2016-03-11 UTC
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:05 tantek Have we already documented this re: /Tumblr ? boingboing.net/2016/02/26/a-copyright-troll.html
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 00:49 rhiaro waves at anyone planning to attend IWC MIT next week
# 00:49 rhiaro The schedule says lunch out on Monday and catered on Tuesday, but shoudl we cater both?
# 00:50 rhiaro Given probably 30 people, I'm not sure where 'out' would be
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:57 aaronpk out works better in Portland where we can walk to 30 different food carts
# 01:00 rhiaro I'm going for Chipotle day 1 and Wholefoods day 2
# 01:01 rhiaro If somebody doesn't help me decide otherwise, it's all going to be vegan :p
# 01:05 aaronpk IMO vegan is a good default since it is usually good food that vegans and vegetarians and omnivores can all eat
# 01:06 aaronpk migt be a good idea to make sure there is something that is real food that is not made of gluten too
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:45 acegiak but I don't want them to get squatted and abused in the future
lukebrooker joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 02:58 Jeena So I have a Problem which is a fixed problem with Twitter but not possible with our websites. I would like to tell https://mlncn.withknown.com/ something, but I't like to initiate the discussion, not comment onsomething he wrote.
# 02:59 Jeena On Twitter I just write @mlncn in my tweet and he gets mentioned and I know how to do it.
# 03:00 Jeena I went to his website to find an email address or something but there is none. I could try to send a webmention to his homepage, but I can't really see if he will ever see it or if it just goes to Nirvana
# 03:01 Jeena with comments I at least see that they end up on his website
# 03:01 kylewm Jeena: yeah Known doesn't receive homepage mentions yet, but it will Real Soon Now
# 03:01 kylewm (admittedly, it's pretty common that I try to respond to someone via webmention and find out the next day it didn't go through or something)
# 03:02 Jeena Somehow our UI is bad in telling people what is possible and what not
# 03:02 Loqi [Kyle Mahan] @RikMende Sure thing, what's your email?
# 03:02 KartikPrabhu no it isn't. you send a webmention and if it is not a 202 then it is not possible
# 03:03 Jeena I don't want to write a long post first and then send it and then find out that it didn't arrive
# 03:04 Jeena because it's not supported by that particular website
# 03:08 Loqi @Jeena, probably has something to do with that, yes :-) Just wish that understanding people's support of other people's rights as a matter...
# 03:08 Loqi [benjamin melançon] Post in favor of LGBT rights, family friend asks 'something i should know?' But post in favor of Black rights, no one asks if i'm Black.
# 03:08 Jeena But the only way for me to contact him seems to be twitter
# 03:08 kylewm It would be pretty awesome if your authoring UI highlighted "@mlncn" and told you whether or not they could receive a webmention for that @-name
# 03:09 Jeena Yes it actually would, but I guess there is no way to know it before I send the webmention?
danlyke joined the channel
# 03:10 kylewm does <link rel="webmention"> imply that the current page is webmention-able?
# 03:11 Jeena because his website does have it on the homepage, but you just said that known doesn't support it yet
yakker joined the channel
# 03:12 kylewm i guess i mean, *should* the presence of that link imply that the page is a valid target
# 03:12 kylewm even though it clearly doesn't right now, for known, and probably others
# 03:13 Jeena btw. I assumed that for a long time but learned the hard way that most of the time this was not the case
# 03:14 KevinMarks so you cna ping it and it will stash the webmention, and send it on if it can
# 03:15 Jeena But for that you would have needed to have written the whole thing before you can find out if it supports it or not, don't you?
# 03:16 KevinMarks so if they decide to accept webmentions, they can look up the backlog
# 03:18 Jeena that is a nice thing to have, but doesn't really solve the problem I have now ^^
KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
# 03:25 KevinMarks I suppose I could check the homepage for twitter handles and @ them your mention
ben_thatmust joined the channel
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# 03:36 KevinMarks Meteor.com just emailed me to tell me that they will no longer host my app
# 03:36 KevinMarks trying to remember what app that was, as they didn't bother to lin to it
# 03:43 KartikPrabhu1 kylewm: the webmention sender can build a UI around the 202 status
# 03:50 KartikPrabhu another simple way to do that would be to not have the rel=webmention on pages that do not accept webmentions
