#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+171) "/* person tags */ person-tags implemented enough to POSSE to FB! Note remaining work for SWAT0, and prototyping how to POSSE person-tags to Twitter photos" (view diff)
#acegiakGWG: How does start/end time relate to published date?
#GWGacegiak: That emoji function will be integrated into the next version before saving
#GWGAnything else you want in there while I'm rewriting stuff? The display function is on my agenda for this week.
#acegiakGWG: Will the emoji function work with the fact that sometimes emoji are in tag attributes? That's a thing that seems to happen if people post emoji in tumblr.
#GWGAccording to what I read, WordPress takes should work. It is meta I have to have a check for
#acegiakyeah, not it's always the citation content that the emoji issue is happening in for me atm
#acegiakand yeah I think it's the weird characters in img alt text that's doing it
zero-gravitas, wavis, e-lima, wolftune, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, shiflett, gRegorLove and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
#aaronpk!tell tantek whoa cool! I did get notified. It said "Tantek posted a photo with you" instead of what I was expecting it to say "Tantek tagged a photo of you"
#[jonnybarnes]I think that part of the page, being near the top, would just needlessly scare/confuse someone reading the page for the first time
catsup, Phae, iboxifoo, j12t, e-lima, jden, KartikPrabhu, Tino, ramsey, JonathanNeal, eschenal, glennjones and zero-gravitas joined the channel
#aaronpkjonnybarnes: probably safe to move that down to an FAQ lower on the page. The only times I've heard of SNI issues lately are with python libraries trying to verify webmentions on https sites.
loic_m, iboxifoo, eschenal, snarfed, halorgium and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#snarfedcurrent status: trying to understand twitter's search
#snarfedhaven't yet found a way to find tweets with links to a given domain, but not also usernames that look like that domain (e.g. curin.ga vs @curin_ga)
#aaronpkin my experience with twitter search, at least with the streaming search, you often have to over-match on the initial query and then filter things out after you receive them
#[jonnybarnes]aaronpk: I’ve moved SNI down to the Criticism section
#TinoI noticed the same. I have a few twitter searches running in https://queryfeed.net/ which show up in my RSS feed reader. Those results are only a fraction of what is really going on. I use ifttt.com as well to do a twitter search and make a feed in Feedly. It returns different results, but not many more. Apparently Twitter does not feed everything, but only a portion of what is available when the search is performed
#aaronpkyes I believe that's documented: "Before getting involved, it’s important to know that the Search API is focused on relevance and not completeness. This means that some Tweets and users may be missing from search results. If you want to match for completeness you should consider using a Streaming API instead." https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public/search
#TinoRight.... I guess I have to look for solution that use the Streaming API and output as an RSS feed then....
#snarfedyeah, bridgy has definitely suffered from twitter's incomplete search results for a while now (https://www.brid.gy/about#missing ), but i was hoping this part might be different. guess not
#snarfedsadly bridgy is too big to use the streaming api :/
#[jonnybarnes]oh, and this is all to check my micoformats, so on that point, how ould one markup the description of a place? at all? I’m currently using `p-note`
#KartikPrabhu[jonnybarnes]: I think it will depends mostly on some consuming code. I don't know if threre are example consumers for h-card for places yet