2015-10-03 UTC
# 00:01 kylewm yes it is a "what's the text of this note?" -- what's an appropriat ething to show in a reader/reply content? marking up a repost in a way that gives a good fallback is tricky
KartikPrabhu, shiflett, scoates, emceeaich and tantek joined the channel
# 01:53 acegiak kylewm: yeah I started fixing that last night just didn't getit finished
# 01:58 acegiak it was 1am, I was going to break something if i tried :P
# 02:00 GWG I'm thinking of ordering some cheap business cards. What Indieweb things might go on a business card?
# 02:01 GWG acegiak: Has anyone ever scanned it?
# 02:01 kylewm GWG: I've had business cards for 10 years and I don't think I've ever given out one
# 02:02 GWG I was going to try to work on my networking skills.
# 02:02 acegiak GWG: Yeah a couple of times. cause it means they don't have to worry about losing the card
# 02:02 kylewm yeah, that says more about me than about business cards
# 02:03 acegiak the URL on mine isn't my personal URL anymore, it's the machinespirit.net/acegiak one
# 02:05 tantek if you're going to put a QR code, may I recommend you encode a rickroll URL
# 02:06 GWG If you aren't in business, is your business card a business card?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 02:11 KevinMarks they do predate business, they were originally visiting cards
# 02:16 kylewm for April 1st, we should do a mf vocabulary based on victorian social protocols
# 02:20 acegiak pretty sure it evolved into modern dating as women ceased to be property to be won
# 02:22 acegiak now I have to remember where my certificates are stored
# 02:23 GWG What is the microformat for matchmaking then?
# 02:24 tantek The microformat for matchmaking is [[XFN ]], specifically the values rel=muse and rel=crush.
# 02:26 tantek microformat for matchmaking is [[XFN ]], specifically the values rel=muse and rel=crush.
# 02:33 kylewm I was tempted to post star reviews of people on my site, but i couldn't think of anyone who would be suitably amused
# 02:34 tantek kylewm: if it's a hoax then they've punked WaPo which is quite the mediajam
# 02:36 kylewm tbh I think I put more faith in snopes's journalistic ethics than washington post's...
shiflett, acegiak and tantek joined the channel
# 03:38 acegiak looks like everything on my siteis working properly again now
tantek joined the channel
# 03:44 tantek !tell kylewm re: "what's the text of this note?" - it is a different problem and will likely require a different algorithm, but perhaps something we can combine with https://indiewebcamp.com/comment-presentation. Also touches on using "summary" for fallback for "new" post types.
# 03:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 03:46 GWG I'm trying to break my plans into smaller projects so I can better pace myself.
# 03:49 tantek I just keep adding things in more detail to my "Working on" and "Itches" until I come back to them and figure out a small piece of something enough to code it.
# 03:57 GWG KartikPrabhu: Also could be my projects need to be evenly maintained
wolftune, tantek, frzn, squeakytoy, ttepasse, emceeaich, eschnou, mlncn, elf-pavlik and joskar joined the channel
# 10:36 acegiak You know what would be great? If video files had id3 tags
# 10:36 acegiak I want to automatically scrobble what I'm watching to my blog
# 10:38 acegiak But I can't think of a way to get watch data from vlc and get meaningful data at the end in the form of like. Show/season/episode
# 10:39 acegiak Also I definitely need to work out a way to let people subscribed to me not have to deal with all my scribbles
# 10:39 Loqi acegiak meant to say: Also I definitely need to work out a way to let people subscribed to me not have to deal with all my scribbles
# 10:39 acegiak Oh my god android would you fuck off with your autocorrect?
# 10:47 voxpelli An indie reader could ignore it by letting the reader mute certain post types globally or per source
frzn joined the channel
# 11:09 acegiak I would add that to WhisperFollow but I haven't had a problem yet
# 11:22 acegiak Ooh maybe I can use trakt.TV the same way I use last.fm as an intermediary scribbling service
# 11:37 voxpelli acegiak: one nice thing with last.fm is that they support Musicbrainz ID:s so one can identify songs through unique identifiers – no such thing for movies I thing :( (Or perhaps IMDB? But that's not very open)
# 11:39 voxpelli that also means one can add a scrobble through audio fingerprinting as long as one can identify the muscibrainz ID
# 11:39 acegiak That's why I want to offload the tracking to trakt.TV
# 11:40 acegiak Except trakt doesn't do YouTube so I'll still have to grab that myself
# 11:42 voxpelli acegiak: feels like YouTube and such is more like Twitter and requires importing directly – the video there is more like a tweet than like a standalone movie
# 11:42 voxpelli so yeah, importing from there sounds like a good idea rather than trying to scrobble it
# 11:43 acegiak Voxpelli: there's a bunch of YouTube series I watch LIKE TV so I want to log it the same way on my site
# 11:44 voxpelli acegiak: yeah, totally, like a PESOS of YouTube's history
# 11:48 acegiak Think I'm gonna be using YouTube's URLs for its stuff and imdb for other stuff
# 11:53 voxpelli sorry for geeking out about movie identifiers, been on my mind since I integrated MusicBrainz into Flattr, really wanted to find a way to integrate movies, TV-shows and books as well
# 12:01 acegiak I'm using videogamegeek.com and boardgamegeek.com for logging games played
KartikPrabhu, frzn, eschnou, ttepasse, scoates, yakker and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and mdik joined the channel
# 16:17 aaronpk kylewm: you de-duplicate syndicated versions of webmentions right?
nitot and tantek joined the channel
# 16:52 tantek especially when they have a lot of functionality to begin with!
wolftune joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:07 aaronpk GWG: i'm working on re-doing my webmention handling/display/storage
# 17:09 GWG aaronpk: Please continue to talk about it. I need the inspiration.
# 17:19 aaronpk also pretty sure i'm going to let webmention.io be responsible for actually handling the webmentions, and just not have any of the webmention parsing code in my site
nitot joined the channel
# 17:28 tantek IndieArchive is basically one of the key building blocks for a pragmatic solution to Brewster's distributed web proposal / blog post.
# 17:35 tantek specifically, Indiearchive solves "This time the Web should have a memory." requirement he puts forth
# 18:03 tantek aaronpk - is there some way of capturing that on the /reader page with the example of what you built for XOXO Slack?
# 18:03 tantek clearly it struck a chord with lots of people (and pressworthy!)
# 18:12 aaronpk maybe brainstorming. it's not really unique to slack
# 18:12 tantek however capturing the real world Slack example is a good proof of concept and citation of popularity / user demand
# 18:13 tantek which is important for prioritizing brainstorming features
emceeaich, nitot, benwerd, fiatjaf, KartikPrabhu, wolftune, eschnou, mlncn, KartikPrabhu1, joskar, modem_ and slvrbckt joined the channel