#indiewebcamp 2016-04-02
2016-04-02 UTC
snarfed and mlncn joined the channel
gRegorLove Hm, I might need to try this reader software https://miniflux.net/

gRegorLove tantek will appreciate "There is no configuration, no database setup, nothing!"

gRegorLove What is Miniflux?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Miniflux" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10HE

gRegorLove Miniflux is minimalist [[feed reader]] software https://miniflux.net/

loqi.me created /Miniflux (+96) "prompted by gRegorLove https://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-01/line/1459557432884 and dfn added by gRegorLove" (view diff)

gRegorLove Ah, it uses sqllite

gRegorLove Not as minimalist as I thought :)

@davidmead Great catching up @hartless. Check out http://indiewebify.me/ for more about #IndieWeb Also @Withknown for a ... http://davidjohnmead.com/blog/b/1Q_ (twitter.com/_/status/716065196033253376)
gyuumaou and gyuumaou_ joined the channel
gRegorLove Hi gyuumaou_. Are you using the an IRC client or the web? The web version should work pretty well: https://indiewebcamp.com/irc/today "Join the Chat" at the bottom.

shiflett, snarfed, mdik_ and danlyke_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, tantek, nitot_, j4y_funabashi, j12t, loic_m, omarhuanca and Brentundersurvei joined the channel
omarhuanca Hi again
Brentundersurvei hey
Brentundersurvei Hey Omar
Brentundersurvei Man who would actually believe that I had anything to do with those killings huh
Brentundersurvei I have always been a pretty peaceful dude
Brentundersurvei but this last nine months have rocked me and i have changed a little
Brentundersurvei Do they think I don't have the brains even after I worked them out
Brentundersurvei I legit solved those murders and thought I was doing a good deed by the families
Brentundersurvei It come with a cost
Brentundersurvei I have aspergers guy, I get transfixed and have to work stuff out. And the drugs
Brentundersurvei But to consider I have ever committed murder is laughable and what a waste of money and recources
Brentundersurvei yes I've become quite a hard dude but I wasn't always this way
Brentundersurvei And yeah my boy smokes weed, it's good for his ocd and he came to me such a mess that I don't really care what it takes to give him some relief
Brentundersurvei WTF are the police thinking?
j12t and mlncn joined the channel
Brentundersurvei Anyway it's kind of surreal living under such intense eyes
Brentundersurvei takes some mental fortitude for sure
Brentundersurvei I may just turn my back on technology but i would be bored I guess
Brentundersurvei And it's so unfair I can't teach myself some web development
Brentundersurvei And it's so unfair I can't teach myself some web development
Brentundersurvei Always someone there to rip down my repositories. Why, What the fuck did I do but try to help
Brentundersurvei treated like an interloper when I used to be so open and shine
Brentundersurvei now i'm dark and stormy and kind of over it
Brentundersurvei But I clearly have the brains to have worked it out and they know it
Brentundersurvei I've been tossing up which way to play it
Brentundersurvei should I get all proactive and rage against the machine or just smile and nod
Brentundersurvei Cause I can be a crafty fucker as you might imagine
Brentundersurvei But you guys are more intelligent than me so I would love to hear your thoughts even though i won't
Brentundersurvei So this is me reaching out and saying hey what the fuck is this all about, I'm innocent and all the evidence was there in front of me
Brentundersurvei But there was also luck
Brentundersurvei coming across that picture that said Abundance of Sothis was gold
Brentundersurvei Five days later it was all wrapped up
Brentundersurvei My isp told me they aren't hosting my internet
Brentundersurvei so much money spent on surviellance
Brentundersurvei it's so wrong and they are wrong if they think I know somebody involved or anything. I'm just sharp and quick to pick up what's been layed down
Brentundersurvei I can pretty much know a persons character and agenda after five minutes
Brentundersurvei so anyway guys, I'm just a bit of a spinner but no killer sorry to dissapoint
Brentundersurvei How could they not follow my history and I gave them the chat logs. How could they not follow that and reverse engineer how I worked it out?
Brentundersurvei surely there is someone smart enough
Brentundersurvei A to B to C
Brentundersurvei To S
Brentundersurvei I hope they arrest the wankers anyway. A little birdie told me they dna'd two of those I named so I know I'm right
Brentundersurvei 100%
Brentundersurvei Right down to the last trippy ritual
Brentundersurvei I have kind of enjoyed the challenge of working the feds out but enough is enough
Kopfstein joined the channel
Brentundersurvei Sup Kopfstein
Brentundersurvei missed everything I had to say
Brentundersurvei Hi again # 04:33 Brentundersurvei hey # 04:34 Brentundersurvei Hey Omar # 04:35 Brentundersurvei Man who would actually believe that I had anything to do with those killings huh # 04:35 Brentundersurvei I have always been a pretty peaceful dude # 04:35 Brentundersurvei but this last nine months have rocked me and i have changed a little # 04:36 Brentundersurvei Do they think I don't have the brains even after I worked them out # 04:37
