2015-12-18 UTC
halorgium joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
# 00:23 snarfed i don't understand the bridgy tweet. if you disable your account, it removes you from the user list
# 00:24 gRegorLove I read it as: would like bridgy functionality, but not to appear in the user list
snarfed and loic_m__ joined the channel
# 00:53 snarfed also confusing because under the covers we use status=disabled to mean paused, and features=[] to determine whether you're visible
# 00:59 kylewm I can't reauth because I changed my account name :(
# 01:03 snarfed i guess email whoever runs it and hope for the best
# 01:03 snarfed but i mean it's a free service and all so don't get your hopes up
nitot and tantek joined the channel
# 01:15 GWG I await news with cautious optimism
# 01:15 tantek I (finally) visited the Mozilla NYC (Manhattan) offices tonight
# 01:16 GWG Assuming that means you are in NYC
# 01:16 tantek and suffice it to say, there is space to do a 8-15 person IWC NYC on a weekend
# 01:16 tantek and the Moz NYC folks are excited to be hosts for an IndieWebCamp
# 01:17 tantek I'm thinking we should plan at least two IWC NYC in 2016
# 01:17 GWG I'll tell all my interested friends.
# 01:18 tantek the nice thing about the limited space is that 1) it easily fits what we had in 2014 for IWC NYC #'s, and 2) we can do strict ticketing i.e. via Eventbrite and have a waitlist and all that
# 01:18 kylewm snarfed: lol, free service, don't get your hopes up, were you talking about bridgy or instagram? :)
# 01:18 GWG tantek: There may be Indiwebcamps in NYC in 2016
# 01:18 GWG I really need to meet more local interested people
# 01:18 tantek and if we hit capacity then we get to announce as much and tell people to sign-up sooner next time
gRegorLove_, wolftune, loic_m_, snarfed, loic_m__, nitot and tantek joined the channel
# 02:41 tantek.com edited /Planning (+355) "subheads for cities, add some "interested" lines, note we have a venue for limited NYC attendance (enough to handle 2014 level crowds plus a bit more). let's get this 2016 IndieWebCamp organizing started!" (
view diff )
# 02:41 tantek GWG - go for it - add yourself to all the IndieWebCamps you are interested in and/or want to help co-organize
loic_m_ and [snarfed] joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
# 03:01 kylewm @snarfed nice! i think that one is linking to the wrong rhiaro post tho?
# 03:03 [snarfed] pure CSS, too. no HTML or JS was harmed in the making of these reply contexts :P
tantek joined the channel
shiflett, loic_m__ and nitot joined the channel
# 03:14 kylewm [snarfed]: I've gotta say, that CSS hack is super clever. I had no idea you could do attr(href)
# 03:18 ben_thatmustbeme oh snarfed, also with that markup, all the reacji come up as comments if you parse it
# 03:22 [snarfed] GWG: CSS is just a stopgap; your competition is actually embedly :P
# 03:24 GWG I've spent so much time on this....and I can be replaced with embedly?
# 03:25 [snarfed] the main reason is that I'm not excited about migrating all my existing replies etc into any new storage format
# 03:26 [snarfed] CSS and JS based options work with existing in-reply-to links, no migration needed :P
# 03:28 GWG I understand. But, I'm hoping to have some more intriguing things in future.
# 03:30 kylewm curious if there's a way to get embedly to parse mf2
# 03:30 tantek kylewm, snarfed: took the bold step of declaring our last HWC of the year an opportunity for "Best of 2015" demos.
shiflett joined the channel
# 03:55 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, I'm thinking I'll say I have 2 goals for jan 1... and I should be able to get one done, hopefully both
# 03:57 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I'm thinking of spending the 25th working on achieving my goal.
