#aaronpkso I have decided to do a slow complete blood transfusion of webmention.io
#aaronpkit is currently my fastest growing database on that server, and I don't want that because it is only ever going to get larger
#aaronpkI think Amazon's NoSQL database is going to be the thing I use instead, since it's a totally abstracted data store, there's no concept of a server behind it
#aaronpktheir relational DB service still essentially runs on a server, you just don't manage that server. however it's still subject to getting rebooted with downtime for maintenance.
#cleverdevilone of these days, I am going to have to start a #IndieInfra movement ;)
#cleverdevilbut, man, I've been really careful lately due to things like Parse getting snapped up and then shut down
#aaronpkwhat's really interesting is that Amazon S3 is so popular that other companies have created services that use the same API so you can swap out for them
#aaronpkDynamoDB is actually a pretty good candidate for this, since it means I am not concerned with physical servers, but I can also query on a few different attributes
#snarfedprice can be sensitive, sure, but for many of us, if the difference is something like e.g. $2/mo vs $4/mo, other factors should probably override :P
#KevinMarkswondering a bigtable/hbase model might fit?
#tantekreading time is a feature of posts (usually articles) that indicates the expected amount of time (typically in minutes) that it would take to read the post.
#KevinMarkswhat would be good if Kindle gave you actual data on your reading speed
#aaronpkthe first time I saw a "reading time" on an article, I assumed the site was doing something clever like logging how long people interact with the page and showing the average of that
#aaronpki *think* there's a way to export as SVG, since it does actually store the stroke data
#mathpunkam I going to have to annotate the html so that it knows that it's supposed to fit to height? I went as far as to make a wide version for desktop but, that sounds like I have to somehow ask what rectangle it's being viewed on
#tantekKevinMarks: yes I added Medium as a silo example but no screenshots or URLs
#miklbthat seems to be how he's adding comments. I know a lot of Jekyll users just use Disqus, but I'd like to avoid that. I've seen a solution that uses Firebase, which is better because you can pull the comments back down as JSON for archiving, or possibly caching them.
#KartikPrabhumiklb: indie-config is not for commenting
#miklbI'm already accepting webmentions, but was curious if there were any ways from someone to leave a comment directly on the site. I recently switched to Jekyll from a db/php driven site.
#sknebelOne also could make a simple comment-post thingy and then have it send yourself webmentions
#miklbthanks all. Not a huge part of my redesign, just looking at options. Might just look at option of including the tweet reply/webmention form like voxpelli is using.
#miklbmblaney: yes, I've looked at that. I'm using webmention.io and something similar already for displaying webmentions (as well as sending them when I build the site and deploy)
snarfed, jedahan and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
loic_m, ttepasse, dogada, snarfed, bupkes, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, sanduhrs, gRegorLove and Pierre-O joined the channel
#dogadaDoes anyone have issues with using both h-breadcrumb and h-entry on a page and publishing such page via brid.gy? Before I added h-breadcrumb brid.gy parsed h-entry on a page properly but now when same page have both h-breadcrumb and h-entry (example: https://dogada.org/dvd/blog/implemented-breadcrumbs) brid.gy offer to use text from h-breadcrumb instead of h-entry. Created also a ticket for the issue: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/621
#tantekprivate account side-effect: no /link-preview shown in silos when you link to permalinks of private account posts, e.g. in chat messages (FB Messenger)
#aaronpki'm debating whether i should scrape the HTML from instagram/twitter or use their APIs, which might mean i'd need to do user auth to avoid rate limits
#aaronpkthe content of their oembed response isn't very useful tho
#[kevinmarks]The embedded tweets have mf markup, but you can't get at it easily
#tantekKevinMarks: I thought there was an endpoint that Twitter's JS uses to get the embedded tweet content - to display on other sites that add Twitter's embed markup
#tantekyou only get those IF they're inside an h-* root class
#tantekKevinMarks: there's no examples of actual pages returning spurious u utility properties - if you think there are, please share a parsed result URL
laprice, michel_v, tallpaul, cleverdevil, asheesh, dietrich, wagle, Jay- and kylewm joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]The twitter embed markup had them lats time I looked. I'll check again when I'm not on the phone
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#gRegorLoveI use getskeleton.com for CSS and they have soem u-* utility classes
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#gRegorLoveCool, thanks! Was looking for an example of the optional-slug design. I might be using that with a client blog.
#tantekgRegorLove: can you change their u-* classes to util-* and submit a pull request to see what happens?
#gRegorLovetantek: I *might* feel comfortable posting a github issue requesting if such an update is cool. I'd be surprised if they said yes, though, since it would break backwards compatibility.
#gRegorLoveMore likely, I'll just update my usage locally. It's small and there's only a couple utility classes
#tantekit's good either way. if they say no (reject the issue) then it's justification to fork it
#tantekand the publish the util-* alternative with reasoning why it is better than u-* for utility class names, and encourage people to switch to it
#gRegorLoveTrue, though I won't be maintaining such a fork :)
#Loqi[shaners]: tantek left you a message 22 hours, 50 minutes ago: it was a back/forth process between me conveying concepts to represent, @simplebits doing design possibilities, sharing them with me, me saying "more like that one", and after a couple of iterations we got pretty close to the current logo, and then he did look/feel/logotype refinements until we got what we have now. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-02-18/line/1455826307529
#tantekor heck, if it's abandoned, that means it's waiting for someone to take it over
#tantekso that's an opportunity for you gRegorLove ! you can take it over and fix the problem !
#gRegorLoveI guess I don't understand your use of the word "forking" here.
#gRegorLoveIt's been on my site since July. I have my own custom CSS additions. Since it's easy for me to update my copy of it, I will probably change u-* to util-*, but I'm not releasing it publicly.
#tantekforking is when you deliberately choose to take an open source project a different direction than the current "maintainers/deciders" of the project want
#[shaners]in git land, forking is no longer such a definitive split in a project like it used to be. forking is part of the workflow.
#KevinMarksno, it's the most egregious example of u- spuriosity
funwhilelost joined the channel
#gRegorLoveYeah, I generally understand "forking". Just didn't necessarily consider me putting a CSS boilerplate on my own site and then adding my custom CSS to it "forking"
#gRegorLoveI always though there was some public/distribution part to "forking"
#tantekyes, there's a public aspect to forking, which reflects why the cultural change that shaners mentioned has happened
#tantekyou publicly "fork" a repo in order to suggest changes to it, thus publicly forking is no longer considered always a negative
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#gRegorLoveI just found out today it was abandoned, heh. So thanks, /wikify :)
#aaronpkI almost used it for a project, glad I didn't
#tantekreally wondering what the appeal of these frameworks are
#tanteklike what itch are they scratching? what use-case(s)?
#miklbtantek: that's an interesting perspective. I alyways thought ”clone“ and issue pull request for making suggestions, fork for taking project in different direction.
#gRegorLoveI've used it a few times and generally like it. It doesn't do nested rows great, but for simple grid-based sites it's been fine.
#aaronpkmost of the time, i'm making things where the goal is not to have the best design or even a unique design, but I want it to look reasonably good
#aaronpkso these things let me forget about css and spend time on the problem i'm actually solving
#gRegorLoveLooks like they're using "Legacy.css" on their own site, so that's good. Their contact us email is @akeo.xyz, which is still using skeleton.css
#gRegorLoveTufte CSS looks nice. I'll have to check it out.
#tantekok KevinMarks, gRegorLove, aaronpk - captured your use-cases for better default styling CSS (not really a "framework" per se, since you're not writing "stylesheets" in it *instead of* CSS)
#tantekmost of what you said as itches I was already doing for my foundational stylesheet "elementica.css" but your specific requests will help guide future iterations
#tantekKevinMarks: the Tufte stylesheet is a bit more stylistically opinionated - so unless you can show me someone using it in the wild on their own personal site, I'll take it as a datapoint, but not foundational
#gRegorLovetantek: Oh, don't think I mentioned. My primary reason for using Skeleton on my own site was to add a responsive grid without all the bloat of using Bootstrap. All the typography and other design I had pretty much to my liking.
#KevinMarksI may adopt it as it is close to the style I already have, but typographically clearer
#tantekaaronpk: nice! that's exactly what I meant by unwrapping the bookmark and making it look reddit style. nice work!!
#KevinMarksa CSS Framework is a way to swap understanding the mysteries of CSS for a set of generic decision made by someone else wiht its own set of mysteries that have been through less peer review. Examples include [[Bootstrap]], [[semantic-ui]] and [[Skeleton]]
#Loqipingback is a legacy XML-RPC based protocol for web sites to notify other web sites when they've posted a link to them (respectively) https://indiewebcamp.com/pingbacks
#KevinMarksis a web framework different from a css framework?
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#cjk101010very different… a web framework handles things like routing, database access, template parsing, etc. it makes writing web applications easier
#tantekcjk101010: better to use your own words (like what you said above in IRC) than wikipedia link for the definition. a wp link is fine for see also
#funwhilelostMost timezone libraries support locales with daylight savings automatically (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles" goes back and forth between PDT and PST when appropriate).