2016-03-07 UTC
irisisgay, wolftune, j12t, snarfed, rektide and bterry joined the channel
j12t, snarfed, jedahan, irisisgay and tantek joined the channel
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# 04:45 tantek just went to FB to create a private event (since I don't support events nor private posts on my own site yet) and there's no obvious way to do it
# 04:45 tantek There's a status text box, a button for photo/video, and a life event
# 04:46 tantek but no button or obvious UI to create a new event
# 04:47 GWG Someday I hope to have enough events to make event creation worth focusing on.
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 04:59 tantek Perhaps the event system is completely different
# 05:02 tantek ah, in the profile/events page there's a [ + Create Event ] button and [ âœï¸ ] (Manage) button
# 05:03 tantek a-ha, on the /events page (which redirects to events/upcoming ) There's also a [ + Create ] button in the left column
# 05:03 tantek thus event creation is only provided contextually, when viewing your events or your calendar
# 05:04 tantek I wonder if that's deliberate or just an accidental outcome of their current iterative UI
sparverius joined the channel
# 05:13 tantek This is very odd. Their general "create" UI has a "life event" option but no "event" option. Do people really create more "life events" than "events"?!?
# 05:14 KartikPrabhu FB is mostly for "emotional" posting rather than "organisational" posts
# 05:15 KartikPrabhu so life events like "moved to Chicago", "married to so and so", in a relationship etc... are more frequent
# 05:15 tantek are life events really that frequent? You may be seeing more purely because of The Algorithm™
# 05:15 KartikPrabhu tantek: oh sure maybe the Algo plays a part which why I prefaced with personal anectodal evidence
# 05:17 tantek well the UI definitely *encourages* creating more life events
# 05:18 KartikPrabhu which might feedback into them being more frequent as they are easier to create
# 05:18 tantek there's no reason a life event should be easier to create than a normal event
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 05:19 tantek you don't go into the status app, nor the photos app, nor the videos app, nor the life events app
# 05:20 tantek you *create* something by typing and then you add aspects to it
# 05:20 tantek events / calendar is *different* in this regard, hence the questioning
# 05:20 tantek KartikPrabhu: I'm describing their existing UI for notes photos video
# 05:21 KartikPrabhu that brings up a question: how many people on the Indieweb use a "unified" UI for different post-types?
# 05:22 tantek I have a split between notes/photos/videos/rsvps, likes, articles
# 05:23 tantek and I'm adding more to auto_link to eventually make it possible to write articles like notes
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 05:44 tantek why do I have to upload a photo when there are already photos in FB to choose from?
# 05:58 tantek.com edited /create (+307) "/* Facebook Events */ Issues, photos should allow choosing from existing, guests should be able to invite mutual friends" (
view diff )
KevinMarks_, tantek, sanduhrs and j12t joined the channel
# 07:40 tantek GWG, until that day, I am going to keep documenting existing event UIs
cweiske, tantek, jihaisse and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 08:38 tantek appears that you have to choose between a "Public" event, "Private" where invitees can invite friends, and "Private" by host invitation only
dogada and tantek joined the channel
# 09:00 prtksxna GWG: Congratulations on getting all the changes you needed in the new release :)
tantek joined the channel
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adactio and friedcell joined the channel
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# 11:06 petermolnar adactio "All times are Pacific Time unless otherwise noted in venues." you may want to add a GMT to the times
# 11:09 cweiske .. or automatically adjust to the browser's timezone
# 11:12 petermolnar however, I believe the Brighton HWC is not in Pacific time 18:30 PM
# 11:12 cweiske petermolnar, I'm saying that automatically converting times to the browser's timezone would help
# 11:14 cweiske so the original timezone is sent out, and the JS replaces it with the local time
# 11:15 petermolnar I know technically it can be done, but instead of a fully automated, trying to be smart thing, I'd ask for a confirmation at the end ( are you sure this is going to be in Pacific time? You seem to be in CET right now. )
# 11:16 cweiske petermolnar, I would do it only do for display purposes
emmak, loic_m and j12t joined the channel
Lancey and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme, mxuribe, hs0ucy, tantek and friedcell joined the channel
pfefferle joined the channel
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# 15:06 GWG pfefferle, I have a link for you.