nitot, yakker, KartikPrabhu1, todrobbins, lukebrooker and snarfed joined the channel
jedahan, lukebrooker and cweiske joined the channel
# 06:49 cweiske does that mean we can have a separate JS-application that displays comments on a website?
# 06:52 acegiak hmmm. I've been given the task of running the community website for my village and I'm shifting it to wordpress
# 06:52 acegiak but there's this whole group of people who are saying we don't need a website and should just use a facebook group because it's more convenient
# 06:53 acegiak So now there's this challenge sitting there to make a community website more convenient than facebook
# 06:54 acegiak and although it's not a site for any single individual I think I can leverage a lot of stuff I've learned here to make it work
# 06:56 cweiske or is snarfed's comment about using the embedly service?
KartikPrabhu and wolftune joined the channel
# 07:28 Jeena My indie-notes are nice and I more and more use them even for communication with some friends who have it too instead for example of using Twitter. Somehow private messages would be nice to work like that too
cleverdevil, ttepasse, loic_m_, tantek, Jihaisse, KevinMarks_, elf-pavlik, j12t, fkooman, e-lima and elima joined the channel
j12t, frzn, kousu_xmpp, Pierre-O, squeakytoy2, adactio, tvn, elima, e-lima and jkphl joined the channel
# 11:46 acegiak like, if I download it it works in my video player but doesn't work in browser?
mlncn, fkooman_ and fkooman joined the channel
# 12:27 acegiak petermolnar, I'm trying with another compressing app that does h264
tvn, fkooman, yakker, glennjones, todrobbins, kousu[xmpp] and modem joined the channel
# 14:24 acegiak cweiske: I'm experimenting with different android apps
kousu_xmpp and mxuribe joined the channel
mxuribe joined the channel
# 14:33 acegiak I'm trying to work out why my html5 videos aren't working
# 14:34 GWG My first thought is always codec support
tantek joined the channel
# 14:37 cweiske I could pull out the ffmpeg cmdline examples I used for converting to mp4 and webm if that helps
# 14:38 acegiak I specifically want to be able to do it on my phone
mxuribe joined the channel
# 14:39 acegiak the other option would be to have my site do the compression when I upload the file
hs0ucy, danlyke, yakker, jedahan, mxuribe, shiflett and [snarfed] joined the channel
# 14:54 [snarfed] ah. usually the motivation for JS contents is that you can't host them yourself
# 14:55 [snarfed] if your CMS doesn't support comments, then sure, use one of those
# 14:55 petermolnar the only thing JS I was thinking about recently is to do a frontend i18n engine which takes regex templates
# 14:58 tantek snarfed, did I see correctly that Bridgy Publish now supports multi-photo POSSEing to Twitter?
# 15:00 tantek is tempted to start trying with multi-photo posts until it "just works"
# 15:01 [snarfed] best way to predict the future is to build it. :P send a PR!
# 15:03 tantek snarfed, I'll do my part by providing test cases / real world examples to start with :)
# 15:09 GWG Good morning to you, ben_thatmustbeme
# 15:09 GWG tantek: WordPress would call that a gallery.
# 15:09 tantek gallery also sounds too formal, and something you might add to
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:14 tantek a multi-photo post is like a photo post, except just with multiple photos *at the time of posting*
# 15:15 tantek e.g. on Instagram, people sometimes do layouts of some small number of photos all arranged into a square
gRegorLove joined the channel
j12t and frzn joined the channel
Guest47859 joined the channel
# 15:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:35 tantek which is it? can't tell from the presentation. time to look at the source.
# 15:36 tantek looks like an article with two photos and a check-in inside
# 15:38 tantek oh right, invisible syndication links, I keep forgetting to check for those
shiflett, mxuribe and benward_ joined the channel
# 15:47 tantek.com edited /photo (+614) "/* Ryan Barrett */ add multi-photo example, with POSSE copy, with individual POSSE photo copy permalinks!" (
view diff )
# 15:49 tantek snarfed - doubtful it came from ownyourcheckin because the FB POSSE copy is definitely a photo (collection) that has location information, rather than FB check-in
# 15:50 snarfed your interpretation of FB's post types is more explicit and optimistic than theirs is :P
# 15:51 tantek I'm looking at the details of e.g. what icon they use for location vs check-in
# 15:52 tantek the differences are subtle but definitely there
# 15:52 snarfed also remember many FB posts have multiple different underlying objects, visible at different URLs, with different ids, renderings, and API representations