# 03:54 kylewm That's what we were discussing. Lots of people don't follow that convention.
# 03:56 kylewm Not sure. It'd be a lot of extra work (for some implementations), which means many would not do it, which means you can't assume the presence of the link implies that target is valid
# 03:59 KartikPrabhu and i don't feel it i necessary at all to find if targets are "valid" before sending webmentions
# 03:59 KartikPrabhu I have sent webmention to Twitter URLs and everything has been fine ;)
ben_thatmustbeme and emma2 joined the channel
# 04:01 emma2 what is a permalink?
# 04:01 sknebel would a way to send a "probe" webmention make sense?
# 04:02 sknebel as in "if this had a useful source URL, would you accept it"?
# 04:02 Jeena KartikPrabhu, it is obviously ok for you to not needing to know if the person you're writing a letter to will not be able to receive it, but I get really frustrated with it.
# 04:05 kylewm You could send a probe comment and then immediately delete it :)
# 04:05 Jeena but this is not a valid point, what if you don't support webmentions, or what if that person isn't on the internet_
# 04:05 sknebel the argument of lots of extra work to add the header only sometimes (e.g. if you have your webserver add it to all requests) made me think that the webmention endpoint already has to know for what URLs it should accept WMs
# 04:05 KartikPrabhu no Jeena my point is supporting proe webmention just to support wemention is unnecessary work
# 04:06 Jeena I don't get why you say it is unnecessary
# 04:07 Jeena In my opinion somehting is necessary to make this a better UX
# 04:10 Jeena I think your idea is really not bad sknebel
# 04:22 Jeena Then you know that you don't have to bother to write this and should try to find a different way to contact the person
# 04:24 KartikPrabhu so you are introducing an extra step in your own post writing UI. 1. you do a test 2. if test fails you stop writing whatever you wanted to else continue writing.
# 04:25 KartikPrabhu in any case, none of this is as issue for me so feel free to ignore me
# 04:25 Jeena Think a UI like on twitter, you start with @username and this name turns green if this indicates that it can receive a webmention or red if it doesn't
yakker, snarfed, tantek, KartikPrabhu1, wolftune, j12t_, KartikPrabhu, lukebrooker, bret, bigbluehat, davidascher, anarchivist and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 06:22 gRegorLove Re: 'webmention probe' how about if a webmention fails the UI on your site suggests fallbacks, like showing a list of the rel-me links on the target URL?
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 06:24 gRegorLove That way your publishing flow doesn't have to change (no pre-publish probe) and receivers don't have to implement probe support.
tantek joined the channel
# 06:41 KevinMarks Meg does get POSSE right in the article, if not in where she posted it
dogada joined the channel
# 06:56 tantek KevinMarks does it have a date or estimated date of when it was written?
# 06:56 tantek We could add it to timeline as (C)oncept of POSSE described
# 07:02 KartikPrabhu somehow Facebook and Google are not :open" but Twitter and Medium are
# 07:02 tantek KartikPrabhu: FB and G+ posts are not crawlable by default. Twitter and Medium posts are. Just one measure.
# 07:03 KartikPrabhu "That’s a really interesting What If, indeed. It’s also an interesting lens with which to look at Twitter and now Medium, both on their own, and in contrast with Google and Facebook. The vision of empowering everyone to create and publish into an open system, and then networking the output together, has only become more compelling since 1999."
# 07:06 tantek KartikPrabhu: vision is cheap, execution is what counts
mblaney joined the channel
# 07:16 mblaney just an idea that ties in to the probe webmention discussed earlier: instead of the probe, just store if you've ever sent a successful webmention to their home page.
loic_m joined the channel
# 07:16 mblaney then that information can become part of a nickname cache
# 07:17 mblaney then you can do whatever you like, UI-wise, to display that extra information
bret, bigbluehat, davidascher and anarchivist joined the channel
# 07:27 KartikPrabhu it is amazing that Twitter is the default widespread communication+news channel for so many
cweiske joined the channel
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Pierre-O, bret, bigbluehat, davidascher and anarchivist joined the channel
# 08:28 tantek missing the point that if you can see that tweet, then you can see the embedded tweet too
# 08:33 KartikPrabhu or actually since Twitter is a silo it could actually show embed depending on the viewers "follows"
sanduhrs, lewisnyman, jonnybarnes, kerozene and friedcell joined the channel
adactio, martinBrown, friedcell, tvn, frzn and squeakytoy joined the channel
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# 14:25 petermolnar I was thinking to integrate a reply-by-mail (eg. comment & webmention ) to my blogroll2rss plugin
# 14:26 cweiske how would you detect to what object the mail is a reply to?
# 14:26 GWG petermolnar, I am using a WordPress service called Postmatic. It does comment by email to a WordPress blog.
Garbee joined the channel
# 14:27 petermolnar I have Postie, can do the same, but I'd need do some serious magic with the post contents which I'm too tired for today
# 14:27 GWG petermolnar, I am trying to get my Workflow simplified.
# 14:34 GWG I need someone to write an Android micropub app that I can share to
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:02 voxpelli GWG: I wonder if aaronpk can make Quill as a progressive web app?