# 15:06 Loqi [David Shanske] Comment Improvements in WordPress 4.4/4.5
# 15:11 tantek petermolnar: there are very few explicit search results for "gentrification of the Web" - definitely something we can document
# 15:12 tantek the references are from 2015, 2006, 2004, and 2000
# 15:12 tantek so it's not clear which of those the tweet is referring to
singpolyma joined the channel
# 15:15 tantek weird, all references are about different things using vaguely similar metaphors
hs0ucy joined the channel
# 15:21 tantek aaronpk: have we discussed having Loqi do OPD on silo posts and show those instead?
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j12t, jciv, alpower and ttepasse joined the channel
# 16:03 alpower Morning! QQ: I run my site on middleman/GHPages (https://alpower.com ) but am looking to set up a POSSE type setup for my posts (-> Medium) and also PESOS (for Instagram, Pinboard etc). Current blog is just a bunch of markdown files really. I believe I need to move beyond a static site to achieve this - does anyone have any experience with a similar setup? Am thinking I might have to move to something like DigitalOcean and either roll my own simple
# 16:03 alpower find a suitable simple CMS that can handle this. Any advice/thoughts as to options?
# 16:06 petermolnar alpower Medium pull in content via RSS, that is probably the easiest approach
# 16:08 alpower thanks petermolnar - I'll have a dig into the indieweb site for more info on PESOS options.
# 16:14 tantek petermolnar: do we have a good micropub -> GHPages solution yet?
# 16:16 aaronpk github pages is just a file hosting service, so it's actually more of a matter of micropub to whatever static site system you're using that publishes to github pages
# 16:18 aaronpk for example someone could set up a micropub service that works with middleman, but it wouldn't necessarily work with a node.js based static site generator
# 16:19 sknebel well, github pages has integrated jekyll support, so it's not *just* static file hosting
# 16:19 sknebel if you have a jekyll setup that fits in what they support, they'll build your pages for you on push
# 16:20 aaronpk true, but that's still just one of the many static site generators out there
# 16:22 alpower as there's not really much there on my blog currently, I'm happy to change it :)
# 16:23 aaronpk i'm not suggesting changing it :) use whatever is comfortable!
# 16:28 alpower thanks for those links aaronpk - will have a look into both of those.
# 16:30 GWG pfefferle: It is a list of things I want to use in Semantic Linkbacks and webmentions
KevinMarks_ and shiflett joined the channel
# 16:38 sknebel alpower: are you currently running middleman on your local computer?
# 16:38 GWG pfefferle: I don't see any removal
friedcell joined the channel
# 16:38 tantek wow "gentrification of the web" seems to mean so many different things, it's like whatever people are annoyed about the web changing
# 16:38 alpower sknebel yes - I run locally, then use a plugin as part of deploy process to GH pages.
# 16:39 tantek maybe that's the problem with the term "gentrification?" - it's come to mean any change that the speaker dislikes?
# 16:39 alpower which then itself commits changes, which GH pages deploys, which is then served up by CloudFlare
# 16:41 pfefferle GWG I don't see anything that helps us preprocess anything...
# 16:42 GWG pfefferle: If you can now store comment meta by putting it into $commentdata, then how many steps can you simplify the code by for one.
# 16:42 tantek gentrification of the web is an expression used by writers to refer to changes happening (or expected) in the web that they dislike, disagree with, or fear.
# 16:42 sknebel alpower: you might want to set it up with some continuous integration provider?
# 16:43 sknebel so a possible PESOS solution would "just" have to add a new file to the repository
# 16:43 sknebel and your page would automatically be rebuild and deployed?
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 16:44 GWG pfefferle: I'm thinking of the preprocess_comment hook.
# 16:46 GWG pfefferle: If you put the changes I noted together, it has potential to simplify things.
# 16:47 GWG pfefferle: Trackbacks never had retrieval of the remote source. But with this, you could pull it at the preprocess_comment level as well.
# 16:49 GWG pfefferle: Basically, add in the $remote_source_original in.
wolftune joined the channel
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 16:52 GWG pfefferle: I need to propose they add similar stuff there, I guess
# 16:54 voxpelli alpower: I had PESOS working for Instagram on my GitHub Pages driven site, using OwnYourGram and Micropub
# 16:54 GWG pfefferle: It will still work though because they added $comment_data to comment_post.
# 16:55 tantek kinda scary that as a reader I'm seeing errors in someone else's automatic upgrade script
# 16:55 voxpelli tantek: so yes, we do have micropub to GitHub Pages somewhat, I just need to wrap it up, blog about it and make it more readily available
# 16:56 aaronpk that's kind of true when people talk about gentrifying cities too though
# 16:56 GWG pfefferle: I may do a PR at some point after 4.5 comes out.
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:57 tantek sknebel: it's a feature, it encourages people to work on things off-chat to allow one topic at a time instead of communication overload ;)
# 16:58 aaronpk people are pretty good at sorting out conversation threads :) no need to jam a technological solution on top
# 16:58 petermolnar sknebel nope, this is much better, I never like threads; @mention and quotes are way better
# 16:58 tantek "subject" is one of the worst features of email. it both causes communication overload, and people fork email threads without changing subject :)
# 16:58 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: sknebel nope, this is much better, I never liked threads; @mention and quotes are way better
# 16:58 bear yes, I find that not having the ability to do complex conversations forces them to be more precise and document complex things offline
# 16:59 bear if you need to point back to a specific conversation the loqi web log pointer is the best way
# 16:59 tantek sknebel successfully trolls the channel into meta-discussion ;)
# 16:59 petermolnar tantek subject used to be very important to prevent downloading a lot of bytes which used to cost time and money in the wap and pre-wap days
# 16:59 tantek petermolnar: didn't work. people just didn't change the subject
# 16:59 bear subject was used that way in the early usenet days
# 16:59 bear before irc, email and other "internet" things became more common place
# 16:59 petermolnar I know, but that is a littlebit like blaming the hammer for falling on my finger :)
# 17:00 voxpelli I just need to publish my glue so that it's easier for others to adopt + maybe launch it as a service. Perhaps I can get time to do that at IWC Nuremburg
# 17:01 kylewm I find that article's use of gentrification a little bit insensitive. In real life it means changes in the socioeconomics of a neighborhood displacing people who have lived there for a long time... not just a different brand of fancy cheese
# 17:01 tantek kylewm: yeah there's plenty of that mis-use going around
# 17:02 sknebel voxpelli: do you use jekyll as supported by github, or is it run externally?
# 17:09 tantek kylewm: I have this problem with rabbitholes and needing to reverse breadcrumb my way back out of them
# 17:09 bret sknebel: I never got Gitpub beyond a prototype. It works but has lots of weird bugs
# 17:09 bret I wrote it when I didn't knownmuch about JavaScript
# 17:09 tantek maybe I should have posted that as a blog post?
# 17:10 tantek kinda don't want to start the week with a Twitter fight
# 17:10 tantek "gentrification" is the kind of word on Twitter that provokes knee-jerk tweetjactions
# 17:10 aaronpk did not mean to send tantek down another rabbit hole
alpower joined the channel
# 17:13 alpower voxpelli sknebel thanks! will look at those this evening
# 17:13 voxpelli sknebel: I have a writeup planned and the actual glue project mostly completed, so I was thinking to maybe wait until I can get that up
# 17:19 petermolnar tantek what kind of monster is that url?! that thing is 1.6MB in text, mostly in js
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 17:23 voxpelli just noticed that the images from past IWC:s on the front page don't show any of the ones from 2015
