petermolnarhad anyone played with a raspberry pi 2 + wifi here? Turns out my pi2 is stable, unlike the wifi dongle, which is probably one of the flakiest devices I've ever had
voxpelliJeena: about wednesday – should we try to do the SWAT0-thing or push for it? Realizing I haven't got all parts done yet so I would have to fix my last few today/tomorrow then
Loqivoxpelli meant to say: Jeena: about wednesday – should we try to do the SWAT0-thing or push it to another day? Realizing I haven't got all parts done yet so I would have to fix my last few today/tomorrow then
Jeenavoxpelli, no sorry I'm not ready at all, I haven't had a evening for myself last week so I wasn't able to work on it at all. The next two weeks look better for that matter, I don't have them as planned at the last two so I will perhaps be able to do it then.
voxpelliI'm almost ready for both A and B – just needs some small extra finishing touches like explicitly parsing person-tags and making real push notifications
JeenaMy biggest concern are the salmentions, sending is easy and I got that working, but receiving and correctly showing them everywhere is more complicated
voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: I thought all browsers for now would require that one uses their notification services? to keep battery consumption down on mobile
LoqiA push notification (AKA client notification) is a notification that shows up on one or more of your client devices without you having to explicitly request it — it's "pushed" to you, instead of you having to poll for it
ben_thatmustbemevoxpelli: I don't know, haven't had time to really dig in to it too much, I know the Push API is really new and still missing a lot of things
aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: IIRC it's technically possible to run a separate push notification service on android, but afaik nobody actually does that because GCM is optimized so well and provides a decent API
bearaaronpk - yea, writing your own push notification service is a road of pain because you won't get cycles from the android core networking stack if your app goes idle or is forced into low power state
adactiotantek: not sure if there'll be a Homebrew Website Club meetup this week: I'll be away, and Charlotte isn't feeling well, so it depends how she's feeling by Wednesday.
LoqiKevinMarks meant to say: voxpelli: re I chatted ot Andy briefly about ti before xoxo and he is intersted in what indieweb can do to help it
KevinMarksthat reminds me, I had a good caht there to jamie from medium, so working through what changes we coudl amke to medium to be more indieweb friendsly would eb helpful too
tantekKevinMarks: could you tell if he's trying to make a service/tool for himself & friends (like he originally did with Upcoming) or is he trying to make it mass-market right out of the box?
aaronpkmy understanding is he's trying to make a full replacement for the previous, including restoring all the events that used to be there
tantekit was Scott Beale that first pointed out to me that people had shifted to using FB for events instead of Upcoming (and this was before I logged back into FB and started using it )
tommorrissimple solution number 1: deputize a bunch of trusted community members to despam the shit out of the platform. would cost nothing. there's a whole lot of love for Lanyrd, just as there was for Upcoming, and I'd happily delete spam on sight if there were a super simple way of doing it.
snarfedbear: sorry, no, they're private (they're your FB news feed), but i can maybe get you example snippets or (more likely) answer q's if you have any
tantekhuh, somehow we have 10 principles - never counted them before, we just kept adding / capturing what seemed to be emergently core to the community
tommorrishave fun was one of my contributions. I added it to the page because IWC often felt like fun while Wikipedia often felt like stress and drama and bickering.
tantek.comedited /principles () "(-1070) explicitly include Plurality as a key principle rather than having it after the list. that brings our total to 11. ✨" (view diff)
tantekcurious to hear what people have figured out regarding how much it matters (or is it a feature) that people without access to a post might still see the URL and slug