acegiakI'm wondering if I should set up a script to go look at all the Images I hotlink in the process of reblogging them and cache them on my own storage incase those sites go down in future
acegiakaaronpk: I don't want to have to go through and change all the URLS in my posts so I'm thinking of having a Jquery script do it with an AJAX call when the posts get displayed
aaronpki'm definitely going to change the URLs, but mostly because I want to make sure I'm always serving everything over HTTPS so I have to serve my own URLs ayway
mblaneyan update on my reader: I ended up adding parsing microformats to SimplePie itself, will push it to my fork on github when I've ironed out a few bugs.
acegiakmblaney: I ask because limiting polling has ended up being an important challenge for me because otherwise my big subscription list rapidly gets out of hand
mblaneyaaronpk: yeah I thought about that, but in my case the xml is the minimal case because I'm only publishing the last 24 hours, so there's less to parse
GWGtantek: I was looking for php. kylewm uses python, doesn't he? But either way, will have to ask kylewm where he has something the next time he's around
mblaneythe /h-feed page does make a good point about providing a name for the feed, in my changes to SimplePie I pulled the name from the title element on the page... not so microformatty of me.
mblaneycool, though I was thinking it might still be useful, ie imagine a multi-author feed for an indiewebcamp event, with individual authors on h-entry's and something like "indiewebcamp attendees" on the h-feed.
Kongaloosh!tell tbrb I found a neat-o place by bedlam called checkpoint. It's open until 3:00 A.M. I don't know what it's like late, but it's a cafe in the eveneing. I suspect it turns into a live music venue, but it may be an okay place to try and see if it works for HWC
Loqitbrb: Kongaloosh left you a message 25 minutes ago: I found a neat-o place by bedlam called checkpoint. It's open until 3:00 A.M. I don't know what it's like late, but it's a cafe in the eveneing. I suspect it turns into a live music venue, but it may be an okay place to try and see if it works for HWC
aaronpkI just saw one of my twitter cards expand in a Slack channel and it basically filled the whole window because it showed the full name and content which were identical
ZegnatAt least when titles and content match. Then again, there are loads of edge cases. Clients have to do fuzzy matching in case the title includes all text but no special HTML elements like VIDEO. Not as straight forward as it could be.
ZegnatSure, but people are more than likely to put “title”-content into the title. IndieWeb Notes on the other hand do not have titles by design and then chose to set content as the title. I am not sure this is a problem with feeds or with the current IndieWeb implementations
Zegnatkylewm: title element is not require by RSS 2.0. The only requirement is that “at least one of title or description must be present”. Which is not a problem.
tantek!tell GWG re: "so many WordPress sites hadn't misused hfeed" would be great to document precisely what went wrong (what do you mean by "misused"?), and a few specific real world examples thereof (could you provide URLs to sites, themes that demonstrate the misuse?), so we can investigate and hopefully prevent a similar problem with mf2 h-feed.
tantek.comedited /2015/planning (-33) "update dates, focus possibilities, sort all future potential IWC by potential date to see about overlap" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /Template:IndieWebCamp (+2) "no one has stepped for DC, dropping from 2015. Add MIT since sandro and rhiaro have hinted at possibility of making one happen in the fall" (view diff)
jkphl.iscreated /2016/Nuremberg (+4556) "Created page with "= <span class="p-name summary">IndieWebCamp Nuremberg 2016</span> = The '''first IndieWebCamp in Nuremberg''', but just one of many [[IndieWebCamps]]! <div class="p-description..."" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /Main_Page (+193) "/* Homebrew Website Club */ update known locations for 2015-10-07, remove old commented out locations, comment out Brighton, G" (view diff)
tantek!tell ben_thatmustbeme,rhiaro do you want to or are even partially interested in helping organize an IWC MIT in November (maybe 11/14-15?) Please -1/0/+1 comment on:
tantekI'm definitely getting pretty tired of how many sites even home pages are js;dr these days - and am thinking of creating proper parseable HTML+CSS proxies for them - on my own domain
tantekRecent examples include restaurant sites, it's as if they learned nothing from the failures of their previous generation of Flash-only restaurant sites
aaronpkdon't blame the restaurants, blame the people that make the tools that make restaurant websites and the agencies that do the consulting gigs for restaurant sites
tantekif my extended hypotheses about js;dr are correct, I (or any of us) should be able to out-search-engine-game the restaurant's own home pages with my own venue pages for them
aaronpkultimately the restaurant owner shouldn't have to know about the underlying technology. they should be complaining to the people they are paying that the site "doesn't work", for some value of "doesn't work" that is a result of js;dr
tantekright, they were too clueless to know to complain that flash-only didn't work for many customers, so expectedly, they're too clueless to know to complain that js;dr doesn't work for many customers.
tantekI'm even thinking of encoding a teaching experience into the indie venue page - that is, e.g. on my page for The Mill, I would still include a link to their own home page, however with caveats like WARNING: Unreadable on some browsers due to Javascript. See js;dr for more.
tantekand at that point, if we all (or even some/most of us) explain on our indie venue pages WHY our pages are well ranked (and why the restaurants' own sites are not), some of them may learn and pass on the requests (with handy citations from us :) )
gRegorLoveTangent: I've had a friend tell me he would love an app or website that lets you easily view a restaurants menu and keep track of what you've tried there. I've thought about doing it as a web app, although not very seriously. Getting the menu information in initially is the hardest part.
GWGJust passing through, but still no word from anyone with a venue, zachdonovan is still missing. Might throw ny weight behind another Northeast location if we have any interest
LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 39 minutes ago: re: "so many WordPress sites hadn't misused hfeed" would be great to document precisely what went wrong (what do you mean by "misused"?), and a few specific real world examples thereof (could you provide URLs to sites, themes that demonstrate the misuse?), so we can investigate and hopefully prevent a similar problem with mf2 h-feed.
mblaney!tell aaronpk what's the benefit of the first 5-7 words rather than an empty title? Also, my reader doesn't show a title when it matches the content (it does a tag stripped comparison).
Loqiaaronpk: mblaney left you a message 54 seconds ago: what's the benefit of the first 5-7 words rather than an empty title? Also, my reader doesn't show a title when it matches the content (it does a tag stripped comparison).
Loqi[mention] Leah Culver, Joseph Smarr, Chris Messina, Monica Wilkinson, Jason Shellen, Daniel Burka, Elisa Jo Harkness, Lonnie Rae, Matt Mullenweg, Katarzyna Babula, Deb Schultz, Katie Johnson, Yoz Grahame, Matt Biddulph, Eddie Codel, Edward O'Connor, Sabrina Bruning, Natalie Downe, Simon Willison, and Will Norris were invited to