#ZegnatA good sell used to be “because Google”, but I am not sure if Google even indexes mf2. Currently the best why I can think of is “so people can build tools that understand what the data on your websites is”. Another interesting source for examples is rhiaro’s http://rhiaro.co.uk/2015/08/extensibility - marking up vulcano data so other people interested in them can find the info easily.
#gRegorLoveIf they want their information accessible by others and to do cool things with, like cross-site commenting, it's a lot easier to have them add a few classes to their HTML than to have them add some XML side files, yada yada
#gRegorLoveAlso, this is probably well-tread on microformats.org somewhere
Geng joined the channel
#GWGI was trying to find a good succinct explanation, or write one.
tantek joined the channel
#kylewmGWG: i sympathize, it's very tough to explain why people would want them unless they are doing cross-site commenting
#tantekGWG, start with why do you have them, and we can document more along the lines of that
#tanteksnarfed, kylewm yes - manual comments display (webmentions or otherwise) on my blog posts (articles0
#tanteksnarfed: re: the notes whitespace write-up, now I'm wondering if I left an edit open in a tab somewhere on a machine - ah well, I'll recreate it and if I do come across the forgotten tab later I can see if I said something smarter before or not
#ZegnatBefore it used to be "add hCard and get your business indexed", now it’s "you need opengraph metatags". I can probably find some links on that
#tantekthat's the irony is that FB did a much better job of staying reasonably simple with OGP, whereas Google overdesigned/overthought the whole thing with schema
#GengHi there everyone who is still awake... it is 1am in my position... I was waken by a cellphone game called lifeline... I should never try it before went to bed... The charactor in game said he will be away for about 1 hour, then I received a message one hour later, which is now..
#ZegnatGoogle will actually index opengraph, tantek, so that makes opengraph even more popular for SEO reasons ;)
#__number5__Geng: lol, that's some reallife gaming experience
#ZegnatBefore Google used microformats for rich snippets, not sure if they still do but that developers page only lists schema and opengraph. No more mf in the Google documentation
#GengYeah,,, but it is kind of creepy to receive a message in midnight...
#KartikPrabhuGeng: __number5__ lets keep it on indieweb topics
#__number5__Anyone using python for their blogs? Is pelican a good base to build/integrate all indieweb stuff on?
#tantekZegnat - yes Google still supports microformats. As long as the markup is predominant (e.g. hCard and hAtom still both outnumber schema deployments, likely mostly from WordPress) Google has incentive to support indexing microformats.
#ZegnatSo SEO blogs have, in their turn, dropped microformats and are now recommending everyone to use other techniques, OGP on top of their lists.
#tantekyeah - they're being actually antagonistic, which is a big departure from when they launched rich snippets with handwavy RDFa support, claiming a principle of syntax neutrality
#KartikPrabhu__number5__: [] are used as conventions for slack names
#ZegnatReally bad for the web, IMHO. Microformats have always been easier to deploy. Especially for things like reviews. But this has, in my experience, made microformats a harder sell :(
#tantekZegnat: irony is they have gone from recommending microformats (which was easier than RDFa), to recommending microdata (because it's a primary just a schema thing), to now recommending JSON-LD - and thus going down a path of recommending more and more difficult approaches for web authors.
#tantek.comedited /Twitter (+433) "/* original lacks POSSE tweet */ example of reply to indie post vs reply to silo post/comment w/o POSSE tweet copy" (view diff)
#tantekright, that's the key use-case we have to improve
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: if it's a comment on your post that came through via Bridgy, how do you send *your* reply back to the context where the silo comment came from?
#tantek(because you can't expect that the silo commenter will know to check your backfeed comments on your site)
#GWGtantek: If you reply to the Bridgy URL, then logically, Bridgy should create the silo post
#tantekGWG - but the Bridgy URL provided is the URL to the original comment on the silo
#tantekand per history, FB dropped commenting from the API, so Bridgy can't POSSE replies/comments into FB
#tantekstill amazing how much we're still figuring out with all this stuff
#tantekI think a lot of it comes from the challenge of working with existing systems, but I think it is worth it, because that's the only way we're going to be able to provide people with reasonable transitions (while most of their friends/family are still on silos).