friedcell, Lancey and [jgarber] joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 15:41 GWG voxpelli, I want to be able to share using the Android sharing intents. Couldn't see a way
# 15:55 GWG I need a good way to strip Javascript and other garbage in PHP
shiflett joined the channel
danlyke and ttepasse joined the channel
# 16:07 GWG Followup question, anyone have any thoughts on figuring out that the parsed microformat information is very corrupted?
StatelessCat, friedcell and gRegorLove joined the channel
ttepasse joined the channel
# 16:30 Loqi [Peter Molnar] Extending Press This in WordPress to support indieweb reply, like and repost
# 16:31 GWG petermolnar, I bookmarked that. I have done bookmarklets but I am still hoping for better integration
# 16:31 GWG petermolnar, I want to figure out what I want to happen if it looks like that
# 16:34 Loqi Sharing from the #IndieWeb on Mobile (Android) with Apps and @WithKnown
# 16:35 petermolnar for the mf2 thing that is borked and maybe, maybe some magic regex could get something out of it, but I wouldn't hold my breath
# 16:35 GWG I had tried the older app, but it didn't work well for me
# 16:36 gRegorLove If an hentry returns a name and nothing else, I'd probably ignore it, personally
# 16:36 petermolnar well, in the US there are no restrictions on first name, are there?
# 16:38 GWG GRegorLove, that is the logic I was contemplating
# 16:39 GWG I have a fallback using OpenGraph anyway. It is useful for sites without Mf to get name and summary
# 16:45 GWG Maybe it is time to put back the endpoint code I created for Web Actions if this app works well.
# 16:46 GWG petermolnar, the way I did it was that I merged the parsed OpenGraph with the parsed microformats and microformat properties got used first. Clearly I need to reject Microformats if improperly used.
# 16:46 GWG ben_thatmustbeme, I wish I could come. I start a new job Monday. Can't ask for the first day off alas
# 16:47 petermolnar I mean as a fallback, it's a good option: it's widespread and more easy to parse
# 16:48 GWG petermolnar, if you look in the Post Kinds plugin, you can see the code I wrote that puts OpenGraph into an array of microformats properties.
# 16:55 GWG petermolnar, you think it would be worth it to do so?
# 17:01 GWG I know aaronpk wrote that library to generate comment presentation
# 17:04 GWG You know I love coming up there and seeing the gang
ehlovader joined the channel
# 17:05 GWG ben_thatmustbeme, can you get it to work for me?
# 17:06 GWG I never got to test the app because of that
# 17:07 ben_thatmustbeme oy, yeah, hopefully if I can work out a qr code system with aaronpk and he can get something up in indieauth, it will be much more accessible
# 17:08 GWG What data would be encoded in the QR code?
[aaronpk] joined the channel
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# 17:13 GWG aaronpk didn't you remove auth codes for reasons of security?
# 17:13 [aaronpk] I removed the OTP method of signing in since it's better off as a second factor, not the only factor
# 17:15 GWG How would that authenticate you against your site?
# 17:16 GWG Oauth isn't something I've internalized
# 17:16 ben_thatmustbeme that goes through the normal IA flow until it gets to redirecting back to client... instead it displays QR / text of code
# 17:16 GWG So, you log into your site and have it display a QR code to your client
# 17:17 GWG Why enter your URL? You can encode it
# 17:18 GWG The app can display the decoded URL
# 17:18 GWG Still think it is an unnecessary extra step
# 17:19 aaronpk Did you see my whole write up of QR code based logins using GPG?
# 17:19 ben_thatmustbeme if you give people the option they will just automatically log in as soon as the QR is read
# 17:21 aaronpk That's probably not quite what we're talking about here
# 17:22 aaronpk you see that when you log in to cable providers on a device like the apple tv
# 17:23 GWG Where they make you go to a computer and put in a code
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:28 ben_thatmustbeme unless the system supports a shared browser its really quite annoying to do indieauth on mobile
# 17:29 [aaronpk] Ah so logging in within an app without bouncing out to a browser
# 17:29 GWG Not sure about ben_thatmustbeme but I want to not have to worry about it.
# 17:30 myfreeweb redirection to client, as in to the native app? why is that a problem? both ios and android let you register custom url schemes to bounce back to the app
# 17:31 gRegorLove Jeena: My opinion is that you still want to publish the item on your site. If webmention fails, then you go another route to notify them. Perhaps syndicate a link to them on Twitter.