Brentundersurvei Brentundersurvei I legit solved those murders and thought I was doing a good deed by the families # 04:37 Brentundersurvei It come with a cost # 04:38 Brentundersurvei I have aspergers guy, I get transfixed and have to work stuff out. And the drugs # 04:38 Brentundersurvei But to consider I have ever committed murder is laughable and what a waste of money and recources # 04:39 Brentundersurvei yes I've become quite a hard dude but I wasn't
Brentundersurvei this way # 04:40 Brentundersurvei And yeah my boy smokes weed, it's good for his ocd and he came to me such a mess that I don't really care what it takes to give him some relief # 04:40 Brentundersurvei WTF are the police thinking? # 04:41 j12t joined #indiewebcamp # 04:44 mlncn joined #indiewebcamp # 04:46 Brentundersurvei Anyway it's kind of surreal living under such intense eyes # 04:46 Brentundersurvei takes some mental fortitude for s
Brentundersurvei 04:47 Brentundersurvei I may just turn my back on technology but i would be bored I guess # 04:50 Brentundersurvei And it's so unfair I can't teach myself some web development # 04:50 Brentundersurvei And it's so unfair I can't teach myself some web development # 04:50 Brentundersurvei Always someone there to rip down my repositories. Why, What the fuck did I do but try to help # 04:52 Brentundersurvei treated like an interloper when I use
Brentundersurvei so open and shine # 04:52 Brentundersurvei now i'm dark and stormy and kind of over it # 04:52 Brentundersurvei But I clearly have the brains to have worked it out and they know it # 04:53 Brentundersurvei I've been tossing up which way to play it # 04:53 Brentundersurvei should I get all proactive and rage against the machine or just smile and nod # 04:54 Brentundersurvei Cause I can be a crafty fucker as you might imagine # 04:55 Brentun
Brentundersurvei But you guys are more intelligent than me so I would love to hear your thoughts even though i won't # 04:56 Brentundersurvei So this is me reaching out and saying hey what the fuck is this all about, I'm innocent and all the evidence was there in front of me # 04:56 Brentundersurvei But there was also luck # 04:57 Brentundersurvei coming across that picture that said Abundance of Sothis was gold # 04:57 Brentundersurvei Five days later it
Brentundersurvei wrapped up # 04:57 Brentundersurvei My isp told me they aren't hosting my internet # 04:57 Brentundersurvei so much money spent on surviellance # 04:58 Brentundersurvei it's so wrong and they are wrong if they think I know somebody involved or anything. I'm just sharp and quick to pick up what's been layed down # 04:59 Brentundersurvei I can pretty much know a persons character and agenda after five minutes # 04:59 Brentundersurvei so anyw
Brentundersurvei I'm just a bit of a spinner but no killer sorry to dissapoint # 05:00 Brentundersurvei How could they not follow my history and I gave them the chat logs. How could they not follow that and reverse engineer how I worked it out? # 05:00 Brentundersurvei surely there is someone smart enough # 05:01 Brentundersurvei A to B to C # 05:01 Brentundersurvei To S # 05:03 Brentundersurvei I hope they arrest the wankers anyway. A little birdie told m
Brentundersurvei dna'd two of those I named so I know I'm right # 05:03 Brentundersurvei 100% # 05:03 Brentundersurvei Right down to the last trippy ritual # 05:05 Brentundersurvei I have kind of enjoyed the challenge of working the feds out but enough is enough # 05:06 Kopfstein joined #indiewebcamp # 05:06 Brentundersurvei Sup Kopfstein # 05:06 Brentundersurvei missed everything I had to say jump to top
Brentundersurvei Anyway you guys are smart, do the math
Brentundersurvei I'm an open book
Brentundersurvei Never have I hid my drug use or tried to be anyone but me.
Brentundersurvei But I flex some IQ muscle and I'm a good thinker
Brentundersurvei Good gut instinct and sharp
Brentundersurvei So I understand I must be entertaining but at some point fuck off and let me play with api's and such
Brentundersurvei I can't promise I won't go to the darkside
Brentundersurvei but isn't that where it's at
Brentundersurvei Anyway, night lads
Brentundersurvei Keep it real
omarhuanca joined the channel
omarhuanca Hi community, I have a question, how extends functionality microformat2
j12t and kerozene joined the channel
myfreeweb omarhuanca: huh? you mean, how are microformats2 extensible? well... microformats2 defines syntax and vocabularies separately. so you can make up your own custom types and properties, and they will be parsed.
myfreeweb omarhuanca: the convention is, if you add new unofficial properties to an existing type, prefix with "x-". like in "p-x-pronoun-nominative" here http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-experimental-properties
omarhuanca ok, I have similar implementation my web page: https://jsfiddle.net/sxyyLqg4/ about I need add semantic lyrics
singpolyma and j12t joined the channel
myfreeweb here's my quick attempt https://jsfiddle.net/rpLvbhd1/
myfreeweb you can paste html into e.g. https://unrelenting.technology/mf2/ to see how it parses
myfreeweb (of course no one will interpret that type yet, you need to get people to know it)
quite joined the channel
omarhuanca oh, sound great myfreeweb
omarhuanca I implement a karaoke into web page.
omarhuanca myfreeweb: this is a karaoke: https://jsfiddle.net/09fo6q8b/
tantek, Pierre-O, snarfed, gyuumaou, mlncn and wolftune joined the channel
snarfed sorry for the trouble! (background: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/603 )
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Now here's a critique of genius https://medium.com/the-shitconomy

