#JeenaOk cool https://jeena.net/events/2 even with rsvps and all, this is starting to look good. So I guess it is time to go to bed, it's 2am already ^^
#snarfedseems like authoring UI vs how to interpret rendered posts are pretty different use cases. may be worth distinguishing them more loudly
#snarfedi'm also with kylewm on the inconsistency issue. the <p>/<br> heuristic is ok; e-content vs p-content is better imho.
#snarfedthe heuristic *just barely* pushed me over the edge to consider implementing it in bridgy. e- vs p- is more convincing, esp if mf2 parsers expose that reasonably
#bretive only messed with socket.io which has robust disconnect/reconnect logic
#aaronpkyeah i was using plain websockets before, and i thought i had handled all the events but there was some way to close a browser and not trigger the "close" event
#bretsocket.io does something with heartbeats.. not sure if related
#aaronpkthis whole process has made me think a lot about chat clients/protocols in general tho
#aaronpki might have a surprising new product launched in the not-so-near future
#aaronpkit means anyone using webmention.io is going to be getting new permanent author photo URLs that won't break when people change their profile images
#tantek!tell aaronpk,KartikPrabhu would you have any interest in using an auto_space function that turned line-breaks into <br/>s and both leading and multiple whitespace characters into to mimic white-space:pre-wrap but with markup?
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 9 minutes ago: would you have any interest in using an auto_space function that turned line-breaks into <br/>s and both leading and multiple whitespace characters into to mimic white-space:pre-wrap but with markup? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-08-25/line/1440488504381
#LoqiAmazon is a company that sells various products and services, in particular several hosting services like S3 and EC2 that may be used for various indieweb site features https://indiewebcamp.com/amazon
#KartikPrabhuyes. so if using content as plain string do some auto_space or if using ceontent as HTML don't?
#tantekKartikPrabhu: no auto_space is what you would need to generate e-content as HTML
#KartikPrabhutantek: re auto_space on publishing side, it might make authoring more tricky as one has to remember the mapping while writing a note. I'd rather my note be displayed using pre-wrap
#KartikPrabhuof course, that is a preference without data
#tantekno the point is you should not have to remember any mapping while authoring
#tantekit should just "work" to preserve what you type when you're authoring
#tantekthat's a reasonable expectation of an auto_space implementation
#KartikPrabhuhmm in that case some one should code it and iterate according to authoring experience :)
_fran joined the channel
#KevinMarksalso, if tantek does add it to cassis we can implement live preview in client-side js
#KartikPrabhu" The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions."
#tantekthat alone is sufficient justification to dump markdown
#KartikPrabhuauto_link is defintely better than Markdown
#KartikPrabhuit was a conscious decision on my part to not use markdown for authoring notes. plaintext for notes (with auto link) and HTML for articles
friedcell, pfefferle, tantek, cmhobbs, j12t, benwerd, elf-pavlik, fourtonfish, snarfed, mlncn and wolftune joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+1659) "/* event posts */ POSSE events use-cases with specific per use-case with conditionals POSSE destinations" (view diff)
#GWGpfefferle: Hate to be a bother, but asking about Semantic Linkbacks again.
#snarfedGWG: pfefferle: ooh me too! can't wait to see the repos merge :P
#GWGpfefferle: I just wanted an updated WordPress.org. snarfed wants salmentions
glennjones joined the channel
#pfefferleoh, ok the update is no problem the salmention is one… the code of acegiak is far away from beeing productive… a lot of var_dumps and other debug stuff
j12t, tvn_, pfefferle, jciv, benborges, scoates and indie-visitor joined the channel
#davidpeachreally need to tidy up my post UI tonight though. I've found myself adding check boxes for this n that and it's starting to get out of control.
#Jeenayeah I already did that, no problem, and don't be sorry for putting out an awesome service which I'm using all the time for free, hm I guess I should look for the donate button
#Jeenaok now I donated a small amount of money and perhaps in the future I will be able to make some pr
#[kylewm]snarfed: Jeena: ok I think I get it. Because the Response["invited"] was created when the event was first processed, the Response object still has the one original URL. then when it changes from invited to Response["rsvp-maybe"], it doesn't check again for new original URLs
MylesBraithwait- joined the channel
#davidpeachIm off for a run people - wish me luck! Speak later.
#GWGI've been thinking about this since yesterday. Shiu
#Jeenaand the database and the model, etc. too obviously
#GWGI'm just seeing a bunch of Micropub clients that could do the work for me.
#GWGSo, I suppose that the question is more built in UI
#GWGThe Independent part of me hates to rely on third parties 100%
#kylewmGWG: I think the next iteration of blog thing I write will not have its own post UI (and I know aaronpk is moving that way too)
#aaronpkyeah, i'm not building a posting UI for my new site
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 54 minutes ago: would you have any interest in using an auto_space function that turned line-breaks into <br/>s and both leading and multiple whitespace characters into to mimic white-space:pre-wrap but with markup? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-08-25/line/1440488504381
#aaronpkand if you don't like quill you can build your own. the point is I think there is a benefit of separating those components even if you build both yourself
#tridnguyenso at step 4 here https://indieauth.com/developers, I should store the full domain as returned from the successful response as the user's identity?
#aaronpkthe full URL, not just the domain, since some people sign in with a URL that includes a path
#tridnguyenso indieauth would normalize whether the user enters mydomain.com or http://mydomain.com?
#[snarfed]i wonder if there's some side channel to determine when a cpu is doing specific kinds of computation like hashing... but probably very difficult
[aaronpk] joined the channel
#[aaronpk]Well I'm only making one request at a time, and each takes 1-2 seconds. Not sure if that's because of the sha calculation or just the network requests
#[aaronpk]Hah I wonder how many bitcoins you could mine on their free tier. They probably thought of that already tho.