# 17:31 [aaronpk] It'd work like this: you enter your URL on the app, it would then show you a URL to open on your computer, you'd do the normal auth there, and then it would show you a 6-digit code you enter in the app
# 17:32 [aaronpk] It's a well established pattern and is now actually part of the OAuth spec
# 17:33 [aaronpk] But I still think regular IndieAuth on a phone isn't that bad if you set up the redirect to open the app
# 17:33 myfreeweb typing a url into a computer could be worse than logging into twitter/github/etc on a phone
# 17:34 myfreeweb you can use shorteners though i guess
# 17:34 [aaronpk] I wouldn't want to have to have a computer in front of me to sign in to an app
# 17:34 Jeena gRegorLove that is an half ok workaround although I don't think that thoso who don't implement homepage webmetions would have the rel twitter links
# 17:35 ben_thatmustbeme [aaronpk]: that would be fine if that worked, but doesn't work so well unless you have a fully native app, the cordova stuff gets pretty spotty on that
# 17:35 gRegorLove Really? I would think most sites with webmention support advertised would have rel-me links
# 17:36 ben_thatmustbeme actually, you can just generate a code thats readable text, open in a general browser and say log in, "does this code match the one on your device"
# 17:37 ben_thatmustbeme its the registering protocol handlers or handing specific urls back to an app that is not supported well
# 17:38 myfreeweb "Cordova will call a global function named handleOpenURL if it exists"
tvn_ and snarfed joined the channel
# 17:54 ben_thatmustbeme myfreeweb: that looks git if it works. I haven't worked with cordova for some time now, it used to not work at all though
# 17:54 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: myfreeweb: that looks great if it works. I haven't worked with cordova for some time now, it used to not work at all though
# 17:55 ben_thatmustbeme but i know they had been putting a lot in to making those things work better, the private browser was the only solution back when i wrote mobilepub and it was so horrible
# 17:57 myfreeweb ben_thatmustbeme: well you always could customize the platform-native code
# 18:15 snarfed in other news, bridgy currently backfeeds both user mentions (eg twitter @-mentions) *and replies* to those mentions to your home page...
# 18:15 snarfed ...i'm thinking about dropping the replies part, since by a strict translation, they're not user mentions themselves
# 18:15 snarfed i only did it originally because some silos notify you of them, eg FB's "X commented on a post you were mentioned in"
# 18:16 snarfed i suspect KevinMarks would want to keep the replies backfeeding
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 18:25 snarfed right, if OPD finds an original post, we prioritize that. so this is just for replies to other @-mentions
# 18:27 [kevinmarks] At the bottom you see where someone has tagged me, and then replies to that. Eg thattechgirl and Zoë Keating
# 18:28 [kevinmarks] But it doesn't pick up ones that are replies to me tweeting something, which makes sense
# 18:33 snarfed KevinMarks: so if you lost the replies to @-mentions, how much would you care?
# 18:35 snarfed threads that mention you would be more fragmented on your home page
# 18:36 snarfed ...but i'm already reluctant about the idea that bridgy should try to backfeed fully fleshed out threads anyway. definitely not an intentional use case right now
raretrack joined the channel
# 18:44 [kevinmarks] It's tricky, because being @ mentioned on Twitter has multiple meanings
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# 19:13 kylewm +1 for dropping replies to mentions. i was against them from the beginning :)
hs0ucy, singpolyma, KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
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# 20:39 snarfed current status: "reacting" to github comments, feeling a little gross about it
[aaronpk] joined the channel
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# 20:55 bear irc does - I see most of them using Textual client
# 20:56 miklb bear: I'll have to look at it, have been using Linkinus for so long, haven't even thought to look at options lately.
# 20:57 bear textual is a great osx client - it even supports custom css/html for the view if you want to get fancy
miklb joined the channel
# 21:11 ben_thatmustbeme myfreeweb: the bigger limitation at the time was that i was using adobe's phonegap build service
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