#kylewmyes it is a "what's the text of this note?" -- what's an appropriat ething to show in a reader/reply content? marking up a repost in a way that gives a good fallback is tricky
KartikPrabhu, shiflett, scoates, emceeaich and tantek joined the channel
#tantek!tell kylewm re: "what's the text of this note?" - it is a different problem and will likely require a different algorithm, but perhaps something we can combine with https://indiewebcamp.com/comment-presentation. Also touches on using "summary" for fallback for "new" post types.
#tantekI just keep adding things in more detail to my "Working on" and "Itches" until I come back to them and figure out a small piece of something enough to code it.
#acegiakI would add that to WhisperFollow but I haven't had a problem yet
#acegiakOoh maybe I can use trakt.TV the same way I use last.fm as an intermediary scribbling service
#voxpelliacegiak: one nice thing with last.fm is that they support Musicbrainz ID:s so one can identify songs through unique identifiers – no such thing for movies I thing :( (Or perhaps IMDB? But that's not very open)
#voxpellithat also means one can add a scrobble through audio fingerprinting as long as one can identify the muscibrainz ID
#acegiakThat's why I want to offload the tracking to trakt.TV
#acegiakOr I could try using the guessit python package
#acegiakExcept trakt doesn't do YouTube so I'll still have to grab that myself
#voxpellithey seems to use IMDB and similar for unique id:s
#voxpelliacegiak: feels like YouTube and such is more like Twitter and requires importing directly – the video there is more like a tweet than like a standalone movie
#voxpelliso yeah, importing from there sounds like a good idea rather than trying to scrobble it
#acegiakVoxpelli: there's a bunch of YouTube series I watch LIKE TV so I want to log it the same way on my site
#voxpelliacegiak: yeah, totally, like a PESOS of YouTube's history
#voxpellisorry for geeking out about movie identifiers, been on my mind since I integrated MusicBrainz into Flattr, really wanted to find a way to integrate movies, TV-shows and books as well
#acegiakYeah no its cool. Im keen to work out answers
#acegiakI'm using videogamegeek.com and boardgamegeek.com for logging games played
KartikPrabhu, frzn, eschnou, ttepasse, scoates, yakker and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]Plex does some kind of lookup on video files to map to series
#aaronpkGWG: i'm working on re-doing my webmention handling/display/storage
#GWGaaronpk: Please continue to talk about it. I need the inspiration.
#aaronpkright now i'm leaning towards keeping a cleaned-up version of all responses in a database table so I can query it easily when displaying posts, and archiving the full HTML somewhere according to this scheme http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieArchive#Storage
#aaronpkalso pretty sure i'm going to let webmention.io be responsible for actually handling the webmentions, and just not have any of the webmention parsing code in my site