2015-12-23 UTC
M-RyanRix and [shaners] joined the channel
# 00:22 [shaners] Progress! The build is no longer erroring, now it’s just failing. Huzzah!
# 00:35 [shaners] Can anyone who has known issues with the ruby parser file issues on the github repo please? That way we at least know what we’re dealing with.
# 00:43 [shaners] I mean, kevinmarks, what do you mean by “the test harness”?
# 00:44 [shaners] do you have any issues with the ruby parsers that aren’t already issues on the github repo?
# 00:44 Loqi [shaners] meant to say: do you have any issues with the ruby parser that aren’t already issues on the github repo?
# 00:56 [shaners] kevinmarks: are you suggesting that the ruby gem run a node test suite? I’m confused.
# 00:57 kylewm KevinMarks: last time I checked the test runner was down
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 00:57 [kevinmarks] Glenn had a full that called all the existing parsers and compared them
# 00:57 Loqi [kevinmarks] meant to say: Glenn had a tool that called all the existing parsers and compared them
# 00:59 aaronpk so it should be not that hard to use those files in a ruby test suite
# 01:00 [shaners] At the time that we built this, we were importing Glenn tests from
# 01:01 [shaners] Looks like I’ll have to update where all the html / json files from. :shrug:
# 01:04 [shaners] Nothing would’ve changed since last time you tried. I’m only just now starting to look at it. Mostly doing repo administrivia.
# 01:04 aaronpk i'm using it just fine on webmention.io, it just has the bugs that are listed so some things don't work quite right
# 01:05 [shaners] Well, next time you get time to try installing it, if it fails, dump that into an issue please.
# 01:06 [shaners] We’ll get this thing cleaned and on par with the other parsers. Slow and steady.
tantek joined the channel
# 01:20 tantek and that's for anyone else that is interested in participating or co-organizing an IndieWebCamp NYC!
# 01:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:21 tantek bear, you too especially since you were a big help last time! (and I promise to avoid any / all license arguments/discussions for the duration! :) )
# 01:21 GWG tantek: None work better than others.
# 01:21 tantek maybe as a list item right below the line starting with "Possible dates:"
# 01:22 tantek.com edited /Planning (+55) "/* New York City */ add a generic Anything in January or February works for me! for general support of any of the dates" (
view diff )
# 01:23 tantek shaners - weren't you in NYC for a bit? or still there?
# 01:23 tantek GWG, could you email Jeremy Z and ask him about dates also?
# 01:24 [shaners] I’m back in LA. I was in NYC in late September after @al3x’s wedding.
# 01:25 [shaners] tantek: take if you didn’t follow along with my photos of my changing geo and return to LA :wink:
# 01:26 tantek shaners, yeah I haven't found a good reading/following replacement yet for the social silos :/
# 01:35 GWG tantek: The WordPress problem, I'm still confused as to how to approach it.
# 01:35 tantek GWG, start by naming it, and documenting it, how and why it happened
ZipGun joined the channel
# 01:36 tantek because if you don't do that, then you'll likely just repeat the problem with mf2
# 01:36 tantek we need to document an understanding of the problem before we approach "fixing" it with mf2 etc.
# 01:36 GWG tantek: I want to submit something they'd put in before WordPress 4.5 if I can.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 01:37 KevinMarks a lot of things do rely on their existing markup. eg readability
# 01:46 tantek GWG, rushing something before understanding it usually results in a broken solution, and you certainly don't want to bake-in a broken solution since it's obviously very hard to change.
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:06 gRegorLove GWG, are you referring to the WP themes using mf1 class names for CSS issue?
KartikPrabhu and glennjones joined the channel
# 02:09 tantek gRegorLove: do you know if that issues is documented anywhere or is it just folklore?
# 02:11 gRegorLove GWG: What was the pushback you got on adding mf2? Is there a URL for it?
# 02:11 GWG When I first started in this community, I tried to use pfefferle's wordpress-mf2 plugin to add as much markup as possible without customizing the theme.
# 02:12 GWG When I activated his plugin, which removed hentry, the theme appearance changed.
# 02:12 GWG This was the stock theme distributed with WordPress that year, Twenty-Fourteen
# 02:14 GWG I am proud to say that styling based on hentry no longer exists in Twenty-Sixteen. I pushed for that. And Twenty-Sixteen and _s are both addressing it.
# 02:15 GWG But the issue comes because hundreds of themes do style on classic microformats. So removing hentry as currently applied is not something they can commit.
# 02:15 gRegorLove Good. So it sounds like mf-based styling isn't really a concern for getting mf2 into WP core.
# 02:15 GWG The request was to have it alongside the existing mf1 implementation, which is flawed.
# 02:16 GWG Wherein lies the issue of when the mf1 and mf2 properties are on different elements.
# 02:16 tantek that only works if you put the mf2 classes o the same elements
# 02:17 gRegorLove So you'd need to fix their messed up mf1 support at the same time.
# 02:18 GWG Yes, but my solution was a flag to indicate this, which I think they are against on some level.
# 02:19 GWG If I break backward compatibility then they'll reject the commit.
[shaners] joined the channel
# 02:19 tantek GWG, how do you prevent future themes from styling based on the mf2 classes and just repeating the problem all over again?
