#petermolnarhad anyone played with a raspberry pi 2 + wifi here? Turns out my pi2 is stable, unlike the wifi dongle, which is probably one of the flakiest devices I've ever had
#petermolnarand I wonder if there's a type of usb wifi connector that actually works stable on the pi2 without a powered hub
j12t, elima_, friedcell, tantek, KartikPrabhu, hs0ucy and ttepasse joined the channel
#voxpelliJeena: about wednesday – should we try to do the SWAT0-thing or push for it? Realizing I haven't got all parts done yet so I would have to fix my last few today/tomorrow then
#Loqivoxpelli meant to say: Jeena: about wednesday – should we try to do the SWAT0-thing or push it to another day? Realizing I haven't got all parts done yet so I would have to fix my last few today/tomorrow then
eschnou joined the channel
#Jeenavoxpelli, no sorry I'm not ready at all, I haven't had a evening for myself last week so I wasn't able to work on it at all. The next two weeks look better for that matter, I don't have them as planned at the last two so I will perhaps be able to do it then.
#voxpelliJeena: lets sync up when we both feel ready then :) You were going to target actor A, right?
#voxpelliI'm almost ready for both A and B – just needs some small extra finishing touches like explicitly parsing person-tags and making real push notifications
#JeenaMy biggest concern are the salmentions, sending is easy and I got that working, but receiving and correctly showing them everywhere is more complicated
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: I thought all browsers for now would require that one uses their notification services? to keep battery consumption down on mobile
#LoqiA push notification (AKA client notification) is a notification that shows up on one or more of your client devices without you having to explicitly request it — it's "pushed" to you, instead of you having to poll for it https://indiewebcamp.com/push_notifications
#tantekvoxpelli, ben_thatmustbeme could you add those links to ^^^
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#ben_thatmustbemevoxpelli: I don't know, haven't had time to really dig in to it too much, I know the Push API is really new and still missing a lot of things
#voxpelliit's apparently the same link – Google just decided to not redirect the one I mentioned to the one ben_thatmustbeme mentioned
shiflett joined the channel
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: think Google have mentioned that they at least not initially supported other services
#tantekvoxpelli: that's fine - just set an expectation either way
#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: IIRC it's technically possible to run a separate push notification service on android, but afaik nobody actually does that because GCM is optimized so well and provides a decent API
#bearaaronpk - yea, writing your own push notification service is a road of pain because you won't get cycles from the android core networking stack if your app goes idle or is forced into low power state
#tantekooh yeah - RSVP webaction fallbacks would be great
#adactiotantek: not sure if there'll be a Homebrew Website Club meetup this week: I'll be away, and Charlotte isn't feeling well, so it depends how she's feeling by Wednesday.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#tantekadactio: ok we'll leave it TBD for now then. Please wish Charlotte get well soon from us regardless!
#LoqiKevinMarks meant to say: voxpelli: re upcoming.org I chatted ot Andy briefly about ti before xoxo and he is intersted in what indieweb can do to help it
#KevinMarksthat reminds me, I had a good caht there to jamie from medium, so working through what changes we coudl amke to medium to be more indieweb friendsly would eb helpful too
#tantekKevinMarks: could you tell if he's trying to make a service/tool for himself & friends (like he originally did with Upcoming) or is he trying to make it mass-market right out of the box?
#aaronpkmy understanding is he's trying to make a full replacement for the previous upcoming.org, including restoring all the events that used to be there
#tantekif that was all - a read-only replacement would do
#tantekbut given the handwringing over identity (as he's published in the kickstarter update posts), there's obviously more to it
#tantekthe previous upcoming just became a place fo spamming events by self-promoters of snakeoil pay-for seminars and webinars
#tantekall of which made it to the home page of Upcoming because the actual user community had long since bailed
#tantekit was Scott Beale that first pointed out to me that people had shifted to using FB for events instead of Upcoming (and this was before I logged back into FB and started using it )
#tantekok I'm sending that to simon and nat (lanyrd cofounders now at eventbrite)
#tantekand yes, that's exactly the kind of spamming that upcoming got
#tantekwhich means it's only a matter of time before the parent company declares it dead to spam and kills it
#tommorriseventbrite will be crying all the way to the bank about killing it.
#tommorrissimple solution number 1: deputize a bunch of trusted community members to despam the shit out of the platform. would cost nothing. there's a whole lot of love for Lanyrd, just as there was for Upcoming, and I'd happily delete spam on sight if there were a super simple way of doing it.
#tantektommorris, I've pinged @simonw about the @Lanyrd spam - feel free to also ping them!
#snarfedbear: sorry, no, they're private (they're your FB news feed), but i can maybe get you example snippets or (more likely) answer q's if you have any
#beara sample of a post that appears twice would help - that will show me how each post is tagged for atom:item or rss:itme
#tantekhuh, somehow we have 10 principles - never counted them before, we just kept adding / capturing what seemed to be emergently core to the community
#tantekI'm thinking Plurality should just be another in the list of principles (that would make them go to 11 heh)
#tommorrishave fun was one of my contributions. I added it to the page because IWC often felt like fun while Wikipedia often felt like stress and drama and bickering.
#tantekI remember when you added that tommorris - that was a genius way of capturing what a lot of us were taking for granted
#tantekand we should never forget that sense of whimsy and optimism
#tantek.comedited /principles () "(-1070) explicitly include Plurality as a key principle rather than having it after the list. that brings our total to 11. ✨" (view diff)
#tantekdoes anyone here do private / limited access posts that have human-friendly URLs like with slugs?
#tantekcurious to hear what people have figured out regarding how much it matters (or is it a feature) that people without access to a post might still see the URL and slug
#aaronpkyes, pretty sure I have a couple with content in the slug and have also created some explicitly without
#tantekI feel like I can imagine use-cases for either, but wanted to ask for real world experience before I hypothesized anything
todrobbins, tvn, lukebrooker, nitot, shiflett, todrobbins_, KartikPrabhu and cuibonobo joined the channel
#M-KodoUX and design is more important than protocols, formats, data models, schema etc.