LoqirssCloud is part of the RSS specification, it allows publishers to notify subscribers when there are updates to a feed https://indiewebcamp.com/rssCloud
aaronpk"The notification is to be sent to the remote IP used in the request" this means I am not interetsed in using the protocol because that's a ridiculous requirement
mblaneyI don't think any design is going to make everyone happy, maybe best to aim for "is this an improvement on the old one" and get consensus on that :-)
tantekthe page h-feed should always get priority because it is more visible to more people (i.e. with normal browsing) and is thus more likely to be accurate / complete
tantekmblaney - oh yeah - I remember that conversation - I think yours is a better solution, though I may floor it at at least 1 item in the feed so it doesn't look empty / dead.
mblaneythat would also rely on supporting PuSH though, so posts aren't missed if published in quick succession (and disappearing off the page that's been subscribed to)
dogadaBy the way, ATM I'm adding microformats2 support to my homebrew distributed facebook replacement http://www.coect.net and have an unclear issues. Is it ok for h-entry to use p-name and p-summary INSIDE div.e-content or they should be on same level?
dogadaIn coect I store posts in the database in special WMPL format (similar to Markdown but allows to store metadata as well) and on rendering stage I wrap them with div.h-entry. If for a post in meta is defined title I add siblings h1.p-name and div.e-content but if there is no implicit title, I can add it inside WMPL (that is also wrapped in e-content automatically). So I may end with situation when inside .e-content have both p-name and p-summary.
kylewmdogada: that's defintely OK. it helps if name == the plaintext of content in that case, so that consumers can tell they are redundant and ignore name
sknebeloffering site search in JS is an interesting hack if you have a purely static site, but pushing your entire search index to the user and depending on JS is IMHO not that elegant
aaronpkI think there might be benefits to client side filtering for autocomplete of venues and mentioning/tagging people, but that's part of a posting interface, not necessarily your website
petermolnarsincw everything is becoming client side today, I guess it's inevitable for search, at least until the react/angular/ember/mithril/whateverJS hype is over ( or am I being negative again? :( )
cweiske, LaraFZ, frzn, geor_gs, elima and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarksI think a more interesting level 5 would be 'searches your site and things it has linked to' - which goes well with caching things you link to
dogadaWhat is recommended way to assemble h-feeds from different indie web-sites and read posts in single Twitter-like timeline? How to "subscribe" to an indie h-feed?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "recommended way to assemble h-feeds from different indie web-sites and read posts in single Twitter-like timeline" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10Cu
snarfedmind grepping logs when you get a chance? no hurry. i'm guessing you and i are the only /superfeedr users so far, so hopefully shouldn't be too much to wade through
dogadaFor coect.net I'm working on solution that will assemble feeds from hosts connected using OpenId Connect protocol with enabled Dynamic Registration (so you don't need to receive App token/secret prior to subscription)
dogadaAgreed, but I need to assemble all feeds using same solution, so you can read public feeds as well as protected feeds from work, projects, etc in single timeline on all your connected devices
dogadaso users with different roles (admin, moderator, staff, vip/friend, subscriber, logged in, guest) can see different subsets of entries and this costs me just one condition WHERE access > $userAccess.
dogadaThis access levels I will adapt to webmentions as well. All new received webmentions will be showed to admins and moderators by default to avoid spam and only after moderation will be available for public
LoqiThe Vouch protocol is an anti-spam extension to Webmention. Webmention with Vouch depends on understanding Webmention https://indiewebcamp.com/Vouch
dogadaKevin, I got the idea of Vouch. I thought about smth similar i.e. obtain list of friends (and from all his connected social profiles) of webmention author and if we have common friends - accept webmention, if not -- put it on moderation
cleverdevilor, to start, maybe get the Indieweb plugins installed by default in our WordPress one-click installs and in our managed WordPress product (DreamPress)
GWGI took myself from writing almost no original code in March of 2014 when I joined the community here to having my hands in every Indieweb project for WordPress.
tantekkylewm re: client-side search, it was part of my brainstorming about all the advantages of if/when I progressively enhance Falcon to load storage files clientside for zero-roundtrip next/prev post nav. search with auto-suggest dropdown, perhaps # of posts, post names etc.
tantekGWG, you said "I have yet to see an implementation in practice" - I thought you were at IndieWebCamp Cambridge (or MIT) in 2014 where ben_thatmustbeme *demonstrated* his implementation for Vouch in practice (and still uses it AFAIK).
gRegorLoveI just realized on the new Twitter modal permalinks there's left and right navigation arrows. Looks like they finally caught up to tantek for navigating between notes. :)