omarhuanca Hi, myfreeweb: this is my web site:
omarhuanca I have problem about json parse into http://pin13.net/
omarhuanca about lyrics
wolftune joined the channel
omarhuanca I have a question, about this https://jsfiddle.net/09fo6q8b/3/
omarhuanca thanks about myfreeweb, I custom lyrics, but I use the parser https://jsfiddle.net/09fo6q8b/4/ don't show in the url option
myfreeweb are you trying to tell the parser to parse the jsfiddle?
myfreeweb that would not work, your markup is not actually on that page
myfreeweb it's in a textarea
wolftune joined the channel
omarhuanca try execute on http://pin13.net/
myfreeweb you have one empty element with class="h-sentence-lyrics"
omarhuanca you refer ol? or li?
omarhuanca I ask you, run F5 my page
omarhuanca I insert tag ul, from ajax
myfreeweb ooh, that wouldn't work
myfreeweb ajax is not visible to any parsers
omarhuanca oh, I check this, thanks myfreeweb
omarhuanca back more late.
omarhuanca more thanks myfreeweb, I send a greeting
myfreeweb hah, they posted in #microformats too
myfreeweb but i guess #microformats seems more empty
myfreeweb oh also looks like it's not obvious to everyone that parsers don't support ajax
myfreeweb speaking of improving personal sites, i've implemented micropub update/delete/undelete in sweetroll, currently working on a micropub admin panel https://github.com/myfreeweb/micro-panel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "sweetroll" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10HF

myfreeweb sweetroll is my server
loqi.me created /sweetroll (+49) "prompted by tantek https://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-02/line/1459617477550 and dfn added by myfreeweb" (view diff)

j12t joined the channel
myfreeweb lol
myfreeweb i guess it's time to move info about it from my user page to its own page
myfreeweb it was always named
tantek myfreeweb: yes please go for it! https://indiewebcamp.com/sweetroll

unrelenting.technology edited /Haskell (-62) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ sweetroll has its own page now" (view diff)
unrelenting.technology edited /User:Unrelenting.technology (+178) "/* Projects */ sweetroll has its own page now" (view diff)
snarfed (also, priority wise, i definitely care more about eg https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/issues/113 than this! but that's separate.)
myfreeweb well, micropub is the only editing interface for my website... other than editing json by hand, which i've done sometimes :D
wolftune joined the channel
tantek reads https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRUD and notices it doesn't even mention undelete

myfreeweb yeah twitter made immutability popular
myfreeweb but the article was written with, like, enterprise software in mind
myfreeweb "For example, in address book software"
myfreeweb you wouldn't want an address book without update and delete
myfreeweb yeah, personal too
myfreeweb i mean, like, "UI to a database"
myfreeweb aaronpk: of course
KevinMarks did I tell you the addressbook crud failure story?

