#tanteksounds like something we can perhaps suggest for indiewebify.me
#GWGtantek: This is the same decision in WordPress that has hentry automatically added to everything. The implementation was wrong when they did it, and it has just propogated.
#tantekthat is - noticing that there is an extraneous h-feed, and reporting it as an error
#tantekGWG, but that decision is not completely wrong either - h-entry is a very good default top level microformat for a page
#tantekYou can point out that it's a core architectural issues, because core should not be interfering with markup - that's the theme's job and responsibility.
#tantekThe themers are right. When the core people say it is a theme issue - ask them, how do they propose a theme "undo" the markup that is hard coded in core?
#Loqi[mention] Kevin Smokler, Ben Moskowitz, George Kelly, Colleen Taylor, Atul Varma, Lawrence Lessig, Cariwyl Hebert, David Baron, Jay Zalowitz, Justin David Kruger, Stephanie Vacher, Stacey Rivet, Marie Williams, Jeff Hodsdon, Jeffrey Veen, Megs ORorke, Erin Stevenson O'Connor, Olya Lapina, Daniel Appelquist, Evan Prodromou, Chris Heuer, Stephen Wyatt Bush, James Craig, Tony Rai, Michael Owens, Joël Franusic, Kara Murphy, Loic Le Meur, Amy MacKinnon, Zibi Braniecki, Jeff Rider, Thomas Vander Wal, Kitt Hodsden, Jesse Vincent, C Alaric Moore, Stephanie Haupt Sullivan Rewis, Simon Law, Zoe Schiffer, Brian Behlendorf, Martin Atkins, Christine Herron, Paul Hammond, Beau Smith, Charles Hope, Jen Bradburn, Matthew Levine, Christopher Carfi, Mo Kudeki, Peter Hirshberg, Lizz Noonan, Nima Dilmaghani, Om Malik, Cari Levay, Laura Helen Winn, Pius Uzamere, Jeremy Anderson, Matt Schaar, Carla Borsoi, Joichi Ito, Jordan McArthur, Thor Muller, Brynn Evans, Yan XZ, Jessica Suttles, Ben Metcalfe, Adam Rifkin, Nate Koechley, Mar
#KevinMarksright, that was part of google 'format of the month' advice
todrobbins joined the channel
#waglewell, i'm pretty ignorant of the whole html/css/whatever-version-of-out-of-band-data-you-are-using, so I hope learning about microdata transfers to others
#KevinMarkswell, here you'll here a lot about microformats
#LoqiThe sidefile-antipattern is a violation of the DRY principle by the use of secondary files (typically in some one-off XML format) to provide information that is a duplicate of information available in primary files on a website (in HTML), and is an antipattern due to typical DRY violation problems such as out-of-date, missing, corrupted, or outright false data https://indiewebcamp.com/sidefile
#KevinMarksit's nto really showing mciroformats best practices, as there's lots of that here, but it is a mapling between them
klickreflex joined the channel
#KevinMarkshi klickreflex, how's the instagram replacing going?
#KevinMarksif you're going to include JSON-LD in a page, it would make sence to put it in a script tag and assign it to a variable, so it is at least accessible to code running in the page
#KevinMarksthat's still an antipattern, but it is a semi-useful one
#aaronpkmf2 is ultimately a relatively small set of parsing rules, and the parsing rules are not connected with the vocabulary at all
#KevinMarksin general, instead of attributes it uses text, html, urls, dates from the page
#todrobbinsdoes microformats place vocabulary in a secondary rank? I need to refresh my understanding of the current state of microformats, but it seems there wasn’t much crosswalking/sensemaking between the what hcard might describe and what some other ontology/vocab/what-have-you similarly described
#KevinMarksyes, that was the key change with microformats 2
#todrobbinsI should note I come from a information science background, so you’ll have to forgive my angle at times
#tantekdata islands are defunct technique for adding DRY-violating invisible data to HTML pages (AKA sidecar metadata), first introduced then abandoned by Microsoft as XML Data Islands, and more recently, by Google as JSON(LD) embedded in HTML.
