#tantekkylewm: re: "centralization is just a projection of current trends" - that's one of the reasons we need not just 10 but 100s, preferably 1000s of indieweb "implementations"
#tantekkylewm: it's possible if you curl the article you might get enough content to view
#Loqitantek meant to say: we can cause it, by outbuilding
#KartikPrabhuout building silos... hmmm my sincere good luck
#tantekI have complete confidence that we'll transition builders, creatives to their own sites, and silos will be left with the equivalent of what happened to MySpace etc.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: we *are* outbuilding them - adding features now at a pace even individually faster than they are.
#KartikPrabhuwell it good that others are more optimistic than I am
#tantekwe may not have caught up to nor passed their feature sets *yet*, emphasis on the *yet*
#tantekhowever we have the trends on our side there
#tantekwe also haven't caught up yet in usability / ease of use - but I'm confident we'll catch up there - and pass them
#tantekKartikPrabhu: this isn't just theoretical idealism
#tantekKartikPrabhu: your handwringing / pessimism about the silos doing better is not very different than points made by Brian Oberkirch 2 years ago in his Branch post
#aaronpksmall font, even smaller font in a very long sidebar
snarfed, snarfed1, nitot, lukebrooker and cweiske joined the channel
#kylewmdoes anyone have a suggestion for how to know when to use the "link" parameter (creates an embedded link preview thing) when publishing to Facebook? I want to do it in a generic way for bridgy publish
#aaronpkprobably if there is a URL in the post that is not the domain that is publishing
#kylewm"not the domain that is publishing" -- that's what I said too! but snarfed said he would want the preview if linking to his own domain
#voxpelliJeena: I'm still up to demo Swat0 on Wednesday – how about you?
#Jeenaoh damn, I'm not sure yet, it will be tight because I didn't have any time this week, I started last week to at least resend webmentions on updates and new comments
#Jeenabut I got stuck on how to display and store those external 3rd party comments
#voxpelliYeah, the showing can be tricky, although you can cheat by just showing a few levels deep, will still be able to complete Swat0
#voxpelliI did crazy recursive Postgres queries so I show an infinite depth
#voxpelliHaven't ensured that the style doesn't break after X levels though
#Jeenado you have a m2m relation between for example notes so you a note has and belongs to many notes?
#voxpelliI think I save entries and what normalized URL:s each and everyone mentions and then I recursively add all mentions the normalized URL:s of the top matching entries until no more can be found
#rhiaroI have three computers in front of me, one with IRC, one with phd/academic work I'm lagging on, one with potential for HWC... This will help with productivity, right?
#M-keganDo you know how featureful the slack apis are? I'm just using webhooks but obviously I'd like to create actual users on slack and not be limited to bing words or a certain channel
#aaronpkdon't think you can create actual users, but you can use the name and icon param to make the webhook user look like other users
#aaronpk(see the IWC slack channel for an example)
#aaronpkand afaik you can only get the global web hook per channel
#tantek.comedited /code-of-conduct (+568) "/* Similar Codes of Conduct */ add explicit positive feedback, mention of safety, about a derivative code of conduct" (view diff)
eschnou, sparverius and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]Rhiaro did you take a photo tonight? Of HWC Edi?
#KartikPrabhuwants to write a long detailed reply. Such question arise from time to time and is basically first-world tunnel vision
snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]Write a short pithy reply instead, with a strong first sentence hook, ellipsed on Twitter, with a PSL to the original with a few more sentences on your own site. No need to be thorough. Just make a quick couple of points.