#gRegorLoveShould articles be listed chronologically by date published, or newest first?
#tantekI'm not sure we're consistent, may depend on context
#gregorlove.comedited /News_Genius (+292) "/* Articles */ Genius Wants To Let Readers Annotate Any News Article. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" (view diff)
#KevinMarksFiskkit tries to get you to tag for truth, but I can see it being bothersome too
#KevinMarksFiskkit is an app and website that encourages people to Fisk online articles, by letting them tag and interpolate comments at the sentence level.
#KevinMarksyou will end up repeating yourself I think.
#miklbthat's what I was wondering. something like this <article class="post h-entry" itemscope itemprop="blogPost" itemtype="http://schema.org/BlogPosting">
#petermolnarthe only reasoning I have against schema.org that it feels like java+xml all over again
#Loqi[Kevin Marks] Microformats 2 and Schema 2015-06-30
#aaronpkmiklb: the short answer is using schema.org or anything else as well as microformats won't hurt anything
#aaronpkbut I think you threw people off with the original phrasing which sounded like you were asking about how to use schema.org vocabularies as microformats markup
#Loqi[Aaron Parecki] Today in #wafflewednesday ... Biscuit dough filled with tomato sauce, mozzarella and fresh basil, waffled and then topped with pesto and Greek olives. #waffleeverything...
#snarfedhey kylewm you're familiar with php-mf2, right? do you know if it now distinguishes correctly between eg u-like and u-like-of? (i'm looking at https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2 but it's not easy to tell.)
#KevinMarksmf2 parsers only really look at prefixes; it's backcompat for mf1 where we interpret things
#KevinMarksand also utils code that tries to normalise
#GWGI have a problem with finishing a project. If I use icon fonts, I already have the code. If I go for SVG, I would have to do more work. And I don't feel like doing it now.
#GWGTrying to decide if I should go the easy route so I can use the product.
#sknebelyes, you probably should if that's the options ;)
#KevinMarksthe google favicon proxy was written for exactly this use case - showing site icons in a rel me list for Google Profiles; Google plus still uses it
Garbee joined the channel
#GWGKevinMarks, if I don't complete this by Monday, I need to do a stopgap, even if it is my fault
#KevinMarksdo the google proxy thing first, it's easy
#tantekJust got a "This version of Safari is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a support browser. Dismiss" message from Gmail (on Safari 6.1.6 (7537.78.2))
#tantekI don't really understand why something as simple in layout needs as email needs to be so picky.
#[shaners]It’s after the US Election Day, but before Thanksgiving.
#cleverdevilso, DreamHost would be willing to host at our downtown LA offices at some point.
#tantekshaners, overlaps (exactly) with Science Hack Day SF if you care about that, I know we have some folks here in SF that go to both kinds of events.