#tantekwhich was a play upon the # ChooseIndependent marketing campaign that Mozilla did for a while, implying choose an independent browser as it were
#[shaners]I get it / agree. It’s the right semantics. It just *feels* meh to me. :neutral_face:
#KartikPrabhu"Open web needs you" with indiewebcat pointing intensely
#tantekshaners - feel free to brainstorm alternatives, even those that don't seem "as good" - perhaps on a page like /slogan
#tantekwow this is really confusing. h2vx.com and dev.h2vx.com use the exact same .htaccess now, and one serves its static index.html home page as text/html, and the other as text/plain. WTF
#tantekbear - currently on the same host I'm hosting tantek.com on
#tantekI had to setup it quickly when Technorati's conversion service went down
#aaronpki'm tempted to make a thing where anyone can sign in with indieauth and be added as a member to get commit access to repos on github.com/indieweb
#Loqibear meant to say: so it's the deploy that is the issue for h2vx - that depends on who you want to enable access
#tanteknot just who, but its runtime requirements make the "where to host" a non-trivial question
#bearor the build could be to generate a tarball, store it in github releases for that repo and then just run a cronjob to look for a fresh copy
#tantekbear - I got to the point of defining the deployment problem I wanted to solve (with easy UI/UX), and then was never able to (heard of no good solutions, ironically) for https://indiewebcamp.com/deployment#Goals
#tantekspecifically this was with/for H2VX as a use-case
#aaronpklol yeah. that's the main reason I didn't even attempt to add stuff to it a while ago
#tantekat this point might be worth rewriting it as a mf2 parser + extract the generating code from the XSLT
#tantekbear - containers sounds like a heavy solution to what "should" be a "simple" thing - i.e. point to a specific github repo version/checksum and deploy, and have it keep a history so you can simply say "revert" and it goes back to previous one
#bearit's actually a lightweight solution to the problem of service isolation and networking
#bearit is all about which side of the IT/Ops line you are standing on
#tantekso it solves additional problems - that I get
#bearI wouldn't expect a web-site-deploy use case to have to grok containers, I was just suggesting that is something I would use to implement that use case
#tantekh2vx's generation code has been fairly well battle tested with multiple vcf and ics consumers
#bearthat is almost a straw man argument because you will always have a certain amount of ops-related tasks to do in order to have someone deploy a website on someone elses server
#tantekregressing on that is the reason not to switch from it
#tantekno amount of tests can compare to actual live use (over years) in the wild
#tanteknor even assess how close the tests might be to real world wild usage
#tantekbear - regardless - I defer to at a minimum capturing your solutions - if you could update /deployment with those suggestions - greatly appreciated!
#[aaronpk]Yeah I am normally not a fan of doing a full rewrite, but in this case the overall architecture and assumptions were really preventing me from making more progress with it
M-kegan joined the channel
#kevinmarksusing oauth dropins, and it feels like 'get me an h-card' would be nice
#Loqipfefferle meant to say: I also had a look at the semantic-comments these days, to try to re-use some of the code for a facepile...
#GWGpfefferle: I need to have a look at the code in detail to try to figure out the problem. I'd been thinking a lot about this because of an issue I tried to patch in core re pingbacks. Right now, Semantic Linkbacks retrieves the HTML from a site a second time, after the pingback or webmention code already has. I wanted to try to open up a way for the data to be processed earlier, and still be able to go into comment meta, which it can't now.
#GWGpfefferle: Re the Facepile, that code is the first thing I wrote when I got involved here, it needs improvement. Look at the mf2_s comment code, which is an improved version of some of the same code.
#pfefferleGWG this would be awesome! I also had a look at the code when I started working on the SL plugin. Sadly the do all the parsing stuff directly in the code and have noo hooks for that at all...
#GWGpfefferle: I'm actually trying to get that in.
#pfefferleGWG thanks for the mf2_s tip... will have a look...