#@benwardWonders how on earth the WHATWG list went from zero to 700 unread messages without him noticing. Elects not to start writing ‘This week in HTML5’ ever. (twitter.com/_/status/882773)
loic_m, KevinMarks__, mlncn, j12t, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, nitot, friedcell, davidmead and eschnou joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell aaronpk do you have a list of all the push notifications (phone notifications) that you have needed? Such as 'tagged you in a photo' ' mentioned you' etc
#Loqiaaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 hour, 32 minutes ago: do you have a list of all the push notifications (phone notifications) that you have needed? Such as 'tagged you in a photo' ' mentioned you' etc http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-10-07/line/1444223241764
#aaronpk"The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that embodies the vision that publishers can create mobile optimized content once and have it load instantly everywhere."
#aaronpkI thought it was going to be a joke promotion to get publishers to write plain HTML pages with no javascript bogging down the page
#aaronpk"AMP HTML is a new way to make web pages that are optimized to load instantly on users’ mobile devices."
#aaronpkturns out it's not a joke, but is basically that
#ZegnatIf I understand it right, they forbid the use of JS outright? Fits perfectly with tantek's js;dr then. No JS apart from components they themselves have created, that is.
#aaronpkif you look at the demo, they launch an in-browser full screen popup that shows the contents of the story right on the google search results
#ZegnatThere is some weird stuff in there too. They limit what CSS you are allowed to use (for speed? don’t know) but allow any @font-face inclusion. Which is a much bigger bottleneck than any CSS
#ZegnatWell, I don’t really care who starts the initiative and for what reasons. Less crap around articles will be a plus in my book
#aaronpkwe'll see if it translates to their main site too, cause they may only be updating the HTML on their mobile site
#ZegnatI think there is a big incentive for publishers to *not* have it as their main site yet. The fact AMP limits advertisement and tracking possibilities comes to mind.
#LoqiZegnat meant to say: I think there is a big incentive for publishers to *not* have it as their main site yet. The fact AMP limits advertisement and analytics possibilities comes to mind.
#ShaneHudson_I've always liked the idea of somehow proxying dead links to archive.org or alternative archived sites. But think it could very quickly become a massive project
#ZegnatI wonder why your image is being blocked, ShaneHudson_, I can’t really see any differences between the HTTP and HTTPS one
#ShaneHudson_I presume it is my fault somewhere down the line
#ZegnatAlthough Safari’s developer tools have problems with it too
#todrobbinsaaronpk: I just saw the comment by tantek about etherpad.mozilla.org. what happened there?
#KevinMarksso, AMP requires schema and bans SVG o_O
lewisnyman joined the channel
#KevinMarksapparently they allow some svg now but didn't update the spec o_O
gRegorLove joined the channel
#ZegnatI thought aaronpk had a tweet saying they don’t *require* schema?
#ZegnatThey ban a lot of stuff though, and some things feel a bit random to me (CSS selectors? Seriously?) while other things that are performance hit on mobile are completely fine (@font-face)
snarfed joined the channel
#KevinMarks"AMP HTML documents MUST be marked up with schema.org/CreativeWork or any of its more specific types such as schema.org/NewsArticle or schema.org/BlogPosting. More types may be added in the future."
#KevinMarksBoth JSON-LD and microdata serializations of schema.org are supported.
#aaronpkZegnat: no I said they *do* require schema
#aaronpkin today's lesson in domain registration management, Aaron learns that when you transfer a domain between registrars, the contact info stays the same. If your previous registrar used "whois privacy" and published their own proxy email, the proxy email transfers over too.
#aaronpkthis means when your new registrar tries to contact you via the email address onthe domain, the emails don't go through, because the previous registrar stops forwarding the emails since the domain isn't with them anymore
#bearOCSP window is that small amount of time between when your SSL certificate vendor registers your new cert and when the browser update their certificate cache
#aaronpkman i wonder what it'd take so that I can stop running this mail server
#tantekaside, just told CSSWG folks who lost their Moz Etherpad tool they could use ours if they don't mind that everything they type into it goes CC0 / Public Domain
#bearcloudflare works because they have automated the hard part of doing HTTPS over a CDN while reducing the amount of cdn grief you normally get
#voxpelliapart from a few "op-" properties like "op-published" and "op-ad" it's mostly just basic html tags and thus fairly similar to how one could interpret an h-entry
KartikPrabhu and eschnou joined the channel
#aaronpkI just re-read the PuSH spec and it says the notifications need to have HTTP headers for rel=hub and rel=self. pretty sure Switchboard is not sending those.
