#voxpelligRegorLove: are the three of you of non-english origin? ;)
#gRegorLoveAre you saying the issue is lack of pronouns in some languages?
#voxpelligRegorLove: nope, rather the opposite – an increased complexity in many non-english ones and a difficulty in that the grammar might not always map 1:1
#voxpellihave some bad experiences with mapping english grammar to both swedish and german
#aaronpkenglish grammar is not usually the best one to start from
#ZegnatHave you specified on a per-language basis though, gRegorLove? I can see a problem when I have to define my pronouns for both English and Swedish texts, if mf2 parsing does not include language information
#ZegnatIe. I wouldn’t want Loki to use Swedish pronouns when addressing me here on the channel
#gRegorLoveI don't provide translations of my posts. Not fluent in other languages. Working on learning Spanish, though.
#voxpelliZegnat: until mf2 pars language tags on a property level one has to assume the language is that of the page and rather link to alternate language versions or something through rel-alternate
#Zegnatvoxpelli, yeah, but I don’t see myself ever setting up multiple copies of my hcard page
#kevinmarksif other languages need more cases, do put an issues line in
#ZegnatI wonder how people are doing it right now, maybe I should ask around and see if any Swedes who use “hen” use any specific English pronouns and how they inform others of this
#voxpellinot sure if eg. asian languages like japanese at all map to the indo european language grammars
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#kevinmarkspronouns are complex - there are other weird UK one like 'her majesty' too
#voxpelliwould be simpler of all languages just had a gender-neutral / species-neutral pronoun
#kevinmarksthe differene between calling someone 'it' and 'they' is pretty significant in English, despite both being gender neutral
#Zegnatvoxpelli, knowing our label culture, I bet you people wouldn’t be pleased with a single gender-neutral pronoun. It will just be used a lot in case X, and people who feel more like case Y will come up with their own
#voxpellikevinmarks: aaronpk: more to original point – what can we do to move along the mf2 lang-attribute parsing?
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#Zegnatvoxpelli, do you have a usecase yet? Will you put separate Swedish and English pronouns on your hcard?
#kevinmarkspublish examples, encourage parsers to pay attention
#voxpelliI currently do publish an english only RSS-feed, but not an english-only h-feed
#voxpellisince all swedish readers will want the english content, the mixed feed makes most sense
#voxpelliespecially as I don't translate any content – it's either in english or in swedisg, never in both
#voxpelli(would perhaps be kind of nice to publish an English abstract / summary for Swedish articles though)
#Zegnatsounds like what I am currently building, as I will be intertwining posts in 3 languages. But I am just going to put lang-attributes on the article-elements and call it a day
#kevinmarksvoxpelli: that was Stephanie's solution, and I think it works well
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#funwhilelostI think it's a lot more. The "scratch your own itch" idea is something that I immediately get: it's about participating.
#voxpellidepends on what one calls the old web, the IndieWeb is kind of bringing the social media of post-web 2.0 back to the blog-roots of the early web-2.0 era
#voxpellipetermolnar: regarding your post types – sure that you will always have enough data to automatically decide? sounds like it would be simpler to just define type explicitly
#davidpeachim playing around with my post types at the moment
#davidpeacham explicitly selecting type before posting atm
#davidpeachbut am gonna change to just date slug and just display what fields are present for each post
#davidpeachafter reading rhiaro / rhiaro_ 's post about post types
#KartikPrabhuexplicit post types get useless real fast specially if you want to put many kinds of content together
#singpolymaaaronpk: depends how old. blogs+linkback is reasonably old
#petermolnarvoxpelli that is the question I'm trying to solve; indeed definind a type is easy, however, combining situations of if-elseif-else where the checks include exif of featured images, certain patterns in content ( like fenced code blocks ) are enough for ~90%; the rest is where I'm realizing I need at least one type of taxonomy ( meta ) that helps
#aaronpksingpolyma: there's a pretty big difference between old trakback/pingback and what we're doing now though
#gRegorLoveThe term "IndieWeb" makes sense to me as part of the event, IndieWebCamp, but I don't care for it a lot on its own. I'm unlikely to tell someone "I'm part of the IndieWeb" for example. I'm probably in the minority though. Not suggesting it be changed or not used or anything.
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: but now you can't put HTML in your notes :P
#aaronpkmy difference between note and articles is whether one has a name
#petermolnarKartikPrabhu all my posts are either Markdown or empty - the latter has a url and a webmention type as meta, but that doesn't help telling a note, a photo or an article apart
#KartikPrabhuvoxpelli: the point is if I have to out HTML then I write an article not a note
#voxpelliI think mine is the same, no title -> note
#aaronpki also don't consider html markup to be a "note"
#gRegorLoveMy notes have HTML, though mostly because I don't do autolinking yet.
#voxpelligRegorLove: I btw like the IndieWeb term as too much of discussions in tech today revolves around enterprise needs or startup needs, and the web should be for everyone
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: how do you add metadata to your autolink? :P
#KartikPrabhuhaven't found any case where I want to do that unless it is derived fro the URl
#gRegorLoveWhat rels would you add on links in a note?