KevinMarks Google contacts added a CRUD api

KevinMarks Apple integrated this on iPhone

Loqi Google Contacts is perhaps the worst "popular" web-based contacts UI / addressbook service in existence that does such horrible things as overriding cmd-F (page search) to activate the search text box instead, and fails to autoparse simple name <emailaddress> shorthands like you might copy from the Gmail UI https://indiewebcamp.com/Google_Contacts

myfreeweb aaronpk: both, always. my framework separates input data parsing from the actual operations
KevinMarks do we have a new term for grumpy definition?

myfreeweb aaronpk: yep
myfreeweb aaronpk: i have a MicropubRequest type that implements FromJSON and FromFormUrlEncoded: https://github.com/myfreeweb/sweetroll/blob/master/library/Sweetroll/Micropub/Request.hs
myfreeweb no
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "grumpinition" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10HG

tantek A grumpinition is a grumpy definition e.g. [[Google Contacts]]

loqi.me created /grumpinition (+87) "prompted by tantek https://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-02/line/1459620032354 and dfn added by tantek" (view diff)

aaronpk myfreeweb: i'm considering taking out the extra "properties" key here since it's nested unnecessarily. http://micropub.net/draft/#update 1) would that be an easy change for you and 2) would that be something you would prefer?

myfreeweb aaronpk: the weirdest part was that update has add and delete, not just replace. everything except replace seems redundant. like what, are you trying to save a couple kilobytes by not resending existing content
myfreeweb aaronpk: yeah that would be good
myfreeweb oh, right
myfreeweb like without fetching the entry
myfreeweb makes sense
myfreeweb my mind is thinking about my admin panel project right now :D
KevinMarks also, not requiring an accurate roundtrip by the client

KevinMarks the probelem with Read+Replace its that if the client misparses soemthing it breaks the original

myfreeweb yeah granular auth scopes is an interesting idea... and they should be documented in the spec ;)
aaronpk yeah it's only barely mentioned right now http://micropub.net/draft/#scope

wolftune joined the channel
myfreeweb yep that was okay
myfreeweb my endpoint supports specifying all operations at once
myfreeweb i don't think the spec requires that
myfreeweb but it was natural to do it
j12t and Garbee joined the channel
KevinMarks fair. this one was good

KevinMarks that oen is directly relevant to the undo discussion'

myfreeweb hmm i could implement reverting the last edit of a url, because git... (but i don't currently care about revert/undo, too much stuff to do already)
myfreeweb yeah that's a good idea
loic_m joined the channel
tantek Kevinmarks, definitely interested in your feedback on this, since you've read all the other tl;dr articles you referenced :) http://tantek.com/2016/093/t1/indieweb-micropub-incrementalism-cduru

@peterjanes @sparkcbc Re Instagram, Twitter, etc. changing behaviour, maybe a revisit of owning your own data? cf. @indiewebcamp (twitter.com/_/status/716359508046585861)
snarfed joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "plancast" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10HH

singpolyma joined the channel
gyumao joined the channel
aaronpk this SO answer seems to indicate i should use timezone names too http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7626114/ics-timezone-not-working

gyumao time is so strange to program for, somehow
snarfed joined the channel
Loqi Google Calendar is an event hosting silo and calendar web application from Google https://indiewebcamp.com/Google_Calendar

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "ICS" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10HJ

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "UTC" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10HK

snarfed heh aaronpk i know your pain re importing into gcal. https://github.com/snarfed/misc/blob/master/ical-gcal/app.py
loqi.me created /ICS (+205) "prompted by tantek https://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-02/line/1459631878965 and dfn added by aaronpk" (view diff)

aaronpk so it's actually working just fine! :D https://aaronparecki.com/uploads/Screen-Shot-2016-04-02-14-24-49.png

j12t joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel