KartikPrabhu1, j12t, tbbrown and tantek joined the channel
#acegiakkylewm, GWG: smoko is morning tea? myfreeweb: yeah I'm not sure why all the likes and reposts ever are being summed and presented for each page
#Loqiacegiak meant to say: kylewm, GWG: smoko is morning tea? myfreeweb: yeah I'm not sure why all the likes and reposts ever are being summed and presented for each post
#KevinMarksis there an equivalent of checkin for met a person that isn't just rel="met" ?
#tantekcan you rephrase without code? with just a user real world scenario?
#KevinMarksif I want to post "I just met GWG" what is the post type?
#LoqiPost or posts may refer to individual pieces of content published on an indieweb site such as notes, articles, & responses, or the act of creating the aforementioned content (present tense), or Posts about the IndieWeb https://indiewebcamp.com/post_type
#acegiakSo the way whisperfollow works is every five minutes it starts this loop: while(rand(0,count(subscriptions)/10 >1){ poll(subscriptions[rand(0,count(subscriptions))]); }
#Loqiacegiak meant to say: So the way whisperfollow works is every five minutes it starts this loop: while(rand(0,count(subscriptions)/10) >1){ poll(subscriptions[rand(0,count(subscriptions))]); }
#Loqij4y_funabashi: snarfed left you a message 12 hours, 21 minutes ago: hi! sounds like you noticed the bridgy problems. your site was fetching bridgy response pages over and over for hours/days, as much as 5-10qpm at peak, so i (mostly) blocked your server IP. sorry. :/ http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-19/line/1458415268608
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] Vouch has been implemented for two CMSes so far in a way that is not very expensive for senders. Referrers are logged and processed to confirm they link to the site. If they do, they’re stored as potential vouch URLs. To select a vouch URL to send ...
#gRegorLove(comment on actual post is awaiting moderation)
#gRegorLoveActually, first time I submitted the comment on the site, a javascript alert popped up saying my comment wasn't added, make sure I entered all the fields. I checked and they were entered, so tried to submit it again. Then got a javascript alert that it wasn't added because it was a duplicate comment.
#gRegorLoveSo hopefully it shows up there eventually :)
#j4y_funabashi!tell snarfed Oops, sorry about that! I have stopped my processing daemon and will get that fixed today
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+173) "/* fix photo plain text title name */ rejecting use of [photo] or [video] at start because Firefox tab names" (view diff)
#myfreewebonly very directed spam would have hashcash & be a valid h-entry reply/like/repost
#tantekI expect that as Webmention adoption grows, spammers will adopt whatever markup they need to
#tantekin addition, silos eventually began abusing rel=nofollow by putting it on second party content (posts on silos) instead of *just* 3rd party content (comments on posts on silos)
#tantekso rel=nofollow is doubly bad. ineffective for intended purpose, and punishes "normal" users
#tantekthe punshing in this case is hurting their searchability
#petermolnarby the way, re: wordpress & pingbacks: the wp pingback hooks is terrible; I wanted to add a specific check against sender values and it's basically impossible to do it; no wonder nobody want to save it, it would need to split from the generic xmlrpc core and have much better control over it's incoming requests
#tantekanyone else here use a feed reader? shaners?
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+60) "DONE: fix photo plain text title name (finished minimum needed), move remaining thoughts to: improve photo plain text title name, note finished today, use-cases" (view diff)
#j4y_funabashiWoo! my site is now hosted on a raspberry pi! feels good to not be reliant on digital ocean and have my data in-house
#petermolnarj4y_funabashi sounds good, but I have a question: how and where do you back it up?
#petermolnaralso, be careful with rpi power sources, mine recently blow a 3A fuse...
#j4y_funabashipetermolnar: at the moment all post data + files are stored on an external hard drive mounted on /media/BACKUP. Next step is to add a cron job dir to push that to s3
#j4y_funabashiI have read that about the power but have never experienced it myself
#petermolnarj4y_funabashi s3 is OK, local backup is not enough. It used to be, when critical things were not (only) digital, but a remote location backup is a must.
#j4y_funabashiMain concern at the moment is that my IP might change as my ISP (virgin) dont seem to offer static IP's but I think I am just going to deal with that if/when it happens
#tantek(really curious to hear if my Atom entry title fix worked for you)
#snarfedi don't know! your items look the same right now, but newsblur may not re-render old items. not sure.
