#indiewebcamp 2016-04-09
2016-04-09 UTC
[dym_cx] joined the channel
# [dym_cx] shaners: @jeena is right about "the c carving is somehow a bit short", http://i.imgur.com/iiET2wU.jpg
[shaners] joined the channel
# [dym_cx] from https://indiewebcamp.com/logo > Adopt Shane Becker's proposal: "+1 Jeena Paradies the c carving is somehow a bit short, in comperrison with the other two"
# [dym_cx] imo it can go that half of circle deeper
snarfed joined the channel
[shaners] joined the channel
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "machine tags" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10Ho
[shaners] joined the channel
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "machine tags" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10Hp
# loqi.me created /Machine_tags (+198) "prompted by aaronpk https://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-08/line/1460167095043 and dfn added by [shaners]" (view diff)
yakker joined the channel
# boffosocko.com edited /events/2016-04-27-homebrew-website-club (+88) "/* Los Angeles (Santa Monica) */ Chris Aldrich RSVP" (view diff)
# boffosocko.com edited /events/2016-04-27-homebrew-website-club (+93) "/* Notes */ added note about Camp/LA" (view diff)
rbrt and shiflett joined the channel
shiflett, mlncn, Kopfstein, yakker, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, j12t, Breadbasket_, Nissyen1, acegiak, Breadbasket__, Pierre-O and frzn joined the channel
frzn and dorthy joined the channel
# dorthy hi'
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] PHP arrays are weird
# aaronpk i wonder if we could use http://php.net/arrayobject instead so that it's still iterable
# myfreeweb aaronpk: hey, i have new micropub feedback :) so, now i think that handling updates with
{ replace: ..., remove: ... }
(multiple actions at the same time) should be required by the spec# myfreeweb i'm working on my editor https://github.com/myfreeweb/micro-panel -- just realized that i have to track removed properties and send them to the server in the save request
# myfreeweb obviously sending two requests makes no sense, it's one save operation
Pierre-O joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
j12t and singpolyma joined the channel
# myfreeweb how is that bad? that's how PRs are supposed to work
wolftune joined the channel
# KevinMarks well, GWG does also do better presentation for pingbacks and trackbacks received
# singpolyma most pingback senders are wordpress, and a large part of wordpress themes have microformats
# KevinMarks it is tricky, as a lot of the better presentation depends on the senders using a note-like rather than article-like model
# singpolyma I do tests with stock wordpress.com blogs against all my receivers routines
# singpolyma s/routines/routinely
# singpolyma since most mf2 parsers also support microformats
# KevinMarks so if you use wordpress for terse posts the responses look better than if you quote them in the middle of a long article
# singpolyma my primary test site is down right now after my recent server move, unfortunately
# KevinMarks medium has similar problems
# singpolyma tantek: sure, I know you only believe things you've done yourself. Which I guess is reasonable or whatever
# singpolyma I seriously doubt documentation would convince you of anything useful in this case ;)
# singpolyma not really interested in fighting with you about it
# singpolyma I wish you'd be less aggressive. I can handle it better, since I've been around so long
# singpolyma yes, lots of those unfortunately :) NiH very popular, probably always will be
# singpolyma tantek: also, sorry, I maybe communicated a bit emotionally. I do respect you and a lot of your work
gmacon, Pierre-O and frzn joined the channel
# aaronpk you *can* get a custom facebook url like https://facebook.com/aaronpk but that's not on by default
Lancey joined the channel
# miklb voxpelli thanks. I'm doing something like this for the home page (screenshot) http://cdn.miklb.com/Jekyll-IndieWeb_2016-04-08_23-56-49.png
# KevinMarks i thought fb urls were on by default now - you'll be kevinmarks.102 or something
# KevinMarks yep, he exists https://www.facebook.com/kevin.marks.102
# KevinMarks probably hates me
# KevinMarks actually getting those urls out of the API for fb is apparently very difficult now
# voxpelli miklb: perhaps make it optional? and I would of course suggest https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ ;)
# KevinMarks right. it's Stubbornella's media object: http://www.stubbornella.org/content/2010/06/25/the-media-object-saves-hundreds-of-lines-of-code/
# KevinMarks (that was to aaron)
frzn joined the channel
# KevinMarks it seems to allow me to add it to lots of sites, voxpelli - is that by design?
# KevinMarks I have (manually) made github hosted sites with it
# KevinMarks eg reddoric.com
# KevinMarks work swell, especially with bridgy
shiflett joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
shiflett and snarfed joined the channel
# KevinMarks it does but you need -webkit-flex etc prefixes
mlncn joined the channel
# KevinMarks hm, it's supposed to not need that post 9.2
# aaronpk look at http://wmrocks.tunnlr.xyz/test/5 in landscape mode (I added a media query to make it wrap when it's skinny in portrait mode)
tantek joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# KevinMarks that 504'd, yes
Emma joined the channel
# GWG Wondering...why a version of this didn't end up in the Webmention specification http://indiewebcamp.com/DDOS#HEAD_request_source_first
# Emma hello
# Emma hi guys! i tried to add to the discussion on planning the next IWC in NY
# KevinMarks well, text/* maybe if you support other types
gRegorLove joined the channel
# Emma hi GWG!
# Emma we can meet at the next one, hopefully!
# Emma Its fine, i get it. you didnt want to meet me on Sunday.
# Emma hehehe
# Emma jk
# Emma do you guys know how I can make my comment for the planning of the next one have my name be a hyperlink like the other ones?
