#[shaners]Can anyone who has known issues with the ruby parser file issues on the github repo please? That way we at least know what we’re dealing with.
#KevinMarkscan you check it with the test harness?
#tantekbear, you too especially since you were a big help last time! (and I promise to avoid any / all license arguments/discussions for the duration! :) )
#tantek.comedited /Planning (+55) "/* New York City */ add a generic Anything in January or February works for me! for general support of any of the dates" (view diff)
#tantekshaners - weren't you in NYC for a bit? or still there?
#tantekGWG, could you email Jeremy Z and ask him about dates also?
#tantekGWG, rushing something before understanding it usually results in a broken solution, and you certainly don't want to bake-in a broken solution since it's obviously very hard to change.
#gRegorLoveGWG: What was the pushback you got on adding mf2? Is there a URL for it?
#GWGWhen I first started in this community, I tried to use pfefferle's wordpress-mf2 plugin to add as much markup as possible without customizing the theme.
#GWGWhen I activated his plugin, which removed hentry, the theme appearance changed.
#GWGThis was the stock theme distributed with WordPress that year, Twenty-Fourteen
#GWGI am proud to say that styling based on hentry no longer exists in Twenty-Sixteen. I pushed for that. And Twenty-Sixteen and _s are both addressing it.
#GWGBut the issue comes because hundreds of themes do style on classic microformats. So removing hentry as currently applied is not something they can commit.
#gRegorLoveGood. So it sounds like mf-based styling isn't really a concern for getting mf2 into WP core.
#GWGThe request was to have it alongside the existing mf1 implementation, which is flawed.
#GWGWherein lies the issue of when the mf1 and mf2 properties are on different elements.
#tantekthat only works if you put the mf2 classes o the same elements
#GWGtantek: Also a good idea. I'm still struggling with unit testing design.
#[shaners]What's the damage on just declaring bankruptcy on mf1 problems in existing themes and core, and instead only pushing in mf2 classes that do The Right Thing?
#tantekGWG, if the latest core theme indeed DOES NOT depend on mf1 classes then add a unit test ASAP to prevent them or mf2 classes from EVER creeping into it!
#[shaners]Seems like fighting two fronts at the same time is expensive.
#tantekshaners, there's no such thing as "declaring bankruptcy" that's the problem
#KartikPrabhucertain CSS naming conventions use "u-stuff" for styling
#GWGshaners, backward compatibility is something WordPress takes very seriously. They won't break a large amount of sites without a good reason
#[shaners]Tantek: I just mean splitting this into two efforts. Get mf2 support first then try to clean up mf1.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: my understanding is that it's just one obscure framework
#[shaners]Gwg: I'm not suggesting breaking compatibility. I'm suggesting leaving mf1 alone for now. And just adding the mf2 support.
#KartikPrabhunot a code framework, just a naming convention. Anyway I just wanted to warn that "don't allow mf2 names in classes" might not work as a blanket approach
#gRegorLoveKartikPrabhu: True. I've run into that on my own site using getskeleton. class u-max-full-width for responsive elements.
#gRegorLoveThe PHPunit manual is good last I checked though
#GWGIf I felt comfortable with unit tests yet, I would have given snarfed his micropub ones. I still can't wrap my head around the issue.
#gRegorLoveI've written a couple for php-mf2. I'm new, so don't really know best practices. A PHP test on a CSS file is odd, but it's doable.
#gRegorLovefile_get_contents() and parse for the mf1 names, I guess.
glennjones and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#aaronpkGWG: i've been doing a lot of testing lately, maybe you could look at some of that code for inspiration
#GWGMy problem is figuring out how to design tests. I understand the idea of putting in data and seeing if the expected answer comes out, but I break so many things...I'm not sure how I can do that reliably.
#kousuHey aaronpk: you turned on HTTPS the other day, but unfortunately the defaults are not safe. See https://weakdh.org/sysadmin.html
#kousuIf you click the connection info in Chrome on https://aaronpk.com you'll see "You are using an obsolete cipher suite". I noticed because when I read about LogJam I went into Firefox and turned off all the old cipher suites, so now sometimes I run into sites I can't get at.
#kousuIf you just tell nginx to prefer ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 it will make your site work with paranoid people like me :)
#aaronpkkousu: I haven't changed anything recently, but I used the latest known list of good ciphers when I set that up. It's probably time to audit the list though.
#kousuI did this last week for my jabber server and my webserver and my browser and it was a pain. Hopefully in the next year the defaults will become sane.
ZipGun joined the channel
#aaronpkthat was actually for an unrelated domain, I just used aaronpk.com as the example
#KartikPrabhukousu: you should write about your letsnecrypt experience
#aaronpkGWG: I've found testing useful as a way to describe what I want to build before I build it. I guess that's called test-driven-development but whatever.
#aaronpkalong the same lines I also like writing the docs for the thing i'm building before I write any code
#LoqiGet started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page & other indieweb essentials https://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started
#Loqi"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world [wide web]." — Morpheus, The Matrix
#tantek.comedited /icon (+194) "/* Should you use a photo of your face */ add a "No" answer stub to encourage sharing of reasons to use non-face personal site icons" (view diff)
#tantek!tell gRegorLove I'm now leaning towards the default of continuing with the every two weeks of HWC, since we haven't seen strong opinions one way or another. With 2016-01-13 being the first HWC of 2016.
#tantek.comedited /Planning (+202) "/* HWC 2016 */ ok with either date as start. so if no one else says anything, we'll go with 2016-01-13 as the" (view diff)