2015-08-25 UTC
# 00:00 Jeena ha nice, snarfed that is more than good enough, the links are in the log too, even clickable!
cdchapman joined the channel
# 00:02 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: consider adding it as a lib, the service causes problems to my apache
# 00:03 KevinMarks that's what I meant - adding it to my increasingly random set of tools there
tantek joined the channel
# 00:17 tantek Jeena, you have to just treat the date the webmention was received as the FB RSVP date
# 00:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:18 Jeena yeah that I'm doing already, I just saw that it didn't match up because I did all of them manually within 2 minutes
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 00:25 snarfed tantek: thanks for starting that discussion! i mostly understand the writeup
mlncn joined the channel
# 00:26 snarfed seems like authoring UI vs how to interpret rendered posts are pretty different use cases. may be worth distinguishing them more loudly
# 00:26 snarfed i'm also with kylewm on the inconsistency issue. the <p>/<br> heuristic is ok; e-content vs p-content is better imho.
# 00:27 snarfed the heuristic *just barely* pushed me over the edge to consider implementing it in bridgy. e- vs p- is more convincing, esp if mf2 parsers expose that reasonably
# 00:39 KevinMarks so how does this auto-whitespace point of view interact with whitespace collapsing in implied name etc?
# 00:46 kylewm KevinMarks: are you thinking like, maybe we'd do the reverse? convert <br> to \n and to space?
# 00:46 kylewm I think that'd make more sense than the current behavior if you have like <span class="p-name">Kyle<br/>Mahan</span>
afrogeek joined the channel
# 00:47 kylewm looks like python replaces nbsp with the unicode non-breaking space character
# 00:51 KevinMarks I'm thinking of the problem where he implied name ends up with all the non-visible whitespace from the source
snarfed and almereyda joined the channel
KevinMarks__, KevinMarks_, sparverius and snarfed joined the channel
# 02:43 bret heroku is shutting off free access to 24/7 free apps. bye bye atom feeds on heroku apps (at least directly to the app)
KevinMarks_ and [snarfed] joined the channel
# 03:00 [snarfed] bret: blatant plug: app engine still has its 24/7 free tier :P
# 03:01 [snarfed] there are definitely also some js apps on gae, most inside the jvm
# 03:02 [snarfed] KartikPrabhu: agreed. heroku is a great platform. sad to see their free tier degrade
# 03:02 bret learning app engine is something I've been interested in a while
# 03:03 bret how does the irc bridge format the names?
# 03:06 bret yeah i get that ;p what mechanism allows it to send messages in that format to the channel without those users being in here?
# 03:44 aaronpk i'm gonna try to launch avatar archiving on webmention.io really quickly
# 03:47 bret aaronpk: how are messages bridged into irc and formatted with the name, and not attributed to a room member?
# 03:48 bret why doesnt it say Loqi: [snarfed]: says this etc
# 03:51 bret ohhhh i see. wow clever. turning on joins/parts explains the mystery :p
# 03:51 aaronpk node is great for that because it makes it easy to have a bunch of IRC clients running from the same process
# 03:56 aaronpk so now it won't accidentally keep web users stuck in IRC, and also the web chat is just post and get requests now, not websockets
# 04:00 bret ive only messed with socket.io which has robust disconnect/reconnect logic
# 04:01 aaronpk yeah i was using plain websockets before, and i thought i had handled all the events but there was some way to close a browser and not trigger the "close" event
# 04:05 bret socket.io does something with heartbeats.. not sure if related
# 04:05 aaronpk this whole process has made me think a lot about chat clients/protocols in general tho
# 04:06 aaronpk i might have a surprising new product launched in the not-so-near future
# 04:09 GWG aaronpk: I always look to you to have done something I have not yet thought about doing, or have thought of, but not gotten to.
# 04:10 aaronpk I am hoping to at least document some designs for this on the sooner side
snarfed joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 04:43 GWG aaronpk: I don't know what to say to that.
