LoqiKevinMarks: tommorris left you a message 14 hours, 58 minutes ago: GDS's Registers team is run by @psd who has seen the full horrors of WS-* and XML ridiculousness so is likely to be pretty practical at this point. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-12/line/1457776111723
waterpigs.co.ukedited /profile_photo (+1387) "expanded definition, added example and links to relevant pages, added indieweb examples with my multiple profile photo implementation" (view diff)
barnabywaltersIIRC there are a few nice historical examples of silos allowing more freedom with profile photos, e.g. per-post photos, or photos based on emotions or something
barnabywaltersI never saw this in action but heard people talking about it — if anyone knows what these examples are, please add them to /profile_photo
barnabywalters!tell snarfed, kylewm thanks again for all your excellent work on bridgy — I just started using publish for fb POSSE (rather than twitter->fb auto POSSE) and it was super easy to set up :)
petermolnar!tell ben_thatmustbeme neither http://stream.boffosocko.com (appears to be Known ) or http://werd.io/ is accepting webmentions from my site, stating "The source URI does not contain a link to the target URI" which is not a valid claim.
Loqikylewm: barnabywalters left you a message 6 hours, 43 minutes ago: thanks again for all your excellent work on bridgy — I just started using publish for fb POSSE (rather than twitter->fb auto POSSE) and it was super easy to set up :) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-13/line/1457873261521
tantek!tell barnabywalters I just tried a manual submission via the form on your post and for some reason that worked! Not sure where the webmention from my site to yours didn't work.
Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 28 minutes ago: I just tried a manual submission via the form on your post and for some reason that worked! Not sure where the webmention from my site to yours didn't work. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-13/line/1457898432663
barnabywaltersha ha thanks, actually today I was working on getting facebook interactions backfed to my site properly, and all of the likes look ridiculous in my current comment display :)
barnabywalterstantek: ottomh I can’t actually remember but I think I take the comment HTML, pass it through a fairly strict sanitizer and then output the results
LoqiCustom post script is the practice of adding interactivity to individual posts differently from the rest of the site interactivity using custom scripts https://indiewebcamp.com/custom_post_script
tantekbarnabywalters: the reply-context here https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4fUEw5/ has a ">" linking to the in-reply-to, but right next to it the @-name linking to just the profile
Loqi[Barnaby Walters] @realscientists I always thought those were ankles, and their anatomical “knees” are buried inside what appears to be their bodies?
tantekAlso this is an interesting example because it looks like you replied to a tweet that was deleted, then later replaced by the link you put at the end of your post!
voxpelli!tell miklb I added you to my private, very much work in progress, hosted micropub to github service repository, so that you can have a reference on how my other modules work for now. Also published a brief overview on my blog
voxpellitantek: barnabywalters: cool to hear that you're both are trying to get to Nürnberg, trying to finalize my own plans to go there in the upcoming days!
petermolnarKnown has issues pulling my site because I've recently turned off SSLv3 ( only TLSv1, 1.1 and 1.2 now ); is anyone else having issues parsing https-only sites which only supports TLS?