# 15:53 snarfed and in this case maybe also checkin post (and maybe checkin object)
shiflett joined the channel
# 15:54 snarfed i try not to think about it too much; that way lies madness
shiflett joined the channel
# 15:56 tantek snarfed - I'm ok with braving that madness. someone has to.
elima and e-lima joined the channel
# 15:57 snarfed honestly i don't know that anyone has to. it comes from them 1) supporting a ton of functionality, and 2) adding new layers without removing/porting the old ones
# 15:58 snarfed i'm all for understanding some of it, but i think you'd hit diminishing returns really quickly. i expect your time would be better spent elsewhere
# 16:01 tantek snarfed - perhaps. it does help inform nuances for things like post-type-discovery
loic_m joined the channel
# 16:08 kylewm tantek: I added twitter multi-photo posts to silopub, that may be what you're thinking of
olleolleolle and j12t joined the channel
# 16:24 tantek I suppose I should u-photo both my photos in a multi-photo post before I call it that
# 16:26 tantek one thing all the multi-photo posts (examples) all share - all the photos are adjacent in the post
loic_m_ joined the channel
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# 16:35 tantek KevinMarks: I think it could be? or it could just be an article, since articles can contain arbitrary structure like that
loic_m_ joined the channel
# 16:44 tantek a multi-photo is like a photo post, except just with multiple adjacent photos, either in a series, or tiled / arranged in some layout.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 16:55 tantek hmm - wondering if a multi-photo with person-tags makes sense
# 16:55 tantek I suppose I've seen people person-tag people in IG posts of multi-photos that were layed out
# 16:59 tantek let's find out how this works, especially with POSSEing
loic_m_, cleverdevil and j12t joined the channel
[kylewm] joined the channel
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cleverdevil joined the channel
wolftune and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 17:32 kylewm I don't think there's anything I can do about it, instagram is returning Access Denied for those images
# 17:34 GWG I have been lazy all week and haven't been working on my current goal.
# 17:35 GWG Can I borrow a cup of inspiration?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:36 kylewm GWG: not to do exactly the opposite of what you asked for, but give yourself permission to be lazy :) maybe you are still pondering how you want to approach the project, or maybe there's some other reason you're not excited to work on it
# 17:40 GWG This is my display code for context
# 17:41 GWG It isn't the design I am trying to get right. I need a way to generate it that doesn't make me
snarfed and danlyke joined the channel
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# 17:59 tantek and now we have 4 examples of multi-photo posts
# 18:03 GWG Maybe I should take a break and work on one of the other items on my release list
e-lima joined the channel
loic_m_ joined the channel
# 18:11 GWG waiting for the Indieweb foundation to be formed. We need more swag.
# 18:18 gRegorLove tantek: No more votes on HWC dates. Might come down to your choice :)
loic_m_, loic_m__, cleverdevil, jedahan_, j12t and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 18:51 tantek speaking of - I'd like to organize IWC NYC soon into the new year
# 18:54 tantek GWG - how's your January and February weekends look
loic_m_ joined the channel
# 18:55 GWG No plans. I work Sunday afternoons though
# 18:55 tantek ah, then you'd have to do Friday Saturday for two days in a row?
# 18:56 GWG Friday and Saturday are my days off.
# 18:56 GWG In January, the coworker who might cover my Sunday took the month off
# 19:10 GWG I just want to know when someone other than me is available
# 19:10 tantek GWG - time to start putting down some candidate dates!
loic_m__ joined the channel
loic_m_ joined the channel
# 19:31 tantek what does everything think of planning on average one IndieWebCamp a month?
# 19:32 tantek (preferably in a different city, though doubling up on a city at least 3 months apart has worked in the past too)
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:34 tantek snarfed, first intentional ? there was that other that was a check-in with two photos or two photos location tagged
# 19:35 snarfed cue the debate over what exactly constitutes a multi photo vs photo vs article vs etc.
# 19:35 tantek snarfed: I'd say that's a good example of an article instead of a multi-photo post
# 19:35 tantek especially since the photos aren't yours, but rather, citations of others' photos
# 19:35 snarfed sure. i glaze pretty fast at post type debates, whether explicit or implicit
# 19:36 tantek but this is beyond type, this is about authorship/creation
# 19:36 tantek they're not your photos, so they're not your photo posts.
# 19:37 tantek " photos interspersed with narrative text, use an article instead. "
# 19:37 snarfed i was referring to the authorship/ownership point
# 19:37 snarfed and we're kind of making up all these post type definitions, right? half following silos, half just our intuition and design choices?