#GWGpfefferle: Wasn't that the issue about firing on edit_comment?
sanduhrs joined the channel
#pfefferleGWG yes, but if we do that on every update, you will not be able to edit the comment by hand, because it will always be overwritten by the linkback plugin... and it we have to add preventions to start no infinite loop, because the SL plugin also fires an "edit_comment"...
Tino joined the channel
#GWGpfefferle: Will play with it and get back to you.
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#Loqi[snarfed] meant to say: it'd need to be lightly visible, otherwise you just render and hash the pixels
#aaronpkyeah, but even something as simple as adding 1 to the red value of a random pixel would be totally undetectable by eye but would change the hash
#[kevinmarks]You can change an image file without touching pixels, but the image processing will help. Down sampling might get you false positives from rainbow avatars etc.
#tantekkevinmarks: "waiting for your" makes it sound like the open is not there yet, it also has the same issue of "have and collect" that I pointed out above
#tantekthe point of HWC is not to just check some checkmark
#kevinmarksit being an exhortation definitely makes it odd to have a comma,
#tanteke.g. "ok I added my website to the open web, I'm done"
#kevinmarks"You're invited to the open web, bring your own website"
benwerd, catsup and j12t joined the channel
#snarfedooh yes. i actually like just "bring your own website"
#snarfedclearly implies that you're using it to participate in a larger community
#tanteksnarfed: unfortunately the rest of is not clearly enough implied
#tantekmost people at Mozilla think "be the open web" means just by choice of browser
tvn joined the channel
#tantekthe key here is to connect "open web" and "your own website" - because most people still don't internalize that connection (and happily just use silos instead, despite claiming they "support the open web")
#tantekbear - "avoid silos" is one of those "do nothing" to succeed answers - which is not enough.
#bearI was just riff'ing on the Be the ..., ... pattern
#LoqiWeb hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indiewebcamp.com/site
#kevinmarksopening the web, one website at a tiome
#voxpelliI wonder if I should make my "firehose" archive feed discoverable from the front page somehow... If someone wants to subscribe to _all_ of my content
#voxpellitantek: that's complicated for me as my "home page" is a blog and the social interactions and bookmarks features are pushed aside into sub pages, hmm
#tantek.comedited /homepage (+119) "/* Stream of Updates */ add sub lists for partial posts and names/titles only" (view diff)
#rhiarotantek: I'd like to be able to be able to put a homepage url into a reader, and have the option to subscribe to just notes, or just articles, or a certain tag, etc, if they're provided
#ben_thatmustbemei'm thinking i'm just going to make any links to actual feeds be enclosed in an h-feed where u-url is the only item
#voxpellikevinmarks: rel-alternate would be wrong in my case as the other feeds are not alternate presentations of the same content as is the case with rss/atom
#rhiaroor any other collection of posts according to whatever criteria
#voxpelliso one could select if one wanted Jyri's delicious bookmarks or not – because unlike on Twitter you had the choice to include or not include the feeds they imported into Jaiku
#ben_thatmustbemeactually i already have that, if you look at the h-feed on my main page it does have u-url for /feed
#voxpelliHmm, looks like parsers have started to dislike "<link rel="canonical" href="/" class="u-url" />" :( They just include an empty string for the "url" value
#bearoof - seems that woodwind did auto-discover the right url but the name of the feed is all wrong
#gRegorLoveI'll let you know if it disappears again :)
#snarfedgood reminder though. PSA for bridgy users: if you re-login to one or more of your silos, bridgy will remember you and show a header links to your user pages
#voxpelliaaronpk: you have a "separate feeds" example on that page – I added myself there as well, but realize adactio also have such feeds (Links) which is what I mimicked
#voxpelliwondering if that should perhaps be extracted into a separate list or at least have adactio added to it as well
#voxpellikevinmarks: made the rel-canonical absolute, but still no success – weird that the parses finds the u-url's existence, but fails to add a value to it :/
catsup joined the channel
#kevinmarksso the inside of the Stata Centre is as confusing as the outside?
