2015-10-26 UTC
lukebrooker, scoates, wolftune, tantek, ben_thatmustbeme, j12t and cmhobbs joined the channel
# 02:25 kevinmarks hm, if I chain replies on twitter can I make a poll with more than 2 choices?
mlncn joined the channel
mblaney joined the channel
# 02:52 mblaney !tell voxpelli I've made the changes to my indie-config status that we discussed and I think it's a good improvement.
# 02:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:54 mblaney !tell voxpelli it does require an agreement on the format for multiple urls, I've gone for url1=...&url2=... etc since it's less server specific but open to suggestions
# 02:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek, peacekeep3r, lukebrooker, snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
# 04:07 tantek I just (accidentally?) updated a post permalink with a whole new post, from note to photo, and POSSEd a second copy
# 04:45 kylewm.com edited /repost (+43) "/* Brainstorming Markup */ note that the ideal fallback for readers is different than the ideal fallback for webmention receivers" (
view diff )
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 05:01 GWG aaronpk: Is it mp-url or url? I see both at points in the wiki
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 05:09 kevinmarks this is very old school html parsing though. I bet it blows up on modern sites
j12t, matrrix, tantek and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 06:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek, mblaney and yakker joined the channel
# 07:20 elf-pavlik hey mblaney :D
# 07:21 mblaney nice to see there's a cross-over between food networking software and indieweb :-)
# 07:22 mblaney I'm guessing it's a small cross over, and that we should probably move our discussions to indiechat....
# 07:23 elf-pavlik jumping there
Jihaisse, cweiske and pfefferle joined the channel
sanduhrs, fkooman, friedcell, loic_m and petermolnar joined the channel
# 09:08 voxpelli !tell mblaney The standard formats for multiple occurrences of a query parameter is to either just repeat the query param with the same name, or to suffix it with "[]". The latter is what PHP does and what Micropub has adopted: http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub#Create
# 09:08 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t, eschnou, adactio and loic_m joined the channel
# 10:07 mblaney voxpelli: sure, I was just a bit worried about being universal enough.
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 10:08 mblaney voxpelli: if there's already agreement then I'm happy with that too.
# 10:09 voxpelli mblaney: with a []-suffix it's totally universal, but even without it should be fairly universal, can't remember how eg. PHP handles it though
# 10:09 voxpelli and since Micropub does [] that's probably the way to go within the indieweb at the moment :)
# 10:10 mblaney I think I saw earlier today that PHP requires [] or it just uses the first parameter
# 10:11 mblaney (on an obscure point, rssCloud uses url1 to urlN)
# 10:13 mblaney my feed page now does a status check for all indie-actions on the page, seems to work well enough.
# 10:15 voxpelli mblaney: be sure to update the wiki page brainstorm with any experience / reflections / references to what you've done :)
# 10:19 mblaney sure, thanks for your input voxpelli. let me know if you get something working too so we can try different implementations :-)
# 10:22 voxpelli mblaney: will do – unfortunately it might take a while :/ lots of work at the moment and when it comes to IndieWeb SWAT0 + a working Micropub are my top priorities
# 10:22 voxpelli the working micropub endpoint can perhaps be leveraged to get such statuses eventually though
# 10:25 mblaney voxpelli: yes they are good priorities and there is always much to do....
# 10:31 Zegnat voxpelli, mblaney, I can confirm that PHP requires []. It will use the last parameter otherwise. Of course that only applies if you want to use $_GET, you can always chose to parse $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] yourself
friedcell, pfefferle, peacekeep3r, elf-pavlik, Garbee and danfowler joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
# 12:32 voxpelli GWG: regarding your thoughts on Micropub edits, my impression is that all Micropub edits are partial and none are full
# 12:33 voxpelli if one wants to do a replacement, then I would say one would use the normal Create and specify the same URL as an existing post