#ben_thatmustbemeIf Someone on Twitter Comments on my post. I can reply from within my site in one click, and (as long as I syndicate to Twitter) I can reply to them
#tantekalso even cooler if you see the comment on your post via a notification, and then can show a flow where you activate that notification and reply right there inline
#KartikPrabhuben_thatmustbeme: does you inline posting use micropub or custom for your setup?
lukebrooker, snarfed and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]just to confirm, if a twitter @-reply gets backfed to an indie post, and you indie reply to that backfed @-reply, you can definitely bridgy publish your indie reply to twitter
#tantekI'm curious how people are using Flickr these days - like to actually engage with friends/family? or as secondary backup storage of images etc.? or as an image hosting cache?
#tantekI gave up on my previous usage (posting photos in the order taken) because it was too much work, and Flickr kept breaking their uploaders (making them upload in random / strange orders)
#ben_thatmustbemeKartikPrabhu its not fully inline, it uses /mp-config then pops out a new window to post your reply.
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell KartikPrabhu re:my ability to reply to twitter on my site. its not fully inline, it uses /mp-config then pops out a new window to post a reply.
#cweiskewhen posseing articles to twitter, how could I get hashtags in the tweet without doing it manually, and without adding the hashes to the article title?
#cweiskeso "Playing Tomb Raider 1 on OUYA" should get tweeted as "Playing Tomb Raider 1 on #OUYA"
#cweiskehm. I already tagged it as ouya. bridgy could take advantage of that
#snarfedcweiske: interesting idea. feel free to file a feature request!
#snarfedhmm. it would definitely be easy to just append the hashtags. in this case though, you're thinking of hashtagging an existing word in the title, in place
#snarfedi guess that's still pretty straightforward
#cweiskeappending would be fine first, but when the word is already in the title, it should be used
#tantekKevinMarks: re: "should twitter handle links be person tags?" - no that's not what they mean by default, absent any other information they are merely @-mentions. *Mentions* not tags.
#KevinMarks"People share a lot of articles on Facebook, particularly on our mobile app. To date, however, these stories take an average of eight seconds to load, by far the slowest single content type on Facebook."
#sparveriusi actually tried to USE facebook recently... it's all of the low quality shit that i try to avoid
#tanteksparverius - presumably you mean their "News feed" feature right? AKA home page?
#sparveriusthe fact that im equating facebook with their wall feature, and that with low quality clickbait shit, says a lot about their problem
#tantekrhiaro: have you figured out how to make a reliable PM link? or still using a # rhiaro channel?
#tantekZegnat - I no longer have a personal phone number
#ZegnatWhatsApp is extremely popular in central Europe though, so I am not sure how I would do communications without it. Although Facebook Messenger is slowly winning some people over
#sparveriusalso just plain old sms; my friends are constantly complaining at me that i'm too hard to contact
#Zegnattantek: who owns what is not important, only userbase of the separate apps is important in this case
#sparveriustantek: I just started setting that up actually
#tantekmy friends have no problem contacting me despite not having a phone # - in fact, when I show them how to install my "app" (that's what they call it), they're jealous and want their own
#sparveriusAfter I let my vps expire by accident, I realized that I didn't actually use a web host for anything
#Loqicommunication in the context of the indieweb refers to using your personal website as a starting point and potentially way for people to contact you https://indiewebcamp.com/comms
#gRegorLoveWhatsApp has had some pretty bad security in the past, information being leaked. I don't know if they've gotten any better, but I still recommend people avoid using it.
#tanteksparverius: when my friends realize that with that "app" "installed", I am easier to contact than their other friends with phone numbers, they start to "get it"