# 17:25 tantek voxpelli: nearly everything on the wiki is manual yes :)
# 17:26 aaronpk even that is manual, I have to copy/paste the content in myself
# 17:26 voxpelli there's 8 missing IWC:s there, perhaps remake that section into something more manageable?
# 17:27 tantek voxpelli: funny thing about "more manageable" takes a lot of work to make something that takes less time managing than it would take to just do the manual work
# 17:28 tantek there's some flaw about automation like that that I think I first heard described by Douglas Adams
# 17:28 voxpelli tantek: I was thinking of changing the presentation/content rather than trying to automate it ;)
# 17:34 gRegorLove tantek: FB lets you choose an existing photo after the events been created, or at least used to. I always added photos as a second step after creating the event and it allowed me to select from albums.
# 17:35 tantek seriously up to *eight* different things people have meant by "Gentrification of the Web"
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:39 gRegorLove I guess it's not part of the "create" UI, but the "edit" UI at that point
# 17:39 Loqi An edit (AKA diff, change) is a special type of reply that indicates a set of suggested changes to the post it is replying to. A collection of (presumably related) suggested edits in open source is often called a patch or pull request https://indiewebcamp.com/edit
# 17:41 gRegorLove You're referring to the "Event photo" banner at the top, correct?
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 17:50 gRegorLove My recollection is that menu is basically the same when an event has no photo, without the "Reposition photo" or "Remove photo" options. I don't have an event sans photo to confirm though.
# 17:53 tantek interesting, once you have created a post / comment, you cannot edit it in some ways, e.g. add a poll
# 17:54 gRegorLove Changing the photo does create a status-type post in the event, too. People can comment and like it.
# 18:04 Loqi tantek meant to say: looks like FB polls are not editable!
# 18:06 sknebel !tell alpower just remembered I made a list of CI providers recently, I found 3 ones that had unlimited builds for private repos: wercker.com, circleci.com, drone.io
# 18:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:08 bear sknebel - yep, CircleCI (my $dayjob) allows for any number of builds - we just queue them up for the free plans
# 18:10 tantek ok I think I'm done with that subject for now
# 18:10 bear CI is Continuous Integration - a style of release engineering that proposes that all changes to source code get immediately compiled and tested
# 18:11 bear you push code to github, github generates a webhook that says "hey, I have a code change", the CI system gets that info and then the code and runs the build
# 18:12 bear CI SaaS are CircleCI, TravisCI, Jenkins, etc
# 18:14 bear you can even use CircleCI as a way to get GHPages like behaviour from your static repos
benwerd, iasai, Tino, snarfed and shiflett_ joined the channel
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# 20:14 gRegorLove I was about to say at least it's ePub and Adobe DRM so you could load your books onto other devices, but apparently not according to that ^ (found on Wikipedia)
# 20:17 kylewm Oh man are there any other competitors even close to Kindle?
# 20:19 snarfed kindle DRM is at least straightforward to strip (for personal archiving) from books you've bought
shiflett and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:36 sknebel sony at least had nice readers (no clue if still active)
# 20:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:40 gRegorLove That headline is kinda misleading. It's not Nook as a whole shutting down. But the future doesn't look good for Nook as a whole.
# 20:43 Loqi gRegorLove meant to say: That tweet is kinda misleading. It's not Nook as a whole shutting down. But the future doesn't look good for Nook as a whole.
# 20:45 gRegorLove snarfed: Didn't know Kindle could load epub. Do you need to convert to mobi first?
ehlovader, mattronix, benwerd, Lancey, snarfed1, Pierre-O, hs0ucy, snarfed, tantek, squeakytoy2 and lukebrooker joined the channel
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