2015-09-11 UTC
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:30 rhiaro and moredhel wrapping up HWC Edinburgh after 8 hours
cmhobbs, snarfed, mlncn, keroberos, shiflett, tantek, cweiske, squeakytoy, nitot, lewisnyman and loic_m_ joined the channel
wolftune, amdt and eschnou joined the channel
glennjones joined the channel
# 07:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
lewisnyman_, benwerd, petermolnar, stream7, eschnou, Sebastien-L, oddvar, Tribler and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 09:29 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
mlncn, keroberos, kylewm and LanceyWork joined the channel
j12t, keroberos, ttepasse, lewisnyman, interactivist, loic_m_, nitot, eschnou, fourtonfish, snarfed, elf-pavlik, benwerd, squeakytoy2, shiflett, misuba and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
wolftune, j12t, chreekat and eschnou joined the channel
# 15:52 raucao looks like we'd need to run an additional server script
interactivist joined the channel
gRegorLove, mdik and loic_m_ joined the channel
eschnou and keroberos joined the channel
# 16:38 Zegnat Hmm, not sure if I like how IndieNews lists articles based on when they were submitted rather than when they were originally posted. I could totally see how more recent blog posts could be drowned out by someone adding a backlog of posts like pfefferle just did.
# 16:41 voxpelli On the other hand it's hard to find newly submitted posts if they aren't added on the top :/ Have that problem with FeedBin – lots of "new" blog posts are added among old ones I've already receives – making them easy to miss
mdik_ joined the channel
# 16:42 voxpelli Tricky that – I have on my todo to enable webmentions from my endpoints to be listed by receive date in addition to the claimed publish date it has now
# 16:46 Zegnat Yeah, I guess that could be problematic. But for some reason I would expect to see the latest news on news.indiewebcamp.com, not "old" news
# 16:46 Zegnat How do the old-school "planet" sites do this?
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:47 Zegnat Note to self: check planets after dinner (planet mozilla, planer firefox, planet performance, come to mind)
mdik, eschnou, misuba, wrk3, shiflett and nitot joined the channel
# 18:12 Zegnat Hmm, it seems to me that most planets work based on RSS, and then sort by publishing date, but not sure :(
# 18:12 voxpelli When they add a new feed they probably don't import retroactively – which results in only getting new posts
# 18:23 Zegnat So I guess the question is, does aaronpk want us to submit "old" posts to News?
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 18:31 [aaronpk] I definitely want to keep indie news showing newly submitted posts first regardless of the post publish date
# 18:32 Zegnat That’s fine then, [aaronpk], just so we know :)
# 18:32 Zegnat Also, good on Loqi for showing [aaronpk] the message I left for aaronpk!
# 18:33 [aaronpk] Zegnat: re above, it's because of the clustering, it's not practical to include more than one post name all the time. Also some post names are really long, so that's awkward.
eschnou and Tristitia joined the channel
# 18:54 snarfed if i knew then what i know now, i probably would have closed it with a vengeance instead and never looked back
tantek, nitot, shiflett, eschnou and snarfed joined the channel
# 20:39 rhiaro swings by to glare at anyone who doesn't use an author property inside their h-entrys
# 20:39 rhiaro goes back to 'parsing' parsed microformats that are all different because everyone's site markup varies unpredictably
# 20:42 kylewm rhiaro: this is why i always say you need a microformats parser and an interpreter
# 20:43 rhiaro This is driving me mad. Is everything an edge case? There's no consistent way to know where to look for stuff? (aside from representative h-card thing)
# 20:44 rhiaro I didn't realise expanding my reposts was going to be such a PITA
# 20:44 rhiaro This was supposed to be a quick thing I could do so I felt like I accomplished something
# 20:46 rhiaro Will just assemble a list of people whose markup I definitely don't want to deal with and never repost them :)
# 20:47 Zegnat You should document as many edge-cases as possible on the wiki, rhiaro. I think people don’t mind changing their markup a bit if some consensus can be reached
# 20:48 rhiaro That'll work for as long as the community stays this size
# 20:51 rhiaro Finding authors has been reasonably well thought out, so it's not so bad, but I still have to write a bunch of really boring author-finding code
# 20:51 gRegorLove Which language? I can share my PHP authorship code if it helps
# 20:51 rhiaro But there are other things too. People nesting things in feeds differently. No specific example from what I'm doing right now, but ran into this before a while ago. I think I was trying to find the most recent post on any homepage that had a location. Had to jump through so many hoops and look for so many cases
benwerd, shiflett, chreekat, shiflett_ and nitot joined the channel
# 21:22 Zegnat My new goal for my feed will be to get perfectly compliant mark-up that gives everyone wanting to parse it a headache
camerongray, shiflett, shiflett_, snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
# 21:31 rhiaro Zegnat: the reward for that is being plagarised instead of reposted :)
# 21:32 Zegnat It is not plagiarising if I post under an open licence. Ha. Take that, rhiaro.
# 21:40 kylewm Zegnat: you joke, but technically compliant markup that exercises the edge cases is pretty much tantek's M.O.
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 21:55 Zegnat kylewm: so what you are saying is I should aim to give tantek a headache?
snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 22:04 [kevinmarks] yes, Tantek made my hovercard code blow up a lot too (he has a list of orgs, one of which is an h-card)
# 22:05 [kevinmarks] but maybe as well as consistent parsers across language implementations we need consistent utility functions for 'get representative h-card, get author , is this a note? etc
nitot joined the channel
# 22:10 Zegnat [kevinmarks]: interesting idea. So, formalise the algorithms for finding information?
wolftune, KevinMarks, keroberos and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 22:41 [kevinmarks] we kind of do that on the wiki already; so doing it with examples and testcases seems a logical extension
moredhel and wolftune joined the channel
# 22:53 M-Kodo formalising the algorithm would be very useful
# 22:54 M-Kodo the whole here is the html here is the json is like, here are two circles, now draw the owl
chreekat, hugoroyd, davbo, nitot and bigbluehat joined the channel
# 23:24 kylewm M-Kodo: the algorithm for converting HTML to JSON is very well defined on the microformats wiki
# 23:26 kylewm it's more the process of understanding what the JSON actually represents that could use formalising
sparverius and snarfed joined the channel