tanteklike planet.indiewebcamp.com that was like a blog that subscribed to everyone in /irc-people, and then reblogged anything that contained "indieweb" or "indie web"
tantekI'm saying that's more worth doing and having something with content from day 1, than making everyone forever have to take explicit steps for the aggregation
aaronpkthat's a lot more complicated because then do you switch back to a non-time-ordered home page? or things only hit the home page after N reposts/likes?
ZegnatI expect there is no way around it. If a website requires technology X to access it, and the client doesn’t implement technology X, it is stuck. If you control the website, maybe allow bridgy to connect through HTTP?
cjk101010Zegnat: hat the idea myself as well, but this would be a step backward, IMHO. I’m a huge fan of the encrypt everything movement. And IMHO all modern HTTP libraries should support SNI -.-
voxpelliJust finished the last few missing pieces in getting Salmention support into my endpoint – can now both receive and send – but is still a bit too unrefined to let it out live
voxpellicjk101010: Brid.gy uses Python on App Engine so if you're using standard tech it should be possible for them to support. Open a bug report/feature request :)
ZegnatI agree with the encrypt everything, cjk101010. Been looking into getting HTTPS going myself, and my hosting uses SNI. They specifically talk about it on their wiki to make sure all users understand what is going on, which IMHO shouldn’t be neccessary. SNI should have been worked out years ago.
voxpellihardest part about Salmentions right now: How to reduce the amount of outgoing requests by not fetching and pinging each and every time something might have happened – but only when it's reasonable for somehting to have happened
voxpelliespecially for a standalone endpoint such as mine – I know nothing about the state of anything outside of my endpoint unless I'm pinged or I fetch the info myself
ZegnatIf you get a mention from a page that already sent one before, you refetch them an check for changes, including if any new comments have been added. That’s all you need to do, right? If there are new comments, add them to the thread on your page and resend your own webmentions to notify people you changed your page.
ZegnatYou should already be accepting webmentions-for-changes, I think, so the only new thing Salmentions introduces is the updating of your page and resending of your mentions
voxpelliand right now I fetch the actual source of all comments, which can take a while, so I need to ensure that I don't send a ping for each and every comment I look up successfully
ZegnatI think aaronpk also fetches source-document-per-comment, that seems to be best practice. But I can see how salmentions are hard to do when the webmention-endpoint isn’t hardwired to the website
voxpellialso somewhat hard to know if the comment source has changed if only indicator is what data the site that included it has used to represent it – it might be using much less data than I do
ZegnatYeah, I would assume that a site sends a mention when they have updated something. In the case of a comments list, I guess you check their timestamps? Assuming people are including those.
voxpelliZegnat: I would probably just do a full diff of the parsed Microformats-objekt and wishing that no temporary data has been added to it + combining that with some "if-modified-since" / "etag" detection to get even better signals from supporting servers
voxpelliworst case scenario: Some temporary data like a token gets into a dance with a circular WebMention ping chain and they continue to ping each other infinitely because they always believe something new has been discovered. Will have to test to ensure that doesn't happen
voxpelliaaronpk: I don't really see different languages as different feeds – just that some people have some language barriers that make some content less interesting for them and hence they might want to filter that
voxpelli(then again: when it comes to Sweden and Germany in regards to such things there's a _very_ different relation to international content between us)
myfreewebaaronpk: the text-overflow:ellipsis looks weird on phone screens https://imgur.com/ETKBspb looks like there's a fixed width blank thing to the right of it
voxpelliaaronpk: btw, have you considered syndicating to IndieNews through "people tagging" as "hash tagging" – a "u-category" that links to the relevant feed?
voxpelliaaronpk: threw another issue your way – but may be that I take a stab at it myself eventually as well as it's a PHP-project – just wanted to make a note of it in public :)
myfreewebincluding the callback param doesn't require async handling? okay. but then the syndication target MAY use async if it wants? even if there's no callback provided?
KevinMarkstalking of caching, just added 304 etag/last-modified support on the way out for hovercards too, so you cna embed them multiple times on page without thrashing my server