#Loqivoxpelli meant to say: kevinmarks: nope, check the url-propery of the h-feed
#ben_thatmustbemedespite it looking like its just a straight hallway
#kevinmarkshuh. Uk universites are often like that (eg KCL) because they are multiple buildings attached togteher with different floor plans; desiging one from scratch like that is a bit daft
#voxpelliI guess the adding of classes to link-elements within head is to be for problems, but very convenient when you want the canonical URL for an h-feed to actually mark up the rel-canonical as that url
#kevinmarksmark up <header> <h1><a href="/">Pelle Wessman</a></h1>
#voxpellithing is that the header always points to the frontpage – I don't have an element that points to the actual feed on the feed page
#aaronpki want to redirect the whole wiki to https but i can't until we a) stop hotlinking avatars or b) I figure out mediawiki magic to be able to rewrite the img tag for those
#tantekKartikPrabhu: huh? I see "feed" mentioned several times on the rel registry
#[jonnybarnes]so if I use my homepage as an about page kind of, and I have an h-feed on `/notes`, could I put a rel=feed link to notes from my homepage?
#bear.imcreated /401 (+209) "Created page with "{{{stub}}} '''<dfn>401 is an HTTP/1.1 Status Code</dfn>''' returned from a webserver to signify that your are not authorized to make a request to the URI. == See Also == - http..."" (view diff)
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: re: adding yourself to Examples sections on the wiki, could you take a look at the "types" of posts here: https://indiewebcamp.com/posts#Kinds_of_Posts - click on each on and if you support it on your site, add yourself to its "IndieWeb Examples" section?
#tantek!tell ben_thatmustbeme re: adding yourself to Examples sections on the wiki, could you take a look at the "types" of posts here: https://indiewebcamp.com/posts#Kinds_of_Posts - click on each on and if you support it on your site, add yourself to its "IndieWeb Examples" section?
#tantekit's always possible that someone, or potential future someones, will come along and figure out how to do indieweb plumbing even more simply than we have so far
#gRegorLoveI only have u-in-reply-to currently was wondering if I should add the rel.
#tantekthat someone(s) will come along, proclaim even what we are doing with h-entry, microformats2 etc. is more complex than necesssary, and the provide a working/workable brainstorm about how purely page-level semantics can solve 90% of the use-cases or something
#LoqiPrivacy is “the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby express themselves selectively” https://indiewebcamp.com/privacy
#Loqisecurity in the context of the indieweb may refer to security concerns regarding personal domains, web hosting, https setup, private data, identity etc https://indiewebcamp.com/security
#LoqiA personal domain is a domain name that you personally own, control, and use to represent yourself on the internet https://indiewebcamp.com/identity
#snarfedandicascadesf: i hate to say it, but i don't quite get that diagram
#andicascadesfMy goal is to teach designers that there are some people who care about their online privacy, and go through crazy measures to protect it, like always writing messages that are encrypted, cautious about which apps they use, use 2 factor authentication, careful about passwords.
ageis_ and snarfed joined the channel
#andicascadesfbut it seems like more web site sign-ups and registrations happen with convenience.
#andicascadesf1. Encourage designers to create more tools that conveniently allow the mainstream user to protect their personal information, encrypt conversations.
#andicascadesf2. Educate the “mainstream / everyday” user on current tools that are available, and what works and what doesn’t work. Show the # of steps it takes to encrypt and decrypt email.
#andicascadesf3. *this is debatable, but I feel very strongly about this*
#andicascadesf3. Show how Microsoft, AT&T and large corporations are secretly selling the personal information of the people we are designing these products for. They are not only betraying their customers – they are going behind the backs of their employees, who spend months / years / whatever creating these features. If designers & developers were more aware of what is happening, they will make more responsible decisions on
#andicascadesfI’m not sure how much of #3 I want to talk about, but I think it’s a strong argument to drive change. Without designers + developers, there is no product.