tantek!tell shaners the microformat page on Wikipedia could certainly use a re-write but I'm not the person for it, being primary editor of all the new stuff and all. See: WP:NPOV
tantek"I see no way to report an annotation for abuse or harassment—perhaps that is only available for users?—and I see no way to block a user from annotating my content. "
tantek"Genius is officially worse than Twitter: I can block a user on Twitter, and they can then go and scribble whatever they want on my website using Genius."
LoqigRegorLove: [shaners] left you a message 4 hours, 9 minutes ago: Yeah. I need to build up the redirects feature in Dark Matter better to handle the new URL scheme. (I’ve dropped the nth of day bit from my paths.) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-25/line/1458940357233
tantekit's not a "fantastic idea" if *existing culture* (which frankly, any tech developer / UX designer MUST study in order to design well) has a problem
LoqiCelery is a Python-based tool for executing asynchronous background tasks, distributing tasks amongst many worker processes, and running scheduled or period tasks (via Celerybeat) https://indiewebcamp.com/Celery
tantekeither they are serving your assetts from *their* domain (which is *very* risky, because then your scripts can operate from their security context, e.g. your scripts can grab THEIR session cookies), OR they are serving your assetts from *your* domain in which case you should see a different referer
gRegorLoveI was playing with just replacing the leading slash in document.location.pathname and changing the document.location to that, but it didn't work right.
kylewmKartikPrabhu: I have to agree with what tantek said yesterday, you cannot separate the idea from the execution -- seems like they did not even consider the potential for abuse, cannot blame the users for that
bearcan you make the "genius.it" part a variable and wrap it in a function that can be called? then people could include it in their <body> section with a parameter
KartikPrabhuKevinMarks: one potential way to circumvent your script, if people simply do a <script src="savant.js"> would be for genius.it to just block loading of that script name
voxpelliI'm thinking it could be whatever string that would contain an absolute href, but better to just make use of the fact that Genius adds a base tag :)
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] a jpg#Allegiant was better than Insurgent. I liked it. Beautiful world-building and technoconcepts. The critics are wrong (about yet another scifi/future movie), including Rotten Tomatoes etc.
kylewmvoxpelli: I'm not sure what you're asking. I want to add an asynchronous job queue for Known; I was thinking SQS was on possible way to make it possible on shared hosting
kylewmso if that's the case, I don't see a reason for jobs to be triggerd by an http request -- they can be a totally separate process and not worry about timeouts and stuff