# gRegorLove Howdy, indiewebcamp!
# gRegorLove I'm working on /authorship step 4 and wondering the easiest way to find the parent h-feed for an h-entry
# gRegorLove In PHP, specifically
# gRegorLove But other languages welcome if I can grok them
# gRegorLove tantek: Yeah, I think it's on template:sparkline
# Emma thank you!
# gRegorLove Welcome!
# gRegorLove What is sparkline template?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "sparkline template" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10Hq
# gRegorLove sparkline template is /Template:sparkline
# loqi.me created /sparkline_template (+31) "prompted by gRegorLove https://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-09/line/1460235927695 and dfn added by gRegorLove" (view diff)
# GWG Hmmm...did this ever go anywhere? https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239#section-1
# gRegorLove what is sparkline template?
# Loqi The sparkline template is used to display an inline photo with a u-photo microformat. It is commonly used to create templates for users to sign their name on event RSVPs or other wiki pages https://indiewebcamp.com/sparkline_template
# gRegorLove That should help discovery, tantek ^
# gRegorLove Could redirect "signature template" or similar there.
# gRegorLove It has an explicit p-summary now, so I think any redirect will be picked up by Loqi
# aaronpk tunnel is back up http://wmrocks.tunnlr.xyz/test/5
# KevinMarks desktop says there's a display:block
# KevinMarks oh wait, that's in the narrow version
# aaronpk compare chrome on the left and safari on the right https://aaronparecki.com/uploads/Screen-Shot-2016-04-09-14-22-53.png
# gRegorLove For /authorship step 4 "otherwise if the h-entry has a parent h-feed with author property, use that" do we have any examples in the wild of that? It sounds like an h-feed that has only one h-entry
j12t joined the channel
# KevinMarks won't wp do that in effect
# KevinMarks due to back compat
# KevinMarks hatom hentry
# aaronpk gRegorLove: here you go https://jeena.net/notes
# gRegorLove reviews /h-feed
# KevinMarks so safari has made the image box 0 pixels wide
# gRegorLove That's multiple notes in a feed, though. The way I understand step 1, we're starting with a particular h-entry, which would be the note permalink, e.g. https://jeena.net/notes/623
# gRegorLove I have multiple notes in an h-feed, too
# aaronpk but /authorship does not assume you're starting with a post permalink
# gRegorLove Hmm. I'm confused, I guess
# gRegorLove If I got a webmention from Jeena's note h-feed, am I supposed to parse every h-entry to find the one that mentioned me?
# gRegorLove Cause my code is lazy? Haha. I haven't heard of this use-case before.
# KevinMarks OK, weird
# KevinMarks if I set flex:0 it goes to 0 width but flex:0 1 auto; it does the right thing
# gRegorLove I'm not opposed to adding it if I need to, just not clear on it yet.
# KevinMarks implies some rogue flex-basis is being applied
# gRegorLove kylewm: For h-feeds that didn't have an author attribute in each entry?
# aaronpk the /authorship algorithm is not *only* for post permalinks, so there is some stuff there that won't apply on post permalinks such as if there is no h-feed
# KevinMarks it says computed flex-basis is 0px
# kylewm gRegorLove: yeah, here's the code https://github.com/kylewm/mf2util/blob/master/mf2util.py#L233
# KevinMarks does seem like a safari bug
# KevinMarks flex:0; should imply flex:0 1 auto;
# KevinMarks flex: 0 auto; also works
friedcell joined the channel
# KevinMarks hm, I wonder if hober knows about flex-basis oddness like that
# KevinMarks I used flex-shrink etc explicitly rather than flex on its own
# snarfed.org edited /photo_comment (+22) "bridgy implemented backfeeding facebook photo comments" (view diff)
# gRegorLove What's that?
# gRegorLove s/What/Why/
# GWG pfefferle opened this as an issue on October 9, 2013 - https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/issues/4
Nissyen joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] It is odd enough to document
# [kevinmarks] The receiver may want to keep the expunged mention and Mark it as deleted
# aaronpk i mean it's mostly in there already http://webmention.net/draft/#sending-webmentions-for-updated-posts
# KevinMarks what do you mena, commonly?
# KevinMarks if you go to foursqure.com and sign in, then click on your face in the corner, thats what you get
# KevinMarks s/squre/square/
snarfed joined the channel
# aaronpk for some reason can't log in to https://checkmention.appspot.com/
# aaronpk voxpelli: it would be helpful if https://github.com/voxpelli/node-webmention-testpinger showed me the actual response from the webmention endpoint instead of just saying there was an error
# aaronpk ah looks like it's an issue already https://github.com/voxpelli/node-webmention-testpinger/issues/6
# aaronpk look at all that junk! http://wmrocks.tunnlr.xyz/test/5
# KevinMarks odd date format
# KevinMarks nice