2016-03-30 UTC
# 00:00 tantek took a screenshot - will upload later (unless someone beats me to it)
# 00:43 Loqi [indieweb] "Squashed a few bugs on my site today, and posted my travel plans for..."
snarfed and moredhel joined the channel
jdp, KartikPrabhu and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
# 02:35 kylewm To translate to and from the short id format?
shiflett joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:22 snarfed kylewm: yeah. we need the shortcode to scrape a specific photo/video, but often we only have the id, eg in bridgy wm sources
tantek, miklb, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, ben_thatmustbeme, wolftune, danlyke and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
tantek, yakker, cweiske, loic_m and oeg1 joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
lewisnyman, tantek, squeakytoy2, Pierre-O, friedcell1, marcthiele, friedcell and j12t joined the channel
squeakytoy2 and Pierre-O joined the channel
j12t, Pierre-O, loic_m and Garbee joined the channel
cleverdevil and j12t joined the channel
# 11:50 sknebel Loqi, you really need to learn to understand context one of these days :P
Kopfstein joined the channel
hs0ucy, John_Duh, j12t, mlncn and singpolyma joined the channel
friedcell, hs0ucy, Lancey__, shiflett-COFFEE, wolftune, j12t, yakker, petermolnar, tantek and nitot joined the channel
# 15:53 tantek Hmm - do we have indie / POSSE events posted for April HWCs?
# 15:55 GWG I am hoping that I can try NYC again someday for HWC
# 15:56 tantek GWG - did you see my invitation to Science Hack Day NYC?
# 15:56 GWG I did. I believe I have a conflict.
mlncn_, tvn and [jgarber] joined the channel
# 16:04 GWG I have a project that I am having trouble picking back up.
# 16:05 tantek good morning jgarber! any updates on HWC DC for April?
# 16:09 GWG I am trying to figure out what rel me links might look like if not what I've done before
snarfed, gRegorLove, begriffs and [jgarber] joined the channel
# 16:55 [jgarber] tantek: I’m unavailable on 4/6, but oliverpattison is looking into organizing for that week.
# 17:03 tantek jgarber - great - can you add that to the wiki page for 2016-04-06 HWC?
# 17:05 [jgarber] tantek: Once we’ve got a location sorted, I’ll add to the wiki.
# 17:08 tantek always incrementally update the wiki with the known knowns and known unknowns, helps people see / guess likelihood and plan accordingly
# 17:10 snarfed google bought it, but hasn't announced plans for it yet
# 17:10 snarfed and we regularly see references to mac programs (eg contacts.app) in tweets :P
# 17:10 aaronpk add .dev while you're at it. Google registered it and it's for private use only, as in only for google internal services
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
# 17:17 tantek pretty sure we documented this on the wiki somewhere?
# 17:17 aaronpk huh "We have identified that there is more than one TLD application for this gTLD"
# 17:18 snarfed "we have identified" language is funny. "After a long and thorough investigation, our top detectives have discovered a hidden second application!"
# 17:19 tantek Who could have known? Everyone can have Known, it's open source ;)
snarfed1 and yakker joined the channel
# 17:31 tantek lol just saw a "You're out of invites" message on FB! WTF? has anyone ever seen that before?
# 17:36 Loqi An invitation is an optional feature of an event post (an event with invitations), or a reply to an event post that also notifies a list of invitees that they've been invited to the event, or a special case of that, an RSVP to an event that also invites additional people to it https://indiewebcamp.com/invitation
j12t, snarfed and [shaners] joined the channel
# 18:06 [shaners] Are there any Los Angeles area folks in the channel that would be interested in a HWC LA?
squeaky joined the channel
# 18:11 tantek shaners, at least two others - did you check the HWC page?
# 18:17 Loqi Homebrew Website Club is a bi-weekly meetup of people passionate about or interested in creating, improving, building, designing their own website, in the same structure as the Homebrew Computer Club meetings https://indiewebcamp.com/hwc
# 18:18 gRegorLove "However, we want to be clear that Genius does not enable abuse." Uh huh.
# 18:19 gRegorLove They did at least add a public 'report abuse" tool, but I remain skeptical
# 18:21 tantek does not enable abuse?!? either naïve or deliberately legalistically defensive
emmak joined the channel
# 18:21 tantek EVERY public silo enables abuse - that's one of the lessons we've learned
# 18:23 tantek there was one other LA person in the channel who I forgot was saying they wanted to start a HWC LA soon
# 18:23 tantek since LA is so big - I could easily see several regional ones
# 18:23 tantek shaners, perhaps indicate LA / (region/neighborhood) explicitly
friedcell and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:26 [shaners] That’s definitely the hardest part about LA meetups. It’s 500 square miles, instead of SF’s 49. :confused:
# 18:27 tantek it's ok, pick a spot that's convenient to you as an organizer so it's easier for you to do it consistently
# 18:27 KevinMarks well, the bay area is about as big - I travel ~ 50 miles for HWC
# 18:28 tantek KevinMarks++ it's true, major props for making the effort so consistently.
# 18:32 [shaners] I’ve been working out of the Pivotal LA office for the past few weeks. And there’s space to do meetups here and I have initial approval to do something like that. So...
# 18:33 [shaners] Also, considering doing a IWC LA here. Since an office is more hospital than a barn for this kind of event.
# 18:34 [shaners] I guess I should also get back into the logo redesign to finish up the logotype with enough time to order stickers etc for Summit in PDX.
# 18:43 gRegorLove That's intentional as I recall, though I'm not a big fan of it either.
# 18:46 [shaners] As a human, I treat trailing slashes in URLs as inconsequential even though I know that sometimes softwares sometimes treats them as significant.
# 18:46 tantek I used to. Then once I thought about it too much I can't help but now see them as potentially significant, the way a file vs a folder is significant
# 18:47 singpolyma (since domain + no path is pretty clearly talking about the whole collection)
# 18:48 [shaners] singpolyma: I know that (and said as much). I just think that distinction is not very human user friendly.
# 18:49 singpolyma [shaners]: well, I'm not sure most human users are URL users, unfortunately.
# 18:50 [shaners] I might be missing something, but I don’t see you in the list.
# 18:57 singpolyma [shaners]: it has 100% of the information it needs to have ;)
# 18:57 tantek singpolyma what are you working on next on your site?
# 18:58 singpolyma tantek: Hmm. I've been more focused on compatability elsewhere (like trying to push + polish my GNU Social plugin). my own site works pretty well
# 19:00 [shaners] maybe you can document on your wiki page what your site does (and intentionally doesn’t do)?
chimo joined the channel
# 19:16 tantek FB has an interesting "location tagging" flow
# 19:17 tantek though I'm not sure it is "tagging" per se (in the folksonomy sense)
# 19:17 tantek but rather an informalism instead of "suggest location property"
# 19:18 tantek "so and so accepted your location suggestion on her photo."
# 19:18 tantek (white location pin on pink bg square mini-icon) n minutes ago
# 19:19 tantek (need to find a non-personal / public-ok example to screenshot and upload)
# 19:22 tantek on *some* FB photos without an explicit location, they have a UI for location info
# 19:23 tantek if it's another's photo: [ Suggest Location ]
# 19:26 tantek KevinMarks: js;dr LOL: "{{::UserService.getCurrentUser().name}}
begriffs and begriffs_ joined the channel
# 20:01 tantek suggest location is a web action for posting a location response to a post indicating location information for the post, like where a photo was taken.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:06 aaronpk I can't redirect http -> https until I solve the hotlinked image problem
mlncn joined the channel
# 20:07 tantek aaronpk: I thought I logged in, why am I not logged in?
# 20:08 tantek A: It's possible you logged in via https and then are viewing a page over http, or vice-versa.
# 20:09 aaronpk the cookie is https-only. the other thing i could do is change that to allow it to send the cookie over http
# 20:10 aaronpk singpolyma: because there are a lot of hotlinked images from http domains and they would all break
# 20:10 singpolyma aaronpk: why would they break? redirects should work in <img src="..."> etc
# 20:11 aaronpk because the browser will refuse to embed an http URL for an img tag from an https domain
# 20:11 tantek singpolyma: mixed-content blocking in browsers
# 20:11 aaronpk mixed-content warnings got serious the last couple years
# 20:12 singpolyma aaronpk: wait, so the problem is that images hotlinked from wiki pages won't load?
# 20:12 singpolyma so, I have to log in using https, but I have to read over http in order to not see broken pages?
# 20:15 aaronpk the problem is I can't find a good way in mediawiki to rewrite those image URLs to an https proxy URL
# 20:16 aaronpk I got part of the way there, but it doesn't work for some of the ways we hotlink images
# 20:17 singpolyma Yeah, ok. I guess Chromisms break the web now the way IEisms used to :)
# 20:17 tantek not really. these are deliberate changes to improve secure browsing
# 20:18 tantek latest Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari all do this (block mixed content)
# 20:19 singpolyma I guess I'm glad I'm still on a non-broken version of Firefox, then :)
# 20:20 singpolyma KartikPrabhu: the purpose of a web browser is to show me web pages. If it breaks the pages it is meant to show me, this is bad behaviour
# 20:23 singpolyma KartikPrabhu: well, in this case it is forcing people to turn off HTTPS completely
# 20:23 singpolyma which is even more insecure than just the images maybe being shown by a middleman
# 20:24 singpolyma tantek: blocking mixed-mode images is forcing real websites (example: indiewebcamp.com) to prefer serving the entire website unsecured
# 20:26 tantek (and apparently everybody missed it because it answers singpolyma and KartikPrabhu's questions / concerns)
# 20:26 Loqi [Mike West] Upgrade Insecure Requests
# 20:28 singpolyma tantek: didn't miss it. but theoretical future tech is seperate from real current problem (ie: indiewebcamp.com is forced to prefer non-secure requests in a semi-confusing way)
# 20:31 tantek singpolyma: not theoretical, already deployed in latest FF and Chrome production
Gold joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 21:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
friedcell1 joined the channel
# 21:16 aaronpk has anyone here turned a single longer reply post on their site into a bunch of tweets?
# 21:16 aaronpk like how people are doing the 1/5 2/5 .. thing on twitter when typing long posts
# 21:18 tantek I think that's a twitter contortion that once you start posting all your text on your own site you can't be bothered to packetize for Twitter
# 21:19 aaronpk i was about to reply to a tweet and realized i would need more than 120 characters for the reply
# 21:19 aaronpk then wasn't sure if i should make a bunch of replies from my site and syndicate each one
# 21:19 aaronpk or if i could turn a single post on my site into a bunch of tweets
# 21:19 tantek nah, ellipse and make them read the rest on your site
# 21:20 KevinMarks if you do it, you need to make each subsequent tweet a reply to the previous one
# 21:20 KevinMarks there is a tweet collection API, but it's not exposed in normal ui
# 21:48 tantek KevinMarks: by opposite I mean noterlive generates the tweet sized packets first which then it stitches into the longer archive (which you presumably copy/paste the HTML of to publish)
# 21:49 tantek just reserved MozSF space for the remaining HWC SF meetups except for 06-15, 06-29, and 09-21 (where he won't be able to make it to HWC SF).
# 21:49 Loqi tantek meant to say: just reserved MozSF space for the remaining 2016 HWC SF meetups except for 06-15, 06-29, and 09-21 (where he won't be able to make it to HWC SF).
# 21:50 tantek got tired of not getting the big room the few times he "only" reserved space a week in advance (e.g. next week)
# 22:03 aaronpk tantek: what do you think about trying to do joint sf/pdx again?
# 22:04 aaronpk at least with talky and that Jabra mic since that worked well during the w3c meetings
# 22:04 tantek we could try again - I think it's difficult when both parties are "away" from the laptop/screen
# 22:04 aaronpk having the wireless mic that can be set on something near everyone works well
# 22:05 tantek also not great if either location is at a cafe or otherwise outdoorsy spot
# 22:05 tantek (which I don't want to discourage, since sometimes that kind of change of venue is nice)
# 22:05 tantek (sparks different creativity, discussions, etc.)
# 22:06 tantek (seriously can't believe I just booked office space in a corp calendar through end of the year)
Guerillero|BNC joined the channel
# 22:09 gRegorLove tantek: Looks good to me. Doesn't look that different from other HWC pages at a glance.
# 22:10 tantek gRegorLove: major differences are default cities being shown, plus LA is there (optimistically) but commented out
# 22:10 gRegorLove Idea: I could set up a template "HWC-skeleton" and then adding a new HWC page would just require wiki text: {{subst:HWC-skeleton}}
# 22:11 tantek that might be more work though - every month or so we end up altering a lot of defaults
# 22:11 tantek hence why I only suggested replicating out May and June
# 22:11 gRegorLove subst: substitutes the template rather than parsing it every page load
# 22:11 aaronpk and i'd hate to have the old pages be completely reformatted when we add new stuff
# 22:12 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
friedcell joined the channel
# 23:13 tantek certainly: "Users won’t be able to post on Parlio any more starting today", "Members can download their content for the next 30 days." (yikes)
KartikPrabhu and shiflett joined the channel
# 23:29 tantek new Twitter iOS client (v6.50 2016-03-28) claims "users can create alt txt for images" - is that in the API? worth considering as a Bridgy Publish option?
# 23:29 snarfed tantek: yes, in api, KevinMarks linked here earlier
# 23:29 snarfed feel free to file an issue if you want, i don't entirely understand what it is yet :P
# 23:30 tantek does anyone put decent alt text on their u-photo img tags?
# 23:30 tantek snarfed, first question is if anyone who publishes indie photos is bothering to specify decent alt txt
# 23:31 tantek and then if need a way of extracting it from posts
# 23:32 KevinMarks " Medium is using it to ensure images of pull quotes from articles have alt text when publishing to Twitter. "
# 23:35 tantek their web UI typically lags their "native" mobile apps these days
# 23:37 Loqi alt is a required attribute of the <img> element and should be provided in any use of images on indieweb pages from photo posts to featured and other images in articles https://indiewebcamp.com/alt