# 12:33 GWG voxpelli: Then the whole update/add thing needs to be settled.
# 12:34 GWG I just think the second level parameter is unnecessary
# 12:34 voxpelli it's very experimental right now with very limited support amongst clients and providers
# 12:36 voxpelli I think the second level is useful, but real world implementations will help find that out
# 12:36 voxpelli until any proper client supports editing I would skip it
# 12:37 voxpelli GWG: two clients can both do an "add" without any conflict arising between the two
# 12:37 GWG Having two different mp-action parameters is simpler.
# 12:37 voxpelli you might want to combine "add", "remove" and "edit" in the same request
# 12:38 Loqi voxpelli meant to say: you might want to combine "add", "remove" and "update" in the same request
# 12:38 Loqi voxpelli meant to say: s/"update"/"update"
# 12:40 voxpelli the example in the wiki of adding a syndication URL is a good one – as two different clients could do a POSSE of a post at once
# 12:40 voxpelli and both might want to add the syndication URL independently without risking overwriting one anothers
# 12:42 GWG voxpelli: That I understood. But I had not considered batching different types of updates in the same transaction.
# 13:05 GWG Not sure how common that would be
j12t and hs0ucy joined the channel
LauraJ, snarfed, scoates, fkooman, singpolyma and friedcell joined the channel
# 14:05 snarfed e.g. "Taken with a GoPro Hero 3 Black, the photo records the tips of the community’s highest structures jabbing through dense cloud. 4c615976ebb5b573d4b6343094660d05"
# 14:05 snarfed (for a while now, those are the only spam comments that have made it through my site's filters)
# 14:06 GWG Mostly because I am still knee deep in Micropub land
# 14:09 GWG I split parts of the code into smaller pieces to make testing individual sections easier.
# 14:10 GWG I removed testing for parameters you already tested for.
# 14:11 GWG I moved several functions to run on the existing hooks instead of being explicitly called.
# 14:12 snarfed did you look at other plugin unit tests to see how they do it?
# 14:12 snarfed i'd really like for us to do that before we invent our own testing framework or pattern
# 14:12 GWG They use a specific WP Unit Test class. I have the notations.
# 14:14 GWG They have a class called WP_UnitTestCase
# 14:14 snarfed the ones you looked at were core unit tetsts, not plugin unit tetsts?
# 14:15 GWG I looked at the code in the oembed feature plugin they just merged into core
peacekeep3r and tme5 joined the channel
# 14:17 GWG Sorry, working on another project that uses that as a term.
# 14:18 GWG snarfed: Trust me. I may drive you crazy. I may tear your code to shreds....but THERE WILL BE UNIT TESTS
# 14:18 snarfed let's keep the unit tests and avoid the crazy and shreds :P
# 14:19 snarfed ok. as long as we're doing unit tests the common way that most wordpress plugins do, i'll be happy
# 14:20 GWG It is easier to test the create code if you have it separate from the edit code.
# 14:20 GWG If I'm reading the unit test construction, you test individual elements and the whole process.
# 14:21 GWG I needed to break things into those elements to test them.
# 14:21 snarfed GWG: i was talking about the unit test framework we use, not about how we refactor :P
# 14:27 GWG Lot more test cases than I would have thought of.
# 14:27 GWG Testing the output of every function
# 14:29 GWG One of the reasons I don't want to directly call $_POST
# 14:31 snarfed when i advocated for using http requests before, i may have been unclear
# 14:31 snarfed i don't actually want to run wordpress, send http requests to localhost, and look at the responses
# 14:32 snarfed as you described, with unit tests, you give code some input and look at the output
# 14:33 snarfed i'd like the micropub tests to all be high level, fill in the input http request data, trigger the plugin, and look at the response and db rows that were created
# 14:33 snarfed as opposed to individually testing smaller inner functions
# 14:33 snarfed testing smaller functions is good for big codebases, but this isn't that
# 14:34 snarfed does that make sense? ie how it's different than actually running wp and sending http requests to localhost?
