#JeenaSo I have a Problem which is a fixed problem with Twitter but not possible with our websites. I would like to tell https://mlncn.withknown.com/ something, but I't like to initiate the discussion, not comment onsomething he wrote.
#JeenaOn Twitter I just write @mlncn in my tweet and he gets mentioned and I know how to do it.
#KartikPrabhulink to his homepage and send a homepage webmention
#JeenaI went to his website to find an email address or something but there is none. I could try to send a webmention to his homepage, but I can't really see if he will ever see it or if it just goes to Nirvana
#Jeenawith comments I at least see that they end up on his website
#KartikPrabhuthat is his choice, whether to process homepage mentions or not
#kylewmJeena: yeah Known doesn't receive homepage mentions yet, but it will Real Soon Now
#kylewm(admittedly, it's pretty common that I try to respond to someone via webmention and find out the next day it didn't go through or something)
#JeenaSomehow our UI is bad in telling people what is possible and what not
#Loqi@Jeena, probably has something to do with that, yes :-) Just wish that understanding people's support of other people's rights as a matter...
#Loqi[benjamin melançon] Post in favor of LGBT rights, family friend asks 'something i should know?' But post in favor of Black rights, no one asks if i'm Black.
#JeenaBut the only way for me to contact him seems to be twitter
#kylewmIt would be pretty awesome if your authoring UI highlighted "@mlncn" and told you whether or not they could receive a webmention for that @-name
#JeenaYes it actually would, but I guess there is no way to know it before I send the webmention?
#KartikPrabhuanother simple way to do that would be to not have the rel=webmention on pages that do not accept webmentions
#kylewmThat's what we were discussing. Lots of people don't follow that convention.
#KartikPrabhuis that a convention documented somewhere?
#kylewmNot sure. It'd be a lot of extra work (for some implementations), which means many would not do it, which means you can't assume the presence of the link implies that target is valid
#LoqiA permalink is a URL which typically represents and retrieves a single post (also explicitly called a post permalink) https://indiewebcamp.com/permalink
#sknebelwould a way to send a "probe" webmention make sense?
#sknebelas in "if this had a useful source URL, would you accept it"?
#JeenaKartikPrabhu, it is obviously ok for you to not needing to know if the person you're writing a letter to will not be able to receive it, but I get really frustrated with it.
#kylewmYou could send a probe comment and then immediately delete it :)
#Jeenabut this is not a valid point, what if you don't support webmentions, or what if that person isn't on the internet_
#sknebelthe argument of lots of extra work to add the header only sometimes (e.g. if you have your webserver add it to all requests) made me think that the webmention endpoint already has to know for what URLs it should accept WMs
#KartikPrabhuno Jeena my point is supporting proe webmention just to support wemention is unnecessary work
#KartikPrabhuso you are introducing an extra step in your own post writing UI. 1. you do a test 2. if test fails you stop writing whatever you wanted to else continue writing.
#KartikPrabhuin any case, none of this is as issue for me so feel free to ignore me
#JeenaThink a UI like on twitter, you start with @username and this name turns green if this indicates that it can receive a webmention or red if it doesn't
yakker, snarfed, tantek, KartikPrabhu1, wolftune, j12t_, KartikPrabhu, lukebrooker, bret, bigbluehat, davidascher, anarchivist and gRegorLove joined the channel
#gRegorLoveRe: 'webmention probe' how about if a webmention fails the UI on your site suggests fallbacks, like showing a list of the rel-me links on the target URL?
lukebrooker joined the channel
#gRegorLoveThat way your publishing flow doesn't have to change (no pre-publish probe) and receivers don't have to implement probe support.
#KartikPrabhu"That’s a really interesting What If, indeed. It’s also an interesting lens with which to look at Twitter and now Medium, both on their own, and in contrast with Google and Facebook. The vision of empowering everyone to create and publish into an open system, and then networking the output together, has only become more compelling since 1999."
#KartikPrabhuignores all of this stuff and goes back to work
#tantekKartikPrabhu: vision is cheap, execution is what counts
mblaney joined the channel
#mblaneyjust an idea that ties in to the probe webmention discussed earlier: instead of the probe, just store if you've ever sent a successful webmention to their home page.
loic_m joined the channel
#mblaneythen that information can become part of a nickname cache
#GWGMaybe it is time to put back the endpoint code I created for Web Actions if this app works well.
#GWGpetermolnar, the way I did it was that I merged the parsed OpenGraph with the parsed microformats and microformat properties got used first. Clearly I need to reject Microformats if improperly used.
#GWGben_thatmustbeme, I wish I could come. I start a new job Monday. Can't ask for the first day off alas
#petermolnarI mean as a fallback, it's a good option: it's widespread and more easy to parse
#GWGpetermolnar, if you look in the Post Kinds plugin, you can see the code I wrote that puts OpenGraph into an array of microformats properties.
#ben_thatmustbemeoy, yeah, hopefully if I can work out a qr code system with aaronpk and he can get something up in indieauth, it will be much more accessible
#JeenaI'd like to mention my blogpost from last night about "Initiating conversations on the IndieWeb" https://jeena.net/initiating-conversations-indieweb and that in my opinion the UX which is possible for that right now is reassy bad.
#myfreewebredirection to client, as in to the native app? why is that a problem? both ios and android let you register custom url schemes to bounce back to the app
#gRegorLoveJeena: My opinion is that you still want to publish the item on your site. If webmention fails, then you go another route to notify them. Perhaps syndicate a link to them on Twitter.
#[aaronpk]It'd work like this: you enter your URL on the app, it would then show you a URL to open on your computer, you'd do the normal auth there, and then it would show you a 6-digit code you enter in the app
#[aaronpk]I wouldn't want to have to have a computer in front of me to sign in to an app
#JeenagRegorLove that is an half ok workaround although I don't think that thoso who don't implement homepage webmetions would have the rel twitter links
#ben_thatmustbeme[aaronpk]: that would be fine if that worked, but doesn't work so well unless you have a fully native app, the cordova stuff gets pretty spotty on that
#gRegorLoveReally? I would think most sites with webmention support advertised would have rel-me links
#[aaronpk]I'm pretty sure you can support that on a Cordova app
#ben_thatmustbemeactually, you can just generate a code thats readable text, open in a general browser and say log in, "does this code match the one on your device"
#ben_thatmustbemeits the registering protocol handlers or handing specific urls back to an app that is not supported well
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: myfreeweb: that looks great if it works. I haven't worked with cordova for some time now, it used to not work at all though
#ben_thatmustbemebut i know they had been putting a lot in to making those things work better, the private browser was the only solution back when i wrote mobilepub and it was so horrible
#myfreewebben_thatmustbeme: well you always could customize the platform-native code
#snarfedKevinMarks: so if you lost the replies to @-mentions, how much would you care?
#snarfedthreads that mention you would be more fragmented on your home page
#snarfed...but i'm already reluctant about the idea that bridgy should try to backfeed fully fleshed out threads anyway. definitely not an intentional use case right now
raretrack joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]It's tricky, because being @ mentioned on Twitter has multiple meanings
snarfed joined the channel
#kylewm+1 for dropping replies to mentions. i was against them from the beginning :)