#aaronpkkylewm: have you noticed any issues receiving pings from Switchboard?
#aaronpkyeah if you're using a unique subscription URL that's enough to identify what is being updated. if you're using the same one you'd need to use the rel=self value from the header
#aaronpkfunny cause the spec also says it's "good practice" to use a unique subscription URL
#voxpellitalked to someone about paginated pages and PuSH and the pushed URL doesn't necessairly have to match the subscribed one
#voxpelliyou can subscribe to the first page, but receive an update for the third page for example
#aaronpkis rel=self useful in that case for some reason?
#voxpellihmm, that doesn't matter here when I think again because the rel-self would still be the same I guess
#aaronpkand still if you're using a unique subscription URL it doesn't matter
#voxpelliyeah, it's probably just to make simple implementations easier
#voxpellithe rel-hub is the more interesting one – enabling the move from one hub to another
#kylewmvoxpelli: what would a push for the third page look like?
#aaronpkvoxpelli: is the implication that if the subscriber gets a rel=hub that's a different value than was used, they should create a subscription on the new hub?
#voxpelliaaronpk: that's how I would interpret such a push
#voxpellikylewm: just the content of the third page with the same rel-self I think, was a while since I discussed it
#aaronpkhuh, that's not mentioned in the spec at all, which just says "with rel=hub pointing to the Hub" which kind of implies it would be the same hub that was subscribed to
#voxpellimaybe it's not meant to communicate a hub switch, but it would make sense to use it for one and it would be useful to have a way to communicate something like that :)
#aaronpkit would probably be useful to be able to indicate a hub switch. otoh as soon as the subscription expires the subscriber is going to find the new hub anyway
#voxpellithat reasoning also shines some light on why rel-self isn't the same as rel-canonical
#kylewmvoxpelli: i think i would interpret that exchange differently
#kylewmyou said "i expected push subscriptions to be for the exact url" and he said "yes exactly"
#voxpelliright, I realize there's some ambiguity in that exchange now, I guess I have to sort that out with Julien
#voxpellione challenge with PuSH when it comes to Crud is what happens with items that has fallen of the first page of a feed
#snarfedit'll be an awesome feature, but i definitely don't envy you implementing it kylewm
#snarfedamusingly i actually had to to the opposite and *strip* like/comment/share counts in https://facebook-atom.appspot.com/ because they made stories reappear over and over when they changed
#voxpellikylewm: in the spirit of Salmention a received like or comment should trigger a PuSH
#voxpelliso yeah, very similar, if PuSH has support for pages (which it might already perhaps have with a liberal interpretation of the spec) then that would be enough
#voxpellisnarfed: only in classic feed readers I guess? which weren't checking for unique id:s or URL:s to find duplicates?
#aaronpkthe spec is meant to be interpreted liberally so go for it?
#kylewmsnarfed: ha KevinMarks mentioned that. i probably won't do an ambitious implementation, at least at first. tantek suggested just fetching like and comment count on demand (maybe on a click). that would be a good proof of concept
renoirb, martinBrown, tantek, nitot and Lancey joined the channel
#ShaneHudson_I don't know much about amp but currently working with a CMS based on Wordpress that bans loads of things... driving me insane. Everything I do is ending up as a total hack.
#ShaneHudson_(as if Wordpress wasn't bad enough! hah)
#aaronpkah there is a whitelist of supported fonts for @font-face
#aaronpk"Font providers can be whitelisted if they support CSS-only integrations and serve over HTTPS. The following origins are currently allowed for font serving via link tags: https://fonts.googleapis.com"
#aaronpkwait but then "Authors are free to include all custom fonts via a @font-face CSS instruction via their custom CSS. Fonts included via @font-face must be fetched via HTTP or HTTPS scheme."
#LoqiAMP is Accelerated Mobile Pages, a google-led project that speeds up a subset of HTML through caching and dependencies on google: https://indiewebcamp.com/AMP
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: if you want something bigger, e.g. check that the author is truly the person with the name and picture in the h-card, that's kinda either unsolvable or massively hard
#snarfedotherwise: tons of prior art, huge nerd snipe tarpit, and not an actual problem we have yet...all good reasons to deprioritize with a vengeance
#aaronpkthe domain check idea only works in conjunction with receiving a webmention