# 14:34 GWG That is what I was going for. I just want to test create separate from edit.
# 14:35 GWG Which can also be done by setting data in the $_POST variable and running the function
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 14:36 [snarfed] great! exactly, those two tests should just need different http request data
# 14:36 GWG There's another reason I want to not directly call $_POST though.
# 14:42 aaronpk voxpelli: the current micropub edit does allow full replacing of values
# 14:43 GWG snarfed: By the way, the implementation of edit is not matching the one outlined
# 14:45 GWG snarfed: So I'm not writing a test for it yet. Just for create
# 14:47 voxpelli aaronpk: but only if you actually specify all existing properties of an item, no?
# 14:48 aaronpk oh you are talking about replacing an entire post?
# 14:48 GWG aaronpk: Isn't replacing an entire post an update with everything set?
# 14:48 aaronpk when would you replace an entire post and not set some of the properties?
# 14:49 voxpelli aaronpk: yes, replacing entire post, so kind of difference between PUT and PATCH in HTTP verb lingo
LanceyWork, friedcell, wolftune and yakker joined the channel
# 15:02 petermolnar GWG, a question: have you ever poked the "Press This" thing in WP? I'm a bit surprised how disconneted it is from the rest of the system
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:22 GWG petermolnar: They revamped it in 4.3. It acts like an alternative post editor
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 15:24 GWG petermolnar: I had asked and gotten the impression that they had more planned. This was a complete rewrite of an older feature
# 15:29 GWG petermolnar: I didn't think they'd do such a big rewrite. Ask snarfed. He used the feature pre 4.3
# 15:33 GWG petermolnar: Have you been following 4.4?
sanduhrs joined the channel
# 15:39 petermolnar a little, I've just upgraded my site to the beta to see if there are any quirks
# 15:42 GWG Lots of potentially interesting things
# 15:43 petermolnar I've had my responsive images for years, so I'm not too thrilled about that
# 15:43 GWG oembed for other WordPress sites. Term meta. Rest api infrastructure
# 15:44 petermolnar there were times when I would have been very happy for the taxonomy meta, but I don't see any use at this moment; although that is a useful thing
# 15:44 petermolnar REST api, I'm sceptic and a bit afraid that it can go xmlrpc-wrong, but hopefully not
# 15:45 GWG petermolnar: This is just the infrastructure part. To build any api
# 15:46 GWG I wanted link previews over oembed
# 15:48 GWG Yes, sparked a big debate about removing xmlrpc from WordPress
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 15:51 petermolnar [snarfed], yes, I've tried it soon after you've released it; however, since I'm using a post meta for the url and another for the webmention type, plus markdown, I'm a bit special :)
# 15:52 GWG petermolnar: I tried to write an alternative that did that.
# 15:52 petermolnar I just need a few filters in press-this; I'll try to push for those to happen
# 15:52 [snarfed] markdown still works - i use it too - but understood for the rest
# 15:54 GWG petermolnar: I will comment on a core ticket in support if you file one
# 15:58 GWG I have a patch in 4.4. But two more were punted. Hoping to have more when 4.5 comes.
# 16:02 GWG Or rather, my annoyance at the notifications about them.
# 16:06 aaronpk hmm the wiki might not be caching the cache URLs as aggressively as I had hoped
# 16:06 aaronpk got a huge increase in archiving API usage yesterday after enabling that
# 16:12 GWG aaronpk, will the wiki be updated to reflect mp-url and replace or is that still under discussion?
# 16:14 aaronpk ideally someone (or two people) would make an implementation that uses mp-url and replace to sanity check it with real-world experience
# 16:14 aaronpk i already updated my new micropub endpoint, but it's not deployed anywhere yet
mlncn joined the channel
# 16:29 voxpelli aaronpk: I think the main issue is to find two clients that supports editing :P
# 16:29 aaronpk that's coming up on my list for Quill soon, but not until i launch my new site
# 16:30 voxpelli one thing I wonder about editing, now I may just be forgetting stuff since I haven't worked on Micropub for a while, is how to get the initial data to do the edit on
# 16:30 voxpelli are one expected to parse that as mf2 from a public:ish URL?
# 16:31 aaronpk parsing from the mf2 is certainly one way, but only works for simple content, since it's quite likely the output is rendered different from the source material
# 16:32 aaronpk for example most people don't author the html content they display in notes, since they use autolinkers to turn plain URLs into <a> tags
# 16:36 aaronpk i think we had tossed around the idea of querying the micropub endpoint to return the original source for the post
snarfed joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
# 16:54 voxpelli aaronpk: querying was my thought as well, but couldn't remember ever coming across it in the wiki
# 16:54 voxpelli I almost have a generic/pluggable query mechanism in place for my endpoint though
# 16:54 aaronpk yeah, not sure how that didn't end up on the wiki
# 16:55 aaronpk it would basically be something like mp-url=xxxx&q=source
# 16:55 kylewm aaronpk: does Monocle support reposts (the special handling we're talking about on github)?
# 16:57 kylewm I'm leaning toward adding support for reposts to Woodwind as my hackday project, they've had me stymied for quite a while
# 16:57 aaronpk kylewm: i thought so, but i'm not totally sure now
# 16:57 aaronpk i know i'm parsing out the repost-of URL if it's there
# 17:00 kylewm snarfed: planning <1 day out hasn't worked out too well for me in the past two IWCs i've been to ;)
# 17:01 aaronpk heh yeah i have no idea what i'm gonna do for hack day yet, cause it depends so much on how much i finish before then!
# 17:01 aaronpk planning <1 day ahead has worked great for me cause i always end up doing something i never would have planned on doing ahead of time
# 17:01 snarfed i have a bunch of ideas, but the best so far is probably still getting more of the community projects onto indieauth-to-github and push-to-deploy
# 17:01 aaronpk kylewm: oh that is definitely not native repost support
# 17:02 snarfed but there's a good chance aaronpk will convert the rest of them before then:P
# 17:02 aaronpk there is a good chance i will get the indieauth-to-github done before
# 17:02 kylewm I'm pretty proud that my repost markup looks that good in your reader
mlncn joined the channel
# 17:04 aaronpk ahhh i can't wait til i get to rebuild monocle too
# 17:05 snarfed my other top contender for hack day is indie + silo SWAT0
# 17:07 snarfed btw i've been calling indieauth-to-github + push-to-deploy "radically open coding" in other correspondence
tme5 joined the channel
# 17:15 aaronpk haha my favorite is "724 - This line should be unreachable"
# 17:16 aaronpk i have totally written that before, usually with an "exit" command so I can really be sure ;)
# 17:17 tme5 hah: 720 - Unpossible
squeakytoy, ttepasse, gRegorLove, tantek, KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
wolftune and mlncn joined the channel
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kerozene joined the channel
# 19:28 aaronpk since pretty much forever they've supported redirecting a "_" in the username to the correct account
# 19:28 aaronpk but they also support "statuses" and "status" in the permalink
# 19:28 aaronpk and yes twtr.io is a very small php script i wrote
# 19:30 snarfed i wonder if mod_rewrite et al have the right string functions (base64 etc) to let you do it entirely in rewrite rules
# 19:32 snarfed hey singpolyma btw, thanks for all the recent bridgy bug reports and feature requests
# 19:46 singpolyma Looking at twitter "quoted retweet" stuff -- I guess this is like <div class="p-content">I say some things <blockquote class="h-cite p-repeat-of>...
friedcell and snarfed joined the channel
# 19:59 singpolyma Hmm. That says << Use a quotation when you are only quoting part of someone else's post, not the whole thing >>
tantek and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
petermolnar, kevinmarks and tantek joined the channel
Leeky joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 21:17 gRegorLove "But Times blogs run on a different publishing platform from the rest of the Times website, and eventually we realized they were creating a lot of extra work."
shiflett and wolftune joined the channel
# 21:26 petermolnar gRegorLove, we used to have a small community site with an insame number of forum posts which thankfully went down as read-only
# 21:27 petermolnar this is probably a way to go for sites like the one you've mentioned
# 21:27 gRegorLove Though that comment about being difficult to maintain on a separate publishing platform might mean it goes away after a while
yakker joined the channel
lukebrooker, Zegnat, KartikPrabhu, funwhilelost, tantek, yakker and cmhobbs joined the channel