#miklb_guess I need to cache those things now that its all working
#mblaneyvoxpelli: I lost that post about a follow webaction when my server crashed last year... had to restore from a backup and that was the only post I missed :-(
#miklb_or I need to figure out how to use Telegraph…
#nelsonInstead, I should look for an open source application that will post to Twitter and Facebook, and whatever else, when it sees the special keystroke.
#nelsonMuch simpler than being Twitter's bitch and begging for help.
#aaronpkwell that's buried in the depths of this htmlpurifier library now
#petermolnarI was thinking about a reverse-subscribe method for a reader: a micropub-like receiver on site A ( my site ), that can receive webmentions; site B has indieauth set up, and for authenticated handles lets them add a single endpoint for the same base url that will get a webmention from every update/new post
#petermolnarthat could become an issue when there are tonnes of subscribers, but it could remove the need of 3rd party services
#petermolnarany comments, could this be a usable thing or would it just be a pubsub reinvention on a less fast method?
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#tantekpetermolnar: I'm not sure what problem / use-case you're trying to solve. What's the user's goal in this example?
#petermolnarsubscribe/follow a site ( or a part of a site )
#tantekif you can rephrase it starting with user actions and then in nested explanation the server bits, that would be worth adding to /follow#Brainstorming
#tantekwebmention doesn't need any kind of "type" param because all that information is expected to be at the source
#tantekthat's the key part of webmention - it's not abstract like source has something to do with target, it's concrete, source *linked* to target, and for the rest of the information, go get source
#tantekthus we have "follow" posts to indicate with a webmention when someone has followed someone else
#petermolnarsomeone goes through the process of indieauthing there, pressing a "follow" or a "subscribe" button
#tantekthe point is not to ask "how can I use webmention to solve this problem" the point is to ask how can I solve this problem with user-actions, and then what posts/protocols/formats could/would work to solve those user actions?
#petermolnarI wasn't trying to use webmentions for the sake of webmentions
#tantekby saying "goes through the process of indieauthing there" you're already taking a leap into protocols that are not user-centric
#petermolnarthere is no one magic button solution for this
#tantekso there has to be a step-by-step explanation for *why* the user needs to do something they didn't think they needed to do
#tantekfor example, on Twitter, you don't even see a "Follow" button unless you are already logged in
#tantekI think there is a prompt for logged-out views that says something like "sign-up or login to follow ..."
#petermolnarthat's a silo which you're logged in to; when I visit a random website I honestly would prefer that it doesn't know me automatically
#petermolnarthis approach is more of a replacement for newsletter-kind of notications
#petermolnarnot for the pull-parse-repeat subscriptions
#tantekit doesn't have to know you automatically, but your browser could - that's how indie-config works!
#tantekmy point is that Twitter's message "sign-up or login to follow ..." is an explanation for *why* you should sign-up or login even if you just want to follow
#tantekand that's the key to good UX for this kind of interaction
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#tantektell the user what they need to do to get to what they want
#tantekinstead of surprising them with something they didn't think they needed
#voxpellitantek++, trying to phrase things in such a way can often make one find entire noew and sometimes more elegant solutions to a use case
#petermolnarI'm not going to say that's just wording something, because I know it's important, but maybe not the very first step before any working demo for us, nerds; my question is that would anyone be interested in testing this out, does anyone believe this should be a thing to offer for visitors?
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#voxpellipetermolnar: very rarely will someone indieauth into a subscribeable site imho – indieauth is something you do to known tools, indie-config and such is what you do to unknown third-parties
#voxpelliI also fail to see why folling an h-feed by itself and upgrade it to realtime with pubsubhubbub as a progressive enhancement isn't technically enough for a subscribe/follow use case
#Loqivoxpelli meant to say: I also fail to see why following an h-feed by itself and upgrade it to realtime with pubsubhubbub as a progressive enhancement isn't technically enough for a subscribe/follow use case
#voxpellithe way I see it we need more readers that experiment with current tech so we can learn more about the limitations and possibilities it has, before any new tech gets involved
#voxpelliindie readers are probably the least worked out area currently of the pieces central to an indieweb experience
#petermolnarok, I'll rephrase it: me, as petermolnar.eu gets a visitor; the visitor wants to follow (parts of) the site so there is a "follow"(ish) button
#petermolnarnow the actual follow, in my opinion, can happen in two ways:
#petermolnareither me, as the site, pushes somehow - email, webmention, pubsub ping, etc.
#tantekvoxpelli: agreed on all points. especially, I'd rather see innovation / iteration on *integrated* indieweb reading, as that's where the silos still have a VERY big advantage.
#tantekI'd rather not spend time developing more tech/interactions for *separate* readers. That's the old model and by sticking with that we will never get to silo levels of good UX
#petermolnarbut for me to push, I need a list of places to push to
#voxpellipetermolnar: PuSH is a fully open way of defining how to subscribe to push notifications of when a resource updates
#LoqiPubSubHubbub (PuSH) is a notification-based protocol for publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time https://indiewebcamp.com/PuSH
#petermolnarhow can visitor X tell you that they have their own PuSH and they'd like your site to PuSH there as well?
#voxpelliand having a separate hub is fully optional, just like a webmention endpoint can be part of ones site or separate a PuSH "hub" can be part of ones site or separate
#tantekPuSH uses link rel discovery just like webmention
#petermolnarI think I'm not expressing myself well
#petermolnarI'll summarize this and come back with it
#tantekpetermolnar: this is why I keep asking for the user-centric set of steps
#kylewm!tell tantek of course you're welcome to share my post, but i don't believe it has much bearing on ActivityStreams in general, more about internal bits of the Known codebase
#aaronpkah the entry is either missing an author property with your URL, or needs rel=author on the h-card
#aaronpkif you have rel=author somewhere with the same URL that's the URL of the h-card in the footer then the authorship algorithm will find that footer h-card as the author of the post
#aaronpkhm, something the authorship algorithm might benefit from is "upgrading" the author info if there is a more complete h-card elsewhere on the page with a matching URL
#aaronpkfor example there is no photo on your small author h-card in the entry, but there is one in the footer
#aaronpki should be able to deal with that when parsing the page
#kylewmaaronpk: re "I think that's the point" - can you explain? (just curious)
#aaronpk"implementer experience" is shorthand for the idea of seeing how a spec actually works in the wild with people who are trying to accomplish a goal that isn't the spec itself
#aaronpkso seeing how the design of the activitystreams spec has real effects on the code is useful feedback
#KevinMarksthat's better than the explicit reference thing we used to suggest certainly
#KevinMarksand should work for the h-feed case too
#aaronpkif the e-content has an HTML entity such as & then should the plaintext version of that content unescape it?
#tantekyes of course, the e-content is parsed as HTML, which includes parsing both <p> and &
#Loqitantek: kylewm left you a message 40 minutes ago: of course you're welcome to share my post, but i don't believe it has much bearing on ActivityStreams in general, more about internal bits of the Known codebase http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-02-28/line/1456700276200
#tantekkylewm: internal bits of the Known codebase which got guided by AS-like thinking/design to start with, and said thinking/design led to the complexities/inefficiencies which you are fixing
#tantekaaronpk: parsing & is no different than parsing <p> from the perspective of an HTML parser