# 19:38 tantek we're observing publishing patterns among people, silos, and when those patterns coalesce into consistent patterns, then we name them
# 19:38 tantek and then attempt to describe the boundaries of the clusters
# 19:38 tantek otherwise you end up with semantic web ocean boiling
# 19:39 tantek and there's already plenty of other people working on that. they don't (or can't really use) any help
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# 19:39 tantek snarfed - except our documentation cites real world examples, and the particulars there-of
# 19:39 tantek big difference between that, and handing down a schematic hiearchy from on high as if it's the 150 blessed object types
# 19:40 snarfed sure. i knew that comment would be controversial. but i expect we can often find counterexamples too. the bright vs fuzzy lines part was more my point.
# 19:40 snarfed it seems like we draw the post type boundaries with brighter lines than in the real world, and then insist on those bright lines going forward
# 19:40 tantek the point is not the existence of counter-examples or exceptions, but rather are there strong enough clusters of patterns to deserve naming as separate phenomenon
# 19:41 tantek very little in science is based on 100% patterns
jedahan joined the channel
# 19:42 KartikPrabhu snarfed: I mostly see these types of things on the wiki as guidelines. I break them on my site if I want to
# 19:43 snarfed KartikPrabhu: which is great, except you're not an island. other people will run e.g. post type discovery on your posts, and make behavior decisions based on that
# 19:43 tantek snarfed, hence yes, it's inevitable that any terms / boundaries we apply to existing clusterings of behavior will leave some edge cases out
# 19:43 KartikPrabhu snarfed: yes. I usually have a safe markup so nothing is lost if people use post-type discovery
jedahan joined the channel
# 19:44 KartikPrabhu e.g.: I put some content on my likes, basically noting why I like it. People don't parse content of like but that is fine
# 19:44 snarfed (heh, back to fuzzy lines and edge cases, which are ok)
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# 19:49 snarfed so that's one way to phrase my unease. i totally get the sociological value of investigating and describing these patterns
# 19:50 snarfed i'm less convinced about then writing code and logic that codifies them into software features too specifically
ttepasse joined the channel
# 19:51 snarfed i like the shift we've seen here toward authoring by just putting pieces together, and then discovering post type after the fact
# 19:51 snarfed i just wonder if even post type discovery could benefit from being higher level, shallow, less gotta-catch-em-all
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Tino joined the channel
# 20:42 tantek.com edited /Planning (+902) "collapse twinkle & potential, move NYC to the top, let's make it happen first thing next year, potential NYC dates!" (
view diff )
mlncn joined the channel
# 20:58 GWG Who else is a possible attendee for an NYC event?
# 21:01 aaronpk ooh I am planning an unrelated trip to NY in April/May...
# 21:02 GWG I have no plans for February or January, so I figured i'd let possible out of towners narrow it down before I voted.
# 21:03 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: is an IWC NYC in the realm of possibility for you via train? even for one day?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 21:08 tantek feel free to add some +0s for the "might be possible" days
# 21:09 tantek aaronpk, what do you think of early June for IWC Summit in Portland?
# 21:12 tantek GWG I'm unfortunately in London for a Moz allhands then
# 21:13 tantek KevinMarks - recently in IndieWeb, many more of us are posting "video posts" on our own sites, that work cross-browser and cross-device, WITHOUT JAVASCRIPT!!!
# 21:13 tantek recently we're trying to figure out multi-photos, like the way Twitter lets you tweet multiple photos in one tweet.
calumryan joined the channel
# 21:17 tantek anything not captured on the wiki is probably too experimental / ephemeral to be worth talking about on someone else's podcast
e-lima, elima and calumryan_ joined the channel
# 21:28 GWG tantek: Doesn't it depend on the podcast?
# 21:28 tantek if it's not captured on the wiki it's likely just rumors / idle chatter
# 21:28 tantek thus not worth broadcasting into someone else's podcast
# 21:28 GWG Idle chatter is the hallmark of podcasts
# 21:28 tantek direct idle chatter yes. rebroadcast idle chatter is tabloid.
# 21:32 GWG The Earth will continue revolving around the sun?
calumryan_ joined the channel
# 21:44 tantek KevinMarks next year we're continuing with HWC meetups every two weeks, and planning lots more IndieWebCamps
mlncn, mattronix, Matt1, johnstorey and snarfed joined the channel
kousu[xmpp], kousu_xmpp, snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
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