#petermolnarj4y_funabashi they provide free dns hosting. if you point you domain's ns records to their server, you can use that as dns server. they also provide an api to make changes to those domain records, therefore yes, it's a free dyndns with your own domain.
#tanteksnarfed, dang. maybe I need to post a new photo or something?
#j4y_funabashipetermolnar: ok, so I would need to write a little script to monitor my external IP and ping their api when it changes?
#j4y_funabashipetermolnar: you said s3 is ok, do you have any other similar services you prefer?
#petermolnarI have a home server (my previous laptop, a bit tweaked) and a rented server in a different country, so there short answer is no, I do not prefer '... as service' solutions :)
#petermolnarthe longer story involves the lack of rsync, the mistrust of how long a business operates and costs :)
#j4y_funabashibut I guess you have to trust someone if you want offline backup?
#petermolnarI recently dug into long term archival topic (again); the last time I checked magneto-optical disks for a fortune or LTO for an arm and a leg were the options; nowadays either plain blu-ray or m-disk is a viable offline archival for surprisingly long term (m-disk is "clinically" proven ~600 years?, whereas plain blu-ray, according to Panasonic, should be 20-25 years, which I can accept )
#j4y_funabashialthough I have been looking and microSD cards are pretty damn cheap now (£60 for 128GB!)
#petermolnarbut they start losing charge in ~5 years
#petermolnarI planned to make a little device, solar powered, with a few sd slots, that fsck each card every couple of months, otherwise cuts power to the slots
#petermolnarbut I'd much more complicated than blu-rays :)
#j4y_funabashiI like the idea of keeping data on micro SD cards and maybe posting/giving them to a friend every few months, kind of them like an incremental snapshot
#petermolnarj4y_funabashi a colleague of mine advised to put the sdcard in an envelope, (royal mail ) post it to a nonexistent address in the UK to some hilariously remote location, fsck when it comes back, rinse, repeat, that should be off-site enough :)
#tantek!tell shaners thanks to your and snarfed's persistence I think I've finally fixed the "my photo post titles look bad in your feed readers" problem - give it a go (maybe reload my feed?) and see how it does. Appreciate the patience!
#kylewmsnarfed: i think so, i think that was something we added after the original version. checking now.
#snarfedotherwise [jgarber] my guess is it's that we recently capped original post discovery to 10 items per feed. that's usually fine, but maybe i did it wrong and count per page, not per feed, and your page is structured so that there are always 10 non-photo items first :P
#kylewmsnarfed: yup, confirming that we support multiple h-feeds
#[jgarber]Sure thing! And thank you all for the quick help. For the Instagram comment Bridgy pages thing I mentioned above, should I add an Issue on GitHub?
#[jgarber]The “liked then un-liked” scenario you outline makes sense that that would 404.
#[jgarber]The difference in like count on my site vs. on Instagram would be due to…? The sad reality of getting data out of Instagram? Private accounts? Some combination of things?
#[jgarber](Don’t mistake that as a complaint! Mostly curious about the various reasons likes may or may not make it back to my site.)
#snarfedinstagram's API says 8 people have liked that photo but only actually says who 4 of them are
#snarfedi'd guess the other 4's accounts are protected
#[jgarber]The other private account on this particular photo I frequently get webmentions from. It’s far from the end of the world. The inconsistency is what I had a hard time figuring out.
#[jgarber]Ah, yeah, I’ve been following that from a distance.
#[jgarber]That… _might_ be an improvement in consistency at the expense of just about everything else.
#Loqi[shaners]: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 28 minutes ago: thanks to your and snarfed's persistence I think I've finally fixed the "my photo post titles look bad in your feed readers" problem - give it a go (maybe reload my feed?) and see how it does. Appreciate the patience! http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-20/line/1458485905100
#[shaners]Tantek. New post looks good in my reader (Reeder.app). I haven't un/re-subscribed to see if it fixed old posts too. But does that much matter?
#gRegorLoveDoes Known use Akismet or any other anti-spam measures for local comments? Looking through the code all I noticed was the extra text field that shouldn't be filled in.
#gRegorLoveI'd be interested what the local comment quality is like on Known sites
#gRegorLoveI honestly care more about letting my circles of friends comment on stuff easily over the possibility of low quality comments from people I don't know.
#aaronpkI guess that was the problem, I wasn't getting any actual comments from friends anymore