree is infinitely deep
aaronpkif a creates a post that links to b, b displays a's comment under b, then sends a webmention back to a. a looks at page b and sees that it's not a reply to a, so doesn't show it as a comment
voxpelliaaronpk: salmentions webmentions will trigger new salmentions webmentions until it reaches the original post that the rest was part of a reply-tree to?
voxpelliif C mentions B mentions A and then A updates to mentions C then A will ping C, which will ping B, which will ping A, which will ping C again etc?
aaronpkremember you only send a salmention notification if you have updated the post to display another interaction on it. so if you get a webmention that you have either already received, or isn't an interaction, that wouldn't cause the page to be updated and that stops the chain
aaronpkvoxpelli: but in that case the webmention of C to A would be parsed by A and A would see that the post C *is* the post A linked to, and would stop
[dariusdunlap]kevinmarks: If you follow someone, then you will also see their responses to stuff, whether the original author “recommends” or not. It’s an interesting quandry… how to make a vibrant dialogue while also tamping down “comment spam”-like behaviors. They are trying some interesting things in this regard, though I don’t think they’ve quite got it licked.
voxpelliKevinMarks: did you have a way to convert an h-feed to an Atom feed? as all webmention lists on my endpoint have h-feeds now I would want to hook mine into IFTTT
[dariusdunlap]I think there’s also a difference between a new article “in response to…”, comment at the end of an article, and the inline per-paragraph comments.
voxpellihmm – I wonder if Amazon API Gateway + Amazon Lambda could be a pretty sweet combination for a service like this – spin up a worker only when someone is actually fetching the feed
snarfedwe used to joke that app engine launched way too high level and gradually moved downward, and AWS launched way too low level and gradually moved upward
voxpelliafter I mistakenly had an Ubuntu LTS release get so outdated I couldn't update it anymore but had to somehow migrate it in a very hackish way that left me unsure about any state at all of my system I just abandoned the idea altogether. At heroku I can still do buildpacks if I want to customize something – but I don't have to manage linux
voxpelli(btw, a real nice thing with IFTTT: Set up a trigger on new GitHub issues and have IFTTT send a push notification each time – finally I actually notice that I get new issues on projects)
KartikPrabhuok so this seems to be the apache error "server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting" any idea what that does/how to fix it?
davidpeachwith reply contexts, is it cool to display a whole post in which I am replying to? At the moment I am just including a link to the replied to post
kylewmdavidpeach: I show the whole (sanitized) html post for short posts (<256 chars, iirc) and ellipsize the plain text version if it's more than that
ben_thatmustbemeI think i have it down, i still have a quazi issue where the my URLs for posts are based on GMT, so if i post at night, the url will be of the next day (for me)
ben_thatmustbemeI actually think it makes a bit more sense this way, if i ever travel to japan and back, my post upon arrival shouldn't look to be a date earlier then my departure
davidpeachtantek, did you receive a webmention from me for your indieweb alphabet post? I ask as I have just this evening added auto-webmention sending on my site.
tantek"as easy to setup and use as WordPress blogs, Wikimedia sites, or even Facebook pages," <--- LOLOL wat?!? WordPress and Wikimedia sties are NOT easy to setup and use (assuming that includes maintenance)
tantekGWG, I have to disagree. As a technical person I don't have time to deal with it. Many other technical people have succumbed to it's fragilities and given up. I would never recommend it as a "new" solution to a non-technical person.
Loqitantek meant to say: GWG, I have to disagree. As a technical person I don't have time to deal with it. Many other technical people have succumbed to its fragilities and given up. I would never recommend it as a "new" solution to a non-technical person.
tantekinstallation you do once. maintainenance/updates you do forever. it's the latter that matters more to anyone who's attempted anything of the sort.
davidpeachaaronpk I use one posts controller, then use the first part of the url to decide which post types to show. As apposed to different controller per post type
aaronpkspecifically "enables the Bitcoin community to have a global database with no central point of control" because that is a naive idealistic view of it
tantekif we change our reply-context caching policies to cache entire original posts along with our reply posts, then we distribute copies of every post of every site
tanteke.g. right now aaronpk has a way of showing all posts which link to my site. those which are replies to my posts have cached copies of those posts.
aaronpkwhich is why I said it's actually easier for me to take the parsed JSON and re-render it as a post, which is what I already do for comments presentation and reply context
kylewmhas anybody thought about how to make hfeed2atom type things work with PuSH? as long as you used the same topic as the original, you could get pings, but fat pings would have the wrong (html instead of Atom) content
aaronpkoh apparently i am not setting pre-wrap on monocle at all. and now i see why. enabling it makes most of the posts have a loooot of extra space. clearly have some more work to do there
tantekwhereas thin pings, where the sender MUST be prepared to respond the a request for the actual content *sometime in the future* depend on the sender actually spending the resources to hang around a bit, a while, which puts more burden on the sender vs the reeiver
Loqitantek meant to say: whereas thin pings, where the sender MUST be prepared to respond the a request for the actual content *sometime in the future* depend on the sender actually spending the resources to hang around a bit, a while, which puts more burden on the sender vs the receiver
kylewmtantek: fat pings within PuSH generally require some kind of authentication, so you have to have subscribed to a feed and verified your subscription before you get fat pings from it ... very unlikely you'd ever get valid spam fat pings that way
kylewmand the intention is to alleviate the thundering herd problem if you sent out a million thin pings and then immediately got hit with a million requests
tantekto me, "fatpings" are an outdated concept that was born of the old RSS/feed-centric mindset that was attempting to replace HTML and web servers with an entire parallel infrastructure
tantekif turning URLs into clickable links is auto-linking, then turning whitespace linebreaks into <br/>s and sequential spaces into nsps is auto-*** what?
LoqiAn autolink is a hyperlink that was automatically added to some text to link that text to an obvious or useful destination, e.g https://indiewebcamp.com/auto-link
tantekAn auto-space is space markup (like a br or nbsp) that was automatically added to some text to explicitly add markup linebreaks, line indenting, or sequential spacing.
rhiaroUpgraded http://rhiaro.co.uk/where ... now shows events/travel and specific checkins, as well as durations in vague checkins, all visualised in coloured blocks to show time
Jeenasnarfed I posted a facebook event first without a link to my indie event (because I didn't have one yet) Now I added the link to the indieevent to the facebook post, how do I get bridgy to send me the RSVPs from those people there now? It looks like all of them went to tanteks website because that was the only link in the description