#voxpellidepends on whether you want to starts experimenting with new kinds of tagging or such in your notes I'm thinking, without extending your autolinking upfront to handle them
#aaronpkthat kind of meta data i put *outside* the note
#KartikPrabhuactually for some reason Twitter's interface does not allow me to upload photos on FF so I have used bridgy for it ;)
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#[shaners]Re: no "name" -> note, in Homesteading Articles only require `content`, but allow `title` and `subtitle` (combined to make `p-name`). Whereas Notes also only require `content` and disallow `title` and `subtitle` (in this case, `name` == `content`).
peacekeep3r, mlncn, funwhilelost and snarfed joined the channel
#davidpeachi love the idea of just posting content - no matter what 'type' it is. After few months of explicitly choosing which post type before writing
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#Zegnataaronpk: quick (2 part) question, is the Webmention logo your work and is it CC0 licensed?
#LoqiGNU social is an free software project that "will be a decentralized social network that you can install on your own server" https://indiewebcamp.com/gnusocial
#voxpelliOStatus and the IndieWeb isn't that unlike each other
#voxpellieg. Bridgy I believe is built on top of much OStatus tech
#kylewmsingpolyma: kevinmarks: the wiki page has some info about subscribing to a non-gnusocial PuSH atom feed under Syndication; it would be great if you could expand it if you know more!
#kylewmmmm, Bridgy is only related to OStatus in that it uses ActivityStreams
#voxpellisingpolyma: btw, if you're interested, http://flattr.com/ has a full read-version of OStatus built into it
#voxpellikylewm: well, OStatus is mainly ActivityStreams, PuSH, Salmon, Webfinger – so that's about 25% of all the tech :)
#singpolymathe paragraph "As so very often with GNU projects it is really difficult to get information about it fast, you have to search and find it all over the internet" seems unhelpfully pejoritive and mean, but I've left it for now since it wasn't part of my edit
#kylewmsingpolyma: I'm +1 on removing that section
#funwhilelostYeah, after reading the GNU social entry I found this helpful, too: "the only reason to POSSE to a service is if a) you have friends on that service (otherwise you're just spamming), and b) that service only allows people to subscribe to local-to-the-service accounts."
snarfed joined the channel
#voxpellisingpolyma: another IndieWeb tech that would be interesting in regards to the GNU Social would be WebActions / Indie-Config
#voxpelliwould make the "click on + Remote" a bit simpler as one could follow someone by clicking follow on their profile
#singpolymavoxpelli: GNU Social actually has something in that space also, so bringing the two communities in line on that would be nice, yeah
#kylewmthe conversation linked to below the "difficult to get information about" criticism is actually interesting.
#voxpellisingpolyma: I have a vague memory that StatusNet experimented with registerProtocolHandler – Indie-Config is an extension of that basically
#tantekvoxpelli, kylewm saying that anything is similar "because ActivityStreams" is a bit misleading since there are so many different explicit non-interoperaperable versions of ActivityStreams - such a generic statement cannot be used to meaningfully express equivalence/support/interop
#tanteke.g. OStatus was *which* version of AS? AS1/Atom? AS1/JSON? etc.
#tantekand which version(s) does Bridgy tech currently support?
#tantekkylewm: AS2 is slowly iterating, bits are being simplified here and there
#tantekthere are various open issues, though most of them do not impact real world implementations
#tantekis attempting to give at least a somewhat optimistic outlook on AS2
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#voxpelliconsidering that Granary references eg. Cliqset as providing the same service before it I thought the roots within the OStatus world was evident
#voxpelliand it kind of was like the IndieWeb in that it only advocated for using certain other technologies together, so it in itself never was a very concrete thing
#tantekvoxpelli: It was pitched fairly concretely as "the OStatus stack"
#tantekI believe we can look up presentations from Evan Prodromou at OSBridge maybe 2011?
#Loqimarchitecture is a term for architecture-like diagrams that contain lots of jargon, buzzwords, or marketing phrases for sales or political reasons yet make little actual sense, especially if you look at the apparent or implied relationships therein https://indiewebcamp.com/marketecture
#Loqimarchitecture is a term for architecture-like diagrams that contain lots of jargon, buzzwords, or marketing phrases for sales or political reasons yet make little actual sense, especially if you look at the apparent or implied relationships therein https://indiewebcamp.com/marketecture
#tantekkevinmarks: feel free to add more "open stack" links there
#tantekI submit that something like IndieMark, which has levels, and axes is MUCH more useful than a "stack" in terms of 1) motivating people to get started, and feeling good about even just getting started, and 2) always feeling like there is something more they can do to be better.
#[shaners]I’ve got a few more issues to sort out before I can flip veganstraightedge.com over to the new Homesteading proper instead of my duct tape and popsicle sticks home grown thing.