# 02:21 gRegorLove Well, I think our main concern is just the official WP-distributed themes, right?
# 02:21 GWG Also, not propogating the problem
# 02:22 GWG The newest one doesn't use hentry as a styling element, so they could do mf2 support without issue.
# 02:22 GWG But the more I dig, then you have people commenting that plugins might depend on it too.
# 02:22 gRegorLove It's at least possible to keep an eye on the one official theme in case someone tries to add it back.
# 02:23 tantek GWG, how about a unit test for any core theme stylesheets to make sure they don't depend on mf1 or mf2 classnames?
# 02:25 GWG tantek: Also a good idea. I'm still struggling with unit testing design.
# 02:25 [shaners] What's the damage on just declaring bankruptcy on mf1 problems in existing themes and core, and instead only pushing in mf2 classes that do The Right Thing?
# 02:26 tantek GWG, if the latest core theme indeed DOES NOT depend on mf1 classes then add a unit test ASAP to prevent them or mf2 classes from EVER creeping into it!
# 02:26 [shaners] Seems like fighting two fronts at the same time is expensive.
# 02:26 tantek shaners, there's no such thing as "declaring bankruptcy" that's the problem
# 02:27 GWG shaners, backward compatibility is something WordPress takes very seriously. They won't break a large amount of sites without a good reason
# 02:27 [shaners] Tantek: I just mean splitting this into two efforts. Get mf2 support first then try to clean up mf1.
# 02:27 tantek KartikPrabhu: my understanding is that it's just one obscure framework
# 02:28 [shaners] Gwg: I'm not suggesting breaking compatibility. I'm suggesting leaving mf1 alone for now. And just adding the mf2 support.
# 02:28 KartikPrabhu not a code framework, just a naming convention. Anyway I just wanted to warn that "don't allow mf2 names in classes" might not work as a blanket approach
# 02:28 gRegorLove KartikPrabhu: True. I've run into that on my own site using getskeleton. class u-max-full-width for responsive elements.
# 02:30 tantek KartikPrabhu: can you cite where that "naming convention" exists beyond just that one styling framework?
# 02:32 gRegorLove I think a mixture of incorect mf1 and correct mf2 in WP core themes is a bad situation.
# 02:33 GWG Yes, but we go back to the issue tantek mentioned
wolftune joined the channel
# 02:41 GWG If I felt comfortable with unit tests yet, I would have given snarfed his micropub ones. I still can't wrap my head around the issue.
# 02:43 gRegorLove I've written a couple for php-mf2. I'm new, so don't really know best practices. A PHP test on a CSS file is odd, but it's doable.
glennjones and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 04:18 aaronpk GWG: i've been doing a lot of testing lately, maybe you could look at some of that code for inspiration
# 04:20 GWG My problem is figuring out how to design tests. I understand the idea of putting in data and seeing if the expected answer comes out, but I break so many things...I'm not sure how I can do that reliably.
# 04:23 kousu If you click the connection info in Chrome on https://aaronpk.com you'll see "You are using an obsolete cipher suite". I noticed because when I read about LogJam I went into Firefox and turned off all the old cipher suites, so now sometimes I run into sites I can't get at.
# 04:23 kousu If you just tell nginx to prefer ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 it will make your site work with paranoid people like me :)
# 04:26 aaronpk kousu: I haven't changed anything recently, but I used the latest known list of good ciphers when I set that up. It's probably time to audit the list though.
# 04:27 kousu I did this last week for my jabber server and my webserver and my browser and it was a pain. Hopefully in the next year the defaults will become sane.
ZipGun joined the channel
# 04:27 aaronpk that was actually for an unrelated domain, I just used aaronpk.com as the example
# 04:28 kousu I should! It was super quick and easy.
# 04:28 aaronpk GWG: I've found testing useful as a way to describe what I want to build before I build it. I guess that's called test-driven-development but whatever.