# 04:44 aaronpk it means anyone using webmention.io is going to be getting new permanent author photo URLs that won't break when people change their profile images
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 04:56 aaronpk that may also be a new record for inception to launch for an idea i've had :D
mblaney joined the channel
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# 05:04 mblaney so after getting sending webmentions working, I've been looking at syndicating posts
# 05:04 mblaney started with twitter, but quickly realised brid.gy was the way to go
# 05:06 mblaney so I signed up to brid.gy, which looks great but is telling me I need webmention support.
# 05:06 KartikPrabhu mblaney: you need webmention support to get backfeed of replies from syndicated posts
# 05:06 mblaney I guess that means I need to be able to receive webmentions?
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:13 mblaney I entered a post to check out the preview, and the webmention command line it provides is what I was after. very helpful!
# 05:22 mblaney snarfed if I publish a post with a p-name, brid.gy selects that instead of e-content is that correct? (for sending to twitter anyway...)
# 05:23 snarfed you can avoid that by omitting p-name for notes (ie tweets)
# 05:24 mblaney ah, thanks. I have read that page a few times now, but there's a lot to take in....
# 05:25 mblaney yes it's optional from my posting interface, but I guess I need to work on when I should POSSE to twitter or not.
# 05:49 mblaney hmmm it seems brid.gy is using any test inside an h-entry rather than looking for e-content?
# 05:49 Loqi mblaney meant to say: hmmm it seems brid.gy is using any text inside an h-entry rather than looking for e-content?
# 05:55 snarfed yup, and also that it found that content property
# 05:55 snarfed mf2 parsers have some extra logic about implying property values (among other things)...might be that
# 05:57 mblaney under properties it gets content right, but I don't understand what the "name" field is.
# 05:58 snarfed ah. that may be extracted from text when not explicitly set
# 06:00 mblaney but if I set it, won't bridgy use the p-name instead of the e-content?
# 06:01 snarfed yes. just use class="p-name e-content" to set both to the same thing
DePhraser, jciv, voxpelli, tommorris, KevinMarks__, lukebrooker, eschnou, tantek and pfefferle joined the channel
sanduhrs joined the channel
# 07:26 tantek considers line-by-line processing in auto_link
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 07:41 tantek !tell aaronpk,KartikPrabhu would you have any interest in using an auto_space function that turned line-breaks into <br/>s and both leading and multiple whitespace characters into to mimic white-space:pre-wrap but with markup?
# 07:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
elf-pavlik and eschnou joined the channel
# 07:52 KartikPrabhu I haven't found any instance of my responses that cause me concern about white space
friedcell joined the channel
# 08:08 tantek KartikPrabhu: yes that's the point - for people (i.e. your friends) reading your posts in a /reader
# 08:09 KartikPrabhu yes possibly. But afaik no one but kylewm reads my posts in a reader :)
# 08:12 KartikPrabhu tantek: but in general I agree it would be good to have a consensus about how to read white-spaced posts
# 08:12 tantek KartikPrabhu: my current thinking is to suggest treating p-content (plain value) and e-content (HTML) differently
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 08:13 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 08:13 tantek that is, preserving whitespace in display for p-content (plain value), but not e-content (HTML)
# 08:13 tantek (which would break display of my current notes, hence I'm looking to fix that first)
# 08:13 KartikPrabhu distinguish depending on using the content property directly vs content>value?
# 08:14 tantek content property either just has a plain text string, or has that in a "value" and "HTML"
# 08:16 tantek whoa just found an aaronpk note POSSEd to an Amazon review!
# 08:17 Loqi Amazon is a company that sells various products and services, in particular several hosting services like S3 and EC2 that may be used for various indieweb site features https://indiewebcamp.com/amazon
# 08:17 KartikPrabhu yes. so if using content as plain string do some auto_space or if using ceontent as HTML don't?
# 08:18 tantek KartikPrabhu: no auto_space is what you would need to generate e-content as HTML
# 08:18 tantek if all you serve is p-content, then you're indicating to readers that they should preserve your whitespace with e.g. white-space:pre-wrap
# 08:18 tantek just as I (we?) currently use auto_link on the publishing side
# 08:21 KartikPrabhu tantek: re auto_space on publishing side, it might make authoring more tricky as one has to remember the mapping while writing a note. I'd rather my note be displayed using pre-wrap
# 08:22 tantek no the point is you should not have to remember any mapping while authoring
# 08:22 tantek it should just "work" to preserve what you type when you're authoring
# 08:23 tantek that's a reasonable expectation of an auto_space implementation
# 08:23 KartikPrabhu hmm in that case some one should code it and iterate according to authoring experience :)
_fran joined the channel
# 08:23 KevinMarks also, if tantek does add it to cassis we can implement live preview in client-side js
# 08:24 tantek currently I'm thinking of adding it as a separate function
# 08:24 tantek rather than adding it as an optional feature in auto_link
# 08:25 KartikPrabhu hmm I don't use cassis.js in any case. But I am in favor of having separate functions that others can iterate upon
# 08:35 tantek I definitely get the feeling I'm building a markdown replacement piece by piece in CASSIS
# 08:37 KartikPrabhu tantek: I am mostly not a fan of "simplified markup" syntaxes. Plaintext or HTML has been my POV; except when I have to resort ot Latex
# 08:38 tantek KartikPrabhu: I too am mostly not a fan of "simplified markup" syntaxes
# 08:38 tantek hence why I'm approaching it from a very "looks good in its plain text form regardless" perspective
# 08:40 KartikPrabhu progressively enhanced text! I like it as a concept but I think markdown was also started with the same goal
pfefferle joined the channel
# 08:41 KartikPrabhu " The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions."
# 08:43 KartikPrabhu of course not criticising Markdown principles. but somewhere down the line it got out of Gruber's control
# 08:43 tantek I'm pretty sure I did the proper "go back to first principles" thing and came to a different conclusion that daringfireball
# 08:44 tantek I think Gruber himself sacrificed that principle even with just markdown hyperlinking syntax
# 08:44 KartikPrabhu but if a nice plain text to HTML convention was made, I'd certainly give it a serious thought
# 08:45 tantek that alone is sufficient justification to dump markdown
# 08:46 KartikPrabhu it was a conscious decision on my part to not use markdown for authoring notes. plaintext for notes (with auto link) and HTML for articles
# 08:54 KartikPrabhu actually that is mostly how I distinguish whether to post a note or an article. Is is writeable in plain text
# 08:59 tantek KartikPrabhu: my goal is to preserve that "writeable in plain text" aspect
# 09:02 KartikPrabhu I have been thinking about good footnotes markup myself but haven't figured out a solution yet
pfefferle joined the channel
# 09:18 tantek 4 is not hard - already implemented in auto_link
# 09:19 tantek 8 I just realized I'm not sure about because what about nested lists
# 09:21 KartikPrabhu that's why white-spacing is complicated. lots of conventions use white -space for different thing
tvn and j12t joined the channel
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j12t, stream7 and glennjones joined the channel
LanceyWork, frzn, j12t and nedorito joined the channel
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friedcell, pfefferle, tantek, cmhobbs, j12t, benwerd, elf-pavlik, fourtonfish, snarfed, mlncn and wolftune joined the channel
# 14:24 tantek.com edited /Falcon (+1659) "/* event posts */ POSSE events use-cases with specific per use-case with conditionals POSSE destinations" (
view diff )
