#tantekin particular I ask because I'm wondering is it something anyone actually cares about - is it a feature you would want on your own site? or in an indie aggregator (or even reader)?
#[aaronpk]I haven't seen anything particularly interesting on mine yet
#gRegorLoveYeah, Moments is what "Discover" was before, I think. There's a separate feature in the app's primary stream "While you were away" which highlights some tweets from people you follow. Moments is trending topics, categorized into news, sports, entertainment, etc.
#gRegorLoveMoments is a separate icon in the app. I've not been inclined to check it out before now.
#[aaronpk]"Don't worry about finding the right accounts to follow to get the story. Just follow an event, and you'll get the best Tweets about it delivered directly to your timeline. When it's over, you'll unfollow automatically."
#tantekyikes: "two-choice poll" I really dislike that - like we need any more reinforcement of artificial dichotomies - it's one of the most common logical fallacies in almost every discussion
#tanteknot true. being allowed 2 or 3 options is better than being forced into 2
mlncn joined the channel
#tantekhey aaronpk that github indieauth thing you were talking about (to commit perms to indieweb repos) - would that work with telling people to go to say github.indiewebcamp.com the same way we tell people to go to slack.indiewebcamp.com to signup on the indieweb slack?
#[aaronpk]Yeah or I could trigger it from wiki logins but that might not feel explicit enough
Jihaisse, lewisnyman, mlncn, Seedmanc, friedcell and nt0 joined the channel
#SeedmancSay, if I'm using pictures hosted on site A on my site B directly-linked (in-page) can the site A know about site B's address just from the requests?
#nt0If someone gives you a map of places to visit, and you go visit them and talk to the residents, will those residents automatically know who gave you the map?
#SeedmancWell the site A can know the referrer if someone were to follow links from B to A.
#Seedmancdetsk but that only checks if the image is being loaded on the site that owns it, can it see the actual site's address or it only knows "right" or "wrong"?
#SeedmancI mean what if I load the pics from localhost, what will they see?
#detskSeedmanc: the referer header contains the source URL
#LoqiGit is a popular distributed source control management system that can be used to host and share code from independent sites https://indiewebcamp.com/git
#aaronpknow the real question is do I finally learn python, or keep writing lambda functions in node.js even though I don't really like it
#aaronpki'm considering writing my webmention sending code in Lambda
tantek, friedcell1 and tvn_ joined the channel
#tantekrhiaro: ^^^ note above how sandro (as a reader/viewer) expected to find upcoming IndieWebCamps in yet another location on the wiki. This is how/why as event publishers we have so many places to update - because readers expect that no matter what random place they might happen to look for an event that it will be there. And there are more readers than publishers, ergo.
benwerd and gRegorLove joined the channel
#kylewm_one does no learn python, one just writes python
#aaronpkrebuilding my site from scratch has been an interesting exercise, since it gives me a chance to decide to offload certain aspects or drastically simplify them
#tantekit becomes an optional tradeoff/optimization rather than a required responsibility
#aaronpkkylewm: i was also thinking the API call would specify a callback URL that could receive a post request with the results of each webmention sent
#snarfedapart from that feature, it'd be pretty trivial to do this in bridgy. most of the work would be the UX :P
#snarfedi'm not sure how much i want to extend bridgy into being a catch-all service, especially beyond the core mission of bridging silos...but still
#aaronpkyeah I'd hate for bridgy to start doing too much. it's best when it can be described in a sentence
#tantekas opposed to the One Proxy That Handles All The Webmention Traffics
#kylewmaaronpk: one tricky bit, can a service handle deletes without storing data?
#singpolymasounds like this could be built from the brid.gy codebase, and then maybe split into two sites? (one backfeed/publish, on for webmention in/out extension)?
#aaronpklike if it notices a post was deleted from an h-feed?
#kylewmlike I delete a post and ping your webmention service with the deleted post (410) as the source
#snarfedor at least as an example, since the blog webmention feature is exactly this. subscribes to a feed via superfeedr, and when it sees a new post, extracts links and sends webmentions for them
#kylewmit couldn't know who to send webmentions to
#aaronpki hadn't even considered how i would send webmentions for deletes from my own site yet, even when not using an external service
#tantekaaronpk - it's an ordering thing. you collect the list of webmentions to send for the post, you delete the post from storage (so it renders as 410 to permalink requests), then you send that list of webmentions.
#snarfedbtw julien (and voxpelli et al) have considered doing this kind of webmention service inside superfeedr, for some or all of the millions of sites it processes
#tantek.comedited /IndieWebCamps (+2449) "put in a brief Upcoming IndieWebCamps list since at least one reader expected to see a brief summary here (which is not unreasonable), add IWC 2015 (not sure how that was missing!), lots more sessions, guest lists, demos, IRC logs links!" (view diff)
#voxpellisnarfed: what was I/Superfeedr thinking of building?
#tantek!tell sandro thanks for the feedback! Have added a brief "Upcoming IndieWebCamps" subsection near the top of https://indiewebcamp.com/IndieWebCamps - hopefully that is skim-obvious now!
#snarfedvoxpelli: afaik no concrete plans. this was from personal conversation w/julien years ago
#snarfedand i thought i'd lightly discussed something similar with you here a while ago, but maybe not
#snarfedthe idea was that superfeedr already consumes and processes millions of sites' feeds, so it'd be straightforward to have it also send webmentions for links it finds
#voxpelliOh, now I see, subscribe to feed and do WebMentions for all links found in it
#voxpelliThat's my plan for enabling auto-WebMention sending for my static blog
#tanteksnarfed - well that would start sending webmention spam immediately ;)
#tantek!tell snarfed re: "superfeedr already consumes and processes millions of sites' feeds, so it'd be straightforward to have it also send webmentions for links it finds" - well that would start sending webmention spam immediately ;)
#Loqi[snarfed]: tantek left you a message 37 seconds ago: re: "superfeedr already consumes and processes millions of sites' feeds, so it'd be straightforward to have it also send webmentions for links it finds" - well that would start sending webmention spam immediately ;) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-10-23/line/1445619113007
#tanteksnarfed I do wonder about how much actual ham (that is, webmentions of stuff marked up, not just "mentions" link-to-link)
#voxpelliI don't think it would be in the interest of the IndieWeb to do for now, but an opt-in one would be
#tantekaside: is there a healthy vegetable that ends in -am?
#tantekyam is a healthy vegetarian alternative to ham, especially in the context of the metaphor of indieweb sending/receiving spam vs ham, one can instead refer to spam vs yam.
#aaronpkI do wonder how many more pings i would get, given that i currently proxy pingbacks to webmentions and get quite a number of plain mentions from wordpress blogs
#tantekhomepage updated for next HWC/IWCs and /IndieWebCamps got a decent editorial update too. that's enough semi-mindless secretarial wiki updating for the morning :)
#Loqiyam is a healthy vegetarian alternative to ham, especially in the context of the metaphor of indieweb sending/receiving spam vs ham, one can instead refer to spam vs yam https://indiewebcamp.com/yam
tdc2, KartikPrabhu, tvn, mlncn, shiflett, wolftune, ttepasse, snarfed and kevinmarks joined the channel
#kylewmabout sending webmentions for deletes is even easier if you just flag deleted posts without actually removing them. then you can just send webmentions like you would normally for that post
#aaronpkit's failing when it tries to make any external http requests, i think because the http library it uses is trying to do socket stuff itself instead of using curl
#Loqi500 is an HTTP/1.1 Status Code returned from a webserver to signify that the webserver encountered an unexpected condition while trying to process the requested https://indiewebcamp.com/500