GWGWhat is the state of current parsers, If there are both mf1 and mf2 on a page, how will most of the current ones respond if they aren't in the same positions in the page?
[tantek]aaronpk "IMO that is acceptable and we would fix the parsers to support that ASAP" is a horrible way of approaching this. We already have bugs against the parsers to fix issues discovered against current Wordpress usage and the parsers are not all instantly fixed.
[aaronpk]tantek: i would much prefer the parser I am using prioritizes mf2 markup since it's more descriptive, so I would think of it as a bug that mf1 markup is causing the mf2 parsed result to include other data
[tantek]This is my point. You said we would fix the parsers. My point is the parsers already have bugs and no they are not instantly fixed as you claim they would be.
[aaronpk]kylewm: oh yeah you're right. It's that way because it makes the two formats analogous other than serialization. Still up for taking suggestions tho
[tantek]anyway lots of specific issues on mf1 vs mf2 interactions on the mf2-parsing-issues page. If you have a specific use case / example you are worried about please check those specific issues and proposed / actual resolutions.
GWG!tell tantek The problem with keeping the mf1 on the same elements as the mf2 is that the mf1 implementation in WordPress is incorrectly implemented, but hentry is used by a lot of themes as a styling element, so it would break half the themes out there.
LoqiSalmentions are a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.)
ttepasse, squeakytoy, snarfed, Pierre-O1 and loic_m_ joined the channel
snarfedif not, there's no easy way to make bridgy process it manually, but you can send the webmentions yourself if you're a bit technical:
aaronpkI don't really know how the queueing system works but I would imagine it might be as simple as putting a new job onto the queue the same way it does when it finds a new post
marcthieleAh ok. As this are not many posts I'd love to get the mentions for, I am currently thinking of doing it manually. But that is quite some work as well ;)
Loqitantek: GWG left you a message 10 hours, 6 minutes ago: The problem with keeping the mf1 on the same elements as the mf2 is that the mf1 implementation in WordPress is incorrectly implemented, but hentry is used by a lot of themes as a styling element, so it would break half the themes out there.
aaronpkkylewm: do you think there's value in defining a list of error codes that describe webmention errors like "source doesn't have a link to target" vs "target URL doesn't exist"? or is that fine as just an optional human readable description
tantekif you can cite where there has been harm from "without noting origin" and/or where MIT was successfully used to sue someone to force them to note the "origin", I'll consider it. Otherwise it's an empty promise/threat.
kylewmaaronpk: I can't think of a good reason to define webmention error codes. vouch-required is the only one i can imagine caring about and that is already handled
bearmy only point to make is that calling what I feel to be a sound opinion on why MIT is preferred over public domain "fear driven nonsense" is not productive or helpful and just makes me not want to help
tantekbear - MIT is obsolete and people are still clinging to it purely out of habit / reputation, that's my point. Lots of licensing work has happened since the MIT license got put out there, and the reasons for MIT have all been rationally disposed of, especially for *anything* international (which is nearly everything today)