#LoqiKevinMarks: tommorris left you a message 14 hours, 58 minutes ago: GDS's Registers team is run by @psd who has seen the full horrors of WS-* and XML ridiculousness so is likely to be pretty practical at this point. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-12/line/1457776111723
#waterpigs.co.ukedited /profile_photo (+1387) "expanded definition, added example and links to relevant pages, added indieweb examples with my multiple profile photo implementation" (view diff)
#barnabywalterswhat prompted me to look was wanting to document my practice of keeping the original profile photo associated with old posts
#barnabywaltersIIRC there are a few nice historical examples of silos allowing more freedom with profile photos, e.g. per-post photos, or photos based on emotions or something
#mblaneyfair enough, that definitely makes it more complicated :-)
#barnabywaltersI never saw this in action but heard people talking about it — if anyone knows what these examples are, please add them to /profile_photo
#barnabywaltersaaah it feels good to have done a bit of creative/maintenance work on my site after about a year of just using it :)
#mblaneyI haven't heard it mentioned here recently
#barnabywaltersI haven’t been around here for ages, so anything I remember is from at least a year ago :)
#mblaneywelcome back! I have been around less than that :-)
#mblaneyare you getting back in to your indieweb projects then?
#barnabywaltersthank you! I didn’t think I recognised you :) what’s your personal site?
#barnabywaltersprobably not as actively as I was able to be before my break, but I feel a little a bit of motivation to work on them again at least
#barnabywalters!tell snarfed, kylewm thanks again for all your excellent work on bridgy — I just started using publish for fb POSSE (rather than twitter->fb auto POSSE) and it was super easy to set up :)
#petermolnar!tell ben_thatmustbeme neither http://stream.boffosocko.com (appears to be Known ) or http://werd.io/ is accepting webmentions from my site, stating "The source URI does not contain a link to the target URI" which is not a valid claim.
#kylewmhehe, woodwind does not do well with tweet storms
#Loqikylewm: barnabywalters left you a message 6 hours, 43 minutes ago: thanks again for all your excellent work on bridgy — I just started using publish for fb POSSE (rather than twitter->fb auto POSSE) and it was super easy to set up :) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-13/line/1457873261521
#tantek!tell barnabywalters I just tried a manual submission via the form on your post and for some reason that worked! Not sure where the webmention from my site to yours didn't work.
#Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 28 minutes ago: I just tried a manual submission via the form on your post and for some reason that worked! Not sure where the webmention from my site to yours didn't work. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-13/line/1457898432663
#KevinMarkswell, except that js:dr pages often have ogp or twitter cards markup
#tantekKevinMarks: right, they have the markup on the page, not JS that generates that markup :P
#aaronpkslack looks in this order: oEmbed, Twitter card, Facebook card, HTML meta tags
singpolyma joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk: so if the whole page (include all that meta) is js;dr, Slack sees nothing
#barnabywaltersah thanks tantek! I just fixed an issue with accepting webmentions on my site this morning, so it was almost certainly that
#aaronpkpresumably yes. interestingly, that's one of the issues with esri pages we're dealing with right now.
#barnabywaltersha ha thanks, actually today I was working on getting facebook interactions backfed to my site properly, and all of the likes look ridiculous in my current comment display :)
#tantekbarnabywalters: you preserved comment white-space and links (or is that view auto_link ? )
#barnabywalterstantek: ottomh I can’t actually remember but I think I take the comment HTML, pass it through a fairly strict sanitizer and then output the results
#LoqiCustom post script is the practice of adding interactivity to individual posts differently from the rest of the site interactivity using custom scripts https://indiewebcamp.com/custom_post_script
#aaronpkI thought I saw barnaby RSVP'd for at least one of them!
barnabywalters and ttepasse joined the channel
#barnabywalterstantek: RE German IWCs, yep, I’m going to Nürnburg in April. And RE reply context feedback, all feedback glady accepted of course :)
#tantekbarnabywalters: awesome!!! I'm really trying hard to go to Nürnberg
#barnabywaltersI’m really looking forward to it! and of course it’d be great to see you there too
#tantekbarnabywalters: the reply-context here https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4fUEw5/ has a ">" linking to the in-reply-to, but right next to it the @-name linking to just the profile
#Loqi[Barnaby Walters] @realscientists I always thought those were ankles, and their anatomical “knees” are buried inside what appears to be their bodies?
#tantekbecause the two links are right next to each other, they look like *one link*
#barnabywalterstrue, it’s a bit of a small click/touch target as well
#tantekthus from a UX perspective, it sets an expectation of clicking on that "one link" to go to the original
#tantekhowever if you click where the @-name is, it just goes to the profile
#tantekany way you can make that whole "link" link to the in-reply permalink?
#tantekAlso this is an interesting example because it looks like you replied to a tweet that was deleted, then later replaced by the link you put at the end of your post!
j12t joined the channel
#KartikPrabhubarnabywalters: re: reply context, the "right arrow" is a bit too small for clicking even with my mouse pointer
#voxpelli!tell miklb I added you to my private, very much work in progress, hosted micropub to github service repository, so that you can have a reference on how my other modules work for now. Also published a brief overview on my blog
#voxpellitantek: barnabywalters: cool to hear that you're both are trying to get to Nürnberg, trying to finalize my own plans to go there in the upcoming days!
#petermolnarKnown has issues pulling my site because I've recently turned off SSLv3 ( only TLSv1, 1.1 and 1.2 now ); is anyone else having issues parsing https-only sites which only supports TLS?