# 04:29 aaronpk along the same lines I also like writing the docs for the thing i'm building before I write any code
# 04:29 GWG aaronpk: I'd like to see your examples.
# 04:29 aaronpk here's what i've been working on the last couple days:
# 04:42 GWG That may help me in writing the micropub ones, if you all can stop changing the standard.
# 04:44 aaronpk well basic creating hasn't changed like ever. but we are definitely still figuring out editing.
# 04:44 aaronpk and frankly more input from peopel actually building things is great
j12t and yakker joined the channel
loic_m joined the channel
# 06:39 kylewm GWG: I think mp-syndicate-to is prevailing right now, do you have an opinion/preference?
j12t, KevinMarks_, Jihaisse, e-lima, KevinMarks__, friedcell, loic_m, Pierre-O, marcthiele and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 11:25 GWG kylewm: Not really. Just want something definitive
frzn and elf-pavlik joined the channel
friedcell, mapkyca, nitot_, ttepasse, mlncn, glennjones, j12t, mxuribe, singpolyma, hs0ucy, ZipGun, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, wolftune, kousu and e-lima joined the channel
# 16:24 ZipGun dont have a website... but im looking to meet someone on this channel and learnmore about this
# 16:27 ZipGun thanks, Hi gRegor
# 16:27 ZipGun nice... | now reading |
# 16:28 gRegorLove Our bot might even help answer your questions from the wiki, e.g.
# 16:30 Loqi "You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world [wide web]." — Morpheus, The Matrix
tantek, snarfed and e-lima joined the channel
singpolyma, pauloppenheim and mlncn joined the channel
# 17:49 tantek aaronpk - yes, and I'm curious how "contains one single h-card" is not quite the same as "if there is exactly one h-card" ?
# 17:49 tantek I'd like to improve the wording to be clearer, less ambiguous.
# 17:51 aaronpk tantek: the ambiguity is because of the phrase that follows
# 17:51 tantek aaronpk: ah, it's missing a comma to separate those
# 17:51 aaronpk "if the page contains one single h-card with a url property matching the page URL" could mean if only one of all the h-cards matches the URL
# 17:51 aaronpk could be rewritten as: "if the page contains one single h-card, and the h-card has a url property matching the page URL,"
# 17:51 tantek GWG ^^^ could you start documenting that? summary definition, cite the URLs you cited yesterday etc.?
# 17:54 GWG The WordPress hentry problem is an improper use of classic microformats that cannot easily be changed due to backward compatibility issues.
# 17:55 aaronpk publishing a php representative h-card library now
# 17:55 GWG aaronpk, is there a list? I need more php mf2 libraries to the use.
# 17:57 aaronpk there are various lists on some of the individual spec pages and such
# 17:57 GWG if you wrote it, I have confidence in it.
# 17:58 aaronpk you should probably add a qualifier though, "if you wrote it, and are using it on your site..."
# 17:59 GWG Do you have something for post type discovery based on php-mf2 output?
# 18:03 GWG I wanted to make the phrase replied to a post on aaronparecki.com more detailed.
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 18:14 aaronpk okay it's live and tests are passing and package is automatically updated!
# 18:16 GWG Well, back to the grind. On tonight's agenda, help section for my plugin.
Pierre-O joined the channel
[shaners] joined the channel
# 19:07 [shaners] Aaronpk: why does the representative method need the url as well as the parsed html?
# 19:08 tantek shaners - presumably for relative URL resolution
# 19:08 aaronpk no, first step of the algorithm is "If the page contains an h-card with uid and url properties both matching the page URL..."
# 19:08 aaronpk it's so the library knows the url of the page the parsed data came from
# 19:11 aaronpk the result of the mf2 parser doesn't say anything about the URL it came from
# 19:13 aaronpk relative URL resolution is handled by the parser before this library gets a hold of it
jedahan joined the channel
# 19:24 aaronpk i'm getting really nervous about hitting the 2016 deadline!
# 19:25 aaronpk if nothing else, i'll have this great webmention sending tool done
# 19:30 tantek shaners - what are your 2016-01-01 ship commitments?
# 19:31 [shaners] I'd love to get spec compliance matrix comparing all the parsers on the same test suite. So everyone knows where each tool stands.
# 19:31 [shaners] Tantek: I'm computerless at the moment. So it's hard to commit to getting anything done.
# 19:32 tantek that's fair, here's to hoping you get a computer in the new year if not sooner!
# 19:33 [shaners] I did get mf2.rb moved to gh/iwc. So there's that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# 19:49 tantek yes! and merged pull requests and worked through issues and stuff.
squeakytoy, jedahan and [shaners] joined the channel
# 20:45 [shaners] tantek or aaronpk et al: can you take a look at my pull request and merge if looks good please?
# 20:48 [shaners] Optionally additionally, can you add me to the mf org on GH?
mlncn, Pierre-O1, glennjones, snarfed, Pierre-O, tantek, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, j12t, singpolyma and [shaners] joined the channel
# 21:45 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
petermolnar and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 22:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:05 tantek Loqi now knows not to bother passing on a message when the recipient responds within some number of minutes to the !tell
# 22:07 tantek.com edited /icon (+194) "/* Should you use a photo of your face */ add a "No" answer stub to encourage sharing of reasons to use non-face personal site icons" (
view diff )
# 22:08 tantek I know there isn't unanimity on this point so we might as well capture the diversity of reasons why
# 22:08 tantek for others to consider as well for themselves
tantek joined the channel
# 22:18 gRegorLove Done. My reasoning is pretty personal, not meant to be prescriptive.
tantek joined the channel
# 22:54 tantek !tell gRegorLove I'm now leaning towards the default of continuing with the every two weeks of HWC, since we haven't seen strong opinions one way or another. With 2016-01-13 being the first HWC of 2016.
# 22:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
glennjones and [shaners] joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel