#voxpelliaaronpk: data-uri:s in og:image? /me runs away screaming
#voxpellispeaking from a MySQL point of view that would require TEXT-type columns for such data – so any URL longer than a regular VARCHAR would probably rarely be supported
#voxpelligain from supporting it would be less than the cost
#voxpellifrom a backend perspective data-uri:s are often a nightmare :P
wolftune and mlncn joined the channel
#voxpelli!tell tantek no reason WebMention endpoint can't be included and discovered on an HTTP 401 response so sending a mention to a private post should be possible?
#rosetreeCheers, last week I heard the first time about the indieweb. I was really curious, cause the principles of the indieweb are what I was searching for ☺. Now after reading a few articles in the wiki, I want to become a part of the indieweb. I read in the FAQ, that you should pick one domain if you have multiple domains. But I already have two domains in use: a domain for my blog and a domain (actually a web page on a domain) as my profi
#KartikPrabhurosetree: maybe you had a specific question but it got cut off
#rosetreeI’m new to IRC, is there a max post length?
#KartikPrabhuthere seems to be but I don't know what it is :) IRC is like chat you can post multiple times ;)
#rosetreeah I see. The rest of my text: “… as my profile. Is it possible to be part of the indieweb with multiple domains? Do you have an opinion about multiple domains (or pages) for persons?”
#KartikPrabhurosetree: yes you can have multiple domains
#voxpelliIRC usually likes many shorter lines than few long ;)
#ZegnatIRC has a maximum line length, but it is a tad annoying, as it depends on your ident length and nickname length and all sort of stuff
#KartikPrabhurosetree: for the purpose of getting started you can pick one and start on that domain
#KartikPrabhuonce you get then hang of it you can extend to multiple ones if you like
#voxpelliThe general opinion as I perceive it is that a single domain is preferable though – so if one isn't very invested in multiple domaisn or have strong opinions about keeping them separate – then keeping to a single one would be what I recommend
#voxpellirosetree: any specific part of the indieweb you feel extra interested in getting started with? :)
#KartikPrabhurosetree: if you are interested in things like cross-site commenting and posting things first to your site then the blog might be a good start
#rosetreeKartikPrabhu: That’s a good advise. voxpelli: I’m currently thinking about, what I’d like to get started. What do I have enough time – and will – to start with. I’m not sure yet.
#KartikPrabhurosetree: a good start is to try to login with your domain on the wiki
#voxpelliGWG: but no IndieWeb tools are mf1-only – so I would say the benefits are gone unless one eg. wants Google to pick it up (Google only does mf1 I think)
#voxpellirosetree: I can't therefore identify myself with my blog domain – because it uses a multistep rel-me relation (partly because I built a crawler that can handle that and I needed something to test it with :P )
#rosetreeKartikPrabhu: I guess patching things later could be more complicated ☺ I’m working as a web developer and that’s why I am a bit careful before taking to easy steps.
#rosetreeSome thoughts: Maybe I have some slightly different approach that confuses me a little bit. I use a page on one domain as my vcard, where I link to places on which I publish stuff. My blog, Github or Twitter. I guess that would be the url I use to identify myself.
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: why not? knowing whether it's a long long article or just a short little one is pretty good– right? And word counts would be too abstract?
#voxpellirosetree: only works on the Apple devices and requires one to open the article first ;) But yeah – I only added the read time in my article lists, not on individual article pages
#aaronpkI don't like the "reading time" trend either. Mostly because how can I expect the author to know how fast I read? also I tend to not actually read things all the way through, I skim first then read in more detail if it's interesting
#cweiskeand you feel bad when you take longer than anticipated by the author
#blueyedFor now (and if it's not too much work to configure), a separate/non-balanced subdmain would be good.
#blueyed..and it could be enabled for load-balancing later again.
#aaronpkyeah I'll have to fiddle with that. not totally sure what it will take. I'd like to avoid requiring people change their openid delegation if possible.
#KevinMarksalso, 'The filenames for app keys and secrets also differ by site; appengine_config.py has the full list.' is linked to the wrong appengine_config