# 14:27 GWG pfefferle: Hate to be a bother, but asking about Semantic Linkbacks again.
# 14:33 snarfed GWG: pfefferle: ooh me too! can't wait to see the repos merge :P
# 14:40 GWG pfefferle: I just wanted an updated WordPress.org. snarfed wants salmentions
glennjones joined the channel
# 14:49 pfefferle oh, ok the update is no problem the salmention is one… the code of acegiak is far away from beeing productive… a lot of var_dumps and other debug stuff
j12t, tvn_, pfefferle, jciv, benborges, scoates and indie-visitor joined the channel
sparverius, KevinMarks_, j12t, shiflett and sanduhrs joined the channel
sparverius joined the channel
# 15:59 tantek hey jonnybarnes - no guys here just people ;)
niamu joined the channel
adactio, snarfed, squeakytoy, tantek and elf-pavlik joined the channel
j12t, davidpeach, sparverius, gRegorLove, almereyda, jonnybarnes and tantek joined the channel
# 17:43 gRegorLove I still need to do some re-processing of wm on there. Aaron's should be a like.
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 17:45 [snarfed] Jeena: did you add the second link to that FB event after initially creating it? bridgy may have fetched and cached it in between
# 17:46 [snarfed] Jeena: rsvps after you added the second link should be sent to both links (i think)
# 17:54 Jeena and no the rsvp after I added the second link didn't send a webmention to it
# 17:54 Jeena but I will test it in two weeks with the link already there from the beginning :)
# 17:57 davidpeach really need to tidy up my post UI tonight though. I've found myself adding check boxes for this n that and it's starting to get out of control.
# 18:00 Jeena yeah I already did that, no problem, and don't be sorry for putting out an awesome service which I'm using all the time for free, hm I guess I should look for the donate button
# 18:01 Jeena oh damn, there is none, ok then I will check out what ASPCA and/or EFF are
scor joined the channel
# 18:03 Jeena hehe yeah, money is always the easy answer for those who have it :-p
[kylewm] joined the channel
# 18:07 [kylewm] snarfed: there does seem to be something wrong there, it thinks it finds two original posts, but only sends wm's to one of them
# 18:09 Jeena ok now I donated a small amount of money and perhaps in the future I will be able to make some pr
# 18:14 [kylewm] snarfed: Jeena: ok I think I get it. Because the Response["invited"] was created when the event was first processed, the Response object still has the one original URL. then when it changes from invited to Response["rsvp-maybe"], it doesn't check again for new original URLs
MylesBraithwait- joined the channel
# 18:21 GWG I've been thinking about this since yesterday. Shiu
# 18:22 GWG Should I build display functionality with no built in post UI
# 18:23 [snarfed] GWG: sure! i author a decent amount of indieweb/mf2 stuff as raw html, with no dedicated ui
# 18:23 GWG snarfed, I am thinking of post types where the post UI could be Micropub
# 18:24 GWG For example, Teacup. I don't have a built in UI for food
# 18:24 Jeena I always do: rails generate scaffold events title:string from:datetime to:datetime description:text geo:string address:string
# 18:25 Jeena and the database and the model, etc. too obviously
# 18:28 GWG I'm just seeing a bunch of Micropub clients that could do the work for me.
# 18:29 GWG So, I suppose that the question is more built in UI
# 18:34 GWG The Independent part of me hates to rely on third parties 100%
# 18:34 kylewm GWG: I think the next iteration of blog thing I write will not have its own post UI (and I know aaronpk is moving that way too)
# 18:35 aaronpk yeah, i'm not building a posting UI for my new site
# 18:35 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 54 minutes ago: would you have any interest in using an auto_space function that turned line-breaks into <br/>s and both leading and multiple whitespace characters into to mimic white-space:pre-wrap but with markup? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-08-25/line/1440488504381
# 18:37 GWG I suppose that anyone can self host.
# 18:38 aaronpk and if you don't like quill you can build your own. the point is I think there is a benefit of separating those components even if you build both yourself
# 18:39 GWG aaronpk, I am thinking of more than myself. People already find Indieweb and WordPress confusing
# 18:39 aaronpk i'm rebuilding my site from scratch, but the cool thing is I won't need to rebuild Teacup or Quill to work with my new site
# 18:39 GWG On the other hand, I can get more functionality faster by not building a post UI now.
# 18:40 GWG Nothing says that I can't do it later.
sparverius joined the channel
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# 19:24 aaronpk avatar URLs from webmention.io are now on that domain!
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:30 aaronpk I could go back and try to archive old ones, but i haven't yet
# 19:35 aaronpk finally found an appropriate use for content-addressable storage and Lambda!
friedcell and tvn joined the channel
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# 20:49 GWG pfefferle: Not a problem. Thank you though. I've been eagerly awaiting this. It allows me to do several things
tantek joined the channel
# 21:17 aaronpk kylewm: what do you think about adding twitter support to silo.pub?
# 21:18 kylewm aaronpk: I'm into it, just need to figure out how to make a fake profile page that points to the right authorization_endpoint and stuff
frzn, sparverius and tantek joined the channel
# 21:27 KevinMarks hm, isn't this the "if there's native auth, don't do the rel-me auth dance" issue?
# 21:30 tantek KartikPrabhu: when did you notice it? (the class name :) )
# 21:37 kylewm aaronpk: do you have a use case for silo.pub / twitter?
# 21:38 aaronpk it came up just now from rhiaro but then I realized I would totally use it too
# 21:39 aaronpk i mean it doesn't really have to be micropub, but might as well be
# 21:41 pfefferle GWG I am also working on my local sendmail to check your pull requests
lukebrooker and tridnguyen joined the channel
# 21:50 tridnguyen I have a question about indieauth.com
# 21:50 tridnguyen does it matter if the user's domain is http or https?
# 21:51 aaronpk but if the page is served from both then they are treated as different URLs
# 21:52 aaronpk the full URL, not just the domain, since some people sign in with a URL that includes a path
# 21:53 tridnguyen makes sense :)
# 21:53 tridnguyen heh - thanks a lot
# 21:53 tridnguyen I just tried out indieauth today for myself - really like it alot
# 21:54 tridnguyen didn't know about it before
# 21:54 tridnguyen I saw it on Kickball/awesome-selfhosted
# 21:55 tridnguyen btw, the code that is returned from indieauth in step 3, that is only to verify in step 4? should it be stored as session token?
# 21:56 tridnguyen so the user would need to log in every time they come to a site that uses indieauth?
# 21:56 aaronpk no, you can set your own server-side cookie at that point
# 21:56 tridnguyen with a session token?
# 21:58 aaronpk it would be like if they had entered a username and password, how would you "log them in"
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# 22:37 tantek it's like someone's personal indieweb tools wiki page?
# 22:37 aaronpk looks like one page in a series of "awesome" tools of various sorts
mlncn, benwerd and almereyda joined the channel
# 23:03 KevinMarks did he really mean to suggest replacing DNS with js-based lookup on a single site?
# 23:03 KevinMarks it's one of those posts where I should respond but it woudl take ages
# 23:07 aaronpk omg this script has been importing 2000 avatars per hour for the past 3 hours
typhoo and cdchapman joined the channel
# 23:33 kylewm hehe, you could probably roast marshmallows over its cpu
# 23:34 kylewm also, any chance Lambda will notice that you are doing a whole bunch of SHA1 calculations and think you are mining bitcoins?
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 23:38 [snarfed] i wonder if there's some side channel to determine when a cpu is doing specific kinds of computation like hashing... but probably very difficult
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 23:44 [aaronpk] Well I'm only making one request at a time, and each takes 1-2 seconds. Not sure if that's because of the sha calculation or just the network requests
# 23:45 [aaronpk] Hah I wonder how many bitcoins you could mine on their free tier. They probably thought of that already tho.
# 23:52 GWG I'm going to keep working